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File: 12 KB, 260x194, this kills the quiznos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10667392 No.10667392 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUG were they thinking!?!

>> No.10667394

I don't know who "they" are, or what incident you are referring to. Watch less television, perhaps.

>> No.10667400

Literally Quiznos at it's peak.

Shortly afterwards they went downhill hard.

>> No.10667408

Trying to appeal to stoners.

You're fucking crazy. This ad campaign happened because Quiznos had taken a massively steep nosedive long before this.

>> No.10667409

This was the ad campaign that sealed Quiznos' death warrant. It was basically everywhere around 2003.

I don't watch any television, but I did when I was a teenager so sue me.

>> No.10667426

That's around the time I went to quiznos for the only time in my life. It wasn't good. That's probably why they went bankrupt. They went bankrupt, right? I don't really pay attention to fast food chains.

>> No.10667430


>> No.10667432

According to Google they went bankrupt though I think some still exist and I'm not sure how that works since I'm not a businessman.

>> No.10667448

Bankruptcy doesn't mean closure, it's a special status that basically puts the business into a sort of supervised restructuring and the end goal is continuity. For example pre-existing obligations can be honored or not honored, or may be renegotiated on terms more favorable to the bankrupt company. All of this takes place under outside supervision.

The idea is the debtors are likely to get a better deal in the end if they don't all go in at once screaming for blood. Like the Prisoner's Dilemma, but in reverse.

>> No.10667464

Sorry, obviously meant "creditors" there

>> No.10667465

It was the year sites like Newgrounds and YTMND and Albinoblacksheep and ebaums and SA and etc were HUGE. You gotta think Quiznoes was ahead of its time using a somewhat underground Internet video in an obscure advertisement

>> No.10667506

it worked, though, didn't it? i'd never heard of quiznos before then

>> No.10667529

Do you ever contribute anything at all or just shit up everyone else's threads?

>> No.10667537

The work of Joel Veitch was never intended for consumption by normies.

>> No.10667538

Was just thinking about this on Friday.

>> No.10667742

atleast post the video you fag


>> No.10667758

I didn't want to upset anyone by posting it.

Its very cringy and annoying.

>> No.10667767

You can't handle a little post modern art?

>> No.10667798

What's the difference between modern and post-modern sub sandwish commercials? I didn't pay attention to art.

>> No.10667817

They got a pepper bar!

>> No.10667884

You never dropped out of school, did you, Mr. Comma?

>> No.10667894

I liked the stomping communist kitties

>> No.10667928
File: 59 KB, 470x470, 1527396463413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it worked didn it?

your making a thread right now

this is free advertisement nearly a decade later

>> No.10667957

>when you meme yourself out of business

I went to quiznos one time, the fat woman wrapping the sandwiches coughed into her hand and then went back to wrapping without even changing gloves
I never returned

>> No.10667958

>he doesn’t like this masterpiece

>> No.10667968

Crusha milkshake already did this.

>> No.10667972

I went to Quizno's once and the kid making the sandwiches had a bloody nose. I think some of it dripped into my sandwich. It didn't taste good at all.

>> No.10668023

I used to work next to the building Quiznos HQ was in. At the base of the building they made a store specifically built for a Quiznos that was retardedly designed. It was a two story cube where the cooking line and manager office/store room was built in the center with all the seating/standing space on the fringes. Everyone used to stand up cramped next to an exit door during lunch. A few years after building it they closed it down because Quiznos hit hard times. Fucking lel.

>> No.10668032

>Trying to appeal to stoners.
and weird kids. I had friends in 3rd grade that were obsessed with this shit

>> No.10668045

they went backrupt doing the most recent recession, subway was still doing those 5$ footlongs and the average sub from quiznos was 9$ plus and people were struggling in general, so when they did eat out it was done with price in mind. It's a shame, because they were a better franchise then subway but their quality just didn't match their prices

>> No.10668053

They went the adult swim route
It doesn't matter, they couldn't compete with Subway on price and economies of scale, plus they expanded rapidly right before the 2008 crash

>> No.10668058

I've never had Quiznos is it any good?

>> No.10668077

If subway is the absolure bottom of the barrel for sandwhiches then quiznos is the dirt the barrel is standing on

>> No.10668104
File: 938 KB, 285x200, 1524360201579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your business model is so bad you lose to a company with a literal paedofile molester as their spokesman

>> No.10668121

Quiznos had some shitty business practices. They cut costs by leaving their freezers off at night for longer than allowed. I used to work at a shop that was a converted ex quiznos

>> No.10668163

Subway isn't THAT bad. Firehouse is better though

>> No.10668179

absolute KINO

>> No.10668195

Wait why was he arrested?
Molesting pedophiles isnt illegal is it?

>> No.10668213

t. underage faggot

This is what the internet used to be like. It's cringy now, but back then it was on par with the times. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.10668261

t. underage faggot

I was there during the first days of YTMND, and this commercial is tryhard shlock, unlike the meme Kino classics such as 'Nigga Stole my Bike!" or "Not Even Doom Music"

Do you even meme?

>> No.10668281
File: 495 KB, 650x421, Another Scorcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say's tomorrow's gonna be hotter.

>> No.10668288

"Not Even Doom Music" was one of the best things to happen. Kids nowadays don't get that their memes today are just empty shells that have been pushed by corporations. Back then it was real content creators just making stuff for fun and for community

>> No.10668297

Well the cat being killed wasn't great but as an event it was great to have been apart of it

>> No.10668300

>memes were better back in my da~y
t. 30 year old boomer

>> No.10668307

It wasn't that they were better. It was just the REASON why they were made and how they were out together that was more genuine

>> No.10668332
File: 183 KB, 640x640, 9CE2D26C-578B-4A49-8745-33A35A2E2A5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this back when the commercial was still airing on my giant digital camera

>> No.10668355

It is if those pedo are underaged, yes.

>> No.10668430

>thinks he's above television
>regularly shit posts on a anime website for preteen children

>> No.10668435

This. Quiznos was trying for memetic marketing before it was cool. Joel likely sold it to them dirt cheap considering he mostly changed the audio.

>> No.10668481

I miss b3ta.

>> No.10668488

You said you'd call sears.

>> No.10668528


>> No.10668531


>> No.10668539


>> No.10668576

>memememememememe xD
>Do you even meme?

You call other underage yet you talk like this... That's a reddit/facebook tier post and anybody who was actually alive when this quiznos commercial aired would never say that shit. No, the quiznos commercial wasn't great and was making a pretty pathetic attempt at appealing to the internet culture, but it was ahead of many in terms of making a grab at this demographic. Of course it was shunned by many, but it is a pretty accurate portrayal of the humor at the time. Today everything is a repost of a repost about some pop-culture reference but said in an ironic way to make it le epic meme xD or a variation of plebbitfrog and nolongerfeelsguy

>> No.10668715

i dont remeber this at all bht this was proably due to what

said because this looks like the same stupid shit that was on their and i enjoyed the fuck out of it but all tjat shit now is cringey and annoying as fuck.

>> No.10668757

i wasnt around for that shit cause im not a complete loser but fuck braging about being a meme hipster on an anonymous anime image board devoted to cooking what went wrong in your life?

>> No.10668867
File: 10 KB, 300x168, sunsetterretractableawning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SUN used to make our outdoor deck and patio space so HOT...

>> No.10669229
File: 38 KB, 720x960, 1450228266117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't pay attention to television or fast food? Do you want to have sex sometime?

>> No.10669256

Basically the only commercial from that era that I still quote today

>> No.10669302

rathergood was 4chan before 4chan


>> No.10669316

They have a pepper bar

>> No.10669374

Why the fuck are you so ashamed to admit you watch tv

>> No.10669466
File: 594 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180528-010543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen you passive aggressive cunt all I hear you talking about every goddamn day is this fucking air conditioning I'll call Sears as soon as you climb out of my asshole

>> No.10669493

"i'll call now"

>> No.10669509

Aside from them aping a meme this isn't really that worse from any other shitty weird ad. The fact you remember it so many years later proves it was somewhat JI'/VG

>> No.10669515

holy shit a pepper bar?

>> No.10669556

you have a stroke there mid-type, buddy?

>> No.10669590
File: 87 KB, 456x810, 9FE1778A-2BDA-4526-BBB3-663E90ABBBAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these commercials and these subs.
Fuck all you foot long sucking haters.

>> No.10669643


>> No.10669675

You literally still remember it. That's what they were thinking.

>> No.10669682


>> No.10669686

there are still quizno's around. there's one right across the street from my job that i eat at all the time. gotta get that 4" classic italian on rosemary parmesan with no onions.

>> No.10669685

>It was the year sites like Newgrounds and YTMND and Albinoblacksheep and ebaums and SA and etc were HUGE

Not even close to being true. Most people had forgot they existed at that point.

>> No.10669690

Well, it was rather good

>> No.10669695

Listen you lazy piece of figurative shit, it's hot so call the fucking company.

What the fuck are you doing right now anyways?

Just call so my literal ass crack can stop sweating.

>> No.10669697

Jesus why didn't you just ask for another sandwich?

You didn't eve have to get all fucking pissy like white ladies about it. Just say "hey can I just get another sandwich? that seems a little unsanitary."

>> No.10669703

You said a pedophile molester. By definition a child cannot be a pedophile. You're molesting pedophiles. Think before you speak.

>> No.10669710

>Kids nowadays

I'm probably your age and even to me you sound like an fucking grandpa dude. What the fuck has happened to your life? Just because you age doesn't mean you have to the start with back in my day crap

>> No.10669719

Quiznos was way better than Subway and they invented the toasted sandwich in fast food. A friend of mine owned a franchise and said they killed their owners with fees.

>> No.10669724

Memes are being put together now with a genuine reason. No monetary incentive by kids that are just as stupid as you were and are.

>> No.10669731


>> No.10669732

Not with her. I already have a girlfriend.

>> No.10669738

Something awful was 4chan before 4chan. rathergood is bullshit.

>> No.10669744

Oh kids these days

>> No.10669750

A franchise owner bitched about fees?


And they quite literally did not invent the toasted sandwich in fast food. Tuna melts were a thing long before dummy.

>> No.10669772

Lol. You are such a loser.

>> No.10669787

Slow down child. This guy owns a few franchises including a McDonalds. He just was saying the ROI for his fees was bad. Jesus.

>> No.10669799

Gen Z puke faggots, every last one of em.

>> No.10669810

>We want the AlbinoBlackSheep audience.

>> No.10669831

I remember Quizno pastrami being leaner and tougher than Subway literally scrap-meat 50% fat turned pastrami, but the latter just tasted sweeter and better mouth feel than Quizzno. And then Subway took it away and I stopped caring.

Firehouse has similar pastrami to Subway, but it's definitely a premium product over Subway - 9-10 bucks compare to 7-8.

>> No.10669851

Shill. Subway doesnt have pastrami on its regular menu.

>> No.10669893

It used to as a premium sub, retardo - read!

Nowaday I just get spicy italian and be done with it. Everything else feels so samey samey, it's rather strange.

>> No.10669969

Fucking retard

>> No.10669975

Is that former UK prime minister Gordon Brown?

>> No.10669989
File: 270 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's mr. submarine

>> No.10671202

Put it in me Scott

>> No.10671262

Reminds me of early 2000s animations

>> No.10671552

so an animation from the early 2000's reminds you of early 2000's animations?

>> No.10671664


>> No.10671831

This was literally
>L I T E R A L L Y
a genius marketing campaign that understood virality when virality wasn't even in the national lexicon. Almost every marketing/business student has this explained to them in 101/201 classes.

>> No.10671869

>This was the ad campaign that sealed Quiznos' death warrant.
This ad had nothing to do with their death. The fact that their sandwiches weren't any better than any other sandwich shop's, coupled with the fact that they were far more expensive than anyone else, is what sealed their tomb.

>> No.10671895

We have a pepper bar!

>> No.10672290

I've also heard that Quiznos is a toxic franchiser on numerous occasions. Normally, internal inspections are to maintain the brand standards by not letting quality slip. An internal inspection from QUIZNOS is to issue as many citations as possible so that corporate can (according to the franchising agreement) deny the franchisee supplies while still keeping the licencing bux rolling in.

Quiznos corporate mostly makes money by attracting neophyte franchisees and dicking them over as much as possible.

>> No.10672311

You're still talking about it aren't you?
Their advertising worked.

>> No.10672329

Kek I was just thinking the same thing.
How could a place with such a genius ad campaign that people still talk about to this day lose to a shitty sub place with fucking Jared as their spokesperson.

>> No.10672342

at the time my parents were into rathergood so they flipped their shit when this commercial came out

never actually went to quiznos though.

>> No.10673568


>> No.10673611


>> No.10673788

YTMND was peaking in 2006. In fact all of those sites were much better known and at the top of their game in the mid 2000s than the early 2000s.

>> No.10673821


Just because I remember it doesn't mean I went to Quiznos.

>No matter what the adage says not all publicity is good publicity.

>> No.10674372


>> No.10674378

The thing is things are actually radically, radically different than they were 15 years ago and beyond. After the internet became truly mainstream everything sped up exponentially.

>> No.10675517


>> No.10675542

Boy sure must be nice to spend money you dont have, then get free help and more money to get back on your feet.

>> No.10676417

I would give the Baconator

>> No.10676428

Underrated post.

>> No.10676473

Bankruptcy has different types.
A restructuring bankruptcy does NOT give you debt forgiveness or free money, it prevents you from defaulting for a small amount of time so you can "restructure" and pay off the debt entirely.

IE, Trump's Atlanta casino that went bankrupt 3 times was due to them missing payments on debts. They were "restructured" each time. Trump negotiated with the debt holder and agreed to pay a lump sum to call the debt closed.

In the third bankruptcy, Trump had to sell some of his personal property to meet the demands of the debt holders in the amount of time they required.

>> No.10676475

Nice thinly veiled Subway order thread. Now then, I'll take

Footling deluxe oven roasted chicken
Italian herb and cheese bread
Provolone cheese
Toasted, with green peppers and onions added BEFORE toasting, please
Banana peppers
Mayo, salt, pepper and oregano