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10626723 No.10626723 [Reply] [Original]

Is this legit science?
I've been drinking my mixed drinks with regular soda, if I swap to diet would I be cutting back on calories AND getting drunker?

>> No.10626742

Sounds like bullshit, but what I can tell you is that consuming sugar while drinking gets you more hungover the next day so regardless if this Viral Social Media Image is true, it's probably a good move

or just goddamn make real cocktails instead of witheringly sweet rum&cokes

>> No.10626934

Well what do you suggest then?

>> No.10626954 [DELETED] 

Diet soda is made for people that have problems with sugar in the first place. It still has tons of sweetener in it, which causes your body to think it's sugar, thus releasing insulin and lowering your blood sugar level. It will certainly deplete the blood sugar levels quite a bit, which could make you feel more "drunk" because you have low blood sugar.

>> No.10626959

>18% drunker
So your two options are that Diet Coke somehow magics 18% more alcohol in the glass, or it's made up bullshit some fag wrote on the internet.

>> No.10626976

well it cant be the second one
Because it says facts in the website link

>> No.10626993

okay, so assuming this is true:
certain chemicals are processed by your body (meaning they interact with the stomach, intestines, etc.) and certain chemicals aren't. This is the way artificial sweeteners work: the chemicals interact with your tongue, but the rest passes through you.
It could be the fact that because your body doesn't have to process the sugar, etc. that would be in a mixed drink with 'normal' soda, the diet soda will get you drunk quicker. Meaning, the alcohol is processed into your bloodstream->brain faster. You still have the same amount of alcohol passing through your system.
The same as drinking on a empty/full stomach.

>> No.10627008

to my understanding, the fake sugar still triggers your body to gear up to process the food. Since most of it is indigestible synthetic shit it goes to town on the ethanol and you get drunk quicker.

>> No.10627072

I pretty generally dislike oversweet things and drinking coke gives me a headache sober

Good non-soda cocktails
-a good liquor on the rocks or chilled in the freezer and then drank neat (I used to have a problem with nose burn when drinking liquor straight, but you just need to learn to "close your nose" internally to avoid getting vapor in your sinuses)
-arnold palmer half&half+a shot of bourbon+ice+half-shot of lemon juice
-whiskey sour

Good soda cocktails:
-gin&tonic with a lemon or lime wedge (good intro to gin if you're gin-averse: New Amsterdam gin)
-dark&stormy with a lime wedge (your choice of dark rum and ginger beer, gosling's black seal and ginger beer are pretty good, cock&bull ginger beer burns my throat in a strange and unpleasant way)
-paloma (Squirt or any grapefruit soda, lime wedge, 100% agave blanco or reposado tequila only, fuck jose cuervo and other 50% grain alcohol shit)
-batanga (same as paloma but with coke instead of grapefruit soda)

etc etc etc

My point is that it's depressing to see people slug back rum&cokes or jack&cokes and call them their favorite cocktails when they're largely sugarwater with a little spice. I might seem like a hypocrite since I have batanga on the list, which is essentially tequila&coke, but the point is to try a bunch of different drinks and not sit on rum/jack&coke to get fucked up as uncreatively as possible, afraid of branching out

>> No.10627080

Having food in your stomach makes you get less drunk when you're drinking and sugar is food

I've seen and heard about freshmen girls getting chokeslammed directly into a blackout by precisely 4 shots on an empty stomach too goddamn many times

>> No.10627091

Hmm, yes, approximately 18% drunker on an empty stomach.

Drunker is not a fucking metric. If someone tells you "Dude people get 18% drunker on diet coke" it's because he's a shithead making up shit and you'd be an idiot to listen to fuck all he says.

>> No.10627127

I was the first reply on the post, and yes I already thought of that

There COULD have been a rigorous study done on the subject measuring BAC after a set time after subjects were randomly assigned to drink liquor mixed with diet or full-sugar soda that was then transformed into a mental-popcorn pop science factoid with simplified language since "18% drunker" is faster to read and easier to understand than "18% higher BAC after 30 minutes"

But again, it really doesn't matter if it's fact or fiction and I'm not going to bother to find out

>> No.10627130

Why do people like being drunk?

>> No.10627131

it dulls the discomfort that is our miserable lives.

>> No.10627136

easier to socialize, inherent euphoria-inducing properties, alcoholic beverages are tasty, getting fucked up can be escapism from your problems if your life sucks

>> No.10627166
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>> No.10627180

It's an escape.

>> No.10627183

could be true, dunno

aspartame feeds gut bacteria, which produce TLR4, which potentiates alcohol and other stress.

>> No.10627184

Woah, how many people on this board are alcoholics.

>> No.10627190

oh and I forgot to mention, fructose helps metabolize alcohol quicker.

the gut bacteria thing could be true also.

>> No.10627197

I'm pretty sure anyone posting on 4chan has problems desu

>> No.10627206

that's bad bait

anyone with less than perfect ignorance of the effects of alcohol is an alcoholic

>> No.10627213

ah jeez looks like you've been fucked by Science

t. NDG

>> No.10627217

in english please?

>> No.10627225
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>> No.10627277
File: 15 KB, 325x325, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee+dude+chill+the+_4cd4128e4e1d2f9f34687f7c9bf5f08a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10627280

Are you retarded? The URL right in the image says "facts".

>> No.10627291

I think OP can't read

>> No.10627336

What does this post say

>> No.10627393

>which could make you feel more "drunk" because you have low blood sugar.

I wish your average person realized this

>> No.10627397
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i dont know i cant read either

>> No.10627408
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"The research also prompts an entirely different question—why do diet mixers increase intoxication in the first place? The researchers believe it’s because the body recognizes regular sodas (which include sugar) as food, which slows down the rate of alcohol absorption into the blood. Diet sodas, on the other hand, only include aspartame, which the body doesn’t treat as food, so the alcohol mixed in gets absorbed much more quickly."


>> No.10627426

how's it sugarshilling when more drunk is more good?

>> No.10627485
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Probably artificial sweeteners are carcinogenic and probably do a number on your liver and kidneys far more than we probably know.

>> No.10628641 [DELETED] 


>> No.10628650

>according to study
>don't reference the studdy

>> No.10628652

They feel less bad about drinking all those alco-calories when their mixer is no/zero calories, so they drink more.
I guarantee they didn't take into account alcohol used and amount drank, they just guesstimated after watching some people, "yeah I'd say...15~18% drunker"

>> No.10628665

>sample size of 16 for physiological test
God damn that's pretty bad.

>> No.10629707

peer pressure

>> No.10630225

Probably this. Fake sugar creates insulin spike, not sugar in blood, insulin removes what little sugar there is, low blood sugar, more wasted.

>> No.10631796

yeah I've got a coworker who's morbidly obese due to alcohol abuse. he's always "dieting" and "waah why can't I lose weight, muh metabolism". no you dumb fuck, it's because of the extra 1500 calories a day from booze.

>> No.10631995

>yeah I'd say...15~18% drunker
They tested their blood alcohol level

>> No.10632060

i read this in '06. it's supposedly because fructose helps process alcohol faster. that's why i always buy a two liter for the next day when i plan on getting drunk. doesn't help with the psychological effects though.

>> No.10632452


>> No.10632461

>diet soda
18% gayer maybe

>> No.10632488

Any more drink suggestions?

>> No.10633422

-gin and creme de noyeux (often labeled "amaretto," but is sugary/syrupy and deep red) on ice, topped with club soda
-tom collins: muddled half-lime cut into thirds or a half-shot of lemon juice, shot of gin/vodka/whiskey, half-shot of simple syrup, topped with club soda
-tom collins as above except with lime (mintless mojito because mint is a pain to use up before it goes bad)

>> No.10633433

Science? It's just a correlation. Without any analysis of the data, there's nothing scientific about it.

>> No.10633441

No, the alcohol gets processed faster though meaning you’ll feel the effects of it quicker

>> No.10633452
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Two signs this is not trustworthy

>18% drunker
What standards? How did they even measure whatever standard they use?
>A recent study
The good 'ol unnamed anf unreferenced study. Fuck that.

Now give me a diet virgin cuba libre.

>> No.10633483

>What standards?
"Gee whiz, if only there were a way to measure blood alcohol content quickly and accurately"

>> No.10633531

I don't care if it's broscience or not. I'll get less fat and trick myself that I'm getting drunker. Sounds like a good enough deal for me.
Do all diet sodas contain aspartame or just some of them?

>> No.10633590

it's true
misleading to frame it that way; the better way to frame it would be "sugary drinks get you less drunk"
sugar helps you metabolize alcohol

>> No.10633636

remember when we used to have al/ck/ and it drove a huge amount of traffic on /ck/

>> No.10633646 [DELETED] 

Remember when it went away and we now have 2 pepes and 5 fast food threads on the main page.

>> No.10633724

>is this legit science

>> No.10633828

Then state that as your definition instead of using a vague term "drunkedness", u dofus.

>> No.10634054

>doesn't fucking read thread
>rediscusses a closed topic
>comes to the wrong conclusion

Jesus christ I wish pseuds would shut up

If you want to be grotesquely self indulgent in full view of your fellow human beings, try public masturbation