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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10645653 No.10645653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why exactly were the alcohol threads banned?

>> No.10645657

because apparently cooking lifestyle doesnt belong on a cooking board
mods are faggots

>> No.10645659

go to rehab already, they did you a favor juicehead

>> No.10645661

alcohol is drink, not food
/ck/ is food board

>> No.10645664
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>cooking lifestyle

>> No.10645665

Booze advertisers bought out the mods. A bunch of money drunks is bad for business.

>> No.10645667

They weren't actually about booze. Those threads were about the misery associated with being an alcoholic. Whiny shit belongs on /r9k/

>> No.10645671

*mopey drunks

>> No.10645674

I dunno, I don't care about those threads personally but it seems unfair for the mods to suddenly disavow them without notice

>> No.10645680

They had no point

>> No.10645687
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>> No.10645692

I assumed it was this as well.

>> No.10645696

Because alcoholics deserve the /trash/

>> No.10645701

Bann the webm thread then. If offers about 1 new webm per month.

>> No.10645706

And the /sip/ general.
It's just concentrated reddit.

>> No.10645708

Not just the al/ck/ threads it's any thread related to alcohol.

>> No.10645713

There's a booze thread up right now so you're automatically wrong

>> No.10645724

For how long though?

>> No.10645725

It was the only good think on /ck/ and mods are faggots.

Fuck 4chan. /Pol/ is compromised, /biz/ is just coinshills, /b/ has gone to shit, and /diy/ is full of kids who couldn't hit a nail with a hammer to save their life.

>> No.10645729
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>> No.10645731

webm threads are an exception because they're interesting

generals are shit because it's 3 people treating a thread as if it's IRC

>> No.10645734

Always full of benders and mongs

>> No.10645738
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>> No.10645741
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>> No.10645749

It's liquid bread and can sustain a man for 45 days. It's the original Soylent.


>> No.10645754
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any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink

>> No.10645758

alcohol has electrolytes

>> No.10645760

>cooking lifestyle
Oh, you mean the depressive /r9k/-tier circle jerk including titles like "yelling at your loved ones edition"? Yeah, real Food and Cooking.
Fuck off back to whatever containment board you were exiled to, sad faggot.

>> No.10645764
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>/pol/ is compromised
top kek
stay mad salty incel

>> No.10645765

The mods are underage.

>> No.10645780
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true story

>> No.10645785

Because it's ramadan, bruzza

>> No.10645787

Those threads kept me off of booze. Where do I check now to get my daily dose of crippling alcoholic life stories?

>> No.10645788

yeah, if you ever work in the food industry you may find that atleast 50% of the back house are high functioning alcoholics.
btw real cooks hate every "home chef foodie"

>> No.10645800

This. I'm so glad they banned that shit, may it burn in hell

>> No.10645805

t. sip shill

>> No.10645822

I have nothing against there being an alchohol general and maybe the occasional random alcohol-related OP, but when there are trillions of threads with generic OPs with just different brands/drinks crowding the board.. fuck that

>> No.10645824
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It was an /r9k/ enclave within /ck/. There was no point. I auto filtered them, so the thread itself didn't bother me, but as always with a small group of people within another: they just can't stick to their own threads (or taken broader: their boards) and have the obnoxious need to be a missionary for whatever their thing is. Any criticism towards alcohol outside their thread would lead to a flame war. Also, they started posting alcoholic drinks in threads just to show people they were there. Like dogs pissing to mark their territory. Well, fuck 'm then.

This is pretty much a rule with people. I've seen forums go to shit because they tried to be nice and gave asylum to some exiled group of people who lost their own place. These "thankful refugees" started arguing their shit everywhere, the original people started leaving, and last time I checked the entire site had turned a second stormfront.

No good deed goes unpunished. Kicking them out was best, it would've only gotten worse.

>> No.10645833

I know a guy who lived of beer for two weeks for some research (or at least he claimed it was for a study)
I agree, sip is cancerous autistic circlejerk

>> No.10645844

Hold on, it's either reddit, or autistic, it can't be both.

>> No.10645864


>no jack threads allowed
>no alk threads allowed

what should my new home board be lads?

>> No.10645872

Amen to that.

>> No.10645878

Judging by your interests /b/ would be suitable you fucking clown.

>> No.10645879

a thread yesterday about summer cocktails got deleted

>> No.10645888

t. wahabbist mod
yeah talking about regional differences in wine styles = depressive self pity

>> No.10645894

mod damage control team in full effect
also talking about crypto algorithms makes you a terrorist child molester

>> No.10645901

Talking shit makes you a retard though and you are talking shit.

>> No.10645909
