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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10688754 No.10688754 [Reply] [Original]

>burns when I pee again
Why does this always happen when I take /ck/'s advice?

>> No.10688757
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because you should be taking a doctor's advice, not some do/ck/tor's advice

>> No.10688759

stop fucking your food

>> No.10688762

/ck/ became the official health board after moot realized that /fit/ was nothing but retarded bro science.

>> No.10688766

surely outdoors or sport would be better than a board full of fat girls and drug addict burger flippers shitposting on /ck/

>> No.10688772

my dick burns when I drink coffee. I was wondering if caffeine is doing this or the beans are shit

>> No.10688778

You're dehydrated or have an std or yeast infection

>> No.10688846

Happens to me too when I drink a ton of coffee without any water or food in between. Also makes me feel shitty a few hours later from the caffeine withdrawal I guess too, dunno why I never learn.

>> No.10688850

My dick burns when I jerk it till the skin around the head sloughs off and leaves a raw spot

>> No.10688877

urethritis from jackin it too much

>> No.10688886

try l-theanine for the short term withdrawal

>> No.10688900

Diet is way more important than physical fitness. Both matter obviously but it starts with what you're putting into your body.

>> No.10688908

Wierdly enough I get burning pee after I have a combination of too much sodium and spicy foods. Urine will have an unusual smell like chicken broth. I know spicy foods can tear apart an asshole but can they inflame a peehole too?

>> No.10688909
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if you're seriously coming to ck for medical advice then may god have mercy on your soul

>> No.10688993
File: 28 KB, 120x429, daves_hotsauceworld_2253_43968669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've had spicy pee once in a while, its always after too much hot sauce
pic related

>> No.10689006

Does the pee look or smell any different, OP?