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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 320x165, Oreo_biscuits_(transparent_background).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10694885 No.10694885 [Reply] [Original]

>eat one or two
>proceed to eat the whole package

>> No.10694892

The creme fills the void your father left from years of never showing you affection.

>> No.10694901

You sound like a real stupid piece of shit.


>> No.10694910

I just opened that box of 16 oreos and I literally can't stop, once you eat one or two you crave more and more.

>> No.10694911

I like the cookie part. Hate the creme.

Can i just get the cookies?

>> No.10694915

I tried JoJos for the first time a few weeks ago, I honestly can't go back to Oreos

>> No.10694917

It's an older wound, but it checks out.

>> No.10694933
File: 76 KB, 630x630, 1894559_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10694973

I like the creme but it has to have a specific ratio to the cookie

>> No.10694995

Over 2,000 calories of fat and sugar you fatty

>> No.10695158

I am skinny as fuck though anon

>> No.10695183

I feel like that about Fig Newtons

>> No.10695213

Tfw european who doesn't know about all these snacks
Maybe it's for the better

>> No.10695514

Lots of sugar, which is addictive. Learn some self-control.

>> No.10695533

I didn't need to see this right now in my life.

>> No.10695626

sugar and fat. 2 things the human body is designed to crave.

>> No.10695733

I can't even eat more than 5 Oreos in one go lol

>> No.10695749

it's called sugar

>> No.10695764

>the next morning your shit is black and sticky

>> No.10695807

i can only eat them with milk or none at all. too much sugar for me, its gross. if you can eat those things without milk to get some of the taste out, you're fucked

>> No.10695832

I very rarely eat oreos anymore because i hate how they blacken my teeth

>> No.10696010
File: 38 KB, 410x410, nutty bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10696060
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You lack the discripine anon

>pic related
>your life

>> No.10696215

fuck, these things are like CRACK to me

>> No.10696223

If anything my father showed me too much affection

>> No.10696452
File: 573 KB, 1106x1012, 1526361797644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't sound good

>> No.10696458

I don't consider myself too fucked, I am really skinny and physically well considering the shit I eat.

>> No.10696610

Lard,sugar, and chocolate. A dopamine rush in every bite of that's your poison. Everyone is susceptible to something whether it's drugs, alcohol, or junk food. And in the U.S. they're all cheap and readily available.

>> No.10696909

Yeah very few other sweets give me cravings like Oreo

>> No.10696958

>Liking oreos

>> No.10697028

On a hot day, I throw em in the freezer

>> No.10697058
File: 55 KB, 1600x900, 1514697393531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10697072
File: 42 KB, 117x140, 1525301327360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10697107

wise man

>> No.10697115

I tried this, did not notice much improvement

>> No.10697215

How do i get these in yurop

>> No.10697221

Amazon, I guess.

>> No.10697274

Are they really that good?

>> No.10698045

>eat one or two
>retch because it's too sweet
Shit's revolting, only Americans can eat it

>> No.10698052

>people eat ice cream toppings by itself
have some self-respect

>> No.10698057
File: 128 KB, 1024x909, IMG_1027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cookie.

>> No.10698833

Not even my local kinoplex can project shit liek you do

>> No.10698935

The 'cream' is literally just crisco and sugar blended together. You could scrape it off and put a banana slice on there. I did it before, it's p. good tbqh famabamalam

>> No.10698955

i tried these out of sheer curiosity and they are nasty

>> No.10699584


>> No.10699695

did his cream fill your void

>> No.10699927

It's always good to have some Bojack in your life.


>> No.10700434

hideously underrated. Well done son, I'm proud of you

>> No.10701074

quality post 10/10 anon

>> No.10701395
File: 30 KB, 600x267, timtams-600x267[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got over Oreos by getting addicted to Tim Tams

>> No.10701520

where can I buy those in AMERICA?

>> No.10701564

They have original, dark, dark mint, and I think caramel at Target

>> No.10701632
File: 26 KB, 476x300, Butter fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterfingers > Reese's

Butterfingers > All snacks in the universe

>Just stating the truth don't mind me

>> No.10701908

Go eat an entire large package and watch what it does to your poop, you might just quit eating that garbage.

>> No.10701943


>> No.10701975

>take a tiny bite
>hfcs flakes stuck in your teeth forever

>> No.10702276


>> No.10702406

Do amerifats really eat this crap?

>> No.10702416

that's an australian snack tbqhwyfam

>> No.10702469

Hell yeh. Came into thread to post these. Tfw you use them like a straw in tea or coffee and then quickly eat them before they fall apart.

>> No.10702542

One of the most dangerous foods for me when I was younger. My friend's dad would pack them with a sandwich for our lunches when we went on a day hiking trip and holy shit I couldn't wait to get to these fuckers. My parents never bought shit like this. Anytime I'd go to my friends house, I'd always snag one and savor it. Idk what it is about these fuckers... But they are dangerous. Haven't had one in years. Might have to swing by tomorrow and snag a box.

>> No.10702794

How do you use a solid square cookie as a straw?

>> No.10702800

you bit off either end, and the chocolate coating is airtight enough to let you suck up liquid through the porous cookie internals

>> No.10703319

heart attacks

>> No.10703335
File: 79 KB, 700x700, 1517343251374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't ready for this