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File: 110 KB, 305x570, americano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10671089 No.10671089 [Reply] [Original]

do americans really do this?

>> No.10671108

What's the problem ? This looks like a nice refreshing drink.

>> No.10671114

Benny Harvey. RIP. Gone but not forgotten.

>> No.10671119

here's no problem. It's just another reason for them to obsess.

>> No.10671120

Americano is espresso with water, what the fuck is this shit

>> No.10671124

>Old fashioned glass
>Picture is clearly a highball glass

>> No.10671143

Americans, europeans, asians, africans, australians... well, basically anyone that isn't a basement dweller that only drinks mt. dew

>> No.10671157

I don’t think cocktails are a big deal in America.
They prefer beer, wine and cocktails intimidate them.

>> No.10671182

You yuropoors drink wine like fags because it’s the only decent thing made in your shithole of a country.

>> No.10671198

You do realize these shits are half the time made up. I have never seen a person order anything with a Vermouth base in a decade.

Our primary cocktails ordered are all vodka, tequila, and variations of whiskey based. This is some poor bait.

>> No.10671215

>I've never seen anyone order a Martini

I guess?

>> No.10671242

t. flyover who decides what to eat and drink based on what he considers "normal" or "not gay"

>> No.10671247

I'm an American and I drink wine

On a scale of 69-1488 how triggered are you?

>> No.10671292
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>> No.10671325


Texas is not a fly over.

At a plethora and wide variety of restaurants, bars, and hotels no, I have never seen anybody order a martini.

>> No.10671334
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>Texas is not a fly over

>> No.10671337

My parents occasionally do, but always at home. Ordering cocktails at a restaurant is a meme.

>> No.10671351

I worked at the second largest liquor distributor in my state. We very rarely sold vermouth to restaurants. Only the "classy" places ever ordered it, and even then, not that much.

>> No.10671385

I noticed that too
I've never heard of this drink.

>> No.10671395

I've never seen a stranger order one, but I have a friend who does. They really aren't that common, I don't think.

>> No.10671401

You probably don't sell much sake either, and yet, sake bars exist. Izakayas exist. Etc. And they are popular.

The great thing about living in a non-flyover place is that it's actually normal to sometimes enjoy something that, statistically speaking, isn't "normal".

So yeah, we're not sitting here chugging Boissiere Extra Dry with every meal, but I would be shocked if any functional adult thought vermouth was obscure or weird. Most people have it a couple of times a year at a minimum.

It's the same with food in general, it's not "normal" to have say, pho or dosas or any other specific food 7 days a week, but at the same time, it's very abnormal to run into someone who thinks these are made up fantasy foods that are only consumed by actors on television to put on airs

>> No.10671417

So it's a Negroni made with soda water instead of gin.

Sounds refreshing as fuck on a hot day.

>> No.10671423

I don't know where the fuck you think you live that is so special that you think people would think that other people would view Vietnamese or Indian as exotic, but you need to pull the stick out of your ass. There's probably at least 3 dozen pho restaurants in my city and we still rarely sell vermouth. It's not fashionable, and honestly, not very tasty. That's why no one fucking buys it. Go look at a cocktail guide from a century ago and see how many drinks had shit like raw egg or raw oyster in them, and that isn't something anyone does, outside of some place with a gimmick. And we didn't sell Sake, as you could get that in grocery stores, but we had people come in all the time asking for it. Liquor laws are weird, so in my state Vermouth and liquor was not allowed to be sold in grocery stores, but wine and beer isn't allowed to be sold in liquor stores.

>> No.10671427

>*Holds up spork*

>> No.10671432

My god, look how mad you are because I mentioned pho. The whole point of the example is that pho is NOT obscure, despite not being something that people are eating 7 days a week.

The fact that you think vermouth is some kind of old timey gimmick speaks volumes.

>> No.10671447

Wow, you have absolute zero argument, and can't do anything but talk shit. How miserable is your life? You are fucking wrong, multiple people step in to tell you your wrong, and you continue to assume you are right in spite of it. You must be some faggot from SoCal.

>> No.10671488

Yes, the fact that I've had vermouth at a bar in my lifetime is a vicious attack on your Texan pride. Also, I like how Texans think that everyone they disagree with must be from California.

>> No.10671519

I'm not the queer from TX, you literal retard. And your shit taste doesn't represent national trends. Pick up a Market Watch or something and see that vermouth doesn't fucking sell. And it's apparent that you are from CA because of your massive amount of pretentious faggotry, it doesn't take a butthurt texan to see it.

>> No.10671522

Actually, you have no argument, just allegory. Your state isn't representative of an entire country.
The pub I work at goes through two cases of vermouth a week, therefore the whole country does too, right?
You can't make a martini or manhattan without vermouth.

>> No.10671526

Not even a Texan here but Texas is definitely not a flyover State

>> No.10671536

>I'm not the queer from TX
You're doing an excellent impression of one either way
Or a negroni, the memiest meme beverage in the last 10 years. I guess flyovers haven't heard of them yet.
Have a (you)

>> No.10671537

Never heard of this. I don't drink alcohol, though, so I'd never have this

>> No.10671541

Thanks for your input.

>> No.10671547

what an insufferable faggot

>> No.10671669

californians make better wine than frogs (not cheaper, tho)
all the good distilled shit is made anywhere else but the USA

you have it all wrong, little fag

>> No.10671677

nah, it's just a drug bypass state

>> No.10671682

>not ordering something with vermouth before eating and a digestive cocktail after

oh yeah, right, it's not worth it in fast food joints disguised as fine dinning

>> No.10671731

23 y/o here.
Literally the ONLY people i see drinking vermouth is my grandpa when we go to the old spaghetti factory or my dad when he needs to put up with my grandparents lol. Times are changing, old man.

>> No.10671791

t.soylent chugging millennial who can’t use non-velcro shoes without help from youtube

>> No.10671798

California doesn’t even make the best wine in the US, let alone compared to france
Try actually drinking wine for once instead of learning about it from hollywood comedy films

>> No.10671839

A cocktail bearing the same name??

>> No.10671898

I find that extremely hard to believe unless you're a cook or dishwasher that doesn't actually interact with guests or take/see bar orders.
I work in a decent restaurant in a flyover city full of nogs and people still order martinis all the time, it's a classic cocktail.

I can't imagine where on earth you would be where no one ever orders a martini.

>> No.10671913

Texas is third coast

>> No.10671936

you do realise the drink was invented and popularized in italy...right?

>> No.10671953
File: 900 KB, 1080x1186, Screenshot_20180427-042756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans do this, and classify it as this

>> No.10671960

>do americans really do this?

I am so tired of hearing this. America is the largest and most populated country in the world, of course there will be some dumbasses who do random stupid shit

>> No.10671963

negroni is better, so at least not this American

>> No.10672011

and the negroni is a version of an americano

>> No.10672041

>I work in a decent restaurant
Reminder that most of this board thinks Chipotle is fine dining and gets triggered over $2 guacamole

>> No.10672277
File: 181 KB, 593x403, 289A57C3-EAAE-4ECB-A0BC-119AAE7594D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>type: ravioli

>> No.10672324

You should consider drowning yourself in vermouth, you turbo autist.

>> No.10672423

>Texas is not a flyover

You're right, sometimes I have to land in Houston for as long as one hour to change planes on the way to somewhere not shit.

>> No.10672435

Kids who had lazy parents always ate these at lunch I remember

>> No.10672534
File: 37 KB, 400x473, typical-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do americans really…

>> No.10672537

>Austin is not a flyover
Ftfy. The rest of TX looks and smells like a stockyard full of cowshit.

>> No.10672939

>america is the largest country in the world
>america is the most populated country in the world

>> No.10673252

>hey look, it's the fag from CA again with his shit opinions

>> No.10673276

I was never from California, and that's someone else

>> No.10673604

>I don't know what flyover means
fucking ESL mexican cocksucker

>> No.10673613

>if I keep insisting maybe they'll accept me
No, but keep trying. It's funny.

>> No.10674198

ITT a bunch of faggots who think anything that isn't a Jack and Coke or Long Island Iced Tea is obscure or exotic.

It has a similar origin as the espresso drink in that it was popular in Italt with American tourists.

>> No.10675047

I don't understand long island iced tea

8 fucking ingredients and it amounts to a massive liquor sour, seems like something only pensioners would drink to get obliterated at a resort, especially since I've never once heard it mentioned in a cocktail thread or any other situation

>> No.10675075

It's a drink for middle aged women to get massively fucked up without having to do shots. It's also a drink loved by "by me a drink girls" in certain vacation spots because they can be expensive. Pretty much a bar will hire a bunch of hookers to walk around and ask men to buy them drinks. The bartender gives them a giant glass of water but you still get charged for the drink.

>> No.10675077

American invented cocktails, fuckshit.

>> No.10675134

haha, women are awesome. It's funny how they can trick men all the time.

>> No.10675140

I'm picturing winemoms ordering 2 long island iced tea each and giggling about how they're so wasted off 2 drinks as annoying feminine purity signalling when they know full well each one is 5 drinks at 40 proof

>> No.10675167

They are for getting obliterated same as Irish trash cans. Thats why you really don't see them ordered often.

>> No.10675179

>I don't understand long island iced tea
Huh? But you do:
>8 fucking ingredients and it amounts to a massive liquor sour
>drink to get obliterated
Also, it tastes nice.
And what is it with that fucking incel obsession over women again? Yes, it's a high-proof drink that you can't really taste its power, but if you like it, go for it, no matter your gender and if you don't - stop obsessing over it.
Fucking insecure soyboys, the lot of you.

>> No.10675198

Pfff, don't you have something better to do than post on 4chan such as having sex with women?

You'll never get your virginity back, anon

>> No.10675218

Masculinity isn't about doing what you want when you want. Never has been. It is about stability.

>> No.10675296

>Masculinity isn't about doing what you want when you want.

>> No.10675313

>Texas is not a fly over.
Texas and Illinois are 5'11 king of the flyovers.

>> No.10675341

thanks for flying United bruh

>> No.10675554 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 400x400, QIMlKIBn_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


americano in this case means slightly bitter, its an italian drink .

>> No.10675653

Welcome to /ck/, we're still getting over bell peppers

>> No.10675722

sfw board, son

>> No.10675740

other way round

>> No.10675766
File: 21 KB, 700x700, DpQ9YJl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not according to wikipedia it isn't

>> No.10676385

You make a good point. The younger folk here probably have no older friends and just drink what's popular. Even I have some vermouth in my cabinet and I rarely touch it.

>> No.10676393

Strangely enough New York wines are pretty good

>> No.10676418

The finger lakes ones are good. Long island wine is a scam

>> No.10676761


I like a really dirty dry martini. I'm only 32. You'll be shit talking all the older people about their tastes in alcohol, but you're probably also only drinking faggy sugar cocktails that are watered down. It's like the assholes that call someone that enjoys a quality beer a hipster then go home and drink bud light thinking you're patrician.

>> No.10676805

I need him to be serious about this. I need him to be this retarded. Fuck that's fantastic, how is it possible to be this stupid?

>> No.10676820

Miss ya big man.

>> No.10676830

yeah. it's gross but people do it. i work in a restaurant and i've seen people drink shit like straight chambord, or luxardo and bitters. some people like gross shit.

>> No.10676870

>drinks with raw egg are not tasty

hold up son a Ramos gin fizz begs to differ