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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10689511 No.10689511 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start.
>beef liver
>anchovies(on pizza)

>> No.10689523

Chicken heart desu

>> No.10689540

>canned fish
In America, canned tuna is considered poverty-tier and any other canned fish is considered immigrant-poverty-tier.
>stinky cheese
Especially something like limburger or cambozola or brie fermier. Americans hate this kind of stuff. I work at a restaurant and whenever someone orders something with gorgonzola cheese on it, I say, "Just to let you know, gorgonzola cheese is blue cheese." 95% of the time they fake vomit and change their order.
Americans see gin as an old people liquor. Most people describe it as tasting like soap.
>raw fish/sushi/caviar/roe
This is more prevalent of an aversion in the midwest, where I'm from. Most people in the midwest see raw fish and fish eggs as pretentious and disgusting. Once my dad tricked my mom into eating raw sushi (she thought it was cooked) and when she found out it wasn't cooked she straight up cried.

People of the midwest are fucking weird.

>> No.10689561

Herring is goddamned delicious. Wine sauce, cream sauce, sure. Jar of that and some crackers and I'm a very happy guy.

>> No.10689589

I'm from the midwest too, and I can relate to the raw fish thing. I think it's more popular amongst younger people, but I know that my mom and grandmother absolutely positively will not touch anything that isn't cooked to well done. Even when I took them both out to lunch at a small japanese restaurant all they dared to touch was the oyakodon since it had fully cooked chicken and eggs which they were used to. Which isn't a bad choice, by the way, as oyakodon is delicious, but you get what I mean.

But yeah, I never thought of that being a midwest thing. Maybe I avoided most of it by living in the capital, but there's some fuckin' weird shit there.

>> No.10689590

I tried chicken hearts once in a stew made by some Vietnamese lady at work.
I mean, it wasn't that bad, but yeah not a fan.
Seemed just way too chewy to be enjoyable.

>> No.10689614

I dont actually eat it, I braise it down almost to a paste and use it as a soup flavoring.
Osso Bucco is tits and my oxtail stocks make the best sauces.
It helps a ton that we have a farmers market with grass fed beef. I can snap up the parts that are better grassfed for nickels while the plebs and hipsters take the chuck and loin. I get liver too but thats not that unusual

>> No.10689615

Healthy foods

>> No.10689618
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Smoked baby clams from a can

>> No.10689621

>canned tuna poverty tier
In the UK that's pretty much how we all have tuna except like very rarely steaks

Herrings are great. Enjoy a good rollmop from time to time.

For me its
>hock, trotter and pigs ear
>liver, kidney, heart, intestine etc
People are squeamish about offal in the UK

Also people can be really fussy about shit like fatty meat or strong cheeses

>> No.10689623

>any other canned fish is considered immigrant-poverty-tier.

There's a signigicant upscale canned seafood market, at least where I am. Crown Prince, King Oscar, Bar Harbor, Wild Planet etc. All this stuff is way pricier than basic canned tuna.

>> No.10689626

I tried those and they were alright, but kinda chewy. Do you eat them on their own?

>> No.10689629

Not that guy, but I use them in pasta sauces. The slight smokiness is great in a white wine sauce.

>> No.10689633

That stuff may be better than bottom-shelf canned tuna, but it sure as fuck isn't "upscale".

Upscale canned seafood can cost $20....30....50 or more for a single can.

>> No.10689646

Adding seafood to white wine sauces can be great. I love cooking with mussels for that reason. Any time I'm making a sauce to go with seafood I normally end up adding mussels

>> No.10689647

I don't mean it in that way. It's the perception of it. Americans don't eat stuff like kippers, smoked oysters, cuttlefish in ink sauce, canned mackerel etc. It's canned fish so it's poverty tier in the public perception, but it's also weird so it's immigrant poverty tier.

I love me some canned fish, that's why I posted it. I wish I could buy Wild Planet stuff where I live but they don't really sell it.

>> No.10689649

>Herrings are great
I make my own. I'm a cheap ass Finn in northern Minniesoda. Catch northern pike all the time. Rather than fuck around with removing the Y bones, I cut that part of the filet out and pickle it. After a month or so, the vinegar dissolves the bones and you're left with delicious 'herring.' Tastes really good in the middle of winter.

>> No.10689655

>Adding seafood to white wine sauces can be great
Indeed. The wife has a favorite recipe where she starts with a basic white wine/light garlic sauce, adds a small amount of cream and some diced maters, then some lump crab meat. Serves it over farfalle. That's a tasty meal.

>> No.10689656

Chicken liver

>> No.10689663

the ultimate culinary pleb filter

>> No.10689704

Plebs don't know what they're missing. Mixing canned salmon, tuna and some anchovies/sardines makes great fish patty's.

>> No.10689716
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>> No.10689978

That's a really good idea for pike actually. The bones are really annoying

>> No.10689980

Pineapple pizza

>> No.10690152
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Anchovy paste
Corned Beef
Vegetable Juice

>> No.10690156
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German poorfag version. This was considered "Exotic" in the 50s.

>> No.10690388

>This was considered "Exotic" in the 50s
Because pineapple was very difficult to get.

>> No.10690507

>Corned Beef

Who doesn't like it?

>> No.10690540

me, me, it's like poor quality spam, a weird texture i'd expect from a vegetable

>> No.10690562
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What, were you eating stuff from a can? It's supposed to look like this.

>> No.10690595

regular potato chips
everybody has to be a special snowflake and get the weirdest flavor fuck that

>> No.10690675

i buy kilos of that shit and feed my dogs with em

>> No.10690687

Spam is from a can

>> No.10690689

Salad without oil or lettuce (just veggies)
Date fruit
Sparkling water
Coffee without dairy and sugar

>> No.10690784

>everybody does something
>I have to do it differently
Who's the snowflake?

>> No.10690791
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Brussels sprouts. Niggers are little balls of earthy ambrosia.

>> No.10690803

nature's meatballs

>> No.10690814
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>I like to chew farts.

>> No.10691075

Hated those until i learned you can make them actually taste good by cutting them half before cooking them.

>> No.10691098

When I worked at a bagel store I would always make a tuna sandwich with a cinnamon and raisin bagel.

Everybody else thought that was weird but it was delicious.

>> No.10691109

Try roasting them. Olive oil, salt, pepper, in the oven. Super easy but way better than boiling them. Especially if you get them just slightly charred.

>> No.10691117
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>> No.10691172
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this whole post is not only wrong, it's stupid

please stop pontificating about things you know nothing about

I thought all the Fredos were on /pol/

>> No.10691942

Most people in South Korea hate lamb.... but I'm a huge fan of lamb.

>> No.10691994

Animal hearts are delicious. Chicken hearts, Sheep heart, cow hearts all tasty

>> No.10692180

Beef heart, offal in general, 80%+ cacao chocolate

>> No.10692198

I am a glacier
you are the snowflake
now go eat your sweet n sour all dressed bbq sour cream dill pickle cajun habanero chips