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10623520 No.10623520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ I'm wasted. What are the best mixed drinks out there? I'm completely open to suggestions.

>> No.10623555

for summer i like margaritas and daquiris, but not too many of them as theyre sweet. mint juleps are also great

>> No.10623558

oops meant mojito not margarita im still waking up. still like maragaritas for day drinking though

>> No.10623561

>I'm wasted. What are the best mixed drinks out there?

try x and coke, your subzero intellect will not be able to appreciate anything better anyway

>> No.10623564

Mojitos are great. There's a restaurant in Colorado Springs that has all you can drink mojitos and it's a great place to get day drunk while scarfing down a decent breakfast.

>> No.10623569

Thanks for the input you unoriginal waste of space.

>> No.10623574

you're welcome, alcoholics don't have a long lifespan so try to cherish every moment while your life is still not at the absolute rock bottom

>> No.10623576

>alcoholic because I make a thread while wasted once in the year of my lord 2018
Sure bud. Don't let that stick get too far up your ass.

>> No.10623588

god i love all you can drink places but i try to avoid them if i can because im a degenerate and will get blackout drunk at 11am off mimosas

>> No.10623610
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>mint juleps
Great choice. Great to sip on hot days. Moscow mules are also probably the most refreshing mixed drink.

>> No.10623615

fuck yes moscow mules are great. just looking at a copper mug makes me thirsty

>> No.10623654

What are some basic bottles you need to stock up on to get into making cocktails?

>> No.10623760

vodka and cranberry/orange juice at a minimum

>> No.10623766

overcome your autism and go into a bar

>> No.10624124

Vodka, Gin, Rum, Tequila, Whiskey are basics

In addition I always have vermouths and Campari

>> No.10624138

I'm very fond of whiskey sour's.

>> No.10624144

These are good suggestions >>10624124
I'd also recommend a bottle of bitters, whatever brand is available near you. The most common being angostura

>> No.10624156
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A pisco sour has egg whites in it so it's kinda like breakfast if you think about it.

>> No.10625313

batanga: tequila, ice, squeezed lime wedge, topped with coke

paloma: tequila, ice, squeezed lime wedge, topped with Squirt soda or any other grapefruit soda

Both are excellent and easy to make, just make sure you get 100% agave tequila, as in not fucking jose cuervo. Blanco and reposado work well, but reposado is a bit more mellow straight

>> No.10625453
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I got a bottle of pic related to see if drinking oloros would help me pick it out of oloros aged whiskies.
It's only slightly more drinkable than vermouth though.
What can I do with it for mixing?
Is it a suitable substitute for vermouth?

>> No.10625509


>> No.10625598

Just cracked open the oloroso wikipedia article to educate myself

It's not an aromatized wine and isn't sweet like red vermouth (unless the bottle specifically says it's sweet) so I'm going to say it's not exactly equivalent. However, by all means, mix it into anything and everything you think it could sub into, particularly drinks that use dry vermouth, probably starting with a martini if you have access to good gin

Although, since you say it's "undrinkable" like vermouth, its flavor's probably powerful enough on its own that it can still function as a flavorful addition to a cocktail despite not being aromatized

>> No.10625603

>buying the sherry version of bum wine
>waah! sherry isn't good!

>> No.10625604
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Mai Tai's are great
Singapore Slings

I actually invented a drink that's really good if you want to try it out its called a "Smart Ass"
Absolute (vodka)
Tanqurey (gin)
Blue Cureaco

>> No.10625651

'Olorosos are dry, not sweet. Wines labelled as "Rich Oloroso", "Sweet Oloroso" or "Oloroso Dulce" were formally banned by the Andalusian regional government on 12 April 2012.[1] They will have to re-labelled as "Cream Sherry: Blend of Oloroso".'

The wine brand in the pic he has is actual dry oloroso, so I wouldn't call it bumwine since bumwine is oversweetened to cover shit young wine

>> No.10625653

Rusty nails are my favorite (scotch and drambuie)

Old fashioneds are good if made properly (95% of the time they are not, and suffer from 'le Madman drink ;^))‘

Sidecars are also pretty decent.

>> No.10625663

It's bumwine because it's shitty fucking cream sherry that he bought for $6 at walmart or whatever the equivalent is in his country.

He probably warmed it up first too.

>> No.10625674

What can I mix into sweet tea to make a tasty cocktail?

>> No.10625683

What kind of proportions do you do that one with?

Also, no flame, but you misspelled all 3 liquors

>> No.10625713
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>> No.10625735


Being the useful reply, thank you.

I didn't generalize all sherry, I just remarked about that one.

Do people warm up sherry?
The only liquor I've ever warmed was sake.

You probably can't tell, but I have no sherry experience. Hence the question.

>> No.10625754

You're welcome

Most of what goes into cocktail skill is having a good idea of what new mix would be good and then being able to tell which one is good after whipping up 10 different ones

>> No.10625766

real answer:
shot of bourbon, a half shot of lemon juice or the juice from half a lemon (either squeezed in, or preferably muddled before adding other ingredients on top), then topped with sweet tea and ice in a pint glass

>> No.10625788
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"muddled" as in squeezed with one of these badboys (after the half-lemon being cut itself into thirds)

Clarifying since the first time I heard "muddled" it sounded like "lightly shaken" and not what it actually meant

>> No.10625808

Nice thanks. Will try this. Have a bit of High West left and I've been drinking sweet tea here and there recently, thought "vodka" initially, but I'm not much into vodka and wouldn't want to buy some for this purpose.

>> No.10625888

Vodka would probably be similar to bourbon in that mix since it's a shot in a pint of liquid and ice

When I was doing bourbon/tea/lemon I was using Arnold Palmer half&half lite and Benchmark old no. 8 I got at $10 per 750ml. I could hardly taste anything from the bourbon except a slight "bad alcohol" flavor that I got rid of with a little added lemon

Essentially, you can probably use any bourbon or unflavored vodka, as long as it isn't too foul, and the drink will turn out the same, so go cost effective. The main draw of using bourbon is the knowledge that all your ingredients are thematically Southern, but you can probably get away with using Evan Williams Green Label with no loss of quality and hefty savings

>> No.10625901
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And don't use Ten High or Seagram's 7 Crown or any whiskey that's labeled "a blend"

While they may be good as shooters, when mixed they give a rubbing alcohol flavor that isn't improved by lemon

>> No.10626018
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Oh lol yeah I was at work and made that post inbetween customers so I figured it was spelled wrong but as far as proportions I personally do this for a drink

1 shot Absolut
1 shot Tanqueray
1/4 Blue Curaçao (Give or take-mostly for color and a bit of sweetness)
Half a can of sprite
Then top it off with Red Bull and mix it up
You can tweak the ingredients if you want I always make it kinda different.
It taste a lot like the Smarties candies, that's why I call it a "Smart Ass".

>> No.10626819

vodka and soda water

>> No.10626866
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>> No.10626871
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>> No.10626888
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>> No.10626900

Mojitos and the classic Gin and Tonic - you can never go wrong there.

>> No.10627054

ARe mojitos any good?

>> No.10627093

Yes, even if you're making them with vodka and not rum and without mint, because limeade is inherently good

Best done with muddled fresh limes

>> No.10627104

I haven't had a Mojito in forever. Yo honestly T.G.I.Fridays makes great Mojitos if you ever get out that way

>> No.10628306

>ARe mojitos any good?
They are the best. You're missing out if you haven't experienced it at least one time in your life.

>> No.10628310

I like cranberry grapefruit vodka.

I know it's called a sea breeze don't make me say it... ROFL!

>> No.10628416

It depends on your personal tastes, unless you want stuff on hand for home guests. If that is the case then one bottle of the basics:
Vodka (while they are neutral spirits, depending on what it is distilled from you can pick up subtle differences)
Whiskey (one bourbon, one rye)
Rum (white or spiced, if you like Dark and Stormies then dark)
Tequila (avoid mixtos, they are pretty much garbage. there are some solid blancos such as Lunazul or El Jimador that are at a reasonanle price point)
Triple Sec (blue curacao is the same albeit with a different color)

This will certainly get you started once you figure out what mixers you want to include. I can't emphasize how handy it is to have at least one bottle of bitters on hand. Angostura, Peychauds, and anything from Bittermens or Fee Brothers. Think of it is your spice rack for drinks, each bottle can bring something new to a cocktail so experimenting (especially in Old Fashions) is fun. Some bitters compliment certain spirits better than others.

Picking up different liquors/liquers branches out what you can do immensely as well, i'd suggest based on the basic list above Campari, Amaretto, a coffee liqueur (Caffe Lolita if you prefer a more bitter coffee flavor compared to Kahlua's sweetness), and anything local to your region for a bit of flair. When I was starting out I would buy a bottle for one particular drink and see what else I could use it in. Purchasing mini bottles is a cheap way to figure out if you would be willing to get a full sized bottle.

A basic set of tools won't set you back much, though I would definitely spring for a jigger for more accurate measurements. Rule of thumb for shaken vs stirred; if your drink consists of syrups, juices, and/or liqueur they need to be shaken due to their varying viscousities. If it is all spirits, stirred as shaking will lead to overdilution.

>> No.10628432

And a quick note on vermouths, both sweet and dry. Treat it like a good wine and store it in the fridge, if you want to go the extra step use a wine pump on it. Improper storage is what leads to oxidation which is why a ton of people claim to hate vermouth. I personally buy the smallest bottle possible since I go through it so slowly.

Just don't fret if your first attempts at making drinks end up lackluster, practice is key. If this thread is still up and you have questions, feel free to ask. Otherwise I will ramble on.

>> No.10629350

Yeah, unfortunately people have all kinds of dumb ideas on how to drink sherry

>> No.10629373
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Sidecar, but I basically double the amounts and put it in an old fashioned. If you like sour drinks, you'll enjoy this one.

Basic recipe:
>2 parts cognac (or any other brandy)
>1 part Cointreau (or any orange liqueur; Triple Sec is a decent substitute)
>1 part lemon juice
You can modify the amounts to your liking.

Add your ingredients and shake that shit with ice, then strain it into a (preferably cold) cocktail glass. Take a lemon peel and squeeze it over the drink the release some lemon oils and use it as a garnish. You can put sugar on the rim, but it's already good without it.

>> No.10629398

I quite like an extra long melon highball:

(in a 300ml glass)
45ml Midori
15ml blue curacao
30ml sours mix
30ml white rum (I use Havana Club 3yr)
30ml vodka (Finlandia works well)

Stir together and top with lemonade and some ice (it shouldn't extend further down than 1/4 of the total depth).

>> No.10629412
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Not a recipe per se, but I suggest trying poitin (Irish moonshine, pronounced 'puu-tcheen') as a substitute for gin/whisky in cocktails. This particular brand is smooth and sweet enough to be sipped straight.

>> No.10630252

Get some stroh and put it in tea

>> No.10630279
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Who /pimms/ here?
It's summer, lads.

>> No.10630650

pink gin
gin and water

>> No.10630668

if you want to get your ass fucked hard, make like 3 rusty nails and youll be on your ass. i do it with one shot drambui, 3 and a splash of scotch. too much drambui and its like drinking pure syrup

>> No.10630707

try a Collins (lemon juice, simple syrup, booze, club soda and ice), they're very hard to go wrong with, unless you go to a shit bar that uses sour mix. You can make them with the major liquor of your choice, though Tom Collins (gin) is most popular. John Collins (whiskey) and Juan Collins (tequila) are great variations to try.

>> No.10630800

If you're getting into it, find cocktails that sound good and get the liquor that's common between them. If your looking at whiskey cocktails, Rye might be a good option over Bourbon because it'll stand out against other flavors better (but it's worse on its own).

>> No.10630895
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my man

>> No.10631092

best done with a half-lime cut into thirds muddled in a pint glass

I've done it both with juice and whole fruit, and the zest oil from the whole gives a much better flavor

>> No.10631782

by lime I mean lemon

citrus fruit that starts with L

>> No.10632116

Can't go wrong with a High Ball