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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10635043 No.10635043 [Reply] [Original]

So...are western cutlery to be considered less or more practical than chopsticks?

>> No.10635051

More practical to eat with, less practical to make

>> No.10635551

Why can't journalists write their own articles?
Why are you even in this field if you don't like the writing process? There are plenty of other jobs you could have.

>> No.10636536

Spoons > forks/chopsticks

>> No.10636556
File: 11 KB, 238x212, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use a spork with one side have a serrated edge

you poor beta cucks

>> No.10636599
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you need some silverware, hun?
>No thanks, I got this. *whips out multitool*

>> No.10636617

If you whip this bad boy out while ordering black coffee at starbucks, you will get laid within 3 minutes ;)

>> No.10636778

Depends on what you're eating really.

>> No.10636788
File: 66 KB, 560x365, Vijitha-spicesnaroma[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>master race

>> No.10636912

Depends on what you're eating. For things that are already bite sized, chopsticks work well, but so do forks. I've heard that, in some Asian countries, they don't stick the chopsticks in their mouths, do they can use them to grab from communal plates, but I don't know that for a fact (and it's probably not true is I had to make a guess).

I like eating with chopsticks for the novelty.

>> No.10636931

More like poo race. What kind of barbarian eats mushy food with their hands?

>> No.10636932

first post, most sensible post

>> No.10637323

> tries to eat food with a pair of wooden needle dicks.

Wonder why they had a communist system for so long

>> No.10637351

i generally prefer chopsticks and spoons but it defends on the food

>> No.10637562

If everything is solid, I'll use chopsticks. If there's a lot of sauce/liquid a spoon. Spaghetti and non sticky rice with a fork.

>> No.10637577

Explain japan then. Chopsticks are versatile and rather easy to use once you get used to it, only missing ability to drink soup but most asian soups are slurped straight from the bowl.

>> No.10637609

you wrap it in bread pleb

>> No.10637739

Well, 'murricans were scared of forks and they weren't in general use until the late 19th century, so they ate with their hands. Meanwhile, asian peasants had been eating with chopstick utensils for, oh, 1000 years+. Fucking wh*pippo barbarians.

>> No.10637771

Western cutlery is all unitask shit.

>> No.10637861

>I've heard that, in some Asian countries, they don't stick the chopsticks in their mouths, do they can use them to grab from communal plates

That was my thought process as well. In Korea, whenever we ate with the family, our meals were always "shared". Each person had a personal rice bowl, but everything else was in its own bowl or plate on the table for anyone to grab a bite from with chopsticks. From experience, I think a fork would be a detriment in that particular eating style. However, no one seemed to care about the part where you stick the chopsticks in your mouth.

>> No.10637877
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Why havent we ditches forks and spoons already and just have metal sporks?

>> No.10637893

Only if you are a weeb

>> No.10637903


The difference is that americans made foods that could be cleanly eaten by hand. Like pies. Indians make curry then scoop it like barbarians.

>> No.10637911

Where did you learn this stupidity?

>> No.10637914

I like my titanium spork. Damn thing likes to leave titanium grey streaks in ceramic bowls though. I wish someone would make some high end steel sporks.

>> No.10637939

Americans brought spoons and forks from europe.
Spoons go back to before language. Forks were used for presentation.
Knifes and spoons were and are popular for eating.

>> No.10637946
File: 9 KB, 200x229, 2NDID-IMJINSCOUTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 14 months all over South Korea. What I learned is our utensils are superior - every Korean uses them to supplement their chop sticks..

>> No.10637958

Oh fuck is that what those streaks are from?

>> No.10637963

I see people are rewriting history to suit their needs as usual.
>late 1800's Americans were afraid of forks
Yeah I'm sure a century prior during The Treaty of Paris coastal Americans who were so fucking wealthy some owned hand-tooled rifled firearms that didn't become popular for another couple centuries were afraid of forks. You retard.

>> No.10638182

How's the spoon fit in?

>> No.10638189

She slides in gently underneath the bottle opener.

>> No.10638779
File: 59 KB, 1200x630, B638990E-3184-40F8-B57B-ECBB49E186FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct question is whether western cuisine is more or less advanced for requiring the consumer to still cut it up into edible pieces.

>> No.10638853

Damn dude i would love to twist and turn this greasy bad boi in my hand trying to eat

>> No.10638920
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>man with one chopstick goes hungry

>> No.10638985

a man with a fork also fucktard
you need FOOD

>> No.10638988

I will be buying this now thank you. I’d been disappointed in the spork selection on eBay for camping but now problem solved

>> No.10638998

Uhh they didn't in the picture

>> No.10640147

I've lived in Japan for a while, for the majority they use chopsticks, but for certain foods they use western cutlery like for eating curry or spaghetti. Try eating udon with a spoon or fork. Or try eating lasagne with chopsticks. Neither are truly better.

>> No.10640178
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I went on vacation for a month one time and got used to eating with plastic silverware. When I got home, everything tasted metallic because of the forks/spoons. Ever since then I use chopsticks whenever I can.

>> No.10640189

Western cutlery is definitely more practical, since it doesn't necessitate a pivot; gravity holds your food on your spoon and friction on your fork. And your food doesn't need to be pre-sliced if you have a dinner knife.

That being said, both have their advantages.

>> No.10640355

I think chopsticks are better as a cooking/serving utensil and the fork is better for eating. They both have their place. Girlfriend's Chinese and that's how she uses them unless she's eating with other Asians.

>> No.10640456
File: 413 KB, 2323x1548, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks you path*

>> No.10641139

>*holds up spork*
love and waffles

>> No.10641627

Yes, but which utensil do you use to ea peas with?

>> No.10641644

hes saying two chopsticks is necessary but not sufficient to not being hungry

>> No.10641669

Because when you only need a spoon, you don't want fucking metal prongs poking the back of your tongue/throat with every bite.

>> No.10642173

More. Even chinks will grudgingly admit this.