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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10627663 No.10627663 [Reply] [Original]

Try eating more fruit /ck/ it will change your life

>> No.10627674

yeah nah fuck you
*eats mass produced poison engineered by psychopaths*

>> No.10627691
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Say again ?

>> No.10627698

I'll never understand the hatred from adults toward fruits and veggies. Both make you feel good and they taste good. Fruits are practically candy.
It's understandable for children to be picky and dislike these things because of their underdeveloped palates. But why are there so many man/womanchildren who outright refuse to even make an attempt to integrate these foods into their diet?

>> No.10627711

Nigga fruits got mad sugar n shyt. Veggies legit aff doeee

>> No.10627736
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>> No.10627758

i dont like fruit because i dont like sweet food, but i still eat a serving or two a day just because they are naturally packaged and easy to bring around

>> No.10627780

I like most fruit. Melons can fuck themselves though.

>> No.10627802

Melons are fuckin' BEST.

>> No.10627872
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>> No.10627880

Nigga i dun eat animals n shyt lol i just eat dem collard greens nah mean

>> No.10627998
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>> No.10628408

I agree
Watermelon is bareable though

I'll eat anything but fuck melons

>> No.10628495

well, you just said it. if a person gets to adulthood without having tried many fruits in his or hers early years it would probably be harder to get them into that.

start young's all im saying

>> No.10628543

Most fruit in supermarkets is out of season or flown in from the other side of the world. If you don't live in a tropical part of the world I can see why you wouldn't like fruit

>> No.10628889
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>> No.10628891

By giving me diabetes, you mean?

>> No.10629488

> it will change your life
You don't know how true this is. It literally cured my depression. I tried everything, getting fit, having a social life, nothing worked. And then I started eating fruit for breakfast every morning and the depression magically went away.

>> No.10629533

Since I eat a lot of food with tomatoes in it (they are a fruit ^^), I'm fine.

>> No.10629966

Harder? Yes. Impossible? Absolutely not. Any adult with an ounce of responsibility would eat healthy foods, regardless of whether or not it may be difficult in the beginning.

I was an extremely picky child, and grew up eating junk food. As an adult, I forced myself to eat different foods even though some of them made me want to vomit. It only took a couple of months to train my palate. Now I love all foods, and can appreciate a much wider variety of flavors and textures.

>> No.10631190

he's uncivilized because he uses his bare hand to wipe his poopy ass after leaving shit on the street

>> No.10631206

Fruits are bad for you they have sugar in them

>> No.10631245
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>fruits are bad
>guy who eats nothing but ramen and fast food
Ya ok

>> No.10631936

>>10631206 is kinda right. Fruit have sugar in them which is why you shouldn't base your diet on them (some of them are rich in glucose too: see grapes). Vegetables don't have this problem

>> No.10631950

>fruits are bad
These retarded kids...

>> No.10632006

>fruits are bad
I didn't say fruits are bad. Just is not something you should abuse of, they are not vegetables which you can eat more

>> No.10632019

You shouldn't abuse anything, dipshit.

>> No.10632038

I mean eat in the same quantity you imbecile

>> No.10632092

Fruit juice is basically as healthy as soda and some vitamins. Fruits are better since one of the major things lacking in a diet heavy on processed foods (which is very common) is fiber. If you don't eat like a shithead, fruit is junk food.

>> No.10632145

3/10 inb4 muh INSULLLIINNN atkins meme atkins meme atkins meme

Remember kids, nutrient intake is irrelevant! Just eat meat all day every day and ignore that sodium:potassium ratio! Because Atkins said so. :)

>> No.10632373

I don't know who atkins is seriously.
but you can see for yourself that coke and apple juice have the same sugar content.

The difference is that fruits have (that sodas don't have) fibers which are prebiotics and a sensible amount of various vitamins. Fruits also stops your hunger.
Obviously you lost all the advantages when you make juice out of fruits and in that case fruits are bad as sodas, but you can't ignore the sugar content even in "solid" form

>> No.10632401

>vitamins and minerals vanish from fruits when you make them into juice

Stopped reading there L M A O

Enjoy that low S:P ratio, future heart attack victim.

>Our Paleolithic hunter-gatherer ancestors took in about 11,000 milligrams (mg) of potassium a day from fruits, vegetables, leaves, flowers, roots, and other plant sources, and well under 700 mg of sodium. That's a sodium-to-potassium ratio of 1 to 16. Today, we get more sodium (3,400 mg) than potassium (2,500 mg), for a ratio of 1.36 to 1.


>> No.10632407

Try eating less carbs, and more leafy greens. (Doesn't mean more meat, but fruit is just nature's candy.)

>> No.10632537

>vitamins and minerals vanish from fruits when you make them into juice

for commercial juice, pasteurization affect the vitamins content. Making fruit juice doesn't make any sense in every way you choose to analyze it, and i don't know why you are acting like a retard.
You are tossing out the peel, rich in fiber and end up with some juice which has some vitamins (less respect to the original fruit), minerals and the same sugar content of a soda

>> No.10632559

And take into account that for example vitamin c is more bioavailable if assumend with fiber, hence you are loosing vitamins just becouse in liquid form

>> No.10632566

those fruits are probably covered in poo, just like his shoe

>> No.10632574

>pasteurization affect the vitamins content

Blog meme. You fell for the probiotics crowd I see. Don't reply to me again, enjoy your mycotoxins from NOT pasteurizing, you castrated liberal goon.

>> No.10632610

I don't buy fruit juice, is not really a thing in my country.

> You fell for the probiotics crowd I see.
Do you know what probiotics are?

> enjoy your mycotoxins from NOT pasteurizing, you castrated liberal goon.
Are your parents brother and sister? Nobody will say that pasteurization is a bad thing you fucking mongoloid, you just can consume fruit as they are

>> No.10632741


>The mycotoxins most commonly found in fruits and their processed products are aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, patulin and Alternaria toxins [2–4]

Enjoy your early death soyfriend. I'll continue paying attention to my S:P ratio and mycotoxin intake while you believe in blogs.

>> No.10632849

I think you might be clinically retarded or just a troll, so I'll explain for the last time.

I never said that pasteurization is bad and not necessary, I don't know why you keep thinking that i wrote that, maybe you are just mad. What is not necessary is fruit juice,
since is worse than eating a fruit in every conceivable metrics.

Your link doesn't talk about fruit, but just dried fruit and fruit preparation, you didn't read it carefully, but now I'm curious about how you think you avoid mycotoxins since aflatoxins are in cereal and nuts too

>> No.10632854

Bananas and avocados are essential.

>> No.10632857

Enjoy your beetus

>> No.10633261

Berries are great snacks, I'll say that

>> No.10633302

None taste as good as meat.

>> No.10634057

Name five people who got diabetes from eating fruit, with proof.

>> No.10634386
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>> No.10634388

I can't even name five people who got diabetes. Do you keep a list or something?

>> No.10634522


You can only afford fruit if you live somewhere south.
Here most fruits and veggies taste like ass and cost a shit ton. Well, except for apples and pears.

>> No.10635038

I can name an entire country of diabetes patients caused by processed crap, it starts with U.
I bet you eat fast food.

>> No.10635074

Seriously though, why is fructose better than granulated sugar? Isn't both of them just empty calories?

I know fruits have more than just fructose in them but from a sugar intake perspective, why would it be better to eat 100g fructose vs 100g of sugar?

>> No.10635080

what about vegetables?

they're not anywhere close as in taste, but are so much better for you

>> No.10635774

>just got back from the store
>realized I forgot to pick up some bananas and oranges


>> No.10635801

abib is being a faggot again right.

>> No.10636179


>> No.10636194

Not at all. The fiber, micronutrients, and water content in fruit helps reduce the impact of the sugar on your body. Additionally, the 25g/day sugar recommendation that you see all the time is actually no more than 25g of added sugar, not overall.

The idea that you shouldn't eat fruit just because it has sugar is really misguided. Can you abuse fruit? Sure, just like anything else. Look at what a strict fruitarian diet did to Steve Jobs. But they have great health benefits and are a good energy source. Have a serving for breakfast, one as a snack mid-day, and try a fruit-based dessert.

>> No.10638070

>fruit is uncivilized
What kind of libcuck made this pic?