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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10693605 No.10693605 [Reply] [Original]

Well? What's your average 3-meal day look like?
Bonus points for anyone with a pre/post-workout plan.

>> No.10693685

Rice, beans, beef, tomatoes and lettuce.
Subst beef for chicken, pork or eggs.

>> No.10693710

...for every meal?

>> No.10693770

Breakfast is usually iced black coffee, sometimes with vanilla extract. I'll also have oatmeal with peanut butter and maybe a banana if I'm really starving.

Lunch is normally leftovers from the night before, or just grain/protein/veg in tupperware that I made that morning. Barley/beans/onion and broccoli is one of my favs.

Dinner varies a lot of course. I try to make as much as possible from scratch, including bread and pasta. I've been doing fried noodles a lot recently, but last night I had cabbage with quinoa, chives, and lentils. P good

>> No.10693832

Morning; coffee and cigarettes.
Day; thick crepes with more eggs than necessary, coffee and cigarettes.
Evening; coffee, cigarettes and benzos.

>> No.10693852

Why do you eat so many carbs?
Are you a vegetarian for health reasons, or for feelgood reasons? If the former, then I reiterate my first question...?

>> No.10693881

breakfast: slice of rye bread with cheese and cucumber/bell pepper, cup of coffee
lunch: leftovers from yesterday, reheated
snack: a banana or, on fridays, a cookie
dinner: right now i'm really into vegetable curries with rice

>> No.10693885

Whole grains are supposed to be the basis of a healthy diet. I monitor my meals due to a pre-existing condition, and I hit all my macro levels just fine.

>> No.10693899

I eat when I'm hungry. Three meals a day is some worker indoctrination shit.

I make something different each day. Although I've been on a jerky-making kick for a couple years so there's usually some of that around. I ain't on keto but my usual tastes are pretty close to that type of shit.

>Whole grains are supposed to be the basis of a healthy diet
You gullible fucker.

>> No.10693911

>Whole grains are supposed to be the basis of a healthy diet.
Oh boy, do I have some bad news for you, my friend. You might enjoy reading up on scientists and nutritionists Ancel Keys and John Yudkin.
Here's an article that goes over some of the broader points.
It doesn't even cover the fact that Ancel Keys' original "seven countries study" originally contained data from 22 countries, but the data was cherrypicked to support his original point even though most of the data suggested he was wrong.
The entire American diet and food pyramid is based off of falsified data and shaky science.

What's your preexisting condition, just curious? I used to have a massive stomach problem that confused doctors and evaded treatment for years until I took my diet into consideration. Previously I was thought to have cyclic vomiting disorder and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, but now I have no symptoms unless I drink.

>on fridays, a cookie
>tfw I want to have this level of self control but I eat a cookie every single day
It's my one cheat food of the day. I love cookies.

>> No.10693939

>>tfw I want to have this level of self control but I eat a cookie every single day
it's a workplace thing, everyone usually takes a half hour break on fridays at 3 to sip some coffee and talk about rubbish, and play some pool or table tennis, and the office buys everyone a nice tray of cookies. if i walked past a decent bakery on my way to/from work i'd probably eat them daily aswell

>> No.10693969

I really love to wake up and have a cookie with my morning coffee. I buy a dozen from the store bakery and used to just eat with wild abandon but these days I can say, just one cookie. And that's a little victory for me.

>> No.10694007

Morning: coffee
Lunch: cup of tea
Dinner: a lot of veggies with some meat, often pork tenderloin.

>> No.10694048

>mushroom and tomato sauteed in butter
>one egg omelet with fresh spinach and cheese
>coffee with cream and one cookie
>possibly some kind of meat, like a sausage
>fruit and kefir smoothie - on non-workout days

>maybe nothing
>maybe a bit of whatever will be for dinner
>maybe good snacking like nuts, meat, seed crackers with cheese, etc
>maybe a sausage if I didn't eat one with breakfast

>usually some kind of veggie-heavy ethnic food: goulash, pho, stir fry, various stews, etc though sometimes it'll just be sandwiches, like a moroccan burger, pic related
>other times just meat and mixed veg in the slow cooker: currently chicken breast, shallot, zucchini, and grape tomatoes for leftovers
>occasionally sushi or pizza takeout

Workout days are a little different. I have coffee/cookie and smoothie in the morning, before the gym, except I add oats and ground flax to the smoothie for some extra energy. After the gym, I usually eat my normal breakfast of mushroom, tomato, egg, spinach, cheese, and definitely meat after a workout, possibly plus a little chocolate protein powder in milk if I feel like it. Dinner never changes but I find on workout days I tend to do a lot more snacking in between.

>> No.10694212

>Had 2 sausages
>some left over pringles
>pint of milk

>Smoked salmon 100kg
>few more pringles
>some peanut m&ms
>end of pringles

>dont know yet

>> No.10694298

>Sometimes Nothing
>Sometimes Fried Eggs on Rice with some beans.

> If breakfast was Eggs and Beans and Rice then nothing
> If not Prolly some Rice Beans and Eggs.

> Depends on what I make.

>> No.10694359


>> No.10694499

Black tea until 6pm. Entire lettuce and toast for dinner. Beans as well if we're feeling fancy.

>> No.10694502

Raisin bread with Dutch cheese and butter, also a banana

>4-6 slices of heavy bread with usually rough peanut butter, cheese, hummus or egg salad
Or sometimes couple of grilled cheese sandwiches or cooked/baked eggs with cheese

Dinner is different each day
Today I ate a smoked herring and some pasta with homemade pesto

>> No.10694536

Bro, your diet sounds gay. Do you even lift?

>> No.10694540

Enjoy your insulin spikes

>> No.10694569

Breakfast: Nothing
Lunch: 3 slices of bread, either with some fish in tomato sauce or ham and cheese
Dinner: Oven baked fish or chicken with a side of veggies

>> No.10694594

Never had that

>> No.10694607

Cereal or yogurt in the am
Typically ramen with last nights left overs in it for lunch
Rock climb after final class
Usually something involving chicken for dinner, and I make bread daily so I usually have that too.
Fuck sides

>> No.10694610

>3 Meal days
Must be nice

>> No.10694651

A slice of bread with something like liverwurst or cheese
Usually something meat-potatoes-vegetables, sometimes some pasta or rice based dish but nothing special

I don't really eat lunch

>> No.10694686

2 scrambled eggs on toast

greek salad w/ feta

veggie curry and rice

that's been my routine lately, getting a bit bored of it now. seen enough feta to last me a lifetime

>> No.10695212
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>> No.10695434

>100kg salmon

wow you are rich...and fat

>> No.10695480

That's how you're supposed to talk on the internet. Notice the sincerity, the genuine exchange of information, the lack of snarky in-jokes to hide behind. This terrifies you.

>> No.10695736
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>>Smoked salmon 100kg

>> No.10695752
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>Muesli + kefir or skyr
>peanut butter on lightly toasted toast
>frozen dark chocolate
>coffee (black like my soul)

>Oatmeal with brown sugar + almonds and cream
>mushrooms and asperagus
>Steak, chicken or pork

Dinner is for the weak

>> No.10695758
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2000mL orange juice(real not that concentrate shit)
2000mL milk(skim or 1%)
Hard boiled eggs
Cheese cubes

>> No.10695781

2 slices of bacon, 2 eggs, one piece of white toast, buttered
turkey salami havarti lettuce mayo pickle sandwich, apple, carrots
chili with sour cream and either tortillas or over rice. My chili has corn but no beans

>> No.10695918

This actually sounds pretty based

>> No.10695922

1-2 sweet potatoes and a high quality can of tuna

>> No.10696173

>Two slices of bread with potato salad and salami
>One slice of bread with potato salad and salami
>Premade frozen fish meal with spinach and cheese

I'm depressed desu.