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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10689731 No.10689731 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw starting my own restaurant

>> No.10689734

Good luck faggot
You'll prob kys soon

>> No.10689735

lol say goodbye to having a life until you close and having money for a long time.

>> No.10689736

Yeah but not all restaurants are successful, and probably close within the year

>> No.10689738

>unironically this

>> No.10689759

Trust me i know what im doing. Cheap labor and decent ingredients.

>t. Ivy League grad

>> No.10689763

What's the name of the restaurant?

>> No.10689764

hire me pls

>> No.10689766
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> Ivy league grad
> out of all business options picks running a restaurant

wew lad didnt know the tution is so high for apparently shitty education

>> No.10689768

BS, no Ivy League grad is dumb enough to open a restaurant

>> No.10689770
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Can I have a job pls?

>> No.10689774

I would love a fast food place where you got a cardboard box of rice and then got to pick a handful of things to put on top + a side

>> No.10689777

Would never say that here
Well run restaurants are cash cows bud

Dont think you understand how basic the restaurant business is.

>> No.10689790

Come on, say it. Don't you want to have a bunch of 4channers spouting memes while they order food? It'll be a restaurant for Anon by Anon.

>> No.10689797

well run everything is more or less cash cow. Restaurant business is hard and saturated.

Why woudn't you pick any easier or less crowded industry?

Also tell us, what name are you planning and
what type of food you are thinking of serving.

Also how u gonna finance it

>> No.10689801

Yea true, but alot of well run industries require high skill workers. Most food establishments are run by jerk off teens and burn outs. Mines a burger place, cooked fresh in front of you, financed by a bank and myself, in a super crowded shoppjng center.

>> No.10689804

just say the name dude, no one here is gonna le dox you like /b/ tards from 2008

>> No.10689806

will I be able to ask for mine medium-rare

>> No.10689811

Every nigga thinks their new business is gonna hit it big and that they've got it all figured out, everyone who failed was just dumb! Cya in bankruptcy court OP

>> No.10689813
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Please hire me for your restaurant, sir. I really need the work.

>> No.10689815

Atleast im following me dream. Enjoy sitting in ur little room jacking off to anime.

>> No.10689817

I'm a bankruptcy lawyer, I've seen a fair share of people just like you

>> No.10689822

Im sure you have. You wont see me tho. Ony thing that stings is the upfront costs and rent.

>> No.10689826
File: 9 KB, 218x231, A340F3CB-3441-4699-B6F3-C519B31D18E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, i’d relocate to be a dishwasher
no other place here in town will hire me because of fucking transphobia and ableism.

>> No.10689828

I work in corporate restructurings now so no I wont

>> No.10689830

Jokes on you, sitting in my little room jacking off to anime is my dream!

>> No.10689831

Cool. Have fun sitting in ur little cube for 30 years u rat fuck. I hate the corporate cube moles like you.

>> No.10689832

I hope you are already well off and this isn't your first big investment or a majority of your invest able capital.

>> No.10689833

Good luck, OP. Hope you are prepared for what you're getting into.

Amazing how much losers there are on this website who know they'll never achieve anything so they have to try and bring people with the courage to take a risk down. Sad little people.

>> No.10689836

If you don't know what "corporate restructurings" means (no, we don't sit in cubicles) then you're either from a broke family and/or lying about being an Ivy League graduate.

>> No.10689840


>> No.10689842

Look at how much better this guy is than all of us. We are not worthy of your righteous scorn.

>> No.10689844


>> No.10689846
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>> No.10689849

I know what it is, and yes you sit in a cube. Restructuring is a cube dweller job buddy. Stop lying

>> No.10689851

I am better than you. You are cynical loser without an ounce of motivation in your life and you get a kick out of putting people down because you are jealous.

>> No.10689852
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This thread sucks big time.

>> No.10689853
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fuck this board lately

>> No.10689856

Like Panda Express...

>> No.10689857

Nope, I'm an attorney with my own office. The lower drones sit in cubes.

>> No.10689859 [DELETED] 
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Fuck this thread.

>> No.10689861

>we don’t sit in cubes
>the lower drones sit cubes
so what is it faggot
fuck off

>> No.10689862


>> No.10689867


>> No.10689882
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based ifagbro

>> No.10689890

One of the few threads with decent info and u fags complain. Guess its back to mcshill posts

>> No.10689893

What decent info, are you fuckin high.

>> No.10689894

you won’t even tell us the name of your joint or what the menu will consist of
begone with you

>> No.10689901

Burgers. I said that scroll up. Also variety fries etc.

>> No.10689905

The lawyers don't sit in cubes and since I stated earlier that I'm a lawyer anyone who isn't a mouthbreathing retard should be able to put 2 and 2 together

>> No.10689906

Cube rat detected

>> No.10689910

After careful thread monitoring, this is guaranteed a troll. No one is this retarded. No one would just go on the internet and tell lies about starting a restaurant.

>> No.10689917


or being a bankruptcy lawyer with their own office who also has time to shit post on one of the slowest boards on 4chan? likely story

>> No.10689927

it’s a cooking board, not /v/
not unfathomable that an adult professional visits here

>> No.10689940


>> No.10690068

For me, its the mcchicken

>> No.10690116

Ivy League dropout

>> No.10690313

lol, I'm still smarter than you. You probably couldn't even get accepted.

>> No.10690322
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>> No.10690353

Good luck OP. Just wondering how it was getting a loan from the bank? My wife and I are thinking of starting a food truck in a few years after our kids are old enough for school. We both have mediocre office jobs making about 130k a year combined (not great I know) and good credit, but I've never taken out a business loan before, could you describe the process? It's been our dream for a long time to have our own business.

>> No.10690360

I went to Yale on a diversity scholarship, wh*tetoid.

>> No.10690390

Not him, but don't borrow, the debt service will suck away most of your profits. A food truck wouldn't require that much capital, surely you could scrimp a couple years and save $30,000 - $50,000 coupled with the savings you already have, right? Why give the (((bank))) most of your profit when you don't have to?

>> No.10690393

Holy cow I love role playing threads

I am a cattleboy in Texas and all my dairy funds your restaurants. I would appreciate a thank you in the form of "You Are Doings God's Work Cattleboy".

Respond to this post or your mother will wake up at 3AM to some spooky noises downstairs, find nothing, and return back to an already interrupted sleep.

>> No.10690394


>> No.10690410

You Are Doing Steers and Queers Cattleboy

>> No.10690532

Have some respect it's pride month

Better family friendly jokes are:
Why is Oklahoma so windy?
Because Texas blows

How do you tell someone is from Texas?
Wait 30 seconds they will tell you.

>> No.10691906

t. mexican making yet another taqueria in my bordertown

>> No.10691929

I was accepted. I don't like debt XD

>> No.10691951

Cool, when will you be on Kitchen Nightmares?

>> No.10693361

Its still worth the try, plus he can apply for kitchen nightmares.

>> No.10693378

calling yourself smarter than a stranger
very smart kid

>> No.10693445


>> No.10693445,2 [INTERNAL] 

My friend was just looking for this information. Thanks