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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10663949 No.10663949 [Reply] [Original]

Fruit real natural nutritious food get it into you /ck/

>> No.10663968
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Vegetables are healthier.

>> No.10663985
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>> No.10664008
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>> No.10664027
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Fruit contains sugar though.

>> No.10664723

>implying all sugars are the same
you paranoid sugarcucks are the worst

>> No.10664726

but they are

>> No.10664824

they amost are. fructose isn't much more healthy in big quantity

>> No.10664854

eating fruit is like going full retard

>> No.10664896

t. diabetic fatshit

>> No.10664957
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This is true, but sugar in isolation regardless of the form consumed isn't bad for you other than being an empty calorie. Eating a bag of pure refined Domino's with a spoon isn't going to hurt you, but mixing it with heavy cream in shakes/starbucks drinks, butter to make frosting or plus eggs to make pastries, and frying them to make doughnuts will. It's the package of other junk sugar typically is consumed in that matters. Fruit-delivers sugar as a package along with a truckload of anti-oxidants and fiber with it. No other vehicle of sweetness does. Juices stripped of the pulp and pith are just non-carbonated soda for that reason.

Sugar doesn't even give you DA BEETUS, it's specifically saturated fat molecules that dam up the inside receptors lining your muscle cells (called: intramyocellular lipids) that make them less capable or worse completely unable to absorb insulin in the usual amounts that the pancreas puts out which causes it to overwork to compensate and become damaged over time. A flood of sugar is not a problem if your diet is low in saturated fat (this is possible if your only source of sugar are fruit packages and other complex carbs).

Keto diets that keep sugars to a minimum even if they have a lot of saturated fat in them is another way to fight DA BEETUS, but that's by reducing total blood glucose intake so the pancreas can play the game on EZ MODO. It doesn't do anything for the actual insulin resistance which creates the issue in the first place. Another way to think of it is if you ate 5 strips of bacon every day for 40 years, you'd be diabetic by your 60s even if you never ate any refined carbs or any dessert before then.

>> No.10664963

when u mix it with cream it's literally sugar with cream nigga

>> No.10665007
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Yeah, you'd be mixing sucrose with lactose. But it's isn't the lactose that is problematic but the butterfat (which by law if I remember must be a minimum 35% fat content which is why it hold peaks when whipped). Of that fat content, 68% is the saturated type split between the various fatty acids: Myristic, Palmitic, Stearic, etc.

Non-dairy creamers like Coffee-Mate are just as bad because they have almost the same amount of fat per serving, but 100% of it is saturated if anyone ever bothers to read the nutrition facts label. Those idiot vegetarians/vegans that make desserts with fancy "Raw/Unprocessed" turbinado sugar and spoonfuls of coconut oil (almost 100% saturated fat) thinking they are doing their health any favors are going to get DA BEETUS just like if they had used butter.

>> No.10665013

To be frank, saturated fat is something closer to my own miracle medicine.

>> No.10665143
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fruit has simple sugar

>> No.10665146
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>> No.10665150
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>> No.10665154
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