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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 938x477, 1481749088334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10657564 No.10657564 [Reply] [Original]

>drank my sisters breast milk by accident

I still want to rinse my mouth with bleach.
What is the most disgusting thing you have (accidentally) tasted?

>> No.10657581

You don't want to drink your sister's milk?! We don't cotton to freaks around here

>> No.10657583

What did it taste like OP? Was it lukewarm or cold in the fridge?

>> No.10657587
File: 66 KB, 400x400, !1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breast milk is the best. I loved fucking my wife and sucking milk out of her enlarged titties while she was still breast feeding my kid.

>> No.10657619

It was room temperature.
It tasted a bit watery, objectively not the worst but subjectively it was absolutely disgusting

>> No.10657629

So you just up and drank from a strange container filled with an unknown fluid?
Darwinism in action, everyone.

>> No.10657632

Did you gain any weight from it

>> No.10657644

>my wife
>my kid
When I hear these words and imagine applying them to my own life I literally cannot imagine ever being able to have sex again without prostitutes. Marriage is disgusting and procreation is even worse, just seeing "wife" in print is an instant boner kill

If I ever get a woman pregnant I'm going to kill her, and then myself. Logically this is the obvious answer. It would be different if there weren't draconian support laws drawn up by fucking crazy people

>> No.10657649

No I am not retarded. It was in a bottle, but my sister told me she doesnt breastfeed because there isnt enough coming out do I figured it was the powdered shit and that stuff is delicious. Well after a good sip she tells me she is her breastmilk is getting expressed biweekly so the baby can at least have some mother milk.

>> No.10657657

Sorry just because something has held together the greatest civilizations doesn't mean you can call it draconian. Open marriages and cohabitation DO NOT work.

>> No.10657668

t. Guy who can't impress women without the coins he scrapes from his cars floor mats

>> No.10657670

Gross dude

>> No.10657679

I don't think child support was mandatory in historical times, anon. you know, back before women had rights, and there was no such thing as a paternity test.

>> No.10657681

Drank my own week old piss out of a can by accident. Was naseuous the whole day.

>> No.10657693

Why did you piss in a can?

>> No.10657700

t.got their high school sweeheart preggers and now spends 90% of their mental energy trying to not look at other women

>> No.10657702

christ alive
does she know you drank it?

>> No.10657704

Why not? I used to fill up 2 liters back in the day.

>> No.10657710

are you a girl?

>> No.10657713

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.10657719

The feeling is mutual

>> No.10657728

At least use clear bottles

>> No.10657729

Yes she made me conscious about it, I knew it wasnt what I thought it was but I didnt guess it was her milk


>> No.10657739

Not that anon, but how is cohabitation really different from marriage? Marriage is a state of mind and a legal construct.

>> No.10657750

just get a fucking vasectomy. then you can both continue to live. if she does get pregnant thoug, you will know you got cucked.

>> No.10657758

I might want to procreate, just not with any woman I plan on having sex with again

I'd probably do it in another country, and string her along so she doesn't get an abortion

I do believe procreation is necessary for the perpetuation of the species, I just want as little to do with it as possible and I consider it every man's god given duty to abandon the woman

I've given up enough seats to entitled pregnant cows on the subway that I feel that I've done my part, many times over

>> No.10657768

>I consider it every man's god given duty to abandon the woman
Jesus Christ, this is disturbing. You are a fucking sociopath and it's just a matter of time before you get v&.

>> No.10657772

> it's just a matter of time before you get v&.
What on earth are you talking about? I'm going to get arrested for having wrong opinions?

>> No.10657778

You're the kind of person who is going to act on them eventually.

>> No.10657780

No one cares, sperg.

>> No.10657782

Oh no, I might get some woman pregnant in some tropical paradise and then leave her to her own devices!

What honestly do you think is going to happen, Interpol will burst into my home in the dead of night, throw me on a plane, and force me to get married in a proper Roman Catholic ceremony?

>> No.10657791

anon you need professional help and some whiskey

>> No.10657800

No, but having antisocial ideas like that means you probably have others that will get you deservedly in trouble.

>> No.10657801

I stopped keeping hard liquor around as I found I would drink too much (I was going through probably 2 750mls of this or that every month) and it was impacting my athletic progress.

I just buy wine and beer now and I don't even drink much of that. Maybe 2 bottles of wine a month and a six pack.

>> No.10657808
File: 107 KB, 730x730, 2-Live-Crew-Banned-In-the-USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I illegally downloaded an album with a "parental advisory" sticker on the album art. Good luck catching me though I'm behind 7 proxies.

Seriously though, what's your issue, are you some kind of internet preacher? You gonna tell me to read the bible now?

>> No.10657812

>someone mentions breast milk
>autist thinks this is his oppurtunity to monologue about his own life story and edgy personal opinions

>> No.10657813
File: 43 KB, 388x347, an s& hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving up seats = doing your part

>> No.10657825
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It was one comment, and Rev. Dr. Family McValues decided to turn this into his little pulpit of Jeebus and say I'm going to get dragged alive into Heck by the Devil's minions if I don't repent now.

I'm sorry people can't keep their fascism to themselves.

>> No.10657829

No, I just believe that sociopaths can't be rehabilitated and that your brain dysfunction, and therefore you, are dangerous and undesirable.
I'm far from religious and far from fascist.

>> No.10657830

You relish in the attention.

>> No.10657839
File: 56 KB, 680x472, The-headquarters-of-Mussolinis-Italian-Fascist-Party-1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not fascist
>I just want people arrested for not wanting to be trapped in a loveless marriage with a monster with stretch marks and sagging chewed up breasts and gore oozing out of her mangled gash and pretend to still be sexually attracted to her to avoid having your life ruined by barbarous financial sanctions

>> No.10657854

That's not what I even said, retard. I said that because you have fucking wacky opinions like
>If I ever get a woman pregnant I'm going to kill her, and then myself
you're probably going to end up going full incel and getting deservedly punished for being an acting sociopath. Apart from harming other people you can do whatever the fuck you want, bud.

>> No.10657859

>everyone I disagree with is an incel
I guess "terrorist" got old, didn't it

>> No.10657865

>e psychoanalysis major to the rescue!

Antinatalists being full retard and calling someone fascists for wanting to be a valid species as always.

>> No.10657867

I've been on this site since about 2006, and it's posts like these that still make me say "Jesus Christ, 4chan" out loud.

>> No.10657884


>> No.10657899

Next time OP, just get it from the source.

>> No.10657926

My dad's cum

>> No.10657931
File: 68 KB, 750x545, 1527209780874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should kill yourself now.

>> No.10658623

>it’s no t enough to give up your seat, give us half your income nw

>> No.10658976
File: 73 KB, 1100x834, a-cup-of-green-tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pee in solo cups to save water (takes like 16 gallons to flush a toilet btw) and I just pour it down the drain; had been drinking champagne and I mistook a pee cup for the champagne. Started chuggin that bitch, was nasty.

>> No.10658982

go outside and take a few laps kid, you've been online too long

>> No.10658984

pee in the toilet just dont flush until u crap wtf, no need to start pissing in cups and pouring it down the drain

>> No.10659000

that smells though.

>> No.10659003

What the fuck?

>> No.10659006

its atoilet m8 ofc it smells

>> No.10659007

My last girlfriend was a "squirter." Basically means I was gargling piss every time I ate her out. I nearly drowned when she sat on my face once.

No regrets.

>> No.10659084

Behold this unperson, dear goyim, this is our creation >>10657644

Do you see why we are the chosen people of YHWH? We have taken the APEX predator, and turned him into this.

>> No.10659088

Compare the realism on the ear to the abstractness of the eyes. Really hammers home how much of that anime crap is just stylistic.

>> No.10659104

No, it's simply a "tell" so you know she's a woman. Only women call people incel for unrelated shit, virgin got old.

I guess women can only shame men with sex related stuff, since it's the only thing they can provide.

>> No.10659128

>Stealing your child's birthright

>> No.10659130

Why is your pee green?

>> No.10659152

that's tea and is not my pee, no sir, my wee is

>> No.10659201

The Jews have done a number on you haven’t they?

>> No.10659211

I once accidentally ate a bunch of ants.

>> No.10659213

>Didn't get it strait from the source
There's your problem OP

>> No.10659274

There's nothing wrong with believing that human males should try to impregnate as many women as possible, which in turn may necessitate abandoning the woman and child. It happens all the time in nature.

>> No.10659283
File: 78 KB, 680x890, 1452616358286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10659284

Calm down Mr. Peterson.

>> No.10659285
File: 183 KB, 311x340, 1521144505117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> drank my sisters breast milk

Oh my

>> No.10659286

That's literally the opposite of Peterson's worldview you fucking idiot. Shove more hitpieces down your throat.

>> No.10659288

Calm down Mr. Peterson

>> No.10659290

Calm down Mr. Peterson.

>> No.10659293

>he fell for jewterson meme
That's right goyim, right wingers are just as bad as sjw! You have to be an enlightened centrist fedoralord at least until your race is genocided!

>> No.10659299

It is, quite literally, the complete opposite of Peterson's views. Calm down, nerds.

>> No.10659302

He's not some malicious juden you idiot he's just a normalfag.

>> No.10659305

How exactly do you accomplish something like that "on accident"?

>> No.10659306

>If he's right about almost everything but doesn't hate kikes he's the devil.

/pol/ has lost its mind in the last year. You guys used to be onto something.

>> No.10659310
File: 97 KB, 645x729, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10659312

He is a fucking jew that masturbates to soviet propaganda, his whole house is full of giant soviet drawings, he is against nationalism, and his philosophy is worthless watered down stoicism and greek classics, fuck off.

>le based jew man is right almost about everything! nevermind he ripped off ancient autors so these autors would be right and not this plagiarizing jew

Oh, yes, clean your room, amazing, never heard of. Such deep insight, nice.

>> No.10659313

Her nipples just fell in my mouth bro

>> No.10659315

>Peterson is pro-soviet
I seriously hope this is not what you're implying

>> No.10659327

>clean your room
I like how this is what you idiots latched onto because it's simple and out of context.
His point is to fix yourself before you going around trying to fix the world and criticize others. Seems like pretty sound advice to me.
And no, his ideas aren't original, no shit.

>> No.10659330

You are so fucking stupid. You know that anti-Peterson shills have been proven to operate on /pol/, right? You got shilled, retard.

>> No.10659332

>doesn't understand the metaphor of cleaning your room
>doesnt understand he only mentions cleaning your room after being asked "what can i do right now to turn my life around?" so many times

Wish I had a brainlet pic right now.

>> No.10659333

No, of course not. According to him, it's just to admire the powerful imagery.

Hahahahaha, fuck off. Of all the memes you could fall for, you fell for the "fedora for the white men with no father figure" merchant.

I don't need a jew that endorses white genocide telling you to ignore it to tell me to clean my room and ride the sjw tiger, i.e. controlled oposition. Fuck off.

>> No.10659338

place a think layer of cheap cooking oil on top
it will stop the pee smell coming up

>> No.10659340

Stop speaking in memes you loser. You're the type of person who does more harm to whites than anyone you fucking faggot. You're the ruin, the embarrassment.

>> No.10659341

>Following the advice of improving my own life is controlled opposition and bad for the white race

>> No.10659346

No, bro, only people who call for kike genocide are right.

Race is the only issue. Nothing else matters. My whole life is collapsing but at least I know about jews and niggers.

>> No.10659347


>> No.10659350

> You guys used to be onto something.

No we didn't.

>> No.10659351

Yes, a children's video game faggot is sure right about that accredited professor.

>> No.10659353

Jordan is a practicing Christian despite his doubts about the existence of a prime diety. He made a fucking lecture series on the importance of the bible and how it shaped society. How can he be a fedora

>> No.10659355

Before the bots turned /pol/ into the perfect jew boogeyman, yes we were. /pol/ is now nothing but harm for the white race.

Lead by example.

>> No.10659404

It was awful.

>> No.10659408

Her eyes are supposed to be empty retard. This manga is about a child who was recently raped and has ptsd.

>> No.10659431

Peterson in a nutshell

>> No.10659436

Yeah no shit sherlock that was the point of the video.

>> No.10659438

PTSD does not make your eyes literally empty. A depiction of PTSD in this fashion would be what is known as stylistic.

>> No.10659442

>Stylism is bad
Is that your argument?

>> No.10659443

I just read your first post again.
That IS your argument. Wow.

>> No.10659453
File: 54 KB, 640x478, joseph child support.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaks the mind of every male ever
>leaves women and simps assblasted
based chadbro

>> No.10659473

I smell a messy room >:)

>> No.10659476

>a children's video game faggot is sure right about that accredited professor.

Shit, that just makes Peterson look worse. Really shot yourself in the foot there.

>> No.10659484

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.10659492
File: 59 KB, 679x516, Argument_Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10659501

I consciously wasn't attempting to argue with you I was just calling you a moron.

>> No.10659524

Why do people like you get to have sisters but not me?

>> No.10659526

Ah yes, Jung would suggest the deep resentment harbored by the beta male is due to their constant struggle between coming to terms with their lack of social standing and attempting to distance himself from the harsh truths of reality by convincing oneself of the futility of existence on a cosmic timescale. Perhaps this lack of social standing could be corrected if beta males were given special consideration and allowed to forgo the erosive competitiveness of post-modern marxist society that wears them down in their pursuit of the prized alpha mate through the enforcement of monogamy in mainstream society.

>> No.10659581

good bait, look at all these triggered soyboys. kekkels

>> No.10659597

no you haven't

>> No.10659608

He probably has. I've been here since '09 and I've witnessed newfags get upset when I don't conform to their impression of le edgy channer.

>> No.10659614

nobody that's been around for a decade on this hellforsaken website talks like that or is surprised by that

That doesn't disturb me in the least, artistic falsehood and whatnot

>> No.10659658

>nobody that's been around for a decade on this hellforsaken website talks like that or is surprised by that

4chan isn't exclusively /pol/, /b/, /v/, /tv/, and /a/. There are a lot of normie boards on here that have a vibe similar to that of early 2000s internet forums.

>> No.10659671

Calm down Mr. Peterson

>> No.10659672

It's not surprise, it's disappointment.

>> No.10659687

Yes, the 4chan does have many normie" boards like /fit/ /adv/ and /sp/, all which have their trademark branding of autism. You'd have to have been posting on the slowest boards for years and never looked at announcements to not have heard of crazy posters like that guy.

But then were you really on 4chan since 2006 if you only went to the longue and the room with the complementary breakfast?

>> No.10659692


Also I've seen this OP at least 3 times

>> No.10659705

I used to do that. Me fucking her and sucking one teat while my daughter sucked her other teat. Then I found out I wasn't the real father and now the memory seems weird.

>> No.10659728

You should’ve replaced the balance with your seed so nobody notices.

>> No.10659775

if you don't want kids something is wrong with your manhood or self esteem. I kind of get that impression from the rest of the post. Also just get an abortion while it's legal dumbass, no need for seppuku.

>> No.10660202

alcohol, I ordered a chocolate shake and somehow they got my order wrong and gave me some sort of strong alcoholic shake
that first sip expecting some great shake and getting the taste of rubbing alcohol will stay with me the rest of my life

>> No.10660264

Drank my sister in laws breast milk

Also drank my own piss that I left in a bottle in my car for a week solid.

I left the bottle of pee in my car because I was driving through the murder capital at night without my gun and was too afraid to get out of my car. It was clear because I drink a lot of water so I thought it was water a week later

>> No.10660869

I did not expect that ending.

>> No.10661047

I once accidentally ate a cockroach in my chocolate milk. I thought it was like a huge chocolate chip or something. I later threw up and made a huge mess on my bed. Always checked what's inside my drinks ever since.

>> No.10661052

How tf do you "accidentally" drink your sisters breast milk?

>> No.10661201

>Hey anon, here's some milk
Like that

>> No.10661429



>> No.10661986

so are you reddit or a woman?

>> No.10662047
File: 61 KB, 453x668, 1525581790337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get my shit together. This is a life goal of mine.

>> No.10662100

It's based on what she eats, like any other bodily fluid.

>> No.10662110

This story is obviously fake you mong.

>> No.10662174

See I love the idea of impregnating women but like hell if I'm gonna stick around or pay for the little sprog.

I guess I was just born with the soul of a nigger.

>> No.10662185

why is this queer fanfic shit allowed on this board. come on.

>> No.10662433

no he was just giving his nee-chan a brotherly succ on the teat

>> No.10662584

Did you get it straight from the source?

>> No.10662586

fucking based

>> No.10662936


>> No.10662951

thought a maggot was a grain of rice and ate it

>> No.10662965

I did this before too

>> No.10662991

hilarious. i wish i could post shit this funny.

>> No.10664244

>im not fascist
What are you then? Theres only 2 other option, a jew or a communist faggot

>> No.10664251

you forgot nigger, nigger

>> No.10664274

I wish my sisters were hot so I could imagine sucking her tiddys
but she has a terrable personality also.

>> No.10664696

taste the paiin

>> No.10664705

>I pee in solo cups to save water
> pour it down the drain

just use the sink

>> No.10666050

soyim absolutely btfo

>> No.10666092


>> No.10666105
File: 110 KB, 390x477, 1323046342002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it for the first time a month ago (wife is due to pop any day), and it's surprisingly gross.
It tastes nothing like what I was expecting.

>> No.10666116

>I can read good.

>> No.10666252

take that

>> No.10666259

>If I ever get a woman pregnant
and go straightbto kys

>> No.10667298
File: 196 KB, 1033x953, iFL84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it is Nora

>> No.10667336


I was legitimately interested in the op's topic but of course 2 cunts need to measure their cocks about something unrelated and shit up the thread on a cooking forum when /pol/ is 2 clicks away and there's always Peterson threads there.

>> No.10667427

My guess is it would probably be slightly sweet which would make me gag. Amirite?

>> No.10667588

How do you accidentally fall face-first onto your sister's exposed nipple?

>> No.10667685

Yeah, don't count on ever having a kid since you're obviously retarded. Stick with your whores.
>I consider it every man's god given duty to abandon the woman

>> No.10667703

Dude shit happens when you live in the south.

>> No.10667709

True, true.

>> No.10667815

What the fuck is this thread

>> No.10667855

People replying to obvious bait.

>> No.10668047
File: 65 KB, 667x437, wendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not waiting 18 years and fucking her daughter too