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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 356x337, okra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10696627 No.10696627 [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind me, just being the shittiest vegetable.

>> No.10696630

I had never even heard of this thing or seen one until I started watching a lot of Chopped.

Is it an american thing because I swear to god I've never seen it at a supermarket here.

>> No.10696631

Not even close bucko

>> No.10696636

>Oh, hey look green beans. Great.

>> No.10696638

How have you never heard of okra? Do you live under a rock? Maybe Americans are just a lot more cultured than other countries and know more about the world because we are a melting pot

>> No.10696650
File: 1.02 MB, 2915x1784, the-eggplant-emoji-is-facing-major-discrimination-from-instagram-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You make a good point, okra, but I'm still the champ

>> No.10696662
File: 85 KB, 1300x860, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okra is A-OK! haha upvote me pls

>> No.10696671

>yankee general

>> No.10696682

Isn't okra really only 'popular' in Louisiana, and even there lots of people still use filé for thickening instead because it's less disgusting?

>> No.10696784

It's popular all over the South. Y'know, the only places in the US that has a good food culture.
The rest of Southern culture is shit, but they at least know how to make delicious food.

>> No.10696810

Yes, it's fucking awful down here. PLEASE don't move here. You will HATE it. Whatever you've read or heard about Southerners is 100% true and it's best if you just stay away. Trust me.

>> No.10697299
File: 86 KB, 700x477, 1490036204254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back the fuck up

>> No.10697309

I was thinking it. Keep up the good work.

>> No.10697326

only children dislike eggplant

>> No.10697337

It's really only good when it's fried and you know it.

>> No.10697352

Wrong, try bhindi masala, it's superb.

>> No.10697358

Have you never had fried eggplant? That shit is delicious

>> No.10697365

>What is gumbo

>> No.10697380

Nah eggplant is a trash veg. Nobody except greasy Italians way that shit

>> No.10698013

It's pretty well known here but I don't think it originates in the Americas. Pretty good pickled, fried, or in stews like gumbo. Not very good raw.

>> No.10698765

It's used in Indian cuisine more than American. Look into the dish bhindi masala. It's amazing when prepared with good okra. Sometimes they use overripe okra and the skin becomes too thick/fibrous.

>> No.10698771

>I don't know how to cook
Cool story

>> No.10699062

Yeah I never heard of it until I moved to Nashville

t. New Yorker

>> No.10699068

pickled okra is my jam

>> No.10699070
File: 73 KB, 570x753, grecka-mussaka-z-ziemniakami-228236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standalone its not very interesting, but great when used as ingrident in for example mussaka

>> No.10699075

This. I prefer it to regular pickles, it just tastes better.

>> No.10699084

>not vegetables

>> No.10699093

If we're going to be autistic, okra is also a fruit, but really, why bother?

>> No.10699196

Okra is real popular in Bay Area amongst east asians and indians
They bought them by the bagfulls every time we got them in
>t. Used to be a produce manager

>> No.10699236
File: 9 KB, 320x265, celery-nutrition-facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10699589

moose caca?
It's good as long as it has very few seeds
How the fuck are you supposed to cook these?

>> No.10699854

jalapenos are great my dude.

>> No.10699861

Fuck you
I hope you die in a mass shooting
You've never had fried okra?!?!

>> No.10700039

Have you ever had it in gumbo, or fried? Amazing.

>> No.10700211
File: 68 KB, 843x583, zucchini[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tastes like nothing
>barely any nutrients
>burns your mouth
>phallic shape makes it popular with women
>can't make a single vegetarian meal without this piece of shit
Yeah, nah, zucchini is by far the worst vegetable. Even if I wanted to be a vegetarian, I could never become one as literally every single vegetarian dish has this horrid stuff in it.

>> No.10700227

>burns your mouth
nigga you allergic to ziuchini.

>> No.10700245

>can't make a single vegetarian meal without this piece of shit

Literally how is it possible to think this?

>> No.10700253

>I don't cook: the post

>> No.10700257

i love all kinds of squash.
they're all useful and have their merits.
i especially love zucchini roasted in the oven with oil, parm, salt and pepper.

>> No.10700283
File: 201 KB, 994x746, 1486992006547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10700312

If you're gonna be a pedant, you have to at least be right. They, like tomatoes, are vegetables by any definition of the term. They fit the culinary definition, as well as the basic biological definition (being part of the vegetable kingdom).

They are also technically fruits, but this does not mean they stop being vegetables. The categories are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.10700342

English only has one word for fruit and fruit.
You could have prevented this autism

>> No.10700439

Summer squash is goat af. Sliced thin, quick saute to get some caramelization in a garlic/hot pepper oil, salt or soy sauce and bob's your uncle. Also, cubed and added to thai curries or any stews or gumbos. Versatile, nutritious and flavorful. We grow it and crooked neck summer squash and in season I eat it almost everyday.

>> No.10700640

the absolute state of /ck/

>> No.10701182

This, we're full and everyone should fuck off

>> No.10701192

t. never eaten good gumbo

>> No.10701216

We need another Sherman to run through the entire south, cleanse it and open it up to hard working immigrants.

>> No.10701235
File: 16 KB, 355x263, 41CGtIyWgML._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burns your mouth
You fucking what? Anon I think you're having an allergic reaction.

Pic related is the actual worst veggie. No fucking flavor empty water calories... Fuckin' hell.

>> No.10701321

modern leftists ironically idolizing old racist white men is so cringey

>> No.10701334

pretty much every historical figure from europe and america is an old racist white man

>> No.10701335

Celery is under-hated as a vegetable. That tart shit somehow manages to completely overpower ANY other flavour when it's cooked in something.

>> No.10701419

Fried zucchini is great. But yeah, it's shit otherwise.

>> No.10701428
File: 106 KB, 344x391, 1510003542422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>empty water calories

>> No.10701563

You find it in the houses of blacks and southern white Americans. Best fried and eaten like a popcorn snack.