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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10655926 No.10655926 [Reply] [Original]

>visit United States
>go to ice cream parlor
>order soft serve ice cream cone (there was no choice in size)
>it's so large, I can't believe I'm getting this much ice cream for just $4
>eat about half, feeling full, decide it's too much calorie, and I shouldn't ruin my appetite for dinner more than I already have
>throw it in the trash
>everybody in the parlor looks at me
>one old woman says to who I presume were her grandchildren that they shouldn't waste food like that

In the United States, is it normal to get publicly rebuked for not finishing food even when one was surprised with the massive serving size?

>> No.10655934

You were lucky you didn’t get lynched.

>> No.10655950

If you're splurging on empty calories just go call the way you coward

>> No.10655952

I would have told that old bitch to mind her business and then ordered another cone and dumped the whole thing in the trash in front of her

>> No.10655956

You wouldn't have done shit you fucking faggot.

>> No.10655960
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>Being wasteful is ok

>> No.10655962

And that's why you'll always be a loser.

>> No.10655965

You would've ran out crying

>> No.10655975

>$4 for some ice cream
you can buy an entire bucket for that much

>> No.10655979

You should have carried it out and threw it in an outdoor trash can

>> No.10655983

Who taught you to paint your nails? Absolutely awful.

>> No.10655987

A friend once brought up how if I don't want to finish something I just stop eating. I don't believe in being wasteful, but waste is an issue for waste management, not for my stomach. At home i can save leftovers to make future meals, at restaurants what gets leftover is usually shit, like fries or something. Softserve icecream is a lot like fries in its value.

>> No.10655995

Ice cream is usually not served that high and it is odd for people to not finish their ice cream.

Probably could buy a gallon of ice cream for $4

>> No.10656001


>> No.10656049

>woman looks at me throwing food in the trash
>touch my stomach to let her know that im full
wew lad
sensing what someone is thinking is so hard.

>> No.10656456

Larp more anon

>> No.10656498

Starving African, North Korean, Venezuelan, yada yada that ice cream and yada yada yada yada the value of money please you drippy fuck etc etc the absolute state of the upsidedownists.

>> No.10656517

>making any effort to appease some random stranger over something that isn't their business to begin with
What a fucking insecure loser.

>> No.10656567
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>(there was no choice in size)
this is where I stop believing your story. There's always an option to supersize your meals in the US.

>> No.10656596

Now that I think about it you actually can. A quart of tillamook in my store is like 4 dollars on sale or 5/6 normally

>> No.10656625

He's a tourist, he's probably in a tourist trap.

>> No.10656636 [DELETED] 

Where the hell were you that they only offered one giant size?

>> No.10656647

Where the hell were you?

>> No.10656678

Usually places only offer one size unless they have a kid's cone.

>> No.10656703

Anon, thats 3 bites + 2 more for the cone

>> No.10657177

it actually is a pretty big cultural phenomenon here to heavily discourage food waste

>> No.10657202

That's mostly a relic from boomers whose parents lived through the depression. We waste food like crazy in America.

>> No.10657223


My slav mother would always say this dumb shit, and refused to be reasoned with


>> No.10657225

You are supposed to get 2 extra cones with it then you would have ice cream for 3 people.

>> No.10657237

yes, it is a social faux pas to waste food

ironically, its not a social faux pas to eat waay more food than any human could possibly need.

americans are stupid

>> No.10657251
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Americans sell food like this to avoid paying taxes Its not meant for one person.

>> No.10657268

>Its not meant for one person
I think they forgot to tell the consumer this

>> No.10657273

>carnegie's represents typical american portion sizes

They even had like an $8 split plate charge.

>> No.10657283

Does anyone believe this actually happened?

>> No.10657286

The goyim are stupid

>> No.10657317
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>ironically, its not a social faux pas to eat waay more food than any human could possibly need.

you must be joking. with the exception of eating contents and drunken fratboys people absoloutely do look down on fat-asses who gorge themselves. it's a common topic of discussion among middle aged women:

>oh my god, did you SEE how much he ATE at that the party.

>> No.10657341

Only if the people are fat.

When you get a thin attractive person who can eat stupid amounts of food it's seen as socially acceptable.

Just look at that Asian chick who can eat 15 big macs always plastered in /ck/ threads

>> No.10657368

this would be unironically funny, go away /pol/tards

>> No.10657380
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>throw it in the trash
RIP Ice Cream

>> No.10657408

not really

>> No.10657441

who the fuck cares what any woman thinks at all on any level whatsoever?
and if that guy is gossiping about you, he's no better than a woman. your lowest tier "form of conversation" is petty and shows what you care about, what other people you'll never speak to do, and that's fucking gay

>> No.10657459

>hat Asian chick who can eat 15 big macs always plastered in /ck/ threads
I don't think this is normal or attractive

but I also am not enough of a nazi to tell her to stop doing what she clearly loves

>> No.10657467

But how would you do all that while sucking cocks nonstop for days?

>> No.10657488

>(there was no choice in size)
American here. I don't believe you.
Especially with ice cream, they always have a small size for babies/women.

>> No.10657498


Burger here. Our parents were raised by people who lived through the great depression and the dust bowl and shit, when wasting food could mean death. They passed it on to us.

>> No.10657504

>a small size for babies/women.

they should have said babies/women/anon on the sign and OP wouldn't have been so confused

when will middle America recognize the plight of the anon? Where is our parade?

>> No.10657514

I believe it for the cones if it was a super simple ice cream parlor. There were probably different cup sizes.

>> No.10657520

Now you've learned that in American ice cream parlors you always ask for the kiddie cup or specify "extra small portion". Generally it's still too much. Plus that's a waffle cone, they are a larger size than cake cones. Didn't you see what people in line were walking away with?

>> No.10657532

Waste not want not.

>> No.10657536


>> No.10657777


And unironically some fat american would have waddled right over, took it out with a look of glee on their face as they exclaim loudly 'oh boy! free food!' and proceed to eat it.

>> No.10657787
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>throw it in the trash

>> No.10657799

After visiting the U.S. I understood why they have so many fatasses. An over-abundance of food and snack choices so you never get bored, massive portions at cheap prices, and sugar, salt, and fat packed into every meal.

>> No.10657803
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autistic faggot

>> No.10657818

This story is definitely a lie. Every ice cream shop I've been to has a small size for, like 3 year olds or whatever.

>> No.10657890

Yeah, everyone knows the three gallon waffle cone is for the tykes.

>> No.10657898

This story is a lie. No ice cream parlor has one large size cone like this.

>> No.10658320

This. I keep myself on the edge of underweight, but on occasion I binge eat at the same level as any hambeast. On those occasions when that happens around people from work, they always act really jealous and ask me how I do it.

>> No.10659148

>wasting good food is ok


who cares about ice cream its just junk worthless food

>> No.10659151

So first we waste food and now we don't?

Your criticisms don't even make sense have the time.

>> No.10659157

It's rude to waste food in front of people. You should have put it in the bin outside or something

>> No.10659163

quads confirms

>> No.10659225

based and redpilled

>> No.10659554

Non-Americans aren't one person, anon, just like Americans aren't just one person.

>> No.10659599

It's either going in the toilet or in the trash. There is zero difference.

>> No.10659617
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>> No.10659621

never happened

>> No.10659627 [DELETED] 
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cooked some chicken legs up

>> No.10659631 [DELETED] 
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this one didn't end so good...

>> No.10659632
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>> No.10659633

you have to be 18 or older in order to not post stupid shit

>> No.10659636 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 660x466, forgettenleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't even cook this one i found it in my trash

>> No.10659637
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This is why I come to this board

>> No.10659638
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>> No.10659640 [DELETED] 
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i like how this one ended up, so golden and crispy mm

>> No.10659644

back when the food wasn't made out of plastic, throwing it away would most likely mean throwing away several people's fruit of labor (one person would grow, wash the strawberry, the other will put it on their cake)

When you try to do anything yourself (either grow veggies/berries or bake a complex meal) on daily basis for at least a month - you'll learn to appreciate your work (and the others')

>> No.10659646
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>> No.10659647

just imagine when they'll figure out that the poor tax legislation and unregulated "free" market was the cause of obesity on national level

>> No.10659651 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1280x720, scuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUUUuh....buuuh...butter? gold...? butttterrrr! butter! buttery butter butter... buuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHTTTERRRRR.... BUUUUUUUGGGGHHHGGERRRR. BUTTERRRRRRRR! AH WANNN,,, btter. BETTERRRR! BUTTTERRRRRERERER. BUTTER. BUUUUUUUUUTTeerrrrrrr. butter! butter! hehehehehehohohohohohhahahahah butter!

>> No.10659652
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>> No.10659653 [DELETED] 
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look at this smug piece of fucking shit.

>> No.10659655
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>> No.10659657 [DELETED] 
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look at my husband <3

>> No.10660269

>a soft serve for 4$
I hope it's good cuz that's a scam

>> No.10660274

>clearly loves
Clearly she's doing it to gain money

>> No.10660820

That’s because he’s a dude

>> No.10662556

to be fair, he didn't know it was going to be that big, so there is no real way he could have prevented the waste (other than eating it, but eating stuff when you are full is so fucking dumb)

>> No.10662569

in my country 4 dollars will get you two scoops in a small cone, so he might be in one similar to mine

>> No.10662571

This is the correct answer, everyone else crying about food wasting needs to reevaluate how they're living.
You're not fucking saving kids from starving by forcing yourself to eat every last bite of your stupid fast food meal. All you're doing is giving yourself stomach problems because making other people happy is somehow more important to you than your own bodily comfort.

>> No.10663472

it's not a specific culture phenomenon, you should avoid wasting food anyway

>> No.10663546

Where did you go for ice cream? Most parlors I go to in the US don't give me enough ice cream, I feel

>> No.10663653

>Americans sell food like this to avoid paying taxes

>> No.10663742
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>wasteful euros

>> No.10663774

It's time we taught this boy some manners.

>> No.10663804

Going to university and being forced onto a rigid meal plan (1 entree + 3 sides) made me wasteful. I bet they would have less waste if it was a buffet system.

>> No.10663990

>not freezing it for later
Euro-wasters, everyone.

>> No.10663995


>> No.10664064

look at the size of the damn thing. That thing is at least 9 inches tall if not a goddamn foot

>> No.10664207


>> No.10664368

>There is zero difference.
Cool, next time you're about to sit down for dinner just throw the entire thing in the trash instead, saves time.

>> No.10664626

i hate you for posting this and making me literally lol at something this dumb

>> No.10664644


>> No.10664682

See what other people are getting when served before you AND ORDER SOMETHING SMALLER! It is exactly rocket science.

>> No.10664688
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>> No.10665731

>things that didnt happen
Americans are horrible about wasting food and throwing away perfectly good produce. No one would have batted an eye.

>> No.10665833

It either turns to trash or shit so no it still exists in either scenario.

>> No.10666639
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>> No.10666659
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>threw away a perfectly good cone
My disgust is indescribable and this post ruined my day. We need more heroes like that old woman.

>> No.10668187

I will also reply to this post.

>> No.10668196

People are absolute gluttons when it comes to ice cream. I really don't get it. The again I'm not an ice cream guy i literally only eat it to be polite if everyone else is for desert or it's offered to me.

Ice cream is for children and fat people and adults who are still children mentally.

>> No.10668623

You really can get a literal half-gallon bucket of it for $5. Sometimes even the whole gallon. Consult any American chain grocery store. These buckets are usually bought for parties, since they're so big they'll take up too much freezer space and need to be used quickly.