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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10627384 No.10627384 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for cigars, pipe tobacco, et cetera.

Currently smoking Amphora Mellow blend in a Brigham 209

>> No.10627404
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These are the best. Love Meharis. Perfect for drinking brews in the sun.

>> No.10627407

I asked this earlier but I don't know if anyone answered. How does pipe smoking compare to cigars? I've been thinking about getting a pipe for a while now.

>> No.10627412

how do i quickly rehydrate tobacco ?

>> No.10627436

Pipe smoking tends to be a bit lighter, but has far more variety than cigars. It depends whether your're smoking an English blend, Virginia/Perique, Aromatic, et cetera. See what your local tobacconist has.
lightly soak a paper towel and store it with your tobacco.

>> No.10627465

Thanks. I'll stop by the shop next week and look into it.

>> No.10627540
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Ask to sniff the jars. Any good tobacconist will let you sniff the jars. Remember: the nose knows.

I can tell if a tobacco is any good from one whiff.

>> No.10627617
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>> No.10627642

I just got my seeds in I'll be growing my own tobacco soon. I'm ordering a cigar mold but I'll orobably do pipe tobacco first

>> No.10627652
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Reminder: Nasal suff is the patricians tobacco

>> No.10627667
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I like spacing out on snuff. A nostril-full and sit back and enjoy the headrush.

>> No.10627709
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That's exactly it. Though a hit of snuff right after a shot of liquor is one heck of a rush.

>> No.10627733

Wtf? How does this work? Is it just powdered tobacco?

>> No.10627741

On the right ocassion, I swear I've gotten nearly high on snuff. It goes well with liquor.
Yup. You take a pinch, place it on the back of your hand, and take a gentle sniff.

>> No.10627749

Yeah, it usually has a bit of a flavour; Menthol, Apricot, Rum, etc

You take a bit a sniff it into your nose. Gives a nice head rush. Much lower risk than smoking or chew.




>> No.10627769

Yeah me too, and particularly with a strong one like pic in >>10627709 It's a ton of fun to have when drinking with friends. First had it when I was working in Switzerland.

>> No.10627829
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Now they've been around for nearly ten years, what's the consensus on fire safe cigarettes (FSC's)?

Are they still annoying as fuck? (harder draw, always going out, cherry dropping out, etc) and are they 'unhealthier' than non-FSC cigs?

>> No.10627887

Where should I start with snuff? I'm intrigued to try it can i order it online?

>> No.10627985

Sc/out/ here. Best pipe discussion is on out.
That being said, I just got my Missouri meerschaum Belle star delivered. Gonna take it out with some Capstan navy blue tomorrow

>> No.10628010

Yeah, if you live in North America (it's impossible to find here) order it online. I get mine when I'm in Europe for business, but there are plenty of good online stores.

I'd start with McChrystals Original with Menthol. It's my favorite, nice well rounded snuff. Good one to begin with.

When you first try it, use a very small amount, and work up to more. I suggest starting after 2-3 drinks, cause it enhances the experience. Have a good handkerchief on hand too. You'll sneeze the first few times, but that stops with use.

>> No.10628024

I don't like menthol. I feel like Flavorings are for bad quality tobacco. I was thinking of getting that Oddwolf stuff you just posted. I've looked online and it's pretty dang cheap I could spend like 15$ and get two cans it looks like.

>> No.10628032

Some things to consider:
>girls don't like pipes unless you're super handsome, pipes make you look weird
>pipes are always going out/ having to relight them
>pipes stain your lips and fingers with nicotine residue
>pipes can get wet from saliva and leak a gross brown fluid
>drop pipe and it breaks
>pipe smoke stinks
>bowl and stem get hot and burn hands
>end up smoking bowl material when tobacco burns up too quickly
>pack too loose and tobacco burns up instantly before you get a good smoke, too tight and pipe gets clogged
>get lots of pipe cleaners and ashtrays, because you will be constantly tapping the ash from pipe and refilling/ cleaning sticky, runny, smelly tobacco resin from your clogged pipe.

>> No.10628047

That might be true for smokes, but flavorings for snuff are more to enhance the smell, not the taste. but of course, try the ones you think you would like. there's something for everyone!

McChrystals Original and genuine is a menthol/eucalyptus mix.

Look here for a huge range of different available varieties: https://mrsnuff.com/categories.html

Also, a tin will last you a very long time even if you take it several time a week. On the site I linked you're paying ~$3 a tin, so you could get 5 different flavors to try, and that would last a year.

>> No.10628049

Tobacco pipes don't get hot like that. There's plenty of pipes made to prevent the things you mentioned

>> No.10628064

How could you list so many points that are just factually wrong? Are you trolling?

There are negative things about pipe smoking, and none of those are it.

>> No.10628068

The clogging and leakage and having to constantly relight the pipe were the factors that ultimately made me give up pipe smoking (as a young college girl) for even more disgusting cigarettes.

>> No.10628085

If you all just sniffed snuff, none of this would be a problem.

>> No.10628090

All these things used to annoy me about pipe smoking when I smoked a pipe. The pipe was always clogging or going out. Maybe I was doing it wrong. I think pipe cleaners are made for a reason, however. Got to clean pipe frequently.

>> No.10628092

I will admit, the learning curve is a bit steep at first. Once you figure it out, it's actually really easy. I'd take a bowl over a nasty ciggie any day.

>> No.10628099

Can't really help you on that. I'd say it only took me 1 month to find the sweet spot. You either know what you're doing, or you don't.

That's why I've only recommended pipe smoking to one person I know (and he smokes with me). You either know how to do it or you'll be totally lost.

>> No.10628103

Agree with you that cigarettes are horrible.

>> No.10628116

Sherlock Holmes smoked a pipe, so that's a huge recommendation for it, right there. It's why I tried a pipe in the first place.

>> No.10628127

Is that website in freedom bux or in euros?

>> No.10628131

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.10628137

If it goes in your mouth and you're tasting it, it's close enough.

>> No.10628140

>smoke camel turkish royal (red ones)
>hear about tax hike for smokes
>want to start rolling my own
Any recommendations for similar tobacco? I'm even willing to try different flavors as long as I get my fix.

>> No.10628148

I can't see smoking anything other than a cigar. Why would you?

>> No.10628227

anon be warned these guys aren't telling you the downside of snuff, which if the constant black drip of black shit coming out of your nose. Also when you blow your nose into a hankerchef it's all black mucus with tobacco and shit in it.
Other than that shit is pretty cash. I did a load of snuff when visiting Europe from burgerland

>> No.10628254

So the cocks you inhale on a daily basis qualify too?

>> No.10628442

It's just chemicals in the paper

>> No.10628471
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>girls don't like pipes unless you're super handsome, pipes make you look weird
Plenty of fish in the sea.
>pipes are always going out/ having to relight them
This is due to bad packing, overly moist tobacco, or both.
>pipes stain your lips and fingers with nicotine residue
You mean "tars". Yeah tars are gross, not sure how you get it on your lips though.
>pipes can get wet from saliva and leak a gross brown fluid
This is how, then. It's less commonly saliva and more so the steam from the air and burning tobacco collecting at the bottom of your bowl. This is easily remedied with a pipe cleaner (stick it in while you're smoking) or a filter in your pipe. People get autistic about filters, but it works wonders for keeping moisture from escaping your bowl and going into your mouth.
>drop pipe and it breaks
Don't drop it then, silly.
>pipe smoke stinks
Depends on the blend. I have very nice sweet-smelling blends that I smoke when I know I'm going to be around people who don't smoke pipes. They enjoy the smell.
>bowl and stem get hot and burn hands
>end up smoking bowl material when tobacco burns up too quickly
If the pipe is getting too hot to handle, then you're smoking too fast, which will lead to burning your pipe. Pipes should never be uncomfortable to hold if you're at a good pace.
>pack too loose and tobacco burns up instantly before you get a good smoke, too tight and pipe gets clogged
I've found this is easily the most annoying part of learning to smoke a pipe. It took me a couple weeks to get a nice consistent pack going, but after that it's been smooth sailing.
>get lots of pipe cleaners and ashtrays, because you will be constantly tapping the ash from pipe and refilling/ cleaning sticky, runny, smelly tobacco resin from your clogged pipe.
You shouldn't be constantly tapping ash out of your pipe, ash is good. I tap out ash maybe twice throughout a smoke, usually at the point it gets annoying trying to relight a pipe through it.

>> No.10629007

Fake Cohibas in pictures like this trip me the fuck out. Completely negates the tone of the pic. It goes from look at my gentlemanly decadence to look at what I can get with $20 and feel fancy!

>> No.10629019
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For me it's American Spirits

>> No.10629062

no this is a blue board

>> No.10629238

Does anyone here practice the middle ground of rolling their own cigarettes with good tobacco and paper?

>> No.10629247

Sup fellow cancer stick friend. Personally I love the dark blues, American organic blend, but the light blues are my go to.

>> No.10629254
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Been on a cigar kick lately

>> No.10629313

I'm still trying out different brands.
So far AS are my favorite over Luckies and Marlboro Reds.
Luckies are too weak although they do last pretty long, and Reds have too much of a chemical taste.

>> No.10629314

how is this related to food or cooking?
fuck you cunts

>> No.10629413

Lets be clear from the start, smoking is a shitty, expensive habit. Makes you smell gross, dulls your sense of smell and taste and can kill you.

This being said, AS are the only thing, outside of the occasional cigar, that I will smoke. When I first started smoking I was a Reds guy and I wasn't alive until I had my first. With spirits I can go days without a puff, but the first one is glorious.

Try to stop smoking friends.

>> No.10629504

Good thing I'm handsome. And married for that matter
Learn to pack your pipe you stupid twit
No they don't
Don't drool in your pipe maybe.
Get a corncob
Get a corncob. And don't smoke so hot.

>> No.10629656
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>> No.10630275

Ever try Samuel Gawith's Black Coffee? I was interested in picking that up after trying McChrystal's Original.

>> No.10630291
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>> No.10630298
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>> No.10630310

Tabacco is a vegetable you half-whit

>> No.10630357

As someone who just did similar, its like >>10627436 said
Kinda difficult to get into because people say you should have 2/3 pipes for whatever, but its been enjoyable with just one. The most difficult part was learning how to pack and smoke effectively, which can be a learning curve, and will often give you a burning/ smoke bitten tongue
One point I can give is that the tobacco should be fairly dry, keep in in a mason jar.

>> No.10630383

Just got the smok x-priv. It's pretty neat.

>> No.10630402

This, I tend to smoke 2-3 AS a week, many times in one Saturday of bar hopping. and then theres some weeks I dont have a single cig, usually cause I smoke my pipe or a cigar. I tend to think this wont impact my health in any great way, since theres been some independent research to that effect. But yeah, AS Blacks/Greys for me

>> No.10630450

Do any cigs taste good enough to puff on? Should I even bother if I'm not going to inhale?

>> No.10630521

Cigarillo would be a solid option. Cigs, at best, last a solid 10 minutes, cigars are a time sink, 30-45 minutes and are nice a social activity, IMO. Wanna hang out on the porch with a cocktail or beer, grab a decent pack of cigarillos. Local cigar shop will be good to point you in a direction if you've got specific proclivities.

>> No.10630564

Nah for cigs its mostly the nicotine rush/addiction
this, just keep away from B&Ms obviously, they just taste bad

>> No.10630638

I'll look into cigarillos, thanks. There's a nice cigar shop near me to check out.

>> No.10630869


Good taste. I like the turquoise and the dark blue. I agree that they (probably due to lack of chemical additives) hit hard as fuck that first smoke. I'm glad I smoked AS back towards the end of when I was a regular smoker. It made the parting very easy and nearly unnoticeable. I just picked up a pack on a whim last week and after only 4 so far I can say I'm going to try to ride this fine line again. But dang

>> No.10630906
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If you're looking into cigarillos avoid anything from pic related's brand like the plague. Some of the worst smokes I've ever had.

>> No.10630910

>anti-smoking nigger always mentions cocks when talking about smoking
this isn't projection at all

>> No.10630985

I suspect flavored shit to not be very good in general and was going to look into more natural, wholesome tobacco taste. Are there any flavored cigarillos you enjoy? I wasn't going to bother with Black & Milds either, like anon mentioned before me.

>> No.10631008

Drew estate are pretty much the kings of flavored cigars. So I'd start there if you want to try a flavored one. As for non flavored, drew estate naturals are quality smokes and so are Romeo y Julieta cigarillos.

>> No.10631113
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Thanks, anon. I'll look into these.

>> No.10631255
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These are pretty good as well. They don't look like it but there a really long smoke. But since their dry cured you don't need to keep them in a humidor and you can cut them in half and smoke each one individually for a short smoke. They've got a nice bold flavor too.

>> No.10631335

The acid line is not terrible. I had one months ago called an acid earthiness that was an ok stick. Fucking 2 decades ago I used to smoke these Lars Tetens that were similar but crazy expensive

>> No.10631377

Acid is so candy sweet at first but the tobacco is definitely good quality. Have you ever had their coffee infused line? They're some of my favorites.

>> No.10631393

I've had the regular drew estate line but that's all. My dad goes into Canada pretty regularly and I usually have him pick me up a box of partagas serie d no 5. The perfect cigar. Cohiba can suck it

>> No.10631458
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>Cohiba can suck it
Finally a man with some fucking taste.

>> No.10631470

Most toscanos are machine made and you might as well buy American cheroots compared to them because the process is pretty much the same, and the tobacco is the same too. The handmade ones are more expensive and better than any American cheroot, but they cost as much if not more than a regular cigar.

>> No.10631785

Do you find smoking to be an intense experience? I've only smoked a few times, but it seems minimal to non existent to me, and I can't help wondering if I'm doing something wrong

>> No.10631951

Cigars or cigarettes? Neither are supposed to be an intense experience. They're relaxing but for different reasons. Cigarettes are for feeding the nicotine monkey but cigars are for an hour of relaxing with some scotch and a good book

>> No.10632085

Cigs are a relaxing experience.

>> No.10633326

Like >>10631951 said, I don't think smoking is supposed to be "intense". Nicotine is a strange drug, because as a stimulant it excites at first, but then relaxes and calms. Smoking might help your concentration because of its stimulating effects, but I still wouldn't describe it as intense. Pipe smoking serves a similar purpose to cigars as anon mentioned.

>> No.10633339

I just haven't noticed an effect at all. Caffeine is really obvious, but nicotine I don't feel like I can detect. I'm thinking I need to try something with a higher dose than cigarettes, just to know what I'm looking for

>> No.10633350

RyJ make decent cigars too. Definitely a good starting point

>> No.10633356

this isn't related to food or cooking at all. Mods are pretty horrible these days.

>> No.10633380

No, man. That's not how it works. A cigarette to a non smoker or even a pipe smoker should be a big, noticeable hit of nicotine but not a full on high. If you can't notice a cigarette from pink lungs you need to google that

>> No.10633482

So are you guys eating the tobacco or what
like how is this food or cooking related

>> No.10633670

stop just shitting up the thread

>> No.10633690

stop shitting up the board

>> No.10633698

Why would you post a fucking dick and balls on a blue board you homosexual pervert

>> No.10633716

>how is this food or cooking related
It isnt. This stupid shit should be purged but they haven't yet managed to piss off the janitor enough

>> No.10633749
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Some people react differently to drugs. Still, it's really weird you say you can't feel anything, especially if you weren't a smoker before. If you want more nicotine, there's snus and nicotine pouches that go beneath your upper lip. You can use them anywhere, they taste pretty good, and don't have to spit with snus.
Don't you have a fast food thread to post in? There are a dozen up right now. If people weren't making trash threads about alcohol earlier, those would be up right now too, and tobacco is as topical as alcohol.

>> No.10634418

>no need to spit
I was a Skoal user for a lot of years. I've tried snus but the thought of swallowing tobacco spit was so nauseating I had to spit

>> No.10634484
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Try this desu, it's cheap af



>> No.10634811

How can you be this much of a fag all in one person

>> No.10634825

Amphora tastes like absolutely nothing to me, it's like smoking air with a bad aftertaste.
Currently smoking Erinmore Balkan which tastes incredible.

Anyone ever smoked Cibao cigars? I need someone to share my joy with.

>> No.10634839

I love cancer! Sure is food and cooking in here

>> No.10634886

They made everything taste like shit. Before, cigs could have some flavor, actually taste somewhat enjoyable. Now everything taste like burning cardboard, and they give me horrible headaches. Moved on to vaping so you youngsters enjoy your shitty carpet glue.

>> No.10634995
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>> No.10635124

Yeah, this is what I figured and why I asked. It was the same with weed, only ever got high off of edibles, no matter how long I held the smoke in my lungs. Must be something off with how my body absorbs drugs through them.

>> No.10635198
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Enjoy your lung cancer, no teeth, no toes and legs starting as soon as your reach 29-35. Not even talking about this horrible smell.

>> No.10635424

Tobacco isn’t food and cooking retard

>> No.10636650

Yeah, that's fine, I don't blame people for spitting anyway. Just saying it's unnecessary.
You have unusual genes, that's what I would say. Smokeless tobacco might work well for you then. I don't like dip, chew is ok, and snus is pretty good. Try them all if you're interested, but dip and chew lose some of their convenience compared to snus because you need to spit. I've tried Oliver Twist plugs and those taste quite good, also. The Zyn pouches don't have tobacco in them.

>> No.10636659

I quit like 3 years after I started and have never gone back. I'll never have to know this feel lol.

The first week you wake up and cough up so much gross shit lmao.

>> No.10636666

how many of you niggers wish were gandalf?

>> No.10637017

Nice quads. But I'll admit. I first got into cigars because I thought there were classy in high school. But I actually think they taste nice and are a great way to relax. Plus smoking a cigar every once in a while doesn't have any real health risks.

>> No.10637028

Neither is politics but those threads get to stay up all the time. At least actually discussion is happening in this thread.

>> No.10638453
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>> No.10640041

Agreed desu senpai, dokha is goat

>> No.10640948

Anyone go to hookah lounges? I know hookah gets a bad rep fot being something hipsters do. But it's actually pretty fun to meet up with some friends for drinks and smoking.