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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10672096 No.10672096 [Reply] [Original]

It is literally impossible to beat chinese food. All cower in shame.

>> No.10672103


I really wish fuck-wits would stop using this term, it sounds really naff, like "look at me, I can use this complex word".
You look like a try-hard when you use this word.

>> No.10672110

>>he thinks being a tryhard is a bad thing

>> No.10672127

>stop using this term

>> No.10672156

If you don't eat it fresh you'll get sick and die slowly in your sleep tho. That's a con isn't it?.

>> No.10672166

Me Chinese, me play joke, me go pee-pee in your Coke

>> No.10672172

>soy sauce

>> No.10672177

I miss mama fu's

>> No.10672179

If you eat ching chong food without soy sauce then you fucked up kiddo.

>> No.10672201

>literally autistic

>> No.10672219


everyone knows the best chinese food is made by illegal mexicans in the kitchens

i went to an upscale restaurant in beijing and it wasn't that good

>> No.10672221

>It is literally impossible to beat chinese food. All cower in shame

With this most recent achievement, fate has, in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. The blessings of Chinese plasma stealth technology, undetectable hypersonic combat vehicles, quantum direct-current electricity, neutrino submarine detectors, gamma titanium mono crystal turbines, quantum aircraft carriers, unmanned autonomous A.I. tanks, near-space ballistic air-to-air missiles, +2km range airburst rifles, and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.

>> No.10672232

give me 2 reasons why chinese is better than thai

>> No.10672238

the only tryhard is you

>> No.10672326

eastern soy is tested and proven, western soy on the other hand is corrupted beyond repair and WILL destroy your hairline, give you rockin' tits, and fat thighs

>> No.10672358

>some stir fry with noodles and sauce
>chinese food
well ok guess I'm a pro at it

>> No.10672410

Far too many carbs and sodium.

>> No.10672414

Japanese food is everything Chinese food is but better

>> No.10672415
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Chinese is good, but Cajun beats it in almost every way.

>> No.10672418

>mutts believe this
wew this is next level

>> No.10672437
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Thai food is far superior, for the same amount of money.

>> No.10672457

the soup dosent taste like sweaty socks and chinese is cheaper and far more accesible

>> No.10672459

i-is...this autism?

>> No.10672460

>that 24 year old boomer who literally gets mad over literally nothing

>> No.10672486

literally good bait actually

>> No.10672489

>Amerimutt bastardized Chinese food

>> No.10672623

Chinese is good for a quick meal or something but Tai, Korean, Japanese, Indian etc are all superior Asian cuisines

>> No.10672641

Seething millennials turn into screeching crybabies when called out.

>> No.10672663

chinese food is disgusting. both authentic and takeout

>> No.10672686
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no. It's mayocide, and it couldn't have come any sooner.

>> No.10672707

chinese food feels no pain

>> No.10672725
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No one gets "called out" on an anonymous board, dipshit. For example, you can be a cunt just as you have in the post I quoted, then be perfectly reasonable and on topic in your next post, and no one would know. You didn't actually do anything except exhibit some of the "tryhard" qualities your previous post condemns. Literally.

>> No.10672754
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>Chinese cuisine
>dark soy sauce
>light soy sauce
>rice vinegar
>shaoxing wine
>garlic, ginger, chile peppers, pepper
>sometimes meme spices like star anise and sichuan pepper
>sometimes hoising or black bean sauce
>rice or dumpling or noodles
Is there more to it? It feels like I could cook 99% of all Chinese restaurant dishes with just these ingredients.

>> No.10672767

>Is there more to it?
Yep. You're completely missing the fermented products except for black bean sauce. Learn about Doubanjiang, tienmenjiang, etc. Those are what shitty Chinese restaurants sub MSG for.

Also learn about chinese stocks which are very different from the Western/French types. And then there's the seafood components: dried shrimp and shrimp paste. Dried scallops. Dried abalone if you have money.

Also: light & dark soy sauces are far less important than most of us tend to think for Chinese cooking.

Oh, and cornstarch slurry for finshing!

>> No.10672863
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>french cuisine
>that's literally it

>> No.10672935

This. You can't even make a lot of chink shit w/o these fermented products.
t. mex chinese restauraunt line cook who knows chink cooking inside and out

>> No.10672956
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you tell 'em, cletus!

>> No.10672963

Chinese takeout is the best and anyone who disagrees is wrong

>> No.10672966
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weekly buffet master race here

>> No.10672988

>English cuisine

>> No.10672998

good god your poor heart

>> No.10673000

Fuck you OP you made me hungry

>> No.10673007


>> No.10673021 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10673035

It's pretty good i guess. I still haven't tried the crucified rat.

>> No.10673040

He's not wrong. Enjoy your fat and carb overload.

>> No.10673041


>> No.10673042


>he literally thinks that literally is a complex word

>> No.10673065

That poster is literally retarded

>> No.10673260

That is the correct use of "your", my dude.

>> No.10673303
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>> No.10673316

being this dumb

>> No.10673396

we're talking about cuisines though, not food cultures where you eat straight up ingredients

>> No.10673536

I know this is poor bait and I shouldn't actually be replying, but "you're" isn't the correct usage, because "enjoy you are fat and carb overload" isn't correct. Neither is "yore" because that isn't even a possessive.

>> No.10673542

i needs it brotendos

>> No.10673664

1000% agree! !
my mom says i shoulda been born yellow cuz i eat so much chinese food and love it so much X D
sesame has been my favorite flavor since i was a babyXD

Mom says i came out the womb holding a sesame stick! hehehe

I also Luv the general sow chicken and sow sauce!

sooo Delicious XD

>> No.10674533

how do you make stir fry brown sauce? I just want to make some dishes that taste like they do in the restaurant but all my attempts don't taste the same.

>> No.10674625

I might as well eat plain water and rice with raw fish.

>> No.10674637

I just cook american chinese food at home. I also live right next to an asian market so I cook legit stuff too sometimes. especially when I have chinese guests
t. man who worked in american-chinese kitchen for a few years

>> No.10674838

that chinese food is fucking mcdonalds tier

>> No.10674864


Out of all the excellent chinese dishes
>Peking duck
>Cha Siu Bao
>Beggars chicken

You go with Meme express' Grease noodles? Why!?

>> No.10675411

your mom says you should have been born yellow because she's cucking your dad

>> No.10676111

tons of nip food is chinese in disguise see: ramen and gyoza

>> No.10676118
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>replying to bait

>> No.10676149
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Street shitters make the objectively best fast food. Prove me wrong, dog eaters.

>> No.10676155

How do I make takeout noodles at home? There's something in it that makes it taste very good
They're always the same at every place though

>> No.10676160

It's just stir fried noodles m8

>> No.10676162

>literally screeches at everyone on online forums

>> No.10676183

What's the deal with the pink rice?

>> No.10676190
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teem peep

>> No.10676207


>> No.10676663

So..... Panda Express?

>> No.10676726


>> No.10676942


>> No.10678349


>> No.10678401

>I really wish fuck-wits would stop using this term, it sounds really naff, like "look at me, I can use this complex word".
>You look like a try-hard when you use this word.
Nah maybe you just perceive it wrong. You got memed son. Literally is literally a word in the English language so there is literally no problem with using it.

>> No.10678403

>>>he thinks being a tryhard is a bad thing
The Jews don't want us to be tryhards. Fight back.

>If you don't eat it fresh you'll get sick and die slowly in your sleep tho. That's a con isn't it?.
Only if you have the immune system of a Jew.

>> No.10678412

At least I'm not a 20 year old boomer still on 4chan

>> No.10678492

>Amerilard cuisine
>Stolen from other countries
>Claimed as their own

>> No.10678537

>Italian cuisine
>Is that it????

>> No.10678945

>20 year old boomer
Is this some new dumb meme or just regular autism?

>> No.10679107

If you're tripping out those lo mein noodles look like worms.

>> No.10679142

I wish that I could get some Ginger Chicken where I live but I suspect I'll have to make it for myself.

>> No.10679152

Add copious amounts of MSG.

>> No.10679156

Pho iss pre iight mang

>> No.10679191

two words
gutter oil

>> No.10679289

You know it's testosterone that makes you lose your hair right?

>> No.10679342

>in our current society, everybody tries to swindle everybody else, there's nothing we can do about it
china is a hellhole and they even know it
fortunately, OP is posting westernized chinese food made in western countries, and we don't have to stress about fucking sewer oil.

>> No.10679360

time to let go bruh

>> No.10679381

Could I lose weight by eating a special fried rice once a day and nothing else?

>> No.10679385

Good Chinese food is good, but there is way too much bad Chinese out there.

>> No.10679396
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For me? I order the Almond Boneless Chicken every time. It's good fried chickun. I tried to get this chickun when I left Michigan, but no place had it, I guess it's sort of a regional thing

>> No.10679962
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Chinese food tastes good even cold. Anyone else eat the leftovers right out of the fridge?

This looks delicious. I need to stop going on /ck/ when it's too late at night to cook.

>> No.10679968
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>that 61 year old millenial that needs to ask his boomer friends to explain memes for him

>> No.10680005

Was about to post this, poo in loo food is a lot better imo

>> No.10680009

I just had the best maxipad thai last weekend that I've ever had in my life.

It was peanut infested, went to flavour country like a redneck, and was moist and delicious.

MOIST, dangerously moist compared to most brakepad thai.

>> No.10680094

get your ass back to fml thread please sir

>> No.10680144
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me think hard word bad

>> No.10680155
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Beat by japanese food

>> No.10680194
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Based, 8 bucks for this. Had leftover for breakfast next day

>> No.10680197

>panda express chow mein
it's always so bland and dry the fuck do you mean

>> No.10680242

I work there and make all the food every day. I do not understand how people want to buy this shit. We're a very busy location and get a lot of repeat customers that come in almost every day.

>> No.10680255

It's alot of constant food going out so always fresh no? What are things I should and shouldn't know about panda if I go often?

>> No.10680264

>should know
Its fucking garbage
>shouldnt know
Taco bell has higher health standards.

>> No.10680275

Slow hours vary on location but typically the hours between lunch and dinner rushes and before we close the food is always shit.
If you think you've been skimped on portions just ask for more and typically we will just give you more to make the customer happy. Also, you can usually request items to be made fresh even if we have it stocked. If they refuse then they're just rude employees.
You don't want to know what's in the sauces but I'm sure you could find out with some google searches or some common sense.
Don't donate to their charity fund

>> No.10680282

I fucking hate how cashier spams the shit out of the bell and the poor overworked employees mutter out "t-thank you". Do you never eat the food? I like the broccoli beef and string bean chicken

>> No.10680305

FUCK I hate that bell dude. We keep getting pressured by management to meet quotas for the donations, but nobody gives a fuck.

We used to bring our own food from home and use the equipment at work to cook but upper management would go ape shit because we're wasting their money via gas, electric etc even though we aren't clocked in. We were bitched at for even using the fryer which is on all fucking day anyways.

Broccoli quality a few months ago was terrible and there were a shit ton of green bugs in it so we had a lot of extra washing procedures put in place to alleviate the problem. On your end you're fine if the locations actually followed the procedures, but I can't tell you if they did or didn't. The beans in the winter are typically good and the beans in the summer are usually shit which is strange since that's opposite of their peak season.

I usually don't eat the food. If I do, I only eat vegetables and brown rice. You will gain weight. It's free though, so that's a plus I guess.

>> No.10680331

Thanks for the info anon, btw I fill out the surveys and get the free side. I go too often it's right next to work

>> No.10680351

The scores you put on that don't have any effect on the employees unless you put their name in the comments. The number you put only increases the in house scoring system that ranks locations in the area. Basically it only affects the managers and how they have to deal with upper management.

If you actually like the service you're given at the location you go to, put someone's name in there.

Also with those surveys, if you get a premium entree, make sure you make that the free entree. For example, if you want broccoli and string bean like you say you get, and you also want the new steak and shrimp, get the steak and shrimp as the third item. The premium price and the cost of the third item is removed. If its not,m the cashier did it wrong.

>> No.10680852
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>star anise

fuck you

>> No.10681345

Chinese is good ,but in my town they all use some shitty kind of i think its mushrooms but im not sure maybe even squid ,but i dont like it

>> No.10681376

>the guy that owns the Chinese place in my town retired, sold it to some mainlanders fresh off the boat
>food is terrible now, everything is just pre-cooked and reheated to order
>went there with him once (he lives across the street from me)
>food was terrible
>he just shook his head and told me
>"Let's get out here before I say something"
>went to the supermarket to buy supplies and he cooks me up some food in his backyard


>> No.10681380

This. Always do your best!!

>> No.10681392

All country's cuisines do this, America just gets singled out for it because they're one of the youngest.

>> No.10681400

That was a good, fun, wholesome meme right there.

>> No.10681407

Is this pasta or just autism?

>> No.10681439
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>literally the only one crying

>> No.10681482

>me ooga
>word booga

>> No.10681501

America is the only country that has taken every other countries food and claimed as its own. There is nothing americans eat that was invented here whereas that is not true for every other country on earth.

>> No.10682395

Anon what the fuck is the name of that dish on the bottom? I had it months ago and it was fuckin delicious but I can't remember the name for the life of me.

>> No.10683105

>posts panda express
>Chinese food
sage goes in all fields.