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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 191 KB, 1024x768, mmmm-german-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10625111 No.10625111 [Reply] [Original]

Prove to me that Germany is not the culinary midwest of Europe.

>> No.10625116

It's not really a workable analogy. Germany has actual rules for truth in labeling, meat quality, and so on. In the midwest US quality is considered a liberal conspiracy to make me feel uncultured, and all meat is the same (if you disagree with me you are a vegan extremist).

>> No.10625124

>t. never left NYC

>> No.10625132

I've visited every midwestern state and lived in three of them. Try again.

>> No.10625134
File: 186 KB, 500x388, 1525194087941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are the culturally oppressed Germans and white people in the U.S. related at all
Gee no clue

>> No.10625137
File: 311 KB, 1109x1346, Bayerisches Kochbuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German cooking does offer a huge variety, as you would know if you had actually bothered looking at a real cookbook. Both regional varieties as well as different dishes. I will freely admit it tends toward the savoury or the sweet but mostly heavy and filling side. If you are interested in actual german cooking the two greatest cookbook classics in germany are "Ich helf' dir kochen" by Maria Stuber und the "Bayerisches Kochbuch" (pic related)

>> No.10625141

The midwest is like 99% ethnically German, so that's probably why. Just meats, potatoes, sauce, and the occasional cabbage or carrot.

>> No.10625145

That looks midwest as fuck dude.

>> No.10625147

Try giving a midwestern mett, or serving it a glass of beerenauslese riesling
>omg raw meat! yuckee!
>omg wine!? that makes u gay?!
And forget about schweinshaxe or something along those lines. Let alone a german bread since it doesn't look like wonder bread. Or a german cheese which may actually have flavors unlike WIDF garbage '''cheese''''

>> No.10625155

You sound extremely sheltered.

>> No.10625163

>get accused of being a fear-gripped flyover shut-in
>n-no U!
Yeah you already tried that with the "you've never set foot in the midwest" post up there. Maybe you should actually google mett and schweinshaxe. When you're done making loud gagging noises, come back and apologize for being wrong on the internet.

>> No.10625168

>if I accuse you first my obvious projecting is safe!!
You're pathetic.

>> No.10625172

No U, ad hominem, moving the goalposts.

This is a really boring argument, bye.

>> No.10625181
File: 560 KB, 801x620, 1526688971050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine living in a world city and getting triggered by flyovers. Obsessed! Many such cases! Sad!

>> No.10625186

>ragequitting when things get too uncomfortable for you
Lmao stay sheltered little boy.

>> No.10625374
File: 717 KB, 2048x1152, 20170720_184736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm you're correct. I'm a born and bred midwesterner, make my own sausage and sauerkraut and eat them with potatoes. I'm rather proud of the fact I'm 33.33% german, and that my uncles were in the Normandy invasion and kicked the fuck out of the fascists, so there's that.

>> No.10625600

Maybe you should do some investigative work and see where the biggest concentrations of german migrant heritage are in the united states. Because I think that might really blow your mind, dude.

>> No.10625636

Your uncles were on the wrong side of history

>> No.10625637

>misinterpreting the OP this badly
Yep, midwesterner sounds about right.

>> No.10625646

Oh wow, it's another thread where Americans willingly display their lack of culture.

>> No.10625649

Oh it definitely is.

>> No.10625789

>I'm rather proud of the fact I'm 33.33% german
>and that my uncles were in the Normandy invasion and kicked the fuck out of the people who tried to preserve and strengthen the German identity
Come again?

>> No.10625811
File: 4 KB, 452x523, 1505600735682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't account for the other 66.67%

>> No.10625837

>this is what Americans think German food looks like

>> No.10626291
File: 94 KB, 1021x580, 20150120-breaded-pork-tenderloin-sandwich-titus-ruscitti-9-nicks-kitchen-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10626306

Most European food is garbage. Theres a reason there are only two countries that are known for more than a single dish.

>> No.10626415

You're an idiot, seriously. Food quality laws exist here, if they didn't we would all be dying.

Now address the actual contents of German food. It's boring and bland like midwest food.

>> No.10626478

ITT: People discussing food of countries they've never been to. Results are as expected

>> No.10626481
File: 66 KB, 800x800, 67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"33% german"

>> No.10626492
File: 650 KB, 4200x3105, vPpbiJt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the culinary midwest

I can't imagine why they would be comparable...

>> No.10626781

>I will have the last word even if I was destroyed teehee

>> No.10626804

ay dios mio

>> No.10626867

They won, noodle.

>> No.10626940

Nobody in this thread is actually interested in German cooking.
Cooking is just the flavor you have to sprinkle over your /pol/ thread in order for it to not get deleted offhand by a janitor.

>> No.10626953

>/pol/ boogeymanning THIS hard
take your meds reddit.

>> No.10626977

>This inane flyover/euroflyover thread isn't /pol/ you redditor
>Said inconspicuously defensive man posting within 90 seconds

>> No.10626992

If anything it's /int/ you retard, and I'm sorry to break it to you but yes, culture and region is a big part of food.

>> No.10626996

That all looks good though

>> No.10627003

Ah so you're just retarded.

>> No.10627007

just stopping by to laugh at you

>> No.10627012

>It's not [board whose content, tone and inanity is identical to this turd of a thread]
>It's [board whose title is kind of, sort of similar to the thread, but not really]
Cooking amirite.

>> No.10627028

You're trying way, way too hard to make a connection where one doesn't exist to satisfy you confirmation bias. Seriously m8, seek help.

>> No.10627060

I have a copy of that from 1986, but it is in terrible condition.
Should I try to get it fixed/scan it or just get a newer edition?

>> No.10627222

>my uncles were in the Normandy invasion and kicked the fuck out of the fascists
No they didn't. Ze Germans were already kicking the fuck out of the (((fascists))), and our forefathers were tricked into stopping them from completing the job.

>> No.10627432

If you're making the joke about Midwestern food being bland, uncultured shit, than England or Sweden would be a better comparison.

>> No.10628501
File: 933 KB, 905x719, 1502897037648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10628556

The "Atlantic wall" was mostly manned by skeleton crew of draftees that have been deemed having too low morale to participate in active combat.

Draftees, as in people inducted into military against their will.

Your uncles literally went to Europe, to murder bunch of kids who have shown so little willingness to participate in war, that they were handed the equivalent of mop duty by the German army, to get rid of them.

There were very little "villains" in World War 2. And by year 4 of the war, they were mostly dead anyway. What was left were people who were forced to fight. "Its you or them mate, so it better be them!"

No heroes. Just a lot of men forced into meat grinder.

>> No.10628571

>literally just a hamhock
Yeah that'll sure blow their socks off, bud.

>> No.10628579

You are not German at all
t. ein Deutscher

>> No.10628594
File: 3.27 MB, 450x253, VagueWhirlwindAss-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God.

>> No.10628604

I don't know about Sweden, but English food is just crap. Midwest and German food may be bland and juvenile, but it's still largely delicious.

>> No.10628716

>Should I try to get it fixed/scan it or just get a newer edition?
Just get the newer edition, after 32 years of usage it has earned its rest and you have earned yourself a new book.

>> No.10629084

t. el goblino

>> No.10629285


>> No.10629346

they eat raw mincemeat on a slice of bread
they're much worse

>> No.10629946

This. Near everyone in the Midwest comes from a line of Germans that came here in the 1700s to farm or own a lot of land. Brats, sauerkraut (although still too bitey for me personally) good beer and wine are common at many functions. It's not hard to extrapolate that a gigantic fucking migrant population can impact a regions' cuisine forever.

>> No.10629957


>> No.10629961

>they eat raw mincemeat on a slice of bread
Not a slice of bread, but a bun. And we put onions on it. It's perfection.

>> No.10629976
File: 65 KB, 480x383, ancestry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why German and the Midwest are similar

>> No.10629977

This is a straight up insane worldview that I seriously hope is a joke

>> No.10630021

If you don't like german quisine you're probably not white.

>> No.10630150
File: 3 KB, 171x204, 1519100873347s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it's raw

>> No.10630152
File: 55 KB, 870x870, kay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's England though...

>> No.10630163

It's not, they really do believe that having standards makes you some kind of crazy radical

>> No.10630174

By that logic, the brown skinned masses in Germany are not Turkish, they're German.

>> No.10630184

What is even German cuisine at this point? They so enthusiastically embraced American cuisine post-war, and also started cooking French, Italian, and Spanish food at home soon afterwards.

>> No.10630187

Doner kebab and immigrant cock

>> No.10630223

Obviously referring to your insane misunderstanding of what people that do not live in your neighborhood are like

>> No.10630273

Quite possibly the most retarded thing I've read within the past 6 months. Congratulations.

>> No.10630290

Not him, but he's right. In great swaths of flyover territory, the neanderthals believe any kind of food standards to ensure quality are viewed as an atheist commie conspiracy designed ultimately to take away their popguns.

>> No.10630303

As someone who actually lived there, let me assure you that that is an insane thing to believe

>> No.10630314

>implying it's not someone from the midwest false flagging
source: I am from the midwest and I false flag all the time

>> No.10630336

Germany are all dying from stomach cancer because of all the salted foods.

>> No.10630337

Gonna have to back this up. To see some of the cartoony ways people view midwesterners is just bizarre.

>> No.10630358
File: 16 KB, 500x375, german americans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why

>> No.10630361
File: 731 KB, 828x615, 65865736598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i soak all my previously good food in vinegar and name it something that sounds like someone coughed and sneezed at the same time

>> No.10630371

you can't be a third german, that's not how genetics works

>> No.10630376

>Most European food is garbage
t. doesn't own a passport

>> No.10630378

This assblasted wheraboo lmfao

Your Nazi heros got curbstomped by a bunch of slavs and americans. No matter what happens, the global humiliation of the germans will never *not* happen.

>> No.10630387
File: 13 KB, 180x240, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. CRISPRlet who still reproduces sexually

>> No.10630394

Leave the big cities and you'll find out

>> No.10630400

Asian (Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Persian) and Latin American food is categorically superior to European cooking, of which only Italian and French food is notable.

Unless of course you fancy world renown meals such as fermented fish and jelly.

>> No.10630414

Meat, potatoes, pickled veggies, and onions. Occasionally some gravy or w/e. So yeah, basically the midwestern food of yurop.

>> No.10630421

I think what these guys are trying to say is that midwesterners would rather eat cheaper meat than pay for grass fed organic wagyu, which is generally true in my experience, but is rapidly changing especially in the cities

>> No.10630423

The 10% of dishes worth eating in Latin America are just knockoff of the superior Spanish versions. The other 90% are just rice, beans, and sauce held together in different ways.

>> No.10630429

just no, they're different not superior

>> No.10630442
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 6BF537B7-5294-4E9E-90E1-DD4735252FB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks cities in the Midwest have sophisticated tastes
The literal state of flyovers

>> No.10630455

That stuff is nice, but generally speaking I can't justify the price difference.

>> No.10630463

>American is a category which takes up most of many states
>American Indian a separate category


>> No.10630501

They do, though. Many of the chefs who moved from the Midwest to the coasts to start their careers have moved back to flyover land because of the ridiculous costs of living on the coasts, and they're bringing their skills and education and experience back with them. This isn't the 90s anymore, grandpa.

>> No.10630513

American = family has been in the country for so long that they don't care, also they were probably peasants and never kept records of that shit. Basically every single person who self-identifies as "American" is Anglo, Gaelic, or a combination.

>> No.10630576

>The literal state of flyovers
I'm from the East Coast, but live in Chicago now. Chicago has a world class culinary scene.

>> No.10630597
File: 319 KB, 600x600, 1462639373082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a moron

>> No.10630741

Midwesterners are a bit more frugal than coasties for sure, but Its not from an anti-quality mindset, its entirely a financial mindset

>> No.10630747

Most midwestern cities have excellent food scenes, especially in the northern parts

>> No.10630761

People from the coast are very sheltered when it comes to how decent food is in other parts of the country, it seems.

>> No.10630783

It seems most of them view the midwest as people who live on farms and shit, or in really small towns, when in fact its a very urban population, there is a bit more space between cities than in the northeast but the vast majority of the population is urban. Its like they think the Midwest is Montana but also sometimes the south when southern stereotypes fit their argument better

>> No.10630839

are you stupid

>> No.10630863

how exactly can you be genetically descended from a place by 1/3?

>> No.10630887

no and you apparently didn't pass high school biology

>> No.10632012

can such a thing be done

>> No.10632691


I know this is b8 but some people seriously don't know how incredibly strict US food laws and regs are.

It's like the US is to food what the UK is to thoughtcrime.

>> No.10632733

It's because of lawsuit culture. One good suit and your meat packing plant's going bye-bye. Euros have no idea what it's like.

>> No.10632744
File: 415 KB, 368x368, 1524171166487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like the US is to food what the UK is to thoughtcrime.

>> No.10632790

I'm going to piss on their grave