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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10690638 No.10690638 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any insiders here that know why????!

>> No.10690652

it's made with ground up fish snouts and buttholes

>> No.10690698

It's not chicken.

>> No.10690705

They don't touch any menu items, they prepare food with gloves on.

>> No.10690709

Because they're shithead teenagers that think they're too good to do their job.

>> No.10690719

Well I sure hope not since they call it a Filet-o-Fish
Fucking retard

>> No.10690914

For them, it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.10690960

nothing wrong with the ofish. Anything that goes in the frying vats is the least sketchy mcfood imo. The burgers that sit around in the warming trays get kind of gross, and the shake machine is disgusting.

>> No.10690995

Ive worked at MD for a year and nothing is wrong with the filet o fish sandwich. I looked into that shit site of OP pic related and it just says it's patty is stuck in the UHC for longer than 15 minutes when it officially has to be discarded for freshness. Of course the problem here is that the sites source is a FUCKING REDDITORS EXPERIENCE working at McDonald's because of his/her shit work etiquette and location. Trust me anon, McDonald's standards aren't low to serve you old food.

>> No.10691030

What does UHC stand for? Also, why is it a bad thing if the filet has been sitting out for longer than 15 minutes? Isn't it a good thing that they have some standards?

>> No.10691037

*why is it a bad thing if the filet must be thrown out if it has been sitting out for longer than 15 minutes

>> No.10691040

>aponsored ads

>> No.10691079

Universal holding cabinet(UHC). Also what I meant to say is that the article of OP pic related is that they served something past 15 minutes and never decided to toss them out and cook fresh ones as they were supposed to.

>> No.10691116

I used to order two of these with extra tartar sauce.

>> No.10692435
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>> No.10692659
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Somewhat true, worked at Mickey D's from 2008-2009 was my first job and everyone scarf'd down McChickens and Double Cheese Burgers.

Rarely did I see Fillet-o-Fish be consumed by anyone that wasn't a Boomer. On that note though, Chicken Selects were still around and still king of the Drive Thru.

>> No.10692670

They cook everything to order now so this is no longer valid.

>> No.10692696

>They cook everything to order now
I definitely have gotten stale nugs and heat lamp McDoubles in the last week.

>> No.10693887

Filet-o-fish burgers are my favourite. They could be made with squid cum for all I care.

>> No.10693949

Speaking both to you and >>10692670
that guy, franchises have very different standards. A lot will have those same standards but no enforcement of them except when corporate comes in to check.

Experience at a really nice one in a rich area, nearly every standard was enforced and we had loads of customers. The nicer ones also have the most insane special order regulars who pay the same as the standard order.

>> No.10693953

Can you give an example of an insane special order? I'm wanting to know if I'm that guy or close to being that guy.

>> No.10693972

I'm going to make you watch as I dissolve your family.

>> No.10693975

Actually make it a deep fryer.

>> No.10693980

It's not so much that it's intricate, it's that it's such a busy place and I had to do two things at once. They'll always go right to mic and machine-gun their order. A lady would always go right up and special order a mcafe iced coffee with like both syrups, extra splenda, but specifially that number of splenda. Then whipped cream. Then a happy meal with replacements for pretty much every item and no salt on the fries but light salt on the small fries, extra salt on the Large fries and a burger with a lot of substitutions and additions, almost all of them at zero extra charge. The order was always less than ten bucks and that's not even half of it. It's ok to have a special order, just not to get mad as hell when you machine gun it unprompted and get asked to repeat a few things.

Also a bunch of people getting like upwards of 50 bucks on an order and not remembering their order at confirmation but getting mad that everything is not correct when they get it. That's why the confirmation is there. This was all drive-thru.

>> No.10694054

>list of simple bullshit is too much to comprehend

This is why you work fast food. It is a bunch of simple modifications to items, not rocket science. Fucking pay attention for once in your life and do what they asked for you fucking retard

>> No.10694067


>> No.10694078

I've got a ton of vouchers for these but fish and cheese together looks gross. Is it actually worth eating?

>> No.10694081
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>worked at mcdonalds with a 50% discount
>would order 2 mcchickens for myself for $1
>would put the filet o fish in the bun instead of the mcchicken patty

>> No.10694083

itll change youre life my man :)

>> No.10694086

>he thinks normal functioning humans should be able to recognize ameriburger delicacy #7
i dont think i could name even half the items on the mcdonalds menu and to be quite honest i consider it a point of personal pride

>> No.10694106
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t. never worked food service or anything involving high volumes of colored customers

>> No.10694109

I get them without cheese and without tartar sauce. Just like college living on square fried dining hall fish filet

>> No.10694114

>m-muh $7.25 an hour job is SO DIFFICULT, you can't even understand how much skill it takes unless you've been a MCslave before!

You're a fucking retard if you work one of those jobs, i don't care how old you are. Fucking pathetic. A monkey could do your job, and probably do it better. You have like a 90% rate of fucked up orders so it couldn't get any worse.

>> No.10694123

you're supposed to get shit on, it's the incentive to stay in school and make something of yourself. it's the "stick" part of the carrot and the stick.

>> No.10694127


t. bootlickers

>> No.10694135

I like a Filly Fish sometimes. It's very soft and sometimes if I'm super hungover it's a pretty nice blandish, slightly tangy sandwich to take the edge off.

>> No.10694136

And what does that make you, mighty Mcdonald's worker? Please tell me more about the world from your pedestal of $8 an hour.

>> No.10694137

I didn’t even eat there and the layout takes a while to learn. Special requests people ask for often have a really roundabout way of putting in for the system. My issue is that people wouldn’t understand I was taking someone else’s money, making change, often changing orders already put in because the person paying changed their mind, repeating orders to that person and putting the person at the mic’s order in for the first time while also talking to them. It’s really not that much, it is manageable, but it got complicated when the person fires off their relatively complicated order and left before I could confirm. That’s not even mentioning that people do not call the menu items what they are and that so many of the similarly named items are pretty different.

I can and have worked much better jobs for much better pay. I know a lot of people just see teenagers making minimum wage and not giving a fuck, but at that location, every teenager was pretty hard-working. The abuse every one there got was almost never deserved.

>> No.10694142

All of the things you listed are your own personal limitations, not the customers' fault. If you were smarter you could handle these problems, but it you were smarter you never would have worked at a mcdonalds in the first place

>> No.10694143

you can get back at them and have fun with it. one time some guy was demanding that we had to get him his pizzas before the game of thrones season finale started. he was being a total dick about it so we wrote a bunch of spoilers on the inside of the box (co worker read all the books) and pushed it to the front of the queue so it definitely made it on time.

the next day our manager was telling us that some nerd called him to bitch about how we somehow ruined his dumb nerd show for him.

>> No.10694145

ah, the whining jobless

>> No.10694146

Have you ever had literally any other job? Ever? Doing a lot of shit quickly is not hard, nor is it even that stressful.

>> No.10694154

ah, the welfare parasite that is so overwhelmed at mcdonald's that he can't even fathom how other people do real jobs.

>> No.10694166

Teenagers really don’t have a lot of choice, especially in some towns. I know it’s very nice to feel all the abuse some people get is justified but there are varied situations and circumstances. Some of them do deserve that, some don’t. A few customers also come in with the intent to hurl abuse at someone which can frazzle a teenager.

Some people are also genuinely dumb and it doesn’t justify abusing them in my opinion.

>> No.10694176

i've never worked in fast food btw, i manage an upscale restaurant. wasn't implying fast food is hard, stressful, or overwhelming. dealing with the kinds of people who make elaborate special orders is always annoying, and the more cheapass they are the more demeaning it is to put up with. nobody should work at mcdonalds if they have an option, but i'm not cool enough to pretend it's not a soul-crushing, unsatisfying, depressing job. keep on being cool kids

>> No.10694534

>light salt on the small fries, extra salt on the Large fries


>> No.10694539

It's the secret they don't want you to know about.

>> No.10694604
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I got a fish McGriddle the other day and got so fucking sick. Never doing that again

>> No.10694783

t. socialist bernietard

We're not putting minimum wage at $50 an hour for you retards, stop trying

>> No.10694814
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Ok, I must ask. Why on God's green smurf did you ever think that was a good idea? Let alone the fact that you never see fish as a breakfast item anywhere, why would you think pancakes would go with fish?

>> No.10696438

Mcfish, the best seafood sandwich

>> No.10697457

mckiy d's

>> No.10698743

Made me laugh

>> No.10698782

>literal shitpost about click bait ad
>a more active thread than 90% of /ck/ threads
I love watching this board burn.

>> No.10698784

honestly, don't eat any fastfood items that aren't chicken

>> No.10699366

honestly, fuck you

i'm not starving myself just to follow some internet retards advise

>> No.10699373

>he would starve if he couldn't eat any other fast food items
anon pls

>> No.10699520

People don't get the Filet-o-Fish unless they are boomers because the McDouble and McChicken are both between $1.00-$1.50 and the Filet-o-Fish is between $3-$5 for just a sandwhich. Boomers get them because they remember back when it was a cheaper menu item and get sticker shock when they realize they just spent $6-$10 on two sandwhiches. Also it isn't as big of a part of their diet usually.

>> No.10699811

I am 20 and I get TWO filet o fishes when i make a trip to the 'arches.

I throw away all the bread on one, then I stick that patty right into the fuckin other one bro!!!!

Its fuckin sick, i call it a mcdubfish, the best fuckin fast food sandwich!

>> No.10700382

we get 2 filet o fish for $3 in nyc

also for some reason a mcdouble is 2.39 but a bacon mcdouble is just 2

>> No.10700385

oh yeah and the only reason to order a filet o fish, and the only reason they were ever added to the menu in the first place, is to eat on friday when you can't eat meat

>> No.10702224

I touch the food with my tained gloves. I grab a couple, stuff in pocket.
Jack off in restroom, come again but to station. Wear tainted gloves.
Prepare your fresh frozen food.
Literally no one will ever catch me.

>> No.10702350

If you don't recognize what it is then don't fucking post about what it is or isn't made of you vapid, uninformed, sanctimonious CUNT.

>> No.10702355

I have news for you anon.....

>> No.10703544

Imagine being this bad a person and still thinking you get to make fun of other people.

>> No.10703582

Oh look shit bait

>> No.10704043

>pic related

>> No.10704056
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You don't need insiders it is shit poison

>> No.10704057
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>> No.10704666

Because it sits there the longest before being made into a sandwich.
I worked at McDs as a teen and all the fried things go into the warmer trays too, they do not make them on demand. They keep a set # of product in the warmers at any given time based on how many sales they are projected to do but it is not an exact science. They are supposed tho throw away anything that sits for more than 1/2 an hour and make new ones but the absolutely do not. tThat fillet could be upwards of 3 hours old.

>> No.10706410
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never again

>> No.10706415

Because they aren't Catholic

>> No.10706561

t. Dumbass asspained Al/ck/ circlejerker

>> No.10708121

Its people

>> No.10708127

How soon did you get sick? If it was less than 12 hours you were probably reacting to something else.