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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 151 KB, 745x559, sneezer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10699469 No.10699469 [Reply] [Original]

Can you eat a whole LC pizza by yourself?
Because I just did and now i feel shame.

>> No.10699483

I could easily eat two in less than 30 minutes

t. binge eater

>> No.10699485

Probably in hourly rotations, my stomach got a lot smaller since I started eating less, get full really quickly.

>> No.10699531

Easily. This is why I stopped getting pizzas.

>> No.10699538

This. Pizzas are one of the worst things you can eat if you're being mindful of your weight.

>> No.10699560

This. But sometimes being fat and happy is better than being skinny and worrying about what you eat.

>> No.10699585

I'm listening to Kevin Smith right now talking about his widow maker heart attack. I feel motivated.

>> No.10699594


>> No.10699600

>it's another "americans improve a dish turning it into a landwhales factory" episode

>> No.10699601


>> No.10699602
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I hope u fucking die alone and miserable you fat loser faggot.

>> No.10699610

Still mad about his Red State movie?

>> No.10699611

i almost certainly will, m8

>> No.10699615

Not him but anything with john goodman cant be all that bad. Plus that movie where the dude turned into a walrus was fucking hilarious.

>> No.10699622

Hope is for losers.

>> No.10699628

>this is considered pizza
Mmmh no sweetie

>> No.10699641

It tastes really good

>> No.10699646

I love Kevin Smith movies, but Red State felt like I was watching a bad film school project, I couldn't finish it. Still, I liked how it pissed off a certain small demographic.

>> No.10699658
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>> No.10700092

Hungry skeleton here; I could do two in less than 30 but it wouldn't be easy. I routinely eat an EL in 15 minutes.

>> No.10700176
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Yes. I've done it many times. I ate an entire philly cheese steak pizza from Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza a few weeks ago. It was delicious but I was emotionally devastated afterward.

>> No.10700196
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Good thing the damage is already done and he'll die soon anyway. Fat nerd Harvey Weinstein apologist faggot. He's "nerd culture" patient zero.

>> No.10700284
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I'm fit and regularly do so, they're thin, its not incredibly hard.

>> No.10700335

Do you feel yourself getting fatter?

>> No.10700388
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>someone I don't agree with should die
>we're totally not exactly like the sjws

>> No.10700389

what the fuck is "LC pizza"? Lean Cuisine? Low Cost? someone fill me in here

>> No.10700537

You guys DO know that a little caesar's pizza isn't even all that filling despite how it looks? You're acting like you just ate 10 pounds of food.

>> No.10700547

languid children

>> No.10700644

I could but I would feel super stuffed.
When I was young ~19-20 years old I could and it wouldn't even be a big deal.

>> No.10700669

Lol no, you fucking fatass.
All of you need to exercise.
Then little pizzas wouldnt be shit.
You're all PUSSIES and WEAK.
Lazy, fat troglodytes

>> No.10701472

laconic cunt

>> No.10701491

first time I tried edibles I ate three large and one medium dominos pizzas, two bags of nachos with dip and some shitty chocolate crap

needless to say it's a bad idea

>> No.10701502

I don't what an LC pizza is as you defined it, so what the fuck is LC? Not everyone is into your shit nigger lingo.

>> No.10701505
File: 13 KB, 225x225, LC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Caesar's

>> No.10701509

If it looked like your pic, then I don't blame you my dude (though I would've picked better toppings)

>> No.10701587


And I try not to, but dominos pizza really fuckin gets me

oh god

i feel teh urge

>> No.10701601

LC= Lickity dripping Cunt.
Nice shill you fucking faggots, that'll sure make me want to buy to your shit product.

>> No.10701619

yeah you feel the urge, to eat shit and logs. That's good for your shill desparete company.

>> No.10701681

Why are you so angry

Did your mom not love you?
Did 'uncle bill' touch you?

>> No.10702001

then u couldnt get it for 5

>> No.10702606

I used to be able to, back when my metabolism was a little higher and I could digest that kind of stuff easily.

Now, if I did eat a whole LC Pizza it would probably take a week to digest.

>> No.10702611

I'm skinny and would eat a large papa John's pizza plus the breadsticks in one sitting

>> No.10703079
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Yeah I could, but it'll take most of the day considering I only eat like 2-3 slices at a time.

>> No.10703501

Pizza pizza!

>> No.10703768

I mean yeah, but I could easily shoot a hole in my foot too. It doesn't mean I should. I never eat at chains if I have any other option.

>> No.10703778

Are you a man?

>> No.10704106

do you know how much you have to exercise for eating a whole pizza?

>> No.10704115
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Yes but I´m partially full with half of it. But since I don't want to let it get cold I just shamefully eat it all

>> No.10704123

what's so special here? A 12" pizza? I can with ease and zero shame, 2 with difficulty and I probably wouldn't eat the next day.

>> No.10704290

Yes I used to do it a lot when I was younger and im not even fat

>> No.10704563

you should
looks disgusting

>> No.10705147


>> No.10705458

I see shit like this and realize that keto sucks asshole. You can't even eat beans, peas, fried chicken, nothing. Fuck keto I'm just going low carb/low sugar.

>> No.10706100

my local lc has been going downhill recently, sucks because it is probably my favorite pizza place

>> No.10706125

I did once and I hated myself for it

>> No.10706140

It's usually pretty good 'za - especially when piping hot- but yeah, inconsistent.

>> No.10706159

I could eat the whole pizza pie like this picture as long as there is no pepperoni due to my pork allergy

>> No.10706498
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I will never understand the contrast between Americans supposedly being overeating obese beasts, but at the same time never eating a pizza on their own, while in Europe a pizza is something you buy for yourself and consume on your own.

>> No.10706504

do americans and europeons really do this?

>> No.10706515

A large pizza here is usually 16" (exactly so for the Little Caesar's pizza that OP is referring to) which is over 40cm.

From what I've seen on Euro menus, your portions are much smaller.

>> No.10706543

kayfa haalak ya habiibi
ramadan mubarak

>> No.10706577

I'm not a Muslim. I actually have allergy from pork, specifically the lard. It's all due to my bad eczema I had as a kid and that weird silver-based medication I had.

>> No.10706592

its okay saadiqi allah will protect you from internet kuffar

>> No.10706603

This is why I'm a lacto-vegetarian.

>> No.10706628
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>> No.10706875


I ate enough of those to gain 25 pounds in college that I have yet to loose =[

It's just such a good deal..

>> No.10707236

I used to think like this but I like to flirt with and date women so I had to stop.

>> No.10707238

All good food tastes better in small servings.

>> No.10707321

That's my issue with pizza, I can eat a large Domino's pizza which is already well over my daily calorie allowance and I'll still be hungry. Other foods don't have this issue for me

>> No.10707336

i'm capable of it, but i always feel bad afterwards, both physically and psychologically

>> No.10707342
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I'm ok with that

>> No.10707345

I've yet to find my limit on pizza. It's ridiculous. I can easily eat a 12 cut by myself, and I'm afraid to find out the true number. Luckily I have to share.

>> No.10707453

What's LC, precious? but yeah, easily I could eat an entire large pizza. wtf, lol

>> No.10707455

Being as I work at pizza Hut. Yes. I've made and ate a large stuffed crust. I tared the digital scale with the box on it. Then cut and put said pizza in box.

The bitch weighed in at 10.4lbs, had to cook it 1.5x. I ate it over the course of 3 hours. I can put some food away M8.
210 lbs. 6'2.

>> No.10707463

6'2'', 250 lbs. i'm trying to drop some weight now, but that stuffed crust sounds good. my old roomie worked at a hut, would bring home 'zas and 'zones all the time. we got so fucking fat lol

>> No.10707473

I do it weekly, no shame...

>> No.10707485

Clean your room and sort yourself out

>> No.10707486
File: 1018 KB, 1836x3264, 20180327_132940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard not to eat the food. My store is carryout only. No dine in or delivery.

I haven't grocery shopped in over 7 months. Just rotate out wings/pasta/pizza and other little sides every day.

Pic related is a medium hand tossed with :
Pep, chicken, onion, bacon, sausage, banana peppers, jalapeños, a handful of cheddar cheese, extra mozzarella cheese. All toppings are in excess. Once again, had to cook it 1.5x.

>> No.10707488

Hope he trips on his jorts and gets hit by a fucking train

>> No.10707519


>> No.10707552
File: 774 KB, 900x600, Pizza-Margherita-Verace_9789082341706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a joke right ? You can not be serious that you think this is a proper / tasty pizza right ?

Fucking savages... Anon I ....

pic related is a proper pizza. And guess what, it doesnt cause a massive heart attack at 35 because it IS MADE OF REAL INGREDIENTS YOU MONGREL. not yellow junk that is supposed to be cheese but real cheese.

>> No.10707563

Yeah probably unhealthy as fuck to be eating this stuff everyday, but it's been over a year now. And I'm saving money pretty quickly. I eat the pizza maybe twice a week. Usually it's wings or pasta.

I agree tho, if I could have that for free whenever I wanted, I would. I gotta eat what I can get.

>> No.10707602

I did back in high school at 330 pounds. Now at 25 and 200 I can eat 2 maaaaybe 3 slices before I can't eat anymore....
... I miss the good ol days.

>> No.10707684

>330 pounds in high school
Holy shit

>> No.10707686

I could eat any pizza by myself, except maybe PH
Feels bad being fat

>> No.10707710

I've never been too overweight but I still know that feel. I used to really enjoy eating fast food.

>> No.10707860

probably, when i drink i go crazy, just made some mac and cheese, ate half, added plain rice i had leftover from chinese so i would have more for tomorrow, ate half of that too. puked, just feel empty and sad now. its 5am, what am i doing with my life?

>> No.10707869

not gonna lie lads, thinking about murdering a large meat feast pizza right now

>> No.10707949

fucking this. I don't understand how these /pol/tard virgins don't see the irony of hating tumblrinas when they are basically doing the same exact shit.

>> No.10708153

when I, as a yuropoor, order a large pizza, it's usually 30cm (~11.8in) in diameter.
I'd still eat a 40cm one if given the chance

>> No.10708161
File: 1.01 MB, 1148x1043, F99A5036-FBF6-4A14-99BF-EB1317169B12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many fedoras do you own?

>> No.10708165

good fucking image

>> No.10708170 [DELETED] 


>> No.10708174

Hell no, too much bread.
You should try to control your hunger OP, at least do exsercise on a daily basis.

>> No.10708185
File: 2.76 MB, 2880x2160, 20180605_194613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to eat this

>> No.10708248


>> No.10708268

did you like it?

>> No.10708270

Yeah it was good, feel fat and guilty now though

>> No.10708289

Is that egg yolk?

>> No.10708304


>> No.10708306

The stuff that looks like it might be egg yolk. Is it egg yolk? Or, if not, what is it?

>> No.10708336

>t. Coping fatass

>> No.10709202

>samefagging this hard
now that's cringe

>> No.10710785

Easily if it wasn't Hawaiian
Pizza is easy to eat, even cold.

>> No.10710964

I could eat it in 10 minutes

>> No.10710972

I can eat one in 5 mins if I wanted to. I already eat half a large LC pizza on the drive back home...

>> No.10710976

are you american?

>> No.10711012

I identify myself as an american.

>> No.10711021


>> No.10712444

>I'm saving money pretty quickly
Cooking your own food is at least 4x cheaper.

>> No.10712475

I meant I'm not having to pay for anything I eat at work.
Majority of the time, I'm the only one there. And we are always on the slower side unless it's a weekend or Friday.
Even then, the teenage fucks that work there always mess something up and we just snack on that.

>> No.10712486

o ya fair enough. You should still probably stop though dude, for your health.

>> No.10712497

I know I should. But damn it just taste so good. And being able to make it yourself start to finish. Only thing I pay for is the soda. But I usually opt for a water bottle. Only 1$ for a 20oz.
I'm 27 and haven't had any kind of health problems in my life. If anything I need to quit smoking. Which I plan to do when current pack runs out. So probably tommorow, honestly (hopefully).

>> No.10712539
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>> No.10713953
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Learn to purge

>> No.10714079

>feeling shame

>> No.10714125

I could probably eat about half before I hit the wall then I would need a 4 or 5 hour refractory period to really get it all in

>> No.10714291
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eaten half before I changed my eating habits

>> No.10714322

im with this guy - this is the pizza me and my gf usually get

>> No.10714326
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forgot pic

>> No.10714357

>my pizza is healthier because it has pools of grease on it instead of toppings


>> No.10714363

this is the absolute garbage tier of pizzas. whoever made this should be hung

>> No.10714397

Depends on the diameter, the thickness of the dough, how much cheese and toppings are on it, ect.

>> No.10714602
File: 167 KB, 1000x750, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have GRIDS. I just really like Anthony's Philly Cheese Steak Pizza.

>> No.10714605

and that looks amazing

>> No.10714609


that looks like shit. it's just bread with ketchup and cheese, not a fucking pizza.

>> No.10714845

how big is american regular pizza? i don't get how you can hardly finish a pizza, probably is much bigger than the ones i have i my country but i don't get how much

>> No.10714972

I only feel guilty if I don't drink a lot of water with it, like maybe a glass (16 oz?) Per two slice. I used to feel horrible and it helped me feel neutral at least.

>> No.10714982

Looks like that guy 'huh?'end you, I'd guess it's some other cheese sprinkled on though.

>> No.10715127
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It smells incredible. I think I'm going to have another one this friday.

>> No.10715599

being fat has less to do with how much you eat and more to do with how often you are eating. People who eat one large meal a day are generally skinnier than people who eat 6 smaller meals throughout the day. Most Americans can't go 2 hours without having a snack.

>> No.10715607

$5, thousands of calories. It's everyone else who should be ashamed.

>> No.10715667
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I can't anymore

I used to, but now I feel horrible half way through, and it ruins my sleep

my body is rejecting pizza..... its probably for the best

>> No.10716269

There is an expanding brain meme out there that sumarizes this perfectly.
It goes along the lines of using violence to make people agree with you, making reasoned arguments with the intent of convincing others, realizing that there is nothing that can be done to change some peoples' mind and the only way to move forward is to kill them.

- violence because you're a nigger
- emotional argument
- reasoned arguments
- accepting that some people cant be convinced with reason and the only way to progress is by killing them.

>> No.10716592

>mfw normal pizza i eat a normal amount about 2-3 slices
>with little caesars i can for some reason eat 5-8 easily and gladly

what the fuck is their food made of

>> No.10716627
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I'd rather have a Dominos

>> No.10716628

>can you eat a LC pizza by yourself
What kind question is this? Of course, anyone who isn't a wristlet soyboy can eat an entire pizza in one sitting.

>> No.10716765

There was a time...

These days I could probably manage it, but would probably stop enjoying it like half way through and would definitely feel like shit afterwards.

>> No.10716838

Last week I ate a Domino's large within 12 hours. I felt awful and started dieting for the rest of the week

>> No.10717724


You sound like a faggot, and your store probably runs shit GCA/GCY, bet that PCA is great each period with fucks like you stealing, stacking coupons and 50% off isn't good enough for ya?

>> No.10717747

The only thing worse than a Dominos is a Papa Johns, don't do this to yourself

>> No.10718391

Dominos is second only to Pizza Hut as the most mediocre and overpriced pizza

>> No.10718402

I could but only if I force myself. I'm usually full after half a pizza that size.

>> No.10718538
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Now that's what I call a hot pie!

>> No.10719406

>brought a deep dish stuffed crust
>3300 calories
>eat 3 slices
>feel like garbage
>friend eats the remaining 7