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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 527 KB, 2448x3264, IMG3984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10693262 No.10693262 [Reply] [Original]

Here's how they serve burgers at my local burger joint. Oh and you're not allowed to have ketchup.

Would you complain?

>> No.10693265

>garbage food quality
>not allowed (((anything)))

I could start doing heroin tomorrow and still cook better food.
Go some place where a fucktard 17yo isn't your chef.

>> No.10693269

That's Louis's Lunch, look it up. Then, shut the fuck up and do some research about things before you start running your mouth, you uncultured burger pleb.

>> No.10693277

Do they lack ketchup on the place or do they just refuse to provide it?

>> No.10693281

You're an idiot, that's a health risk, and you're both shit.
You both need to be placed onto a fire for awhile.

>> No.10693285

When did Jack open a restaurant?

>> No.10693295

Not a health risk if it's quality freshly ground beef, which is what they use. You should reread the part of my post about not running your mouth when you know nothing.

I sound like a shill for the place right now, but it's just that you're being so fucking stupid that I have to back them up.

>> No.10693298

Both. I guess you could bring your own in if you wanted, but who does that?

>> No.10693311

>ground beef
Retard, this blends the bacteria into all parts of the meat, making any uncooked quantity a health risk. Please put down the cock and pick up a book, its in your best interest.

>> No.10693316
File: 1.82 MB, 2153x1536, oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since apparently not many people know what OP's pic is, here's a quick rundown

>restaurant is Louis' Lunch in New Haven, Connecticut
>claims to have invented the burger and might actually be true
>thick patty formed from a secret blend of cuts grilled on bizarre vertical gas grills (pic related)
>served on Wonder-type white bread
>the cheese is cheez-whiz
>the only choice of toppings are a slice of tomato and a slice of onion (the onion gets grilled with the burger, I believe)

If you look at the reviews, you'll find it's a pretty interesting mix of people who love it and people who complain about doneness, the surly owners, the wait, etc. It's a true cult restaurant

>> No.10693321

Looks fine. To call it a burger would be criminal, imo, this is just a sandwich with a ground beef patty. Would still eat though.

>> No.10693327

So basically hipster faggot tier shit.
Just cook burgers at home if you're competent.

>> No.10693330
File: 45 KB, 394x382, 1441059362870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh wait I might yell at myself for putting ketchup on my burger.
>Oh wait, I'm not autistic.

>> No.10693333

Dear double retard, unless the cow was infected with some parasite, your only concern is surface pathogens. Yes, when you grind beef, the inside of a patty is then susceptible to pathogens, which is why you do it with fresh beef and immediately refrigerate it, cook it as a burger, or even *serve it raw, as in beef tartar*.

I wouldn't eat a rare burger from some shithole bar, but if I knew that the place was grinding their meat fresh, I would actually prefer to eat it medium rare or rare, as would anybody who appreciates beef.

Now fuck off

>> No.10693334

they've been around since the 19th century. how can they be hipster?

>> No.10693336

You just described a burger though.

>> No.10693338
File: 2.75 MB, 3648x2736, Louis_Lunch_-_Classic_Diner_-_New_Haven_-_CT_-_USA_(7088657091).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The restaurant was founded in 1895. God bless you, you absolute dunce.

>> No.10693343
File: 78 KB, 605x669, 0CnJAEzEg2eoDoU2u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so have typewriters. and typewriters are hipster as fuck now

>> No.10693348
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1414427360019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fresh beef
Here's a hint fucktard, all of the cows naturally contain pathogenic bacteria.
So, that makes you a thrice retard, I surmise? Fitting, as you obviously have three copies of chromosome 23.
>inside of a patty is susceptible to pathogens
>serve it raw, as in beef tartar
My fuck are you a stupid son of a bitch.

>> No.10693369

>hurr durr no u r teh dumb one

You can safely eat quality, fresh ground beef provided that the cow didn't have parasites, which is what your government's inspection is supposed to do for you. I am right and you are wrong. Now stop posting.

>> No.10693372
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>only get half a burger

>> No.10693373

I like it how autistic losers can get visibly buttmad even over a fucking burger joint.
its like you are begging to lose at oife.

>> No.10693380

haha yeah dude, they should just like, chill. you shouldn't have strong opinions about food on a cooking forum haha

>> No.10693381

>ground beef
>anything other than well done
I really hate when people larp ground beef as being "quality". If you want medium rare on a sandwich then have a nice steak sandwich.

>> No.10693388

>pay for chuck, short rib, brisket for my own special burger patties
>bring home my meat, put it through my grinder, which I have sanitized and placed in the freezer prior to ensure food safety
>form my nice patties, which have now taken a fair amount of time and effort to create
>ruin them by cooking them well-done because "hurp durp all ground beef should be grey inside, that's what my daddy taught meh"

>> No.10693414

Lol faget, cook them until the center isn't dripping raw proteinaceous liqiud. or Just short of that.

>> No.10693482
File: 12 KB, 215x200, 1469629998801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pile of garbage.
>disgustingly soggy from being both greasy and undercooked
>so let's add even more butter to the toast
>random placement of onions
>onions charred but otherwise raw
>no visible caramelization on the outside of the patty
You're really bad at shilling, and you eat like a slob. Invest in a real camera.

>> No.10693483

m8 if there's no burger bun then it's a party melt. If there's no bun OR cheese then it's just a beef sandwich or some shit.

>> No.10693488

Not him but I don't trust the government enough to do anything efficiently but take my money from me. If it's not the IRS collections branch, your government service will be slow and unreliable. I eat rare steak and such as well but I don't pretend the government is watching over my dumb ass.

>> No.10693493

random here, there is no such thing as 100% safe raw red meat

you are ALWAYS running a tiny risk of salmonella if you see pink, and that is a risk you accept in the pursuit of good taste and deliciousness, but don't pretend it's safe

>> No.10693495

dude they ask you how you want your burger done, are you retarded or just autistic?

>> No.10693496

lol so what is the minimum done-ness for a steak for you? Because the interior of your steak has just as many parasites as freshly ground beef. So you'd better cook it medium well at least?

>> No.10693498

Looks like shit desu.

>> No.10693499

That's called a Patty Melt. It's a totally acceptable sandwhich.

>> No.10693526

>a patty melt
>with no cheese

>> No.10693552

Naturally, just as you run a tiny risk of salmonella if you eat eggs with runny yolks.

However, unless you have cancer or are pregnant, an infant or a senior citizen, salmonella is not even a big deal. I've had it before and basically all that happened was that I had a lot of diarrhea for about 2-3 days, and then I was fine.

PS I didn't get it from beef. I got it from pork chops which I knew had gone a little off but I was a poor college student at the time and didn't wanna waste the food so I cooked and ate them anyway.

Even after I started having diarrhea, I finished all the pork chops because I'm not a quitter.

>> No.10693561
File: 54 KB, 439x423, 1469769052309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salmonella is not a big deal

this is what we've come to on /ck/, this is it. i don't know if it's the epitome of this board just yet or if i'll witness a greater statement down the line, but for now, i'm just glad you've shared this with me and the rest of the class

>> No.10693574
File: 93 KB, 960x720, demodex mites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not. I'd rather eat 100 rare/medium rare steaks in a year and get salmonella from 1 out of every 100 than to give up delicious undercooked beef forever.

The extent to which you overcook your food to avoid a tiny bacteria is like boiling your own hands so you don't catch a cold. It's a self-destructive, overblown attempt to control your environment because you're OCD and thinking about bacteria makes your skin crawly.

Did you know more than one species of mites lives on your face skin and in your eyelashes? Pic related.

>> No.10693575

Im not really following the two of you and your argument but your reaction image posting is gay as fuck

>> No.10693579

How does someone that skinny have moobs?
Americans just can't get anything right can they

>> No.10693584

That's wrong and you're retarded.

>> No.10693587

Lmao you got salmonella because you're a pussy ass soi boy. I have never ONCE been ill because guess what? I'm basically the fucking terminator.

Imagine actually getting salmonella in this day and age holy shit. Although thinking about it you probably had nothing of the kind either. Had a little sniffle and started crying for your mommy and messaging all your faggot friends that you're dying lmao.
Absolutely pathetic

>> No.10693597
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>> No.10693616
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>> No.10693625
File: 868 KB, 933x1091, Screenshot_20180602-075910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10693645

It looks like shit.

Someone should stand outside selling sachets of ketchup for $0.50 each.

>> No.10693651

>I'm basically the fucking terminator

You're a dickless drone with one single pursuit in life?


>> No.10693655

Yeah, you got me, oh no the burn. So painful. Lmao

>> No.10693674

>Quality, fresh ground beef is safe
[citation needed] other than your stupidity

>> No.10693724
File: 513 KB, 400x200, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I get my burger cut in half I want to murder someone and go allahu akbar on the place

And every time someone orders a burger "medium" i want to bash their head into the plate and make them slurp the soggy "perfectly cooked" mess they call a burger

>> No.10693725

>Would you complain?
No, I just would never go there again. Complaining about that wouldn't make them change their ways.

>> No.10693734

>op post a pick of a shitty burger
>op then gets mad when some one says its garbage
wew lad

>> No.10693737

>Here's how they serve burgers at my local burger joint. Oh and you're not allowed to have ketchup.
>Would you complain?
Looks like Louis Lunch to me too....and the tomato is the ketchup component so doesn't actually need ketchup. There's barely room to turn around in there, and eating quick and leaving is necessary. The rarebit style cheese is delicious and the potato salad is cold and awesome. It's cute, but yea, it's always rare. I am more bothered that it's always rare and that is the only way it is served and I can't afford to get sick no matter the assurances. I probably won't go back when in town. I'll spend my time getting the pizza at BAR across the street, mmhmm. There's lots of great food places all over New Haven, and this place will always be in business, it just isn't my thing. Been there, done that.

>> No.10693746

is that the place in an ivy league town where they first made hamburgers? I watched a documentary on hamburgers a while back, and it seemed more recreation than actual culinary work, they were using the same sideways grills and such

>> No.10693748 [DELETED] 

Possibly the worst post I've seen in awhile. How exceptionally boring

>> No.10693844

Ketchup on burger is fine, only autismos not doing so. It's not a fucking steak.
Also congrats being jewed with absolute shit white bread.

>> No.10693846

>shitty burger
>uncultured burger pleb

>> No.10693864

Here's something more your speed:
Based retard poster, you're truly /ourguy/ *dabs on ketchup*

>> No.10693865

what do you mean you're 'not allowed'

>> No.10694545

>local burger joint
NYC has more than 1 fucking burger joint

>> No.10695032

>my quality chuck
Yeah exactly. Larping.

>> No.10695038

that's connecticut imo. the steamed burgers from the "original" place that

>> No.10695051

That bread looks way to thin. Bottom is probably soggy as hell. If you're going to put a burger on toast you can't just use fucking grocery store wonderbread.

>> No.10695056

weird but i bet it tastes good. i'd try it at least once.

>> No.10695067
File: 8 KB, 261x261, 1503529451557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not allowed to
what the fuck does that mean

if i get ketchup is my life going to become an episode of curb your enthusiasm or something

>> No.10695087

normies with a sense of pride for the place they're from love to get really nitpicky about food. "NO TRUE ___ WOULD EVER PUT ___ ON ___"

>> No.10695117

As long as they provide a straw to slurp the purple meatgoo, it's fine.

>> No.10695139
File: 11 KB, 320x290, Untitled 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Buy a big cut of meat like a chuck roast. Let it sit in your fridge for two weeks. It will have bacterial colonies visible to the naked eye all over the outside of it. Now make a fresh cut into the middle, no colonies there.

The meat is contaminated during processing. A healthy cow doesn't have pathogens in its muscle tissue. They're on the outside of the cow / digestive tract, which is why they are skinned and gutted before the meat is cut up. Still, not a perfect process.

Meanwhile, ground beef is a mixture of many different cuts, and all that bacteria is thoroughly mixed in with the meat, contaminating all of it.

>you're fucking dumb.

>> No.10695146

Over 2600 serovars of S. enterica.
You had one of them.

>> No.10695156

>Meanwhile, ground beef is a mixture of many different cuts, and all that bacteria is thoroughly mixed in with the meat, contaminating all of it.

If you buy from wal-mart, sure. But there's nothing stopping you from buying quality ground meat which is NOT a mixture of a zillion cheap cuts: grab a chuck steak (or whatever cut you prefer--I suggest short rib), ask the guy at the counter to grind it for you. Of course you could always grind it yourself if you live in some shithole where the staff won't do that for you.

>> No.10695193

>inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.10695209

you're really missing the point m8

>> No.10695228

Yes. But since it's only a single piece of meat that doesn't really matter much.

Look in a mirror.

When you consume a single piece of meat that's been ground you are rolling the dice one time. That's vastly different from cheap commercial ground beef, in which case you're rolling the dice thousands of times. Suggesting the two are comporable is absurd.

Yes, there is a risk involved with grinding a single piece of meat that's been freshly ground. But it's low enough to be negligible.

>> No.10695277

Yeah. You're still missing the point. But at this time I'm deciding to cut bait because the thoughts are above your capabilities.

>> No.10695295

The government doesn't give a fuck about toxoplasma cysts

>> No.10695298

Your point is irrelevant.

>> No.10695398

>I'm an altruist at heart I guess.
Imagine your meat. Dip it in gasoline. The gasoline represents harmful bacteria.
Situation A. Your pieces of gasoline coated meat are cooked, all of the gasoline surfaces are exposed to sufficient heat and the gas burns off.
Situation B. Your pieces of gasoline coated meat are ground up. You now have gasoline on all of the meat, inside and out. You take the ground meat, form it into patties. You cook the patties, only the outer surfaces are making sufficient contact with the heat source. The outside gasoline burns off. The inner part of the patty has gasoline in it still, and it is not exposed to heat sufficiently. That gasoline is not cooked off. Your uncooked meat in the middle portion of your patty is dangerous to eat, whether gasoline or harmful bacteria.

>I tried.
>I'm worried that people like you get to vote.

>> No.10695414

What's the point of shilling for a flyover restaurant no one is going to go to

>> No.10695426

Yes anon, I get that. You don't need to explain the obvious. It's also pretty much irrelevant. You see, meat isn't certain to have dangerous bacteria on it. It's a very low risk. Take a single steak, grind it up. Eat it rare. There is a small chance that burger now contains a pathogen from the surface of the steak. We don't really care about that though--the chance of it happening is very small.

When it gets risky is when you are dealing with cheap shitty meat. In that case hundreds if not thousands of cuts go into a huge industrial batch, so instead of it being a 1-in-X chance of being contaminated, its now a hundreds if not thousands of times higher risk. At this point we might start to get worried.

>> No.10695430
File: 30 KB, 500x354, Skub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be real, nearly every thread is people calling each other autistic niggers over literally anything.

>> No.10695465

>its a very low risk.
No, there's actually a very significant chance of this.
>We, we, we
No, you. You are the dumb one, not we.

I tried.
Some people can't be helped.
Knowledge sure is scary.

>> No.10695476

Any restaurant who has guidelines on how you are allowed to eat needs to be burned to the ground, the owners tied to a pole, and beaten just enough to cause massive pain but not enough to kill them.

Fuck you, and fuck your mother OP. If I went to that restaurant I'd ask for a manager then spit in his face.

>> No.10695590

don't bother trying to reason with idiots, anon. Someday he'll get food poisoning and figure it out

>> No.10696320

So couldn't you just cut off the surface layer before grinding with a knife and be fine to grind? It's not like that's hard to so with a decent knife and the cut firmed up from the fridge.

>> No.10696337

>there's actually a very significant chance
No there isn't unless you use shit quality meat. It the risk of getting food poisoning from eating a med rare burger was significantly high then restaurants wouldn't offer it.

>> No.10696385

BAR is and always has been for complete faggots, almost as gay as gotham citi when that was around.

>> No.10696402

They were doing it before it was cool

>> No.10696413


he's high in estrogen, low in testosterone

>> No.10696652

More than just knowledge is required to correctly assess a situation.

Without context and a sense of magnitude to back up your knowledge, you're stuck evaluating separate snapshots of the situation through a keyhole, instead of the system as a whole. With the way you're applying your knowledge, I'd wager you have a much higher chance of contracting food poisoning then the guy you're arguing against.

The chance is appreciable, the risk is low. The universe doesn't give a fuck if you grasp statistics on a deep level, but it still governs your life.

>> No.10696736
File: 89 KB, 1328x1140, 1494394821305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not that poster
>actually is that poster

>> No.10696791

>the cheese is cheez-whiz
>fake cheese
>undercooked meat
>cheap bread
>has to shill on fucking 4chan
Sounds like a class joint. OP kill yourself.

>> No.10697349

Why is your burger raw???

>> No.10697631

I'm the one to whom you're replying. You are wrong, btw. You can pasteurize meat. Look it up

>> No.10697646

>all these fucking plebs who eat burgers well-done

I hate this board sometimes

>> No.10698005

Most chefs do heroin

>> No.10698017

I've worked for the U.S. Government. It's a goddamn clusterfuck.

>> No.10698069

Pro tip: Buy your burgers from some place which makes them how you like them.

>> No.10698162

>>>10693262 (OP)
>restaurants wouldn't offer it

MEANWHILE: every single fucking restaurant has a disclaimer on their menu stating that undercooked meat is a health risk to the dumbfuck who orders it.

>> No.10698170

>All sound and fury signifying nothing.
You really went hard on the sophistry there.
Try again.

>> No.10698174

You can pasteurize meat. Its called cooking, fucktard.

>> No.10698180

Looks like hammered dog shit. Customers should be shot for eating it as a decency to the public trust.

>> No.10698210

The motherfucker looks like he swam in a river of meth after rolling around in fractured fiberglass. I that that aint you.

>> No.10698216

So when Jack makes a raw hamburger it is called not knowing how to cook, but if this Louis fuck makes it, you jump on his dick for it?

>> No.10698222

>messy piece of shit that looks like it'd drip all over your hands if you tried to eat it
defeats the fucking purpose doesn't it

>> No.10698228

First of all, that's not a burger. It uses a burger patty made from ground beef, but it uses a couple of slices of ordinary bread that's been toasted, rather than a proper bun. If fit doesn't have a bun and a burger patty, it is not a burger, it's just a regular sandwich.

Second of all, ground beef is not like a steak. A steak should be cooked medium rare. Ground beef should be cooked medium well, since there can be bacteria at any layer of the beef, rather than just the surface.

Finally, there does not appear to be any cheese on that "burger", which is pretty pathetic.

>> No.10698233

its a 1 in 1 chance of bacterial contamination in ground meat regardless of where the meat came from or who ground it
>is it there?
>can it make you sick if you don't cook it thoroughly?
>can you eat it raw and not get sick?
also yes, if the amount of infectious organisms is low. Its proper handling and freshness that makes the difference, not where it came from or what cut or how big a batch or how much it cost per lb, or the "quality." You're right that grinding it as close to preparation as possible reduces the risk, less time for bacteria to multiply, beyond that, get the freshest meat you can, keep it cold until you cook it, and enjoy your burger.
that's how pretentious hipster shit works, but Jack is objectively a terrible cook

>> No.10698253


Ground meat no such thing as safe and undercooked.

Steak is fine. All of the bacteria are on the outside. Inside can be red.

>> No.10698309
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the Common-Sense-Cavalry for showing up.
>Fo reeelz tho.

>> No.10698342

the burger is obviously not raw in OP's pic. honest question, have you ever cooked a medium rare burger before?

>> No.10698346

Burgers don't need cheese you retarded mutt

>> No.10698349

but they do need to be halal, right mr. yuro?

>> No.10698353


They don't need it to be categorically considered a burger, no, but cheese always makes a burger better.

>> No.10698369

What ever you say lashandarius

>> No.10698550

I hate onions and tomato on my burger so yes. I only do cheese.

>> No.10698557

>I hate onions and tomato on my burger so yes. I only do cheese.


>> No.10698560

What's wrong anon?

>> No.10698624

The idea that you can't consume any bacteria is silly as fuck. You constantly are anyway. That's what your immune system is for. What you need to watch out for are large quantities of bacteria which might overwhelm that system. High quality raw meat is unlikely to have that much. Old meat always will, but even then your body might be able to handle it. That's all there is to it.

>> No.10698636

>European trying to tell an American how to do their own cultural food best
Hypocrite I'm sure.

>> No.10698645

Pretty much, such a sad thing.
The average eurocuckold thinks like this, many such cases!

>> No.10698875

>Is it dangerous to eat raw or undercooked ground beef?
>Yes. Raw and undercooked meat may contain harmful bacteria. USDA recommends not eating or tasting raw or undercooked ground beef. To be sure all bacteria are destroyed, cook meat loaf, meatballs, and hamburgers to a safe minimum internal temperature of 160 °F (71.1 °C). Use a food thermometer to check that they have reached a safe internal temperature.
You're so fucking retarded

>> No.10698883

Thats like never driving a car because theres a risk of a car crash. Or not going into the water at a beach on the off chance you're mauled by a shark.

>> No.10700683

Stupidity, the post.
1 bacterial cell is enough to cause disease.

>> No.10700691

That isn't a burger.
It's also not a patty melt, since there doesn't appear to be anything to melt on it.
That's just a weird, gross sandwich.

>> No.10700756


>> No.10700783

>1 bacterial cell is enough to cause disease
Sure. Theoretically. The chance of it actually happening is beyond insignificant.

>> No.10700789

>ignores all the ones that say <10 or literally 1 and posts anyhow.
Am I doing this rite?

>> No.10701029

>Francisella tularensis: very low (10-50 organisms)
Horribly dangerous, but not found in food as far as I'm aware
>Shigella : very low (10s of organisms)
Do you eat many ape-burgers?
>Cryptosporidium parvum : very low (10 to 30 oocysts)
Often asymptomatic in healthy people, and usually water-borne, but I'll give you that this could result in food poisoning, and could appear in particularly awfully-handled meat.
>Escherichia coli O157:H7 : very low (<10 organisms)
I admit this one is both food-borne, dangerous and infective at low doses. It does, however, come under the 'shitty meat' heading, since it's a specific strain endemic to American feedlots.
>Mycobacterium tuberculosis : very low (<10 organisms)
That's tuberculosis; cows don't tend to breathe much when they're burgers, so the odds of you coming into contact with microdroplets of their breath are quite low.
>Entamoeba coli : extremely low (from 1 cyst)
Non-pathogenic, weird that it's even on a list like this, but also human endemic.

My point, though, was that we recognize that infectious doses vary from species to species, so the notion 'one bacterium is infectious', while technically true, is naive and reactionary.

>> No.10701041

>technically true
>technically true
>technically true

>> No.10701079

E. coli H7:O157 outbreaks tied to beef in:

Still think its safe to eat uncooked ground beef?
If you do, you're just being willfully ignorant at this point.

>> No.10701119

>Still think its safe to eat uncooked ground beef?
It's no riskier than countless other activities that the average person engages in on a daily basis and considers perfectly normal.

Sure, there's a risk that eating undercooked beef could make you sick. There's also a risk that if you get in a car, bus, train, or airplane that could be injured in an accident. If you step outside you could be the victim of a crime. Or accident. You could slip and fall cracking your skull open every time you get in and out of a shower or bathtub. You could choke on food. These things all happen with far more regularity yet we don't let fear of them restrict our activities. Why should our risk assessment be so uncharacteristically strict for the specific case of a hamburger?

>> No.10701125

I don't think anyone said it was safe; they said the risk was small and they accepted it. Cooking your burger until it's cooked through reduces one specific food-borne risk by a significant amount, but they already accepted the risk is very small, so were fine with it. You're more likely to get ill (and seriously ill, at that) from eating cantaloupes that you haven't cleaned with soap and boiling water before cutting into them, but people tend not to do that, because the risk is small, the effort is high and nobody cares. The risk associated with ground meat is just publicized a lot more heavily.

>> No.10701151

>willfully ignorant

>> No.10701249

Catsup on burgers is trash tier though

>> No.10701278

>implying Euros aren't pure soy
dumb fucking obsessed faggot

>> No.10701288

This looks roughly how most of the steaks I eat are, but why the fuck am I not allowed to have the sauce of my liking when eating at a joint?

>> No.10701330

hard to tell if it's gonna be dry from just a picture but honestly that looks fine

you got a tomato

lets dont ruin good meat with red-coloured corn syrup

>> No.10701337
File: 320 KB, 2272x1704, rfl_25808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and you're not allowed to have ketchup.

I actually agree with this. Good beef, genuinely good beef, shouldn't need a lot of enhancement. If they want to show off their beef, and make damn sure you taste it, they're not going to let you slather your burger in a bunch of overpowering condiments. Tomato and onion are fine, and cheese is probably superfluous.

>> No.10701384


>> No.10701405

Except this is retarded and beef is the least important thing on a burger.
Any room-temp IQ fag can figure out that the secret to making good hamburger beef is to make multiple thin patties.
The difference between a passable burger and a good burger is the quality of the lettuce, cheese, pickle, tomato, onion, etc.

>tfw the owner of the award winning burger joint down the way dies of a heart attack.

Also, having cutesy rules is completely inseparable from a restaurant being utter shit; even in the miraculously unlikely event the food is good, you still pointlessly worsened it by pointing out that it was made by a complete faggot.

>> No.10701427

In Vermont we call this a "Hot Bernie"

>> No.10701438
File: 42 KB, 750x393, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beef is the least important thing on a burger.

>> No.10701452

Show me your weaponized ketchup

>> No.10701473

>Any room-temp IQ fag can figure out that the secret to making good hamburger beef is to make multiple thin patties.

You're an idiot.

>> No.10701486

Yeah, I guess it's just a coincidence that that's how every good burger joint makes them.

>> No.10701497

You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.10701512

Jesus tapdancing Christ, how the fuck do you manage with such levels of retardation?

>> No.10701673
File: 163 KB, 1150x720, yikesforme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Americans actually do this?

>> No.10702091

Real humans live in the E.U sweetie, raw pork is safe here as well dummy!

>> No.10702097

>Am*rican subhuman oragnization
Listen, I know you love samefagging, but find source from a white country, maybe? I don't let libera dictate my cooking why would I let am*rica

>> No.10702114

Pussy whore bitch cunt

>> No.10702139

>cooks secret meat in odd looking and archaic vertical grills
>serves them rare on wooden tables etched with the names of the damned
Seems alright.

>> No.10702259

I'll bet you eat 180 degree chicken too, you foodlet brainlet pleb

>> No.10702317
File: 832 KB, 252x188, 1382632941534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>etched with the names of the damned

>> No.10702374

You'll be fine with your Halal meat, Muhammad. The point is moot.

>> No.10702387


>> No.10702481

Seems like shit place to eat that relies on it's history. Reminds me of that oldest restaurant in NYC, overpriced, overhyped gargbage.

And the amount of retards in this thread is staggering. Grind your own meat and you can have a medium-rare burger patty.

>> No.10702590

you cant even get it into your mouth dumbfuck. the food fails at the first fucking obstacle to the stomach. the chef is a fucking moron, the restaurant is stupid and the owner should burn in hell

>> No.10703733

t. jack

>> No.10703783

>toast instead of buns
k mate