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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 472x400, 8c69d367ef7eac735401a927ac318def.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10632877 No.10632877 [Reply] [Original]

Best ice cream flavor, period.

>> No.10632903

*blocks your path*

>> No.10632939

Uhhh, what's the flavour? Blue?

>> No.10632944

Ah, shit, I thought it said on the box. Blue Moon.

>> No.10632947


what the fuck is blue moon supposed to taste like

>> No.10632949

Tell me that's blue moon.

>> No.10632950

Like the moon, dumbass.

>> No.10632956

like fruit loops

Blue Moon is solid, but Mint Chip will always be better

>> No.10632960

If the moon were made of spare ribs, would you eat it? I would. Hell, I'd go back for seconds and wash it down with a cold beer.

>> No.10632967


that sounds nasty. around here, neon sweet flavours are reserved for children, and by that I mean there are cartoon characters on the carton.

>> No.10633027
File: 140 KB, 500x375, Superman_ice_cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Blue Moon is 1/3rd of the combo to make Superman, so...

>> No.10633031

Blue moon is definitely a thing associated with childhood here too. Its more a nostalgic thing for adults

>> No.10633113


juicy fruit chewing gum

>> No.10633136
File: 90 KB, 1024x683, objectively superior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superman is a meme cream, check the objective patron cream

>> No.10633144

toothpaste flavored ice cream?

>> No.10633148

no thanks, 'pistachio mint choc chip' or you know nothing about ice cream.

>> No.10633155

heath bar crunch or double dunker are my go-to's

>> No.10633156
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>> No.10633160

Pistachio flavor is the thinking man's ice cream.

>> No.10633216
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Go to bed, kids. The adults are talking.

>> No.10633224
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>any fruit flavored ice cream besides berry or banana

>> No.10633230
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>Not mint chip

>> No.10633239

I think calling blue moon "fruit flavored" is a bit of a stretch

>> No.10633515


>> No.10633524

LOL, I be this would be good in pistachio mint, but alone, no. dumb starbucks fairy.

>> No.10633532

ube just tastes like slightly off coconut

>> No.10633541

I will never get mixing mint with chocolate.

>> No.10633544
File: 240 KB, 1026x1598, Sweet-Corn-Ice-Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But seriously it's mindblowingly good.

>> No.10633547

Sounds gross youd have to be a smelly nigger to eat it

>> No.10633599

Or just live in corn country.
>t. lives in a city near corn country
I've heard of this stuff before, just haven't seen it in any of the shops I go to yet.

>> No.10633606

Like 5 gum taken up a notch

>> No.10633610

I live in central OH and have never heard of this disgusting shit

>> No.10633619

>disgusting shit
I believe you are thinking of cornhole ice cream.

>> No.10633637

>corn country
my county holds a corn festival every year and i've never heard of this horrid ice cream

>> No.10633770

That's the weird thing, I KNOW this shit exists, but I just haven't found it yet. Maybe it's just an urban legend to scare spoiled kids away from demanding ice cream on the way back I don't fucking know.

>> No.10633806
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The patrician's choice.

>> No.10633819

Coffee ice cream > most other things

Tea ice cream < most other things

And I prefer tea to coffee beverage wise.

>> No.10633842

I miss blue moon, too bad it was banned

>> No.10633849
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bunch of dickheads in here

>> No.10633855

Black cherry chocolate chip or mint chip.

It's hard to choose because they both are good at different times. Mint is good during the day and black cherry is good during the night.

>> No.10633861

A good vanilla will beat literally any other possible flavor

>> No.10633865
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To be fair, you have to have an extremely high IQ to appreciate this flavor.

>> No.10633871

>eating ice cream more than 2-4 times a year
lol enjoy your diabetes

>> No.10633872

caramel is the best

>> No.10633885

Lemme ask ya, if you were a hotdog, and you were starving, would ya eat yourself?

>> No.10633890

coffee ice cream gets double points if it has grounds in it
trader joes has a good one

>> No.10633900
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>> No.10633907

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10633908

that actually sounds really refreshing.
How does the bergamot oil react to freezing?

>> No.10633913

I guess this is why he keeps specifying "hot" when he orders it from the replicator.

>> No.10633999

Artificial grape flavor

>> No.10634006
File: 561 KB, 811x757, patrician&#039;s scorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many people bring up cinnamon ice cream, but it is very good.


Now that's what I call patrician. Real good shit.

>> No.10634010

>tfw lactose intolerant
I miss feeling joy

>> No.10634020
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Nothing personnel kid

>> No.10634026


Coffee is one of those things that should have been made into a confectionary long ago.

>> No.10634036

Only correct answer int this thread.

>> No.10634040

Cotton candy, strawberry, chocolate, and butterscotch are the best flavors of ice cream. You can all argue over the 5th best flavor, but these are objectively the top 4.

>> No.10634047

only answer is vanilla

>> No.10634062

based as fuck

>> No.10634087

I cant find this shit anywhere anymore and I needs it

>> No.10634098

It sucks.

>> No.10634105
File: 46 KB, 540x540, Haagen-Dazs-500ml-SALTED-CARAMEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pralines and cream used to be my favorite until I tried this

>> No.10634954

Go back to Michigan

>> No.10634976

I have an inceless churner, but I prefer instant "nice cream" made with frozen bananas and stuff. I usually have a variation of it for breakfast and it fulfills 60% of my daily nutrient targets :-)

>> No.10634990
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Out of the way faggots, best flavor coming through

>> No.10635130
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Step aside for the Blue Bunny King

>> No.10635177
File: 252 KB, 964x484, The-Best-Gelato-and-Ice-Cream-Parlours-in-Sydney-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>american/english "ice cream"
>not italian "gelato"

Get the fuck out with your frozen water and no cream trash ice.

>> No.10635191
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my nig

>> No.10635222

>he doesn't make his own wild blackberry ice cream


>> No.10635366
File: 569 KB, 974x590, cook&#039;s dairy farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> what the fuck is blue moon supposed to taste like

Last summer I had some Blue Moon ice cream at Cook’s Dairy Farm in Oakland Country MI and I literally cannot describe the taste, it was pretty good but it didn’t taste like anything I’ve ever had before.

I recommend giving it a try, just for the experience.

>> No.10635716

I got all excited and thought this was dinosaur crunch for a second.

>> No.10635730

vanilla softserve is my favorite.

>> No.10636586

That's butter, man.

>> No.10636615

The moon is a big piece of cheese .

>> No.10636632





>> No.10636638

Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake

>> No.10636833

Where can I get this?

>> No.10637023

It seems to have been discontinued for a long time, but I guess is meningitis made again now. Looks like, if you live in New England at least, you can buy it from Sysco. I’m assuming these are going to be bulk/commercial amounts of it though.


>> No.10637154
File: 66 KB, 640x478, 640x478_ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that vegans have stolen this and made it "their" ice cream, even though the inventors were just allergic to dairy, but cashew-based non-dairy ice cream is incredibly delicious, even if you can handle dairy fine (like me) it's still amazing.

>> No.10638316

I think it's just a very strong vanilla the dye tricks you into thinking it's something else

>> No.10638347

I always tasted almond along with the fruitiness.

>> No.10638392

this is some decadent shit my nigga

>> No.10638430
File: 202 KB, 1002x583, 1427034399819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Life is a nightmare.

>> No.10638435

Lol at all these fags that will never know the pure Michigan splendor of Superman ice cream.

>> No.10638484

>have a throat condition
>am currently on an elimination diet
>no milk proteins or wheat gluten of any kind

This is truly suffering

>> No.10638492


You can buy pills that make your stomach microbes tolerate
lactose. Look it up.

>> No.10638493

>Haagen-dazz plebes

>> No.10638507

I pray to god it's cream cheese in there not cheddar or some shit.

>> No.10638508

HaagenGazz chocolate tastes like coffee. I like it

>> No.10638660

Real niggaz get heavenly hash

>> No.10638669

>being poor

the pills dont work perfectly though. still uncomfortable

>> No.10638682

Boss two scoops, chocolate malt ball crunch and medieval madness. I always check rite aids for this stuff. Best ice cream hands down, fuck every other brand.

>> No.10638684
File: 24 KB, 1024x664, Purple-Yam-Ube-Ice-Cream-1024x664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitches don't know about mah purple yam flavor.

>> No.10638687


>> No.10638696

>purple yam
Had this in Okinawa, it was GOAT.

>> No.10638717
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>> No.10638765
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Ahhh yes... Juicy Fruit.

>> No.10638767
File: 382 KB, 480x502, moon mist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon Mist
>A mix of banana, grape and bubble gum flavoured ice cream; truly out of this world.
A true 10/10

>> No.10638810

Coconut Dream is a great brand of non-dairy frozen stuff. Some brands of cashew-based stuff is also pretty great.

>> No.10638908

Blue is a colour, not a flavour

>> No.10638918

Actually pmsl at this state of a thread, and the anons within it

>> No.10638992

Best ice cream is Waldmeister ice cream. To bad this stuff is unknown in America.

>> No.10639044
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Step aside, faggots.

>> No.10639058
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>> No.10639070
File: 216 KB, 480x510, cash_fd_pt_chocCookies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brand's cashew stuff is really great. I'm not lactose intolerant or vegan, but I get it from time to time because it's that good.

>> No.10639094

>this thing is amazing
>i hate that creators of thing made thing out of need for themselves

>> No.10639196

That looks interesting ill try it out

>> No.10639211

What is it supposed to taste? Blueberry? Toothpaste? Blue?

>> No.10639232

The closest rite aid to me with thrifty is a good half hour away. I usually get birthday cake because they don't sell it in a carton and whatever other flavor is looking good, then I get a carton of chocolate malted crunch to go

>> No.10639453


>> No.10639468
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>> No.10639470

No, the creators aren't vegans, they're just allergic to dairy. I hate that vegans stole it FROM them. The inventors seem like chill dudes from their interviews.

>> No.10639607

How did the vegans steal it? Did they break into their home and take it?

>> No.10639788

Is there even REAL ice cream? No artificial flavours and such?

>> No.10639798
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Jesus fucking Christ, just kill yourself you smug semantic little bitch. You know exactly what I meant from the first post I made, and the one you just replied to was only an addendum, so don't be all like "hurrdurr how did they steal it huh??? :^))))" when you know god damn good and well I mean they coopted it as a way to promote their dipshit cult.

>> No.10639954

Rum raisin would be better without the raisin, there I said it.

>> No.10639976
File: 28 KB, 370x402, haagen-dazs blackberry trio ice cream pint new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit gave me a paradigm shift with ice cream.

>> No.10640224

Where did rum raisin come from, anyway? It's literally just raisins tossed into rum ice cream. No difference in recipe aside from that.

>> No.10640253

bam !

>> No.10640293
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>> No.10640406
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The one and only ice cream suitable for such am individual is none other than maple walnut.

>> No.10640916

5 gum is the axe body spray of chewing gums

>> No.10640961

What is the Dark Souls of chewing gums? Or the Dark Souls of ice cream?

>> No.10642391

>have a throat condition
Did you suck too many dicks anon?

>> No.10642431

mm, locust bean gum and guar gum. Those flavors pair well with garlic

>> No.10642483
File: 191 KB, 1600x1485, scoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Tiger Stripe ice cream

>> No.10642566

cookies and cream
mint chocolate chip

>> No.10642592

No, not fruit loops, it tastes like the milk that's left over from fruit loops. It's divine.

>> No.10642612

Uhh, you mean Tiger Tail?

>> No.10642801
File: 18 KB, 244x309, tillamook-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down to the king

>> No.10643255

Dondurma is the ultimate ice cream.
Doesn't even matter what flavour.
Fuck why can't there be a turkish stall selling that shit near me or something.

>> No.10643279

>he doesn't eat pure, vanilla ice cream
Have fun eating your shit-flavored desserts.

>> No.10643358
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>> No.10643377

That's a dumb name. What does it have to do with the tail specifically?
It's orange with black stripes. Y'know, like a tiger's stripes.

>> No.10643389

Just... make your own? The only bad thing is salep is expensive here.

>> No.10643395

I think they're two different flavors. Tiger Tail is orange/licorice. What is Tiger Stripe?

>> No.10643575
File: 28 KB, 475x475, img10l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pecan masterrace. Best pie, best icecream.

>> No.10643593
File: 160 KB, 501x650, giffords-peanut-butter-pie19122015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the kids have their flavors. Time for a real flavor

>> No.10643595

>muh fruit loops
>these brainlets haven't realized that fruit loops were bergamot the whole fucking time
neck yourselves

>> No.10643611

>fucking unshelled peanuts

>> No.10643629

Dark Souls of chewing gum is Bazooka Joe.
Souls Ice Cream is any icecream with gummi bears mixed into it.

>> No.10643665

like beer?

>> No.10643678

Just make your own. Condensed milk+heavy/whipping cream+whatever the fuck you want in it. If you can't do something that simple, you shouldn't be on /ck/.

>> No.10643740
File: 50 KB, 480x480, NewYorkCherry-SideScoop-480x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butter pecan
>peach (especially fresh)
>strawberry or vanilla yogurt
>new york cherry

>cookie dough
>mint chocolate chip
>moose tracks

>regular chocolate chip
>plain chocolate
>bubble gum

>> No.10643968
File: 162 KB, 736x552, B96D3DE0-139B-414C-8417-B1E4A3088C6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soothingly refreshing on a hot Texas summer day.

>> No.10644032

I sorta miss it. Mainly pizza and real cream. >>10643665

>> No.10644278
File: 74 KB, 581x788, BenHP4SCQAEJxWe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born in Michigan
>13 summers spent there
>got to have either of these once per flavor
>live in the south now
>visits are painfully rare and too short to grab an icecream

At least there's always-
>haven't seen this poster in literal decades

... why'd you guys do this to me tonight?

>> No.10644443

>It HaS mOrE cReAm So iT hAs tO Be bEtTeR
Gelato isn't terrible or anything, but ice cream is just flat out better, and the only people I see that think that gelato is better are flyover's that think gelato is some exotic treat.

>> No.10644471

*get nausious* Who the hell likes raisins in ice cream? Just like cake you don't ever put raisins in anything other than carrot salad. You sir disgust me :P

>> No.10644512

>Dark Souls of chewing gum is Bazooka Joe.
More like Fruit Stripe, since it's really intense for a few minutes and then the flavor dies and you get bored.

>> No.10644523

Best ice cream flavor: period.

>> No.10644567


Dad-core level ice-cream.

This is a well known fact.

>> No.10644696

>carrot salad

Now I'm puking