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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10668647 No.10668647 [Reply] [Original]

I love White Castle burgers I can eat about 15

>> No.10668683

You’re making me want to eat their stupid dumb sliders

>> No.10668684

Arby's has better sliders.

>> No.10668810

Get fucked mongoloid

>> No.10669448

Why do they put the 5 holes in the patty? Seems like a (((trick))) to give less meat

>> No.10669500

Would infer it cooks faster, cheese permeates meat better?

>> No.10669512

you're probably right.

>> No.10669521

I once ate 12 and 3 glasses of hawaiian punch then promptly threw up on the subway

worth it

>> No.10669532

I’ve never actually had a proper White Castle. I think I had their frozen ones before, but yeesh.

>> No.10669860

It cooks faster and eliminates yhe need for flipping. They cook it atop a bed of onions.

I make WC burgers at home using that method with Hawaiian King rolls for buns, 10/10 would recommend.

>> No.10670113

I mean, you are not wrong.

>> No.10670135

Do they change the onion often? Wouldn't it burn?

>> No.10670143

These lil shits worth buying frozen?

>> No.10670174

Ah yes, the evil Jewish burger cabal, trying to rip off hardworking Americans by giving them 5% less meat

>> No.10670256

Frozen ones are decent to satiate the crave, but obviously aren't quite as good as fresh. They are pretty much the same burgers just frozen, and thats how it tastes

>> No.10670300

I fucking hate the jews with a vengeance but it was just an American thing to make them cook faster under high demand back in the day.

>> No.10670431

I have never actually eaten at one desu, I saw the method on youtube ages ago and copied it. I always assumed they added the onions to the final order.

>> No.10670434

How the fuck did desu autofill? I gotta stop phoneposting on /a/.

>> No.10670435 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10670438

The onions are wet, it's water and onions. The burgers are not cooked via frying, but steaming...the onion water stays moiste and creates a steam aura which cooks both the meats and the breads via steam power

>> No.10670458
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>I saw the method on youtube ages ago and copied it.

Link or general gist of the method? Would love to try it out

>> No.10670517

Back in the day before they were west of the mississippi river, my buds drove me 8 hours to St. Louis to catch my plane for deployment to korea and I ate 16 before getting on the 15 hour flight. I kid you not, I spent half the flight in the plane's latrine shitting liquid.

>> No.10670520
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Not in the mood to find the YT link, but basically you finely dice a white or yellow onion and add a small amount of water to a preheated pan on a stove set to medium. If you're woried about adding too much to the point the onions are submerged, just use butter or olive oil instead (which I prefer since it caramelizes them nicely).

As for prepping your patties, it's easier to flatten it out on parchment paper. You want them to be relatively thin rectangle, about less than 1/4" thick. Then take a knife or pizza cutter and divide them into 3"x3" squares. Then using a toothpick or end of a wooden spoon, make 5 holes like their burgers are designes. This allows them to cook faster and more evenly.

Once the patties are assembled and the onions begin to hiss on the pan (spread them out on the pan evenly to form a consistent layer, about the same height as the patties thickness), lay out the patties atop the onions. I never time it so just keep an eye on it. It's much easier if you have a griddle since it is tricky to remove via spatula without the individual servings going everywhere.

Like I said before, go for a Kings Hawaiian roll for the buns. The mild sweetness really compliments it.

>> No.10670523

Ended up typing out waaaaay more than expected. Hope this helps.

>> No.10670582
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Thanks senpai. No White castles around here, so much obliged.

>> No.10670777

If I keep eating 10 sliders a day will I die.
I'm addicted and have been eating them for a couple weeks now.
I'm slim and exercise a little.

>> No.10670822

You typed t_b_h, which is wordfiltered to desu here for some homosexual reason

>> No.10670882

I don't know but to me they do not taste nearly as good as the fresh ones you buy at the restaurant. The frozen ones are still good for a quick meal but to me the fresh ones are many times better. The frozen ones somehow lose much of the taste. I would compare it to a tasty ice cream cone you get from the truck with sprinkles or maybe chocolate covering becoming just a generic brand vanilla ice cream from the supermarket. Not a really good brand either just a plain generic one. It might still taste good but it is not going to be anywhere near as good as that ice cream truck ice cream.

>> No.10671323

They're so small my 8 year old can eat 15.
Malet burgers for soyboys,

>> No.10671424

because about 2-3 years ago t b h, s m h and f a m were spammed in nearly every thread on /pol/ and /tv/ it was pretty good but then the filter happened and it was even better. I still type out desu instead of tb_h because of it.

>> No.10671445

Those aren’t holes they’re indents

>> No.10672301

Obviously you didn't see what companies can do in order to save 5% on something

>> No.10672367


>> No.10672634

Are you the anon that did the OC thread on homemade white castles a while back? That was a goat thread and they looked like the real deal.

>> No.10672792

Thanks to this fucking thread I went to White Castle today and ended up taking a huge nap because it made me incredibly sleepy