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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10660179 No.10660179 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there lots of kebab takeaways in america? Do they even know what they are missing out on? Doner meat pizzas from these places are literally god tier delicious.

>> No.10660194

Are all anglo women ugly?

>> No.10660216

You only think kebab takeaway places are good because you don't know what you're missing out on.

>> No.10660233

There are in Detroit. There are too many so I gravitate towards the upscale Mediterranean dining these days because sanitation and quality have become an issue.

>> No.10660249

yep, check out the halal carts in midtown nyc

locals view them as last-resort trash food, while flyovers go crazy over it because they’ve never seen food that wasn’t from McDonalds or Cheesecake Factory

>> No.10660251

>>>10660179 (OP)
>You only think kebab takeaway places are good because you don't know what you're missing out on.
In a free market society, where entrepreneurship is so damn easy, if it were best, it would be everywhere. But, it's not.

Blame delicious italian, mexican and south american food for being the niche ethnic food that is more craveworthy. There is schwarma and whole meat isreali, lebanese and the like. Americans look more to the next new thing to come to town, from the bubble tea or vietnamese pho or whatever burger joint memes next.

When I was a child in the 80s, there were gyro places everywhere like the Golden Greek, in every mall, and that never morphed into the minus-pork kind of arab restaurants, just fell out of favor or replaced by falafel and schwarma places doing the whole chicken and beef shishkabobs, ie more on the menu. Living in D.C., it is about the good foreign food, and then whatever is open late. Even there, doner kabob is not a thing. It has inferior sauces. If you want a fancy pizza, it wouldn't be ground up crap meat but fire roasted crust and more expensive cheeses and toppings, not a bad pizza topped with fried foods.

>> No.10660252

There are lots of greek, mediterranean, and middle eastern places here in Vegas though Mexican and Asian are more popular.

>> No.10660257

show me ONE cute british girl that's not a famous celebrity

>> No.10660259

only the kind that would stuff their faces with doner

>> No.10660260


the carts uptown are good, though.

>> No.10660267

It can't be done.

>> No.10660279
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The one in the middle

>> No.10660301

only acceptable because caked in makeup though

>> No.10660303

She aint wearing that much makeup lad

>> No.10660309

christ the fucking state of that

>> No.10660316

lmao she has such a weak jaw, she looks good at that angle, I guarantee she goes down at least 2 points at any other angle

>> No.10660317

a-are you being serious?

>> No.10660331
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>mrw some ponce talks shit about our slags

>> No.10660337
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>> No.10660340


>> No.10660344




>> No.10660353
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Back to r*ddit newfriend

>> No.10660380

Got fucked by a Halal cart yesterday up the street the 9/11 memorial. Wanted something fast and cheap, and possibly tasty.

It ended up being $28 for 2 gyros and 2 waters, and only kind of tasty. Fucking guy didn't give back the $2 in change.

>> No.10660396
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kebab is just a giant skewer desu

>> No.10660402

I see they let chavs into Ascot now.

>> No.10660408

because we don't import millions of muslims a year and we prefer the superior taco and gyro

>> No.10660412

All those beaners are just going to cause trouble though.

>> No.10660414

i hate you so much. you are everything wrong with this fucking board

>> No.10660425

Amerimutt call it shwarma and it is a high end food item there

>> No.10660426

most just want to work while your muslims are there to rape your benefits and women, while killing all white people

>> No.10660436


Mexicans at least drink beer, fuck women their own age, have slutty ass girls that don't cover themselves head to toe, eat pork, and don't commit suicide or engage in cultural warfare.

Yeah they bring some crime to certain communities, but so does every other ethnic minority.

>> No.10660468
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>> No.10660473

Is he okay?

>> No.10660491

as someone from ascot i can tell you they have always let chavs into ascot but they never show it on the broadcasts
the highstreet is a fucking fight club and the fucking traffic is the single biggest piece of shit ever

>> No.10660504

And most of them are good ol Christian boys.

>> No.10660533

Bc they are all overweight

>> No.10660536

If Britain were to suddenly sink into the sea, would anything of value be lost?

>> No.10660541

Financial capital of the world, lad.

>> No.10660552

she's a slav, probably polish

>> No.10660562

I dunno if ur being sarcastic

>> No.10660578

it's too spicy for american wh*tes, even the halifax variant Donair would be too spicy for them

>> No.10660582
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>this is what teaboos actually believe

>> No.10660609

no, they aren’t

>> No.10660615

Europe succeeded in at least somewhat taming the brown population in the New World. The same cannot be said for the Old.

>> No.10660618

sorry about that. should have gone to the food court in the world financial center

>> No.10660620
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welcome to jew yawk faggot

>> No.10660625

You should have reported him. They legally have to post their prices now.

>> No.10660641

>america, until recently, did not post prices and people could just charge whatever they want whenever they want for the same product

is this why feminists kept complaining about how their food is more expensive and shit? was this actually the case that women pay twice as much for the same goods and services, and whites pay ten times as much at ethnic stores and restaurants? america is such a bizarre place. someone should bomb it

>> No.10660646

It was literally only a problem in Jew York.

>> No.10660655

>it was literally only a problem in one of the largest and most representative, even if only by culture and not by population, cities in america

you may as well say "it was only Toronto that did this, don't shit on Canada for it please"

the middle east and africa weren't such dire shitholes until after WWI broke up a lot of middle eastern tribes along arbitrary lines that promoted conflict, and sucked superpowers' support out of africa by those countries giving them by trading them amongst eachother to give the worst deals possible

>> No.10660663

Ok enough to drink another ten pints.

>> No.10660699

Let me rephrase. It was only a problem in Jew York among the shitskin street cart owners who shouldn't have been allowed into the country to begin with, and it was always considered fraud. They're cracking down on it now, but only retards/tourists fall for it anyway. Why would you pay for something without knowing the price?

>> No.10660859
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>> No.10660861
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>Why would you pay for something without knowing the price?
because americans, especially american tourists, are stupid

>> No.10660898

>toronto represents canadian culture
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, well I bet in your head it was a good point

>> No.10660940

English women are sows

>> No.10661196

Bit racist

>> No.10661253

why is this photo depressing to look at>?

>> No.10661258

Even though they are sluts none of them will ever look at you without disgust in their eyes

>> No.10661260

low color values

>> No.10661264

The traditional Arabic food in Michigan is unironically better than Italian and surely Mexican food, which may as well be fast food tier. Seriously man you would be floored if you tried some real Arabic restaurant.

>> No.10661273

New Yorker here, I used to love those and now I think they're gross. I especially hate the Halal Guys one.

I get halal cart food sometimes when I'm drunk and it's 4AM and usually regret it and wish I got even McDonald's instead

>> No.10661279

Meghan Markle

>> No.10661294

Have you ever had proper Mexican food?

>> No.10661314

I don't know if this is true Middle Eastern food, but the halal food from the carts in NYC is fucking nasty. I would much rather have tacos

>> No.10661344

Fucking exactly. Just by not being Muslims they're far better, plus I genuinely like them for the most part.

I don't hate Muslims, but I feel like I could never really be friends with an observant Muslim person.

>> No.10661346

yes, most british women are butt ugly due to the inbreeding

>> No.10661362

Because fuck your kebab bullshit you muslim fuck

>> No.10661381

I love slags if for no other reason I lost my virginity to them. Thank god for them being easy.

Stop sucking so much dicks anon, kebab is delicious.

>> No.10661387
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>> No.10661412

Small island, small gene pool.

>> No.10661415
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>that 31 year old boomer who thinks an upscale restaurant will let a juggalo in

>> No.10661453

honestly and unironically this. at least in paris and outside london. kebab meat on pizza sounds like it'd be good but i'm pretty sure you can get that here anyway. there's way more middle eastern people in the united states than people realize and their food absolutely demolishes ass.

>> No.10661472

This is why half of spain and france is full of Brits

>> No.10661518
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What are you implying?

>> No.10661559

Is that Kate Middleton?

>> No.10661618
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>> No.10661653


>> No.10661723

This. If only Europeans knew how good real Mexican food is

Plus Mexican cuisine allows for pork and alcohol, so it's automatically better

>> No.10661725

We have spics and niggers as our metropolitan minorities instead of pakis, who never had any sort of mass immigration here

>> No.10661737

There are a lot of Pakistani and Bengali people here in New York

>> No.10662516


>> No.10662525

still way the fuck fewer than latinos and blacks

>> No.10662538

this is pretty much consent.

>> No.10662564


Can you get burritos/tacos on the way back from the bars at 3am? Or delivered to your house nearly 24/7 like? Sounds like I could handle the States if so. Pizza doesnt quite cut it

>> No.10662595

long live slags

>> No.10662611
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Thousands of years of inbreeding will do that to you.

>> No.10662620
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>> No.10662627

There was one in my neighborhood, but it closed. It's now a yogurt place.

>> No.10662632

do you think the attractive middle classes go to a kebab shop after a heavy night of degenerate drinking?

>> No.10662643

>The food truck vendor (the scammer) identifies foreign tourists (the target) that have limited English, and perhaps a confusion on currency exchange rates.

>> No.10662645

theres kebab in cambridge senpai

>> No.10662668
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anglos were a MISTAKE

>> No.10662716
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all the more reason for it to happen, island kikes

>> No.10662727

anglos are a weak species. Their empires were perhaps the shortest lived in world history, and only grand because of financing of the Jew.

The autocthonous anglo males are 5'9" and have a large frequency of dark pigment traits, but without the impressive accomplishments of the Romans and French.

Anything even remotely good associated with the anglos came from either Normans, Jews, or Scandinavian invaders. This is why their indigenous languages are literally extinct.

>> No.10662850

We do, better superior versions, you're just retarded. Best is pork gyro, that delicious pork fat cooking slowly on a rotisserie spit.
Guess the secret to those halal karts? MSG & hydrogenated fats, friend did pickups of their waste oil, told me it would coagulate into toothpaste consistency and color.
Nope, few blocks away from a muslim majority area, those guys won't even look at me funny or give two flying fucks if I go into their shops. We don't have the muslims chimping out in the US like they do in Europe.
Tried the halal karts a few times over the years, wrecked my stomach every single time.

>> No.10662960
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>Doner meat
Every time I see that I am reminded of something.

>> No.10663888


>> No.10663916

It's pronounced like dohnair, not donner

>> No.10663959

Your eating chopped up rape victims of muslim grooming gangs

>> No.10664140

Quality post friend, really top notch

>> No.10665011


>> No.10665888


>> No.10665905

>bulbous nose
hard pass

>> No.10665941

I thought it was 'dun-ner'

>> No.10666356

Depends on who is pronouncing it, a Turk or Arab, plus regional dialects.

>> No.10666364

t. incel

>> No.10666373

Paris here, kebab is garbage desu
still the cheapest fast food when you're lazy

>> No.10666375

Because the US doesn't have a significant Turkish minority. Same reason why you don't find a lot of Mexican food across Europe.

>> No.10666379
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>> No.10666393

I wish.

>> No.10666585

on the inside they are very ugly, like most everyone

>> No.10666594

Not true

>> No.10666689

It’s durnair. It’s a Turkish dish not an Arab one. Also you haven’t tried döner if you’ve only had them from a chicken shop run by an Indian (as seen in the pic) and haven’t tried it from a proper Turkish restaurant. For anyone who lives in London I strongly suggest Gökyüzü in Harringay or any other restaurant in Green Lanes

>> No.10666886

I don't even know what the word means.
Is it like a gyro?

>> No.10666926
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Hungry Anglomutt slags

>> No.10666932

Kebab just means meat that's cooked on a skewer. In this case people are using it as short for "Doner kebab" which is indeed very similar to a gyro.

>> No.10667300

every place has poor people in it anon

>> No.10667308

Not Monaco

>> No.10667322

>the human condition

>> No.10667334

I really want to drunkenly fuck the fat one with the big funbags. I think I'm going to fap to drunken British amateur porn later.

>> No.10667345

There's a burrito place near where I live that's open until 1. Their pulled pork tacos are to die for.

>> No.10667349
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>> No.10667354

are her tits down to her belly button lmao

>> No.10667357

Gyro superior.

>> No.10667504

No it's not lamb doner kebab is clearly superior

>> No.10667673

Sounds great

>> No.10667831
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Britain doesnt have kebabs worthy of the name. Like with many meme foods which end up in their machine of consumerism and fat. A british "donner" kebab is a plastic basin of textureless meat paste in long stripes piled ontop of each other together with some sad lettuce and lathered in garlic sauce.
Pic related is a real döner kebab, that you find on the continent.

>> No.10667847

There is no shortage of South Asian people in New York

>> No.10667852

Yes, it's common for taco trucks to open up near bars and stay open late.

>> No.10668046

Do Greeks have to steal other cultures’ food and slap a new name on it. They already have quite s rich history and beautiful country but what’s with this shit
Kebab means cooked on skewer
Doner means “It spins” in Turkish
Therefore DonerKebab is Spinning Kebab

>> No.10668201

yeah I find the street halal in New York to be gross, I usually regret eating it.

Latino truck food however, I find to be very good

>> No.10668221

sadly this is very true

>> No.10668375

we got memos might only be a local chain but open 24 hrs authentic mexican food nothing like carne asada frys or a burito at 2 in the mor ing