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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10634941 No.10634941 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about salt & pepper that made them the ubiquitous table spices?

>> No.10634945

They are the only spices white people know how to use

>> No.10634956

stop using them for awhile and see how shitty your food tastes

>> No.10634957

Here you go friend

>> No.10634961

Ching chong, wing wong.

>> No.10634964

>click link
>its a faggot
>close tap

>> No.10634978

Well that's what you have to deal with when you ask such easily answered questions. Clickbait faggots

>> No.10634985

>improves flavor drastically
>cheap as dirt
That wasn't hard

>> No.10634994
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>historically cheap

>> No.10634997

I was talking about today.

>> No.10635002

That wasn't the point of the thread, retard

>> No.10635007

But pepper isn't uniquely cheap. So you still have to answer why it's so ubiquitous.

>> No.10635019

The pairing of salt and pepper as table accessories dates to seventeenth-century French cuisine, which considered pepper (distinct from herbs such as fines herbes) the only spice that did not overpower the true taste of food.


>> No.10635024

Salt as a preservative used to be fairly expensive because you needed a lot of it.
Salt as a flavour enhancer is something you can get for free from the ocean.

>> No.10635063

Which is also a complete lie. Pepper changes the flavor as much as anything.

>> No.10635072

well salt isnt really a spice. i believe spices come from plants. salt is ubiquitous because it doesnt really contribute its own flavor as much as it just amplifies flavors that are already there. and pepper adds a kick to food without adding much flavor (it does have a flavor but its subtle and goes with pretty much everything)

>> No.10635076

t. tastelet

>> No.10635093

you need salt to live and before the modern era salt wasn't looked down upon. now we just eat to much of it

>> No.10635096

nobody here wants actual answers

>> No.10635103
File: 16 KB, 730x244, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

religion has more to do with food than most grasp.

>> No.10635120

I'm pretty sure most people here know about "koshering", anon. All the yank Youtube cooks are always banging on about Kosher salt, so it's not like you can avoid hearing about it.

>> No.10635125


it was god

thanks anon, now I can die happy in my ignorance

>> No.10635134

>implying all of western civilization didn't spawn from that book and it's followers
even if you don't believe, anon, a lot of people that paved the way did.
religion is quite possibly the biggest influence on food outside of survival needs.

>> No.10635146

I know, and it was useful .. then
it is only damaging now.

We have out grown religion. I'm not saying forget history, I'm saying we need to finally shed off this religious skin once and for all.

>> No.10635153

jesus is coming dude

>> No.10635158

religion is the only thing stopping humanity from devouring itself.
imagine if every person on earth, all at once, started to think, "there's no point because there is no afterlife."

you'd watch the earth itself die within 15 minutes because humans are a broken and destructive beast.

>> No.10635165

>religion is the only thing stopping humanity from devouring itself.

you have got to be fucking kidding me
Morals and Religion aren't the same thing.

Also, if you NEED religion to stop you from being amoral, you are fundamentally a shitty person and maybe we should eliminate you.

>> No.10635169

>"there's no point because there is no afterlife."
do relifags really think atheists think that?
where's the radical atheist crimelord that proves your point?

>> No.10635171

You are going down somehow sometime.

>> No.10635180
File: 30 KB, 431x287, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He'll probably have a rockin beach bod too

>> No.10635182

>if you NEED religion to stop you from being amoral, you are fundamentally a shitty person
welcome to america.
how could an atheist believe in an afterlife when they don't believe in life?

>> No.10635187

Motherfucker, I wish. "Christians" have a lot more to worry about a second coming than an atheist does.

>> No.10635190

I'm so happy i'm not an american

The idea of punishment and consequences as a method for control is ingrained in the psyche of all Americans.

Maybe God is an American. That would explain why he is such a sadistic bastard.

>> No.10635197

you live in the universe, anon.
you should learn that it is your creator, and put salt on all your foods.

>> No.10635202
File: 64 KB, 475x502, 'Merica! Fuck Yeah!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so happy i'm not an american

1000% this.

>> No.10635210

>The idea of punishment and consequences as a method for control

Then you must really, really hate china, latin america, africa, and all muslim countries.

>> No.10635212
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>> No.10635213

Monotheism is such a small minded human construct.

Anything man has or ever could imagine to be 'god' or 'existence itself' is insufficient and must be wrong.

>> No.10635216
File: 254 KB, 511x560, fattest fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's 'murica

>> No.10635217


ewww, americans are disgusting.

>> No.10635219

>created in the image of but can't understand it

>> No.10635220

you got it, not a big fan of the people or the political systems there.
They lack empathy, are grossly inhumane and are environmentally destructive.

>> No.10635224 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 600x800, W H A L E hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so happy i'm not an american

I don't understand them at all.

>> No.10635228

The fog breathers are pretty fat

>> No.10635234
File: 33 KB, 400x398, up syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes the bible as fact

>> No.10635243 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 634x404, 'Merican Women (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fog breathers are pretty fat

this. Its like americans take pride in their obesity.

T H I C C right?

>> No.10635257

>they lack empathy
>he says, insulting every country and person he can think of over absolutely nothing

And you're so obnoxiously narcissistic you'll just brush this off and keep masturbating to your own shitposts

>> No.10635262

>doesn't understand physics
your move, kid.

>> No.10635279
File: 148 KB, 500x522, dey-call-me-wong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks 4chan is equivalent to going outside and socializing

>> No.10635284

dude were all sinners. do yourself a flavor and read the gospels

>> No.10635324

Pepper has swung from cheap to expensive ovet the course of 3000 years of spice trading.

>> No.10635338

>dude were all sinners
>read the gospels
already did

they are interesting simply because so many cultural things stem form them. This however doesn't make any of it true. They should be treated as mythology in the same way the ancient Greek and Roman religions are. Also, they are far more interesting.

>> No.10635346


why do black guys all like fat girls? they don't like skinny girls?

>> No.10635352

>implying all of western civilization didn't spawn from that book and it's followers

It predates that book anon... maybe you should learn history before posting.

>> No.10635357

>should be treated as mythology
they would be if they didn't survive until now.
remember that greek and roman "mythology" only lasted for a few centuries each.
christ is eternal.

that's just how it works.
whether a person agrees or not is irrelevant since they are only human.

can we be better?
of course.
will we be?
there isn't enough space on the internet to express my laughter.

>> No.10635363

>he thinks western civilization started before the jews

>> No.10635367

I can't tell if you are saying the bible is truth

or if you're just 'going with the flow'

>> No.10635372

i;m merely explaining why the bible is higher on the scale than "mythology".

>> No.10635392

I am aware of that.
I did not dispute that.

Sadly if it became the old religion. it would be simply because it was replaced by a new religion.
I want humans to move past this, but that isn't going to happen in my lifetime.

I would also settle for a religion that respects the natural world.

>> No.10635396

>Sadly if it became the old religion. it would be simply because it was replaced by a new religion.


>> No.10635399

>a religion that respects the natural world
that's what druids do.
however, since the bible states that God is Love, why would you ever want anything other than that?

>> No.10635400

Back to the whole salt and pepper thing


salt, obviously, needs to be in just about everything because it's a necessity, it's a flavor enhancer, it's chemically important



>> No.10635405


This is actually closer to the truth than you think. Modern day religion now choose to be "spiritual" and "moral" and forgo the concept of a higher being in the sky.

It' doesn't make veganism any less of a cult/religion.

>> No.10635438

I don't use either and have no problem
News flash, other spices exist
Mediterranean herbs are great

>> No.10635486

Lol fuck off retard, ethics predate your shitty religion. It's not as if everyone is only held back from doing evil shit by firm beliefs in God or an afterlife. Ironically, the most religious countries have the highest crime rates. Compare the US of A with Germany or Pakistan with Denmark. Religion is a disease and religious people are among the most evil retards in the world.

>> No.10635490

whatever you say satan

>> No.10635493



veganism doesn't stop the exploitation of natural resources, vegans would be happy to see endless urban sprawl covering the land as long as nobody ate meat

it is a stunted and narrow philosophical view

>> No.10635498
File: 32 KB, 353x334, 1418161706362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>click on interesting thread about salt and pepper, maybe thinking I'll hear about other spices and their applicability to different dishes
>it's really just autists arguing about religion on the internet

>> No.10635509

>interesting thread about salt and pepper

OP stated that salt was a spice and asked why people liked it.

OP is clearly retarded and you're clearly retarded

>> No.10635518


>> No.10635526


>> No.10635533

I blame the brits

>> No.10635568

If you NEED laws to make you do the rite thing etc etc

>> No.10635648

Getting invaded by babylon and losing your country isnt much of a foundation.

>> No.10635715

I know that video is only 5 minutes long, but holy shit I am not sitting through that.

>> No.10635869

>this whole fucking thread
Holy shit.
Pepper is a natural larvacide and insect repellent. Salt and pepper were both incredibly important for preserving food and thus have become a common flavor combination over thousands of years.

>> No.10635939

Anon, the salt goes in your food, not in your post.