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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 610x343, Proper-Cornish-pasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10641754 No.10641754 [Reply] [Original]

an obvious reminder its cornish not english cuisine

>> No.10641758

11/10 especially when paired with a nice ale
sorry, this thread getting pruned now

>> No.10641781

There's not corn in this pastry.

>> No.10641804

Bad version of fatayer.

>> No.10642120

10/10 never a bad time for one

>> No.10642126

ketchup or gravy?

>> No.10642149

Cornwall is England m8. Retired boomers buying holiday homes and learning a dead language on rosetta stone does not a distinct nation make. Pasties are great though, steak bakes etc aren't a patch on them.
If you put ketchup on a pasty I think it's legal to shoot you with a longbow

>> No.10642154

Cornwall is full of tossers, mate

>> No.10642164
File: 65 KB, 600x400, cornwall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornwall is probably the least enriched place in the UK making it the greatest place you can go to be comfy

>> No.10642170

looks nice, would sack
t. Norwegian

>> No.10642182

So instead of getting beaten and raped by shitskinned hooligans, I can get beaten and raped by whiteskinned hooligans.

>> No.10642199

no hooligans in cornwall m8 only sea, comfyness and family owned pasty shops

>> No.10642214

Sadly a lack of hooligans correlates with a lack of much else. Unless you really fucking love hills, it's a boring place to be with an average age of about 60.

>> No.10642218

I'v never had a pasty but want to try it.

>> No.10642251

its comfy af


>> No.10642262

If anyone knows where they can be found in Orange County, CA, please tell me.

I think I googled and found ONE place way the fuck out in Los Alamitos.

>> No.10642285

I'm a flyover and agree, I'd like to try a pasty but fuck all if I can find one.

>> No.10642293

I mean
It's beef, potatoes and onions in shortcrust pastry
They're not exactly regional ingredients

The classic is good but honestly I go for pork and apple or something with squash in most of the time.

>> No.10642316

They'll ship anywhere but it'll cost you

>> No.10642332

It's beef stew in a pastry pocket, you can make it yourself and it'll be just as ""''''authentic"""" as one you get in Bongistan. It's a cheap lunch of leftovers for poorfags, not some rarified haute cuisine.

>> No.10642337

theres also swede or turnip in it, its an important ingredient

no its a small scale roast dinner in pastry pocket not a beef stew you barbarian

>> No.10642353

Unless you're Berwick-Upon-Tweed

>> No.10642354

When I first moved to the County many years ago, there was a bakery in Anaheim where I could buy them fresh. They were a major food group for me.

>> No.10642363

>t. defensive poorfag
Oh, pardon the fuck out of me for getting your pocket full of last night's dinner """'''wrong""""''

>> No.10642416

fuck you it has its heritage in a mining food you ignorant 56% mutt fuck

>> No.10642441

Cornwall has been English since Uther banged Tintagel's wife and begat Arthur.
Suck it.

>> No.10642442

Yeah, it's heritage is that wives of poor working miners would put lady nights leftovers in a pastry crust so it could eaten for lunch the next day.
There's no """"wrong"""" ingredients for a pasty because it's literally whatever you have handy.
Getting snobby about a humble improvised lunch is just proof that you're a sensitive little twink who's upset at his percieved social status.

>> No.10642451

>lady nights leftovers
OK, I actually cracked myself up with that one.

>> No.10642476

>lady nights

fucking amerimutt education, you're fucking embarrasing sort yourself out

>> No.10642498

>I don't have an argument so I'm jump on a typo
You're seriously pathetic, kiddo. Go back to sucking dick at the caravan campgrounds. It's probably the only thing you'll ever be good for.

>> No.10642513

>americans cant handle banter

the fucking post. Uneducated mutt fuck

>> No.10642531

>I'm a lily kittle fairy boy and I turn my ass up for any old man who'll buy me an """'authentic""""" pasty. Tra la la la la la, please cumon my pasty before I eat it, Daddy Achmed. Mmm it's so tasty. My ancestors were conquerors and explorers but I'm happiest on my knees licking brown balls.
Well, I can't argue with such rapier wit, now can I?

>> No.10642545

nowhere sells these in america and it's killing me. I ate one nearly every day living in england. they're so fucking good.

>> No.10642546

why are americans so cringe at banter? Learn to bants and get a higher IQ and then come back mr triggered 56% amerigay. You post like a child.

>> No.10642571

This is the banter equivalent of
>I know you are but what am I?
You have provided zero actual banter and like all Englishmen are weak and ineffectual. I will slowly chuckle myself to sleep tonight as I recall the pathetic attempts of a conquored sissy to convince himself he's any better than a sack of rotting garbage while you will sornd your night catering to the depravities of repressed old men.

>> No.10642594

>Cornwall is England m8.
It is a shame what Bongs have done to Cornwall and Devonshire.

>> No.10642618

ill sleep sound at night knowing I havent lost the lottery of life by being born as an amerimutt. Sweet dreams el goblino.

>> No.10642630

Cornish pasties are great, beef and fragrant root vegetables steamed in their own juices. You are only fooling yourself though if you think Cornwall isn't English. Dead language, handful of remaining unique cultural practices, has been so for hundreds of years.

>> No.10642653

>He just keeps hammering that weak as fuck """"""comeback""""" because he can't actually banter.
I'm not joking, you really are a pathetic waste of human. You know when your parents just sort of stare off and quietly sigh? They're thinking about how much better their lives would have been if they'd drowned you as a baby.

>> No.10642726

Americans truly can't handle the bantz you are triggered af

>> No.10642746

Sure thing, kiddo.

>> No.10642793

Yeah, but Prince Harry married one.

>> No.10642810


>> No.10642817

You bet, little fella.

>> No.10642820

Adding this to my cringe folder

>> No.10642826

Seriously though, why are English men such pushovers?

>> No.10642828

adding you to my jerk folder

>> No.10642837

>be American, get shot, shart in Wal-Mart

>> No.10642847

Okay, buckaroo.

>> No.10642861

How embarrassing is it that English women are such pie-faced slags the royal family would rather accept a mixed breed American?
Answer: hilariously embarrassing

>> No.10642877
File: 2.00 MB, 316x311, Pedo Reaper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crime statistics in non-trash areas aren't bad at all. I'd rather not be burdened with regulations and take the chances.

And as I say that, where I grew up became the heroine capital of the region and a childhood friend got shot in a Walmart parking lot, well adjacent-to. Go figure. Do not go to outdoor ATMs in slum areas. Brotha behind you in a hoodie is a death sentence.

>> No.10642895
File: 167 KB, 1200x630, F41A1B3F-C197-4AA9-A586-C44DED019253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh slags

>> No.10642898

so the next queen will be American?

>> No.10642903

Cottaging is a big thing in England

>> No.10642916

No. William’s descendants are the ones that would take the throne.

>> No.10642925


and the rest of the world desu

>> No.10643031

rather have a pie. edge of pasty pastry wasnt meant to be eaten.

>> No.10644161

It's cringe that amerifats think this

>> No.10644184
File: 30 KB, 620x413, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's depressing how you can tell instantly from this photo which country it's from. Nobody would mistake this for Italy or Germany or the US. What a fucking shame.

I'm curious but I don't want to Bing it.

>> No.10644223

All food in Britain sounds like a sex act. Spotted dicks. Faggots. Etc.

Wait no. This is a sex act. Goddamnit. Do you guys do this to trick foreigners into having sex with you, or to trick foreigners into eating your food?

>> No.10644233

How does one pasty?

>> No.10644273

Put beef and potatoes in some dough, bake it, shazam it's a pasty

>> No.10644276

america is already the king of the world
what's cringy is yurobrits imagining that their embarassing vestigial """""queen""""" matters in the slightest

>> No.10644277

Give me a corn dog before a corn pastry anyday anyway

>> No.10644284

>Not a laughing stock
Fucking lol, nice one.

>> No.10644286

Triggered amerifat. Cringing so hard at this low iq post

>> No.10644287

**laughing stalk

>> No.10644288

Reminder that the Cornish Pasty actually originated in Devon.

>> No.10644291
File: 606 KB, 1080x1500, shrek snap flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10644296
File: 42 KB, 615x409, kate_middleton_teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god save the queen

>> No.10644297

Isn't corn from the Americas

>> No.10644302

Why post a Photoshop? Oh that's right you're a cringe amerifat who lives in the most hellish country on earth. Enjoy your 56%

>> No.10644308
File: 78 KB, 1920x1080, triggerdbritcucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why post a Photoshop? Oh that's right you're a cringe amerifat who lives in the most hellish country on earth. Enjoy your 56%

>> No.10644309


>> No.10644508

>American starts talking about homosexual sex

checks out.

Why are you guys obsessed with dicks, rape and 'daddies'?

>> No.10644520

>where I grew up became the heroine capital of the region and a childhood friend got shot in a Walmart parking lot
Your heroines need to get better at their jobs. I mean, I don't expect much because they're women, but come on.

>> No.10644539 [DELETED] 

Same poster here. Ironically the only heroine I knew OD'd on heroine. It'd be funny as fuck if it weren't real and didn't destroy a ton of people. You just don't escape those drugs or communities.

To make this food relevant, delivery food is all I see some of these addicts eat when they're strung out as they have trouble moving 30 feet. Some towns in the US are outright terrifying now even though we hide it. Addicts will do anything to get enough food to survive, walking to a gas station for cigarettes chips hotdogs and back to their apartment that doesn't have running water with 8 people slumming in it while they shit in the alley, waiting for 'nomad' or whatever they want to call him who has a massive supply of shit to stop them from withdrawing while they gorge on junk food. It's so goddamned depressing to ever see a white ghetto .

>> No.10644547

Amerisharts are obsessed with the BBC.

>> No.10644553
File: 1.32 MB, 4032x3016, IMG_20170916_114904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my pasty

>> No.10644561

I was gonna say this looks like fatayer, but with potatoes and swede inside.

>> No.10644562

why are you wearing pasties anon

>> No.10644677

>Come into thread expecting pasty chat
>Full of butthurt Americans angry that we have cheeses with older cultures than theirs
Anyway fuck cornish pasties, Devon pasties are where it's at.

>> No.10644703


Why do people keep posting this bizarre fake image?

>> No.10644713

they're literally the most common food in upper michigan. though not every place does them the same, so some are hit or miss

>> No.10644755

Because amerisharts are triggered and are only 56%

>> No.10644834

There's a weird crossover between Cornwall and Mexico, look for places with mexican miners.

>> No.10644867

4/5 when traditional
3/5 when dumbshite kooky flavours

>> No.10645695

nah ur thinking of Sunderland, or even hull if u don't fancy going too far up north

>> No.10645707

i actually live in los alamitos and know that place. it's not really authentic, closer to like an empanada but still pretty good.

>> No.10645740

they've always been england you virgin cornish twat

>> No.10645744

Whois the Duke of Cornwall?

>> No.10645757
File: 96 KB, 670x350, 12160pastes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornish mine owners brought it to Hidalgo and the people there made their own varients. The ones in Mexico were great. They have some with chorizo, frijoles, potatoes, sweet ones etc

>> No.10645938

The crimped edge is to be used as a handle, since coal miners would have dirty hands. There also used to be a whole apple jammed into one of the ends as a dessert.

>> No.10645943

>Cornish pasty
>coal miners
Might want to check up on that, genius.

>> No.10645948

Prince Charles.

>> No.10645975

What are you implying? That there were no coal miners in Cornwall?

>> No.10645978

Tin mines in the majority of cases.
Silver too.

>> No.10645982

Cornwall is famous for tin and copper mines. Not coal.

You got the mine part right, but not the coal part.

>> No.10645997

I don't care.

>> No.10646014

You never made it that far South, you Scandi bastards.

>> No.10646257

>Come into thread expecting pasty chat
>Full of angry britcucks getting upset at americans
sasuga, britsmellys