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10694039 No.10694039[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

That'll be $6.75 plus delivery fee, tax, and tip

>> No.10694053

Absolute state of American delivery

>> No.10694057
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i worked at dominos during uni and i was always amazed how many of the fat white trash would lose their shit when they found out there was a delivery fee

like honestly where have you ever in your life ordered pizza where the was no delivery fee that wasn't specifically advertised as such?

>> No.10694066

never had this problem when i was doing delivery. I just hated regulars who would not tip because they ordered so often. Sheeeit

>> No.10694070

i worked the kitchen and the phones, we were the screen between you and such people i suppose, they would usually just scream some unintelligible nonsense about us being gay faggots and slam the phone down

something about pizza really works up white trash

>> No.10694071

It's usually the amount, which is outrageous considering you still tip. Pick one or the other-- either allow customers to pay the delivery person appropriately or charge a flat fee and make tipping not a thing. A 10 dollar order shouldn't cost nearly double because some dude had to drive three blocks.

>> No.10694079

>$5 delivery fee
I only order dominos because they only charge $2 for deliver. Pizza hut charges $3, and poopoo johns $3.50.
That shit doesn't go into the drivers pocket so they can fuck right off, I'd rather pay a $4 tip and no delivery fee than $2 fee and $2 tip.

>> No.10694085

there actually is an amount that gets paid to the driver per delivery, it's fucking pittance compared to the delivery fee though

>> No.10694091

>ordering 6 bucks worth of food
>shocked at a delivery fee

The fee is there to price out poor idiots who want to order a single item.

>> No.10694093

Pick it up yourself Faggot. Delivery fees cover insurance costs for the delivery driver and his vehicle since the company insures them while your on the clock. They're not entirely their to bleed money out of you.

>> No.10694099

Yeah I know some of it cycles back into their paycheck but its mostly for the company to pay insurance to cover their own ass, I'm basically padding the company to not lose money if a driver fucks up instead of helping the driver if they fuck up.
It also directly means I'm not going to tip as much because I've already had to stack fees on top of the order. I usually only tip like $3 on a $17 order because it rounds to $20. when the order itself is barely $14, because the fees and taxes bump it up so high.

>> No.10694104

The insurance is basically just liability coverage for the COMPANY, good fucking luck ever getting them to cover anything that happens to you or your car.

>> No.10694110

i think its absolutely fine for pizza places to disincentivize delivery using fees. if delivery was cheap or free everyone would order delivery and the cost would be placed somewhere else. so many people ordering would increase wait times so that your pizza is cold by the time it arrives, or they would have to hire more drivers. pizza costs would increase to cover additional wages

>> No.10694119

what, instead of paying $15 outright for the same pizza delivery or no? fucking yuros can't even logic,

>> No.10694121

>not tipping
What the fuck? That's the exact opposite of what you should do. If you're a regular then your ass better tip good and often.

>> No.10694128

I do on the rare occasions I order because I am not paying 5 dollars ontop of tipping the poor driver that doesn't see a cent of that usually.

>> No.10694156

The fee is applied to every order dumbass

>> No.10694157
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>assumes alternative billing would automatically be more expensive
>calls it logic

>> No.10694159


>> No.10694165

Alternative billing would automatically be more expensive, because now the company is responsible for making sure its employees get paid correctly through fixed rates, instead of leveraging "muh tip system". Now that $2 delivery fee is $8, and that $6 pizza is $10, because otherwise the company can't maintain profits while guaranteeing better wages
You retards love to criticize the tipping system because it's not a guaranteed way to get paid well, but you sure ignore the reason its so fucking prevalent.

>> No.10694174

Why do American businesses deliberately try and confuse their customers by adding tax after you get to the till? So I have 5 bucks and I see a $4.99 hamburger helper and think "fuck it, It's basically kraft Mac n cheese. I'll take it" cashier charges me $5.50 then has the cheek to act exasperated because they don't quote the correct prices in the fucking aisles. SORT YOUR STUPID FUCKING SALES TAX BULLSHIT OUT.

>> No.10694179

$12 vs $14 so a driver can get a decent wage is a no brianer to me.

I think most people would rather pay $2 extra for a pizza so there are less people on fucking welfare.

>> No.10694184

>Now that $2 delivery fee is $8, and that $6 pizza is $10, because otherwise the company can't maintain profits while guaranteeing better wages
You're a god damn retard, holy shit.

>> No.10694205

Because sales taxes are different from state to state.

>> No.10694213

If you do the math getting tips will make you more moeny than a 2 dollar per hour increase in wage

>> No.10694215

>$12 vs $14
It's more like $12 vs $20

What country are you from and how much does ordering a medium 2 topping pizza cost?

>> No.10694221

This has to be the dumbest thing I've read here in weeks. And there is some massively dumb shit posted here.

>> No.10694223

>this is wrong because they make $10 under a "living" wage
>it will only cost $2 more per pizza to pay them a living wage
Jesus I knew yuros were dumb, but the 4chan just seals the fucking deal

>> No.10694224

>can get a decent wage
Delivery drivers tend to average $15-18/hr, and much higher on FOOTBALL days. Same shit goes for waitresses bitching about I ONLY MAKE $2/HR!!!!!
First of all, you make minimum wage.
Second of all, you're probably averaging anywhere from $12/hr to $25/hr depending on the quality of your establishment.
I used to work 40hr weeks at $15/hr and my roommate would make just as much as my entire week in 3 fucking days at Denny's.

Fuck off with your "decent wage muh welfare" bullshit. Service workers that rely on tips tend to make a shitload more money than they ever let on.

>> No.10694226

Prove me wrong faggot, otherwise you're just another buttblasted europoor who doesn't understand microeconomics

>> No.10694229

OK reddit

>> No.10694231


So you're admitting your math is bullshit and you don't know what you're talking about?

For what purpose.

>> No.10694237

>prove me wrong
>shifting the burden of proof
Americans are a lost cause..

>> No.10694238

>like honestly where have you ever in your life ordered pizza where the was no delivery fee
The 90's had no delivery fee.

>> No.10694239

I'm pulling numbers out of my ass, but the difference is still so significant as to be detrimental.

I've made an assertion that is not wholly unfounded with reasonable backing in economics and logic. You are refuting it with "you are an ass hat". Prove me wrong, fuckface, or shut up.

>> No.10694241


Who would eat a pizza so early?

>> No.10694246

Which is exactly why any that keep reporting no tips get fired. It's because they are obviously skimming tips, or if for some miraculous reason they aren't, they don't deserve a job in food service for being so absolutely retarded to not be able to get tips.

>> No.10694252
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>reasonable backing in economics and logic
..for a talking monkey, kek

>> No.10694257

Fat asses

>> No.10694263
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>not starting your day with a pizza party

>> No.10694264

>don't deserve a job because random strangers decided not to tip you
Ameriburgers: Not even once.

>> No.10694273

if you are so absolutely retarded that you can't get a tip, yes. If for some reason you don't understand US tipping culture, you make about $10/hr being a heroin junkie that only gets half the orders correct. If you can't pull that off, you deserve to starve. The fact that you coddle anything worse than that is why your culture is fading faster than any in modern history.

>> No.10694282

>so much misinformation in one person
How do you contain it all?

>> No.10694283

do you not understand how economics works

>> No.10694288

Dont forget the single moms and other trash that are also welfare leeches collecting cash benefits and or food stamps/wic while making an actual livable wage working 3 days a week. AND they're not paying taxes on it due to not reporting tips.

>> No.10694294

Yes, the guy that's worked in restaurants for a decade in the US has no idea what he's talking about.
>the absolute state of yuro

>> No.10694303

Oh yeah, that too. I remember my first job just being a busboy and I'd work maybe 3-5 hours a night. I got $8 an hour because I got much less tip pool than servers, but I'd go in the next day and get handed like $60 in cash for tips. The IRS knew nothing about this. As far as they knew I made like $14k a year

>> No.10694306
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>he cleaned dishes
>now he knows economics and shit
you seriously can't make this stuff up.

>> No.10694312

>it takes an economics degree to wait tables and realize almost no matter how badly you do, you still net like $12 an hour
What's it like being this much of a giblethead?

>> No.10694314

People who have been working all night....

Not everyone works 9-5

>> No.10694319

You clearly don't.

>> No.10694344
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Wasn't it $10 a minute ago? US economy changes fast.

>> No.10694347

$10 for a literal heroin junkie. A drunk guy can pull a little more.

>> No.10694351
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>no matter how bad you do
>except when you do worse

>> No.10694364

were you trying to coalesce a point?

>> No.10694365

Holy shit, you're retarded.

>> No.10694366

It's not for a purpose. It's because states have their own governments and thus have their own taxes and laws

Asking why different states have different taxes is like asking why do different countries have different taxes

>> No.10694372
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I wouldn't dare.
I'm just admiring your American brilliance.

>> No.10694373

I think he is saying that the ratio of what they pay for food vs the delivery fee would make poor people reconsider their choice. If you have enough money to order 50 bucks worth the delivery fee isn't that much more

>> No.10694379

>America is 50 seperate countries
Then wherest doust federal law arise fromest?

>> No.10694386

What the fuck you think happens at a restaurant? On a slow night you deal with 2-5 tables an hour depending on staffing. Most at the least do a pity tip of $2, while the average is probably like $6. You have to suck absolute shit on a slow night to pull like $4 an hour. But let me guess, you are black and don't tip anyway, so that's why you can't believe people make money doing it?

>> No.10694391

Make your own
Buy frozen
Pick it up your damn self
No need to cry about stupid shit on 4chin

>> No.10694394
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>muh tip culture
So the entire American economy relies on bullying people into paying your staff for you? Holy kek!

>> No.10694398

so no then? typical yuro.

>> No.10694410
File: 186 KB, 1317x689, 508CFEA2-DAA5-4B8B-A66D-78065BE680A3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh black boi boogeyman
Wh*toids never learn

>> No.10694426

Well, it's not all skin color. As much as people reeee about it, it's very much a black vs nigger argument. I can nearly 100% tell upon looking at them whether or not there will be a tip. So if you are nigger as fuck and wonder why your service sucks, that's why.