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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 588 KB, 1600x1200, snus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10626304 No.10626304 [Reply] [Original]

Snus is a pouch of tobacco you insert in your upper lip to absorb that sweet nicotine. It's a great alternative to smoking.

>> No.10626318

Goteborgs Rape brand?

>> No.10626324
File: 7 KB, 259x194, Picard Is Tired Of This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>borg rape

>> No.10626326

What are you asking? Goteborgs Rape is the brand.

>> No.10626331

Why not bottom lip?

>> No.10626337

only white trash do this

>> No.10626344
File: 113 KB, 555x555, skruf-original-portionssnus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a General man for years, but on my last trip to Sweden I went for a 10-pack of this and I think I'll switch. The pouch is dryer so there's less drip and it feels sturdier which I appreciate, because I keep using the same pouch several times over.

>> No.10626345

Goteborgs Rape white large
>black boys can't compete

>> No.10626356

bs, snus is place between your lip and gums, you can place it either top or bottom.
also white/xr are shit

>> No.10626360

and how is this food&cooking related?

>> No.10626386

>because I keep using the same pouch several times over.
ugghhh, probably the most disgusting thing i've read all day.

>> No.10626393

It's not, but some autists are getting cranky because a mod deleted the al/ck/ thread earlier so now they're shit posting all sorts of bullshit, snus, Hennessy thread, poorfag alcohol thread, etc

>> No.10626460

Alcohol and tobacco were always allowed on /ck/.
The mods are removing the generals because they are an /r9k/ circle-jerk that don't actually discuss alcohol or tobacco.

>> No.10626476

While they've been here in the past, alck threads used to get deleted all the time, and tobacco threads are rare enough they've never needed to be quelled.

>> No.10626730

Why did they delete al/ck/ they always seemed to mind their own business. I told them it was a mistake to start their general in this shit hole of a board, but apparently that won't be an issue anymore.

>> No.10626733

>Large white rape


>> No.10626746

>Why did they delete al/ck/
It was a fucking blogging general. 4chan isn't reddit or a forum that needs specific topics always on the board. Hell, moot even created a specific board to contain videogame generals and their cancer.

>> No.10626764

>4chan isn't reddit
No but /ck/ is

>> No.10626767

Do you notice any side effects from snus? Been tempted to start just to make work a little better

>> No.10626790

>Been tempted to start

Just chew sugarless gum instead. Cheaper, not addictive, won't give you cancer.

>> No.10626801

Most snus is 90% flavoring and 10% tobacco. It's a complete waste unless you are buying it imported.

>> No.10626818

I've only had tobacco once, inside a 30/70 Tobacco/Weed spliff.

Wasn't a fan and haven't ever had it since, it's been almost a decade since, I still smoke pot regularly, but tobacco was just never my thing.

>> No.10626831

Just vape friend.

>> No.10626855

I dont want to look like more of a faggot

>> No.10626860
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You have to be genuinely retarded to smoke or do chew

>> No.10626865

Why do you care so much what people think?

>> No.10626868

I dont know

>> No.10626885

If the choices are vape or nothing just take nothing. There is literally no good reason to start vaping if you aren't a former smoker.

>> No.10626890

Yes this is true.

>> No.10626981

Would you like some cancer with your waste of money, sir?

>> No.10627086

Tobacco is not food

>> No.10628475

This is fucking disgusting

>> No.10628493

t. child who still lives with parents

You don’t yet understand what it means to need something just to make it through the day, but you will kiddo

>> No.10628511

>You don’t yet understand what it means to need something just to make it through the day

Thanks for thanks for the advice uncle crackhead.

>> No.10628514

>Thanks for thanks for the advice
We got an emcee in the venue tonight ladies and gentlement

>> No.10628530

Read up on your tobacco, nigger. Not all of it is equally dangerous. A snus habit is much better than a cigarette habit. That said, I don't think anyone should use snus unless you're already addicted to tobacco and want a safer way to take the edge off. If you think addictions are fun or you are confident in your miracle genes to use it without becoming dependent, have at it though.
Neither is alcohol, then. Do you bitch about alcohol threads?

>> No.10628532

>i am weak and need a crutch to get through the day

harden up faggot good lord

>> No.10628549

A great way to waste your money

>> No.10628555

T. Lives with parents and watches anime all day

>> No.10628560

Why don't you tell us what it means? What goes through your head on your days? What do you feel when you become aware of it in your daily routine? Have you ever felt different toward it? What made you change?
Instead of being derogatory to people for not understanding, help them understand.

>> No.10628561
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>> No.10628578

Gum or tongue cancer would have to be one of the shittiest kinds of cancer to get.

>> No.10628589

>anyone who doesn't need a crutch must be a teenager.

harden up faggot

>> No.10628691

I would kill you if you were in the same room as me soycuck, do you understand that?


>> No.10628701

Kaliber + masterrace (just because I can get 10 for 129 sek)

>> No.10628712

kek. enjoy your addictions you weak willed faggot

>> No.10628714

>weak willed loser
Don't procreate.

>> No.10628729

>not using snuff
>not larping as an 17th century nobleman
lmao @ ur life

>> No.10628754

Don't you have to spit ? My exroommate has them. Always had a jar of brown spit next to them. Fucking disgusting

>> No.10628772

I work 12 hour days of outdoor labor and all I need is a packed lunch and a hot beverage in the afternoon. What's your excuse?

>> No.10628778

Actually if you spit the tobacco into a drink you can make some great concoctions if you like the taste of tobacco. I’ll put it in whiskey for a bold flavor, or sometimes just water to make it like a fine tea. It’s economic and great tasting

>> No.10628783


>> No.10628784 [DELETED] 

Wow what a fag lol. Enjoy wasting you’re entire life making people in offices wealthy while you work you re fingers to the bone

LMAO are their any bigger cucks then wagies? Fucking pathetic

>> No.10628788

>needing food

Wow what a weak willed faggot

>> No.10628816

I'm not sure about 12 hour guy but I actually like my job. But then again, we're treated like human beings at my work place so I guess there's that.

>> No.10628843

Enjoy your mouth cancer

>> No.10628954

I kept a tin for when I couldn't escape the kitchen for a smoke break, so there's that.

>> No.10628964

This kid clearly doesnt work. Any man who puts in honest hours of hard work wouldn't trash what someone else does. Especially if they use "wagie" or "wagecuck".

Grow up kid.

>> No.10628987

Waste of money and it makes me sleepy/lazy desu

>> No.10629057
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I don't know man. I want to disrespect and admire you the same time

>> No.10629070

Lurk more. There's a small community of HikkiNEETs here who take pride in basement dwelling and living on autismbux.

>> No.10630046

>life is shit, work sucks, and the only things that make it worthwhile are substances that provide only short-term relief and slowly destroy my body
time to hit the gym

>> No.10630171

Even at the extreme height of my smoking I could never use these without getting nauseous from the nicotine. I liked the taste a lot so it bummed me out i couldnt switch

>> No.10630180

t. Cuck

>> No.10630214
File: 194 KB, 555x555, nick-and-johnny-americana-xtra-strong-portionssnus-tidigare-capt-yankee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow how stupid was I to think that people might actually be discussing snus in here
>t. brainlet

>> No.10630237

gå hem, Sven

>> No.10630264

Any of you use non portioned snus

>> No.10630299

and are all severely depressed, get fucked

>> No.10630432 [DELETED] 

Lol whatever helps you sleep at night wagie. Keep spending your life making your bosses wealthy while living as a modern day slave ;)

Fucking pathetic

>> No.10630444
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>I keep using the same pouch several times over.

>> No.10630456
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>he thinks snus is the same as chew

>> No.10630472

you spit with dip/chew
you don't spit with snus

>> No.10631070


>> No.10631084
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post teeth snuscucks

>> No.10631452

>It's a great alternative to smoking.
Why? It's not healthier

>> No.10631471

iirc, snus is regulated as food in sweden, so it counts.

>> No.10631483

What the literal fuck is going on with this board? Are we being raided? I've never seen so many blatant shill threads in my life

>> No.10631495

Yes it is. Studies indicate that it has a minimal effect on raised rates of cancer.

>> No.10631511

you don't have to spit with snus.

Snus and regular dip are different. Dip is smoke cured, and so is a lot more toxic and has a much "heavier" flavor to it and will tend to upset your stomach if you swallow the spit.

Snus is steam cured, and so has a much lighter, often sweet flavor and you can swallow the spit without issue. Hell, at work, I gut the tobacco itself too, since it doesn't really cause any problems, whereas with dip, I'd be wanting to shit my pants after gutting it.

But no, snus doesn't require a spit bottle.

>> No.10633173

dipping is just stealth vaping

>> No.10633197

You'll look like a faggot with some fat gob of brown shit in your mouth

>> No.10633207

Is it legal to order it online in the United States?

>> No.10633217
File: 212 KB, 1200x656, 0827_tobacco-jonny-gomes-cog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*spits on ur girlfriend*

>> No.10633222
File: 245 KB, 750x1334, 6C31C062-74DF-4E0C-8348-50EA44ED918E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been dipping skoal and Copenhagen for about 10 years. Thinking about buying a roll of this since it’s loose and I’ll feel like im dipping my regular tobacco

>> No.10633286

haha well I'm flattered you think I can get a gf :)

>> No.10633315

I never smoked because of fucking asthma, but as soon as i gave it a try, i loved it.
Its very convenient and you can chose from many flavors and strengths.

I personally use Siberia white portion, mostly at work or if i really need a pickmeup.
Other than that, i use weaker fruit-flavored types like various Odens and even Thunder X, even though thats a last resort.

There is not that much of a choice of brands in Czechia, but there are few places you can buy original snus made in Sweden, if you know how to ask.

>> No.10633767
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Imagine being this pathetic.

>> No.10633980

Yes. Shipping is expensive though, since it can't be shipped through US Postal. UPS charges a flat 30-35 dollar charge for shipping. If you're going to order online, do it in bulk.

>> No.10633993
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>quit smoking for half a year
>withdrawal symptoms never fully went away, intense brain fog and inability to focus
I gave up fighting and bought a roll of these. Ah well at least snus isn't as damaging as smoking.

>> No.10634019
File: 54 KB, 750x600, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don’t yet understand what it means to need something just to make it through the day

This is what weak minded brainlets actually believe

>> No.10634028

congrats on this, seriously. im impressed this shitpost managed to derail the entire thread

>> No.10634108

i like my teeth no thanks

>> No.10634139

Are snus, snuffs and dips all the same thing?

>> No.10634168

will nicotine gum give me cancer? i see you can just order it online from walmart, etc

>> No.10634237

Nicotine is carcinogenic so yes. Smoking is by far the worst because of the other toxic substances produced from combustion. If you are looking to quit smoking, NRT like gum or snus is great.
If you aren't hooked on nicotine then stay the fuck away. There is a reason nicotine is ranked as one of the most addictive substances available-it's on par with opiates.

>> No.10634253
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>> No.10634289

>Nicotine is carcinogenic so yes.
Pure nicotine has not been shown to cause cancer last time I checked. Tars from smoking are 1000 times more toxic than nicotine will ever be. Otherwise I agree with you.

>> No.10634305

my brother, it is truly the patricians snus

>> No.10634310

Why? What do you get out of it?

>> No.10634328

Temporary relief.

>> No.10634748

Tell em..

>> No.10634774

>Pure nicotine has not been shown to cause cancer

>Recent studies have shown that nicotine can affect several important steps in the development of cancer, and suggest that it may cause aggravation and recurrence of the disease. TSNA may be formed from nicotine in the body. The role of nicotine as the major addictive component of tobacco products may have distracted our attention from toxicological effects on cell growth, angiogenesis, and tumor malignancy. Effects on cancer disease are important aspects in the evaluation of possible long-term effects from sources of nicotine, such as e-cigarettes and products for nicotine replacement therapy, which both have a potential for life-long use.

>> No.10634791

They get to carry a tin around all day. Wait until people are around and awkwardly shove little packets into their lips so they look like Ron Perlman with dentures. Then they just get a weak little baby high which they milk like they were strung out on a year-long heroin bender.

Followed by dribbling and spitting shit-colored saliva everywhere.

>> No.10634806
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>> No.10634918
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No, but the names keep being interchanged so it's hard to keep track of which is which.

In general dip is a loose, moist tobacco that is stuffed into the lip
snuff is a dried tobacco that is snorted
snus is a whole family of nordic tobaccos but here refers to the sort that is similar to dip except sorted into pre-portioned satchets and tucked into the upper lip

>> No.10634928

Snus doesn't have to be portioned.
t. Swede

>> No.10634962

Duh, hence all the qualifiers I used.

>> No.10635256

it's so hard to quit snus lads, send help

>> No.10635293

Copenhagen master race here. Snus is for cucks and faggots

>> No.10635548

It's a consumable, step out of your hugbox for a second, the real world is nice

>> No.10635569

>those trips wasted on a phonefag

>> No.10635580

t. cuck

>> No.10637218

What’s a good website you’ve used to order snus in the US?

>> No.10638036

Snuscentral is good.

>> No.10638160

There are none. There have been dozens of international studies into snus. They found that it is no more dangerous to use snus than if you were to not use it. There is no link to cancer. No link to anything harmful.

>> No.10638190

Sources before people start lying about snus being unhealthy.

>> No.10638216

How is snus that much different than chewing tobacco?
There are countless studies done showing it causes mouth tongue and throat cancer.

>> No.10638223

>you can't tell if someone has a pouch in
>you don't spit snus
>you can get 5 mg snus, which is 6 times stronger than a cigarette
Leave it to an Amerimutt to think Snus is (((dip)))

>> No.10638231

Chew is cured by smoke. Snus is pasteurized and treated the same as food in Sweden. >>10638190
refer to these if you want more information, or just google the studies yourself. There is no link between Snus and cancer.

>> No.10638280

> or just google the studies yourself.

I did and the pasteurization process and subsequent refrigeration slows the creation of the cancer causing TSNA.
It still contains TSNAs, just less of it. And if you dont keep your snus refrigerated the natural fermentation process continues and it gets more cancer causing agents in it.

To say there is no link to snus and cancer is a flat out lie.
Just further proof that you cant create a cancer free tobacco product.

>> No.10638291


>> No.10638323

>There is no link between Snus and cancer.
uhhh, not true at all, the only real debate is about how much snus is better than other forms of tobacco and it should be seen as a cessation device.

>A study of almost 10,000 Swedish, male construction workers published in the International Journal of Cancer in 2008 found a statistically significant increase in the incidence of the combined category of oral and pharyngeal cancer among daily users of snus.

>> No.10638329

Damn. I wish there was a way around that shipping price

>> No.10638333

The amount of carcinogens in Snus are among the same as anything you have microwaved and eaten/drank. Not enough to cause cancer. For reference, a cigarette has over 300 times the amount that snus does. Also
> And if you dont keep your snus refrigerated the natural fermentation process continues and it gets more cancer causing agents in it
Is just another myth. The cans are air tight until you break the seal and open it.

>> No.10638349

What you just linked was disproven. They took 10,000 men (who were randomly chosen) and looked at cancer rates. They didn't study 10,000 snus users. They studied 10,000 men for cancer. It even says it was population based for the study, and not based on snus users.

>> No.10638363

>Is a snus pancreas cancer risk real? No. Five years ago I detailed how Boffetta fabricated the risk in 2008 (here), and, in 2011, Boffetta acknowledged that his earlier finding was wrong (here). Sainani would have discovered this if she had compared the faulty Boffetta analysis with the most authoritative and comprehensive meta-analysis by Peter Lee and Jan Hamling (here), which found no pancreas cancer risk, in addition to no mouth cancer risk.
Quit spreading lies

>> No.10638369

You can't say that without providing a source of your own.

>Exposure to snus was categorized as never or ever daily use at entry into the cohort in 1973–74. The models were adjusted for smoking (never versus ever daily use), alcohol consumption (less than once a week versus once a week or more), and area of residence (rural, small municipality or town). All covariate information emanated from 1973 to 74. We also adjusted for calendar period (attained) in 5‐year‐intervals (1973–1977, 1978–1982, 1983–1987, 1988–1992, 1993–1997, 1998 2002). Since all participants entered at approximately the same time in 1973–74, calendar time was equivalent to time‐in‐study.

Doesn't seem that flawed to me

>> No.10638375

>The amount of carcinogens in Snus are among the same as anything you have microwaved and eaten/drank.

The term TSNA literally means "Tobacco-specific nitrosamines" which are cancer causing. Not just regular everyday carcinogens in low levels you encounter everyday.

>Is just another myth. The cans are air tight until you break the seal and open it.

Calling the process of which Chew gets its carcinogens a myth, and then pretending that you will use all of your snus the second you open it up is telling about you.

Stop being delusional. Seriously.
Either you sell snus yourself, or you have your head way up your ass.
Cant you just accept that using a harmful plant recreationally has its risks?
Stop being a faggot

>> No.10638376

>pancreas cancer risk
I said
>statistically significant increase in the incidence of the combined category of oral and pharyngeal cancer among daily users of snus
>Oral AND pharyngeal

Mouth and pharynx

>> No.10638426

Snus is not risk-free, but it is still drastically lower than smoking. That's about it.
It's a flat price. Gonna have to order in bulk to for cost-efficiency.

>> No.10638454
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>> No.10638477

>Snus is not risk-free, but it is still drastically lower than smoking. That's about it.

Thats far and away from the implication that there is no link to cancer.

>> No.10638485

I'm not that guy. I'm just saying the risk is low.

>> No.10638494

All you need is Jesus, not addictive substances that harm your body (which is your temple)

>> No.10638530

What, do you think I open a can of snus and not use it for months? I open one can at a time and it's gone within 2 days. Then I open another can. It's really not hard to understand, you filthy smoker

>> No.10638538

There isn't. In a study involving over 55,000 Swedish people, 1/4 used snus at least once per week. It was found that they had some of the lowest cancer rates in the world.

>> No.10638611

>Tars from smoking are 1000 times more toxic than nicotine

actually no. nicotine is a pretty damn strong poison.

>> No.10638623

>you filthy smoker

I dont smoke because it causes cancer
And im not going to delude myself that refrigerating tobacco makes it safe.

>There isn't.

You dont need a skewed study to understand
>product contains tangible cancer causing carcinogens
>risk of cancer

And no, having less than other harmful products does not make it "safe". Your logic is baffling

Did you stop smoking, but were too much of a pussy to actually quit? So you went to snus and have convinced yourself its safe?

>> No.10638649

i mean you can die from acute nicotine poisoning but the same could be said of anything - its an old saying that "the dose makes the poison"
as far as recreational drugs go nicotine is fairly safe

>> No.10638661

Yeah. I’ll probably buy 10 cans. A can of dip will last me 4-5 days. I’m not too picky. Mostly dip for nicotine. Looking at buying 10 cans of the loose skruf. Even if I don’t care for the taste I’ll still dip it all so nothing will go to waste. Just worried I won’t be getting enough nicotine after 10 years of dipping skoal and cope

>> No.10638689

>So you went to snus and have convinced yourself its safe?
It's not "safe", but it is definitely a safer alternative to cigarette smoking. To think otherwise is delusion or ignorance on your part.

Sweden enjoys the lowest rates of tobacco-related disease in the world. They also have the highest rate of snus consumption in the world, and least amount of cigarette smokers in the developed world. Dismissing the study as "skewed" to fit your bias isn't any better than people claiming snus is "completely safe".

>> No.10639227

caffeine is equally deadly too you know.. People have died from drinking too much energy drinks and their heart couldn't take it

>> No.10639241

>caffeine is equally deadly
>says that overdose for adults requires roughly 10 grams of caffeine.
>10 whole grams
Compare that to nicotine.
Sources: Just google the lethal doses.

>> No.10639274

really? that's retarded, al/ck/ threads shouldn't be on food&cooking anyways since they have nothing to do with food or cooking.
sure consumable in the same way as crack is. still no relevance to food or cooking. i should know, i use snus, been using for years and years.
sure about that chief? because it's considered tobacco, has an agelimit to buy etc.
it was regulated as a food product back in the 90s or so on ferrys between sweden and finland (also on other routes such as estonia-finland) but that's decades ago

>> No.10639522

Lmao what am I even reading

>> No.10639534
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This shit all day.
The flavor is so addicting, buddy at work refuses to buy them since he said he would go through them so quick.

Luckily a gas station sells them near me and only charges $6 a can. Would cost me $30 something in just shipping if i bought a roll online myself.

>> No.10639609
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>Luckily a gas station sells them near me and only charges $6 a can
Are you in the US? I was literally about to fucking order some online, probably 3 rolls to make that horrible shipping worth it.
Where are you getting these friend???

>> No.10639657

I live in Minnesota.
If you buy 2 rolls it comes out to be like 9 because they always have a buy 2 cans save a buck or some shit.
Holiday gas stations. Idk how they afford it or what their profit margin is, but I dont ask since why would I tell them they could charge me more and I'd still fucking pay since I'm saving so much dosh. They order like 2 rolls every week, it's me and only one other guy buying them.
All I can say is it never hurts to ask. For all you know a local gas station could bring them in if you promised to be a regular.
Seriously the worst they can say is no.

>> No.10640037

damn man thats amazing. thx for the info, cheers

>> No.10640064

Costs 3.99 a can at speedway in NE ohio

>> No.10640072

Theres speedways near me in florida, might be time to check it out.

>> No.10640146

consumables aren't food.

>> No.10640150

>it's doesn't count!

>> No.10640768

Oral cansur

>> No.10640770

nope, look it up

>> No.10640778


try fucking off and dying before you post

>> No.10640837
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>Has it nutritional value ? (no)
>Do you cook it ? (no)
>somehow food related (no)

nothing to do on /ck/

>> No.10640863

Fuck you

>> No.10640947

Food goes in your mouth. Snus goes in your mouth. Ergo it's food. You've just been btfo, good day!

>> No.10641227 [DELETED] 
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Prefer Pc, but had a physical copy of them.

>> No.10641288

what an idiot

>> No.10641298
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>> No.10641375

You can probably find a local tobacco shop that carries them. Find one of those old timey tobacco shops that sells cigars and pipe tobacco, and probably bongs now.

>> No.10641710

I’m going to start posting pictures of dicks by that logic

>> No.10641715

If I start consuming tobacco will I become a brainlet?

>> No.10641720

Uh oh someone's mad they ruined their life by eating cancer

>> No.10641729

this shit is disgusting and dumb. only low iq retards use it

>> No.10641782


>> No.10641818


>> No.10642478

tell em chat

>> No.10642562

Maybe if you stop organizing smap threads in a fit of autistic rage over your depression circlejerk you'll be trusted to genuinely talk about booze again.

>> No.10643607
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By the looks of it, you'll do that before any of us, buddy

>> No.10643620 [DELETED] 

The autistic moderator throwing a hissy-fit in a general started the whole thing. Separating alcohol from food is damned retarded; I don't care what they do with alcoholism discussions.

>> No.10643652

Skruf white portion is GOAT

>> No.10645079


>> No.10645224

cancer of the penis

>> No.10645255

Camel came out with their snus during my senior year of high school. I already dipped and this stuff was cheaper and more discrete. Always had at least one pouch in during class and i only got busted once.

>> No.10645620

Dicks go in your mouth too does that mean we can have penis threads now?

>> No.10645723
File: 67 KB, 614x768, LM8nUx1EiWY31phUFBsFzNROqjU-wdRwlHTBGQkCTiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredibly based
Looks like speedway is the go to spot

>> No.10647019
File: 39 KB, 240x226, 1515450088029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smokeless tobacco

>> No.10647061

Long term use will have a notice eroding effect on your gums. Generally hard to keep that Colgate-smile with regular snusing aswell.
t. Snuses when drinking