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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10697413 No.10697413 [Reply] [Original]

What's your cringiest culinary experience, /ck/?

>> No.10697429

More obnoxious than cringey but I thought the bibs + seafood puns written on them at Joe's crab shack were a meme, and boy was I proven wrong recently

>> No.10697444

browsing this board while eating dinner

>> No.10697475

stupid fucking burger. You'd basically just be eating pure meat at that point

>> No.10697483


>> No.10697548


>> No.10697706

i have been trapped here so long that it didnt even cross my mind that you were talking about the actual sandwich in the picture

send help

>> No.10697714
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i thought you were insulting me. I need to walk away from this website

>> No.10697745

And just like that, the obsessee becomes the obsessor
>"Do Americans really do this" guy lives in your head rent-free

>> No.10697990

There was this really amazing bakery just down the street from me I would frequent a few times a week. The cutest cashier worked there, built up some report over a few months. Once I got the nerve to ask her out. Denied, she had a boyfriend. I didn’t think my plan through, because after that I could never step foot in that bakery again.

>> No.10698144

The whole "let's make everything 5XL with shitloads of molten cheese" meme. My friends love videos of that shit and took me to a restaurant like that once. Apart from the cheese overpowering any other taste it might have had, the burger was as tall as my forearm so I couldn't finish it. After stopping halfway through, I could feel my stomach and my head hurt for the next two days.

I really don't get the appeal of that.

>> No.10698348

I ate at umami burger once.

>> No.10698806

>pure meat

>> No.10698877

I'm already pretty picky about cheese so seeing those meme recipe webms makes me want to vomit
>first we make a mixture that's 50% cream cheese
>then we add two cups of cheddar
>then add 20 thick slices of provolone
>don't forget to grate parmesan on at the end!

>> No.10698890

I got a double pounder from macdonalds back when i was 17, got it during lunch break at school and brought it back and started eating it
had like 3 meat patties left before i was sweating and finding it hard to breath, the cheese slices between every patty didnt help
ended up throwing up a greasy meat orb and feeling like trash for the rest of the day

>> No.10698893

wish this were a webm

>> No.10698914

When I got out of bootcamp, I had been there an extra couple of months due to an injury. My first meal was at the airport, a double quarter pounder with cheese, super sized. My body couldn't handle all of that grease and fat at once so I ended up chucking into an airport trash can and spending the rest of the day trying not to spew while getting to my next duty station.

>> No.10698946
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Took some bitch to this place, she couldn't use chopsticks and was weirded out by having to sit at a communal table kinda thing.

>> No.10699106

>built up some report
Don't try to use a phrase you can't spell and don't know what it means.
Clearly you have thinking problems though if you thought it was ever alright to ask out a girl who is at work. She's not nice to you because she likes you, she's nice to you because she's paid to be. Creeps like you need to stay home.

>> No.10699137

It was a Model UN trip in high school so I was away from my parents in another city staying in a hotel. I popped off during a lunch break and decided to grab lunch by myself at an Italian place nearby. I was dressed up because it was Model UN and felt quite fancy and was distracted when I was looking at the menu but I saw a dish that looked good: chicken covered in cheese and marinara sauce. I know what you're thinking but for some reason I didn't recognize it, even after reading the name. When the waitress comes over I asked, out loud, for "Chicken Par-mee-sian" she looks at me puzzled for a second and looks at the menu and says "Chicken Parmesan? I look down, realize my mistake, swallow my feelings of self-loathing, and answer her affirmatively. I eat, pay, leave and try to forget. It's been almost 15 years since then and every time the memory returns to me a cringe shiver runs right up my spine.

>> No.10699156

Found a nigger hair in my food during a wedding and my brother the groom was the F&B Director of that hotel, I could have gotten those fuckers fired but I didn't do that, he had enough problems going on at the time. I don't think I ever told my brother about that, just a cousin and I saw that.

>> No.10699167
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Worse, look at my gboard's predictive text when I type "ameri"

>> No.10699175

I went to Benihanas once. It wasn't my choice, but a "treat" from my yokel brother-in-law.

The food was fine.They clapped. The Asian guy doing the work, noticed my embarrassment and was further shamed from my shame.

>> No.10699265

So jealous that you didn't show AmericaBeatsTheFuckOuttaYou!

>> No.10699311

I thought this would be a story about how you got marinara sauce all over yourself and didnt recognize it and were in front of everyone at the model UN looking like a fool. Went a totally different direction

>> No.10699384

Knock knock, the UN is a joke it always has been. It's speaks for a few nations that won WW II and try to prevent another. Go visit it sometime, I have a few times, it's pathetic.

>> No.10699392

As individual nations we a lot better chance to prevent wars than some chump bitches with chips on their shoulders from the UN. We could do a lot better with that property in NYC than the UN is doing with it and get rid of a lot of spys, on the otherhand we can watch them too. So many of them are such sceevy bastards, they shouldn't be allowed in the USA.

>> No.10699393

That was your fault for being a weeb.

>> No.10699395

Try going to Dick's Last Resort. Much, much worse.

>> No.10699411
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based Nippon

>> No.10699427

Two things champ. Anon was talking about the Model UN which is to the actual UN what the Madden franchuse is to the NFL, and there's no reason to be this negative and angry

>> No.10699670
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I've had to ones of late. I once tried to grab a plate from a waitress's hands once and she didn't see it coming. I then last week extended my hands towards our waitress before we sat at our table in an effort to take the menus form her, and she said, "Oh, I've got it." She was hot as shit, bronzed skin and daisy dukes. Young waitresses can kind of make things really awkward, not gonna lie.

Is this a universal rule I'm just unaware of? You don't try to help out your servers? If I were a server and someone tried to help me out I'd be more than welcoming to the offer.

>> No.10699706 [DELETED] 

Why do you presume that I'm agrrrry?
The UN served it's purpose and now it's pretty useless. Get over it. That's not anger, get over it. I bet that you havent been around these arrogant faggots, it change your mind if you have been.

>> No.10699726

Actually the best way is to train other people to run servers. It's cool to set them up in the first place and make sure their working properly but writing documentation on what to do is also very important, moreso than just setting it and getting it going.

>> No.10699741

going to one of those jap resturaunts that cook thee food in front of you and has the onion volcano but getting a table by myself so its just me and the chef

>> No.10699823

I think that's Korean not Jap and it's damn good sometimes.

>> No.10699862
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Wise guy, eh?

>> No.10699942

Communal table? Like you shared your dinner with other human beings? Sitting inches away from them? The older men (with much larger cocks) sweating and sniffing your date's neck and ass area, slipping her 20's and promises of rides in their Mercedes. No wonder she dumped your little NEET ass.

>> No.10699961

That's not in fucking America holy shit

>> No.10699965

m8. please.

>> No.10700129

Yeah, you're really knocking people off balance with that kind of behavior. Your server will place things in front of you, hand you things, etc. Occasionally it can be fine to hand them your glass/plate at a casual restaurant if they're not in a good position to reach (e.g. table against a wall), but you taking a plate/menu out of their hand is really awkward.

>> No.10700273

Any restaurant that has a “challenge”. That shit really does make me embarrassed to live in burger land.

>> No.10700884

contain your autism /pol/tard, your spaghetti is spilling out of your pockets.

>> No.10700991

Why not? I would not try and flirt with her anymore or anything, just pretend her rejection didn't mean anything to you.

>> No.10701007

Meet cute cashier.
Reject her first.

>> No.10701031

Breh, she probably gets asked out multiple times per week if she is a qt cashier. She ain't trippng. Hell, take another grill in there and show her whose balls.

>> No.10701324


>haha so this timid weirdo would always come in here, then he actually asked me out during my shift? I rejected him in front of all these customers, didn't want to say why I wouldn't date someone so utterly spineless. Let him off easy and pretended I had a boyfriend. Never saw the poor guy again, then realized he probably only came in here to gawk at me. Either that or I crushed what little self esteem he had. Hope he doesn't make some pitiful, self loathing post on 4chan about me