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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 344 KB, 884x903, awoo_satisfied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10655681 No.10655681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wake up
>remember that al/ck/ is now being deleted on sight

>> No.10655686

Why do normalfag magapedes associate Momiji with Trump again?

>> No.10655695
File: 342 KB, 900x900, awoocrying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>fast food and race bait threads still plague /ck/

>> No.10655703
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>> No.10655704
File: 7 KB, 171x286, 1484085047019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell me where the al/ck/ general went? They are of much higher quality than the rest of this board and I would like to read them.

Thanks in advance!

>> No.10655712


Go back to fucking /r/the_donald, brainlet.

>> No.10655720

Just like back in 2013 with NEET threads on /jp/. A reflection of the current state of this website.

>> No.10655729

Who? That's the trump girl, right?
In all actuality it's just because she has a red hat and the MAGA hat is red. That's it.

>> No.10655735

gonna guess the same place where every other alcoholic related general goes where people circle jerk about their problems 24/7

the trash

>> No.10655744


>> No.10655754
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>> No.10655757
File: 29 KB, 295x366, 1512963844937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A poem from /lp/ from when they suffered similar atrocities:

Kill the jan," the people said
Dragged to the guillotine
He wept like a pussy fag
They'll need to make a page 15
To hold all these great new threads.

The blade fell, his pipe exposed
Looked on did old Niggy
Who filled his undies in delight
Jan sprayed blood; he spray shite.

Spake the Niggy:
Pussy jannies finish last as I fart turds and turdy sharts
Shitting straining every vein to fill the skies with choccy rain
Blood of nerds fuel my dark arts
You will never know my pain
Once I pry my arse apart
The Jay will never be the same

And ye who watch and even laugh
And make epic posts so brave
Which of you is man enough
To take a shit on Janny's grave?

>> No.10655830


Seconding this.
Couldn't find them on /r9k/, /s4s/, /trash/ and /soc/. I guess nobody bothers making them outside of /ck/.

>> No.10655834

Oh no maybe you'll have face the reality of being a degenerate instead of circlejerking about it in your virtual hugbox.

>> No.10655853

is al/ck/ moving to /adv/ or another board then?

>> No.10655857


I'm not an alcoholic (not yet at least), actually these threads helped me stay on the wagon while providing some interesting conversation.

>> No.10655862

>wake up
>report degenerate alcoholic anime poster
feels good

>> No.10655863
File: 407 KB, 4535x3780, 1526473129007 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts on 4chan
>claims to not be a degenerate

>> No.10655865
File: 875 KB, 2544x4000, 44A3622A-9505-41BE-BFB2-2A380FC3A0EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is now being swarmed by alcu/ck/ rapefugees
top kek

>> No.10655873

Because they're weebs who's politics are strictly antagonistic.

>> No.10655910
File: 335 KB, 900x900, awoo_hand_wringing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>remember that I can ban evade by resetting my router

>> No.10655917

As soon as you and yours stop circlejerking about how shitty the al/ck/ threads are, okay? Oh, wait...

>> No.10655929

Anon, wake up. They are shitty.

>> No.10655931

never even ban evaded

fed up with the subhumans moderating this board

been here 10 years

>> No.10655933

>Thinking 2hu is anime
>Thinking anime is a bannable offense

>> No.10655943
File: 23 KB, 852x480, 1499002598467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if don't like whiny alcoholics you're not intelligent
alcoholism speaks

>> No.10655947

waiting for them to pick a fight

i think my autism hasn't been exploited

>> No.10655986

Literally just hide the thread, faggot. But now we're gonna bitch and whine and ramble on EVERY thread until we get out general back. This is a hostage situation motherfucker.

>> No.10656000

Same thing happened 5 years ago on /jp/.

The autistic mod won.

>> No.10656003

it was one thread you fucking troglodyte, one thread you didn't even have to look at
No, you're not intelligent

>> No.10656016

all anime is the same dumb yurocuck
just weeb cartoons

>> No.10656021
File: 22 KB, 213x237, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booze threads are only fitting on this board, no other board makes sense. Why are soda threads allowed on here but booze isn't?

>> No.10656026

Because they were never actual discussions of alcohol. They were all /r9k/ level "woe is me" circlejerks.

>> No.10656031

>videogames are cartoons.

>> No.10656033

Is /deenz/ being deleted too?

>> No.10656034

So discussions about booze are okay? But not about alcoholism?

>> No.10656036

I guess, but I would wait for the mod to calm down a bit before trying that.

>> No.10656051

I will not rest until /sip/ and /deenz/ are also banned

enough with this shit

>> No.10656056
File: 16 KB, 291x329, oh boohoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you will. I've seen it happen time after time again with people that don't belong somewhere. You don't give a single shit about /ck/. You dumped your home here, and we have to accommodate, because you DESERVE it, you probably truly believe. Thing is, you only give a shit about yourself. You're whiny little children who throw a tantrum if you don't get what you want.

>hide the thread
Yeah, we could have a pedo thread here too. Just hide it, right?

Already did of course, but like with all people like you: people that don't belong somewhere, some of you start leaving the containment thread and start posting about your shit in other threads. Gotta expand the territory right? Move out those regulars and make room for your kind, right?
Same shit everytime, like clockwork. Like fucking clockwork.

It's human nature, so you need to go. Actually, you need to jump of a tall building, but just going away is enough. Go live under a bridge or something, spineless alcoholic loser.

>> No.10656061

Fully woke here, anon, al/ck/ generals are some of the realest shit on the entire internet. There's more humanity in there than in the rest of 4chan combined.

>> No.10656063

>we did nothing wrong
Yeah, you did. You moved out of your thread, now fuck off.

>> No.10656065

Jannies are d&b'ing all alcohol related threads on sight. You can't even have a discussion about whiskey or beer anymore, even if there's no drama inside. Bring this point up and you get a 3 day global ban for complaining about the "rules"
What would 4chan be without power tripping retards though

>> No.10656087

> What would 4chan be without power tripping retards though

Is it that they power trip or that they're too retarded to differentiate discussion about alcohol from shitty /r9k/ threads disguised as such?

>> No.10656089


>> No.10656090

It's the combination, unfortunately

>> No.10656095

Mods got butthurt about the alckies and now try to drive them out by deleting any thread related to their hobby. Kind of like censorship in China kek

>> No.10656105

you visit the wrong boards, cucklet

>> No.10656110

>*gets drunk and passes out*
oh no, how will we endure

>> No.10656122

>Posting pictures of an anime cat girl
What do you think that word means?

>> No.10656129

>What do you think that word means?
Around here it's a general-purpose insult. Like most terms its original meaning is long gone.

>> No.10656141

go post more jack memes on your precious board, faggot

>> No.10656184

Nah I prefer pepes and soyjacks. stay mad soyboy