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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 640 KB, 2340x1200, BMIChart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10622764 No.10622764 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that if you are not in the green, you can't say anything about food because you clearly can't cook healthy food worth shit

>> No.10622771

easiest way to solve the obesity crisis is to purge the fatties. problem solved no more obesity

>> No.10622774

>tfw 6'2" and 125 because of metabolism

>> No.10622786

you have cancer, skelanon.

>> No.10622795

>le epic imperial measurements

>> No.10622801

>get educated queer
sorry it is not in fag units.

>> No.10622811

>went from mid red to mid orange over past two years.
feels not terrible i guess whatever

>> No.10622868

But I'm 6'1, 200, and 13% bodyfat. I'm unhealthy? Vegan btw

>> No.10622874

obviously mentally ill.

>> No.10622880

bmi only works if you have an average build. if you are built like a linebacker or a beanpole your bmi will be skewed. it also doesnt work if you have muscle but that barely applies to anyone sadly

>> No.10622882

I will have my second post-graduate next year, nice try though.

>> No.10622892

6' 4"
Gluten abstinence really pays for itself

>> No.10622893


>> No.10622900

holy fuck. post pics anon.

>> No.10622919

Stay jealous

>> No.10622930

>Stay jealous
>of being crazy
i will try anon. if i ever get mental health issues, i will maintain my prescription.

>> No.10622937

Hey everyone
Look at this jealous faggot, triggered by altruism.
Keep drinking estrogen, kiddo. Stay mowing lawns.

>> No.10622947

we get it, you are insane. no need to triple down at this point.

>> No.10622954
File: 75 KB, 533x667, imveganbtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your homework, meatcuck.
Follow me on Twitter

>> No.10622963

so in other words, you're talking out your ass because it still applies to some 90% of people
good to know

>> No.10622965

this chart is so fucking hard to read, I'm in the green but it actually makes no sense, what the fuck am I at a reduced risk for and why is BMI not factored into weight and height, also age, also what happens if you are at less risk for " ? " than is shown. This is a /fit/ propganda chart that has no meaning cause no one in /fit/ ever graduated 1st grade.

>> No.10622968

I have a friend that weighs 135 with a BMI of 32, that doesn't fit into your stupid chart.

>> No.10622977

Lol, 132lb at my height would be healhty? I'd be Auschwitzmode. I ran track in HS and then joined the Army, and I was probably 10-12% at like 170lb.

>> No.10622982

This chart is a joke. I'm comfortably in the green, 20-21 BMI and I'm definitely fat as fuck.

>> No.10622984

Never trust a skinny chef. Good to know you losers are proud of making food that tastes bad.

>> No.10622999

It's a very simplified chart that doesn't account for age, sex, athleticism, build, or race. They can be a little bit off. They're almost never way off the mark. They are meant to be used as a basic test of whether or not you should consider gaining or losing weight. Not shown is the red to the left of the green. Underweight is also unhealthy.

>> No.10623000

why would I cook healthy food? I cook good food.

>> No.10623004

The chart is VERY FAR off for most people though... "intersect your height and weight to find your BMI" BMI has nothing to do with height and weight.

>> No.10623011

If you lift you guaranteed "overweight" and even obese if you're really buff

>> No.10623021

I don't think you know what most chefs learn in culunary school.
They learn to make shit taste good and usually that does not involve watching out for health.

>> No.10623036

Eh. There are a few different BMI calculation formulas floating around out there. Charts are pretty useless nowadays when you can use online calculators to enter your sex, build, age, and race. Not sure why this chart someone posted offends you. Maybe you're just bored like the rest of us on 4chan and want to talk about shit?

>> No.10623042

you can't measure your BMI online dingus, it has nothing to do with any of that.

>> No.10623061

You absolutely can. That's the whole point of the body mass index. What you cannot do online is accurately measure your body fat percentage.

>> No.10623069

you literally can't do either online, which is why this chart and everything from /fit/ is bait.

>> No.10623070

Yeah 100%.... Even at 4% bodyfat I would still be in blue.

>> No.10623072

Post your Auschwitz twink bod.

>> No.10623082

Sorry, you're wrong. This is a bait thread, though.
>The body mass index (BMI) or Quetelet index is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of an individual. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is universally expressed in units of kg/m2, resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres.

>> No.10623083

body mass index requires a body fat reading.

>> No.10623086

Please do.

>> No.10623088

>The BMI may also be determined using a table[note 1] or chart which displays BMI as a function of mass and height using contour lines or colours for different BMI categories, and which may use other units of measurement (converted to metric units for the calculation).

>> No.10623093

>The BMI is an attempt to quantify the amount of tissue mass (muscle, fat, and bone) in an individual, and then categorize that person as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese based on that value. However, there is some debate about where on the BMI scale the dividing lines between categories should be placed.[1] Commonly accepted BMI ranges are underweight: under 18.5 kg/m2, normal weight: 18.5 to 25, overweight: 25 to 30, obese: over 30. People of Asian descent have different associations between BMI, percentage of body fat, and health risks than those of European descent, with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease at BMIs lower than the WHO cut-off point for overweight, 25 kg/m2, although the cutoff for observed risk varies among different Asian populations.

>> No.10623094

did you pull that shit comment from /fit/?

BMI has 0 to do with height and weight, if that was true this chart would be telling tens of millions of people that that are obese or under weight when they are actually very fucking healthy.

This is my last post cause no more for me tonight.

>> No.10623102
File: 45 KB, 599x595, SCARY DUDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'9" 130 lbs boys
am I healthy?

>> No.10623106

Wikipedia. You can peruse the long list of medical texts the article cites yourself. You're arguing with me about the definition of a medical term I am quoting to you from an encyclopedia.


>> No.10623117

>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh I'm fat
Go exercise instead of self justifying losers.

>> No.10623119

Sorry if I'm coming across as argumentative to you, but I think you've misunderstood what the body mass index is.

>> No.10623124

someone already did that, and literally the first sentence proves that it is impossible to measure online in a chart.

>> No.10623137

You're correct. It is impossible to measure your height and weight by looking at a chart. I misunderstood your point this whole time. I apologize.

>> No.10623144

you also should now understand that it is impossible to measure your body fat online, which is an integral part of BMI. It's like your trying to tell the 5'10 people that bench 250 pounds are obese or underweight.... like what are you even smoking.

>> No.10623147

sorry the 5'10 people that weigh "145 and bench 250 pounds", is what I meant to say.

>> No.10623466
File: 119 KB, 1080x793, DS9WGEWW0AEgPDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10623470

: \

>> No.10623488

>tfw right in the middle of orange
I'm lazy, I'll admit it. Can't seem to work up the motivation to do what I have to do. Could go to /fit/ and read it all day, but at the end of the day I wouldn't apply any of it.

>> No.10624334

>falling for this (((chart)))
good goy drink your s*y and stay a good little twink forever
t. "obese" on chart but actually fit as fuck

>> No.10624340

I'm just barely below "extreme obesity." so that's good I guess

>> No.10624345

>anything other than skinnyfat or ottermode is "overweight"

How is being 132 pounds at 5'10" considered "healthy?" If anything, you're at increased risk of getting your ass beat.

>> No.10624363
File: 61 KB, 448x785, Screenshot_185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw obese

>> No.10624365

who'd think a chart based on the general populace isn't representative for the small amount of people that work out enough to build muscle mass.

not everything is a Jewish conspiracy dumb fuck

>> No.10624377

Why would I cook healthy food when I can cook good food?

>> No.10624390

>this study says
does not link study or even the abstract, all i needed to hear

>> No.10624487

lmao , keept telling yourself that fatty
I'm 6'3 and 190lb. According to this char I'm in the green, but I still feel like I'm overweight.

>> No.10624501

>tfw so fat my measurement isn't on OP's BMI chart

feels bad man

>> No.10624506

Well, time to trade /ck/ for /fit/

>> No.10624511

I have things to work through with the therapist first, now that I can afford to do it. Once the brain gets settled, I can work on the rest of the body.

>> No.10624513

I'm 5'10", 125lbs, guess i'm not healthy?

>> No.10624531

its called skinny fat bro, work out and get some muscle, turn the flab into ab

>> No.10624550

That's loser talk. If you wait for your brain to get in line, it's never going to be fixed enough for you to move on to other things. Motivation comes from starting to do things before you're motivated to do them. Start your diet RIGHT NOW. I recommend keto. /fit/ recommends traditional low-fat calorie counting. START NOW.

>> No.10624552

I used to be firmly in the orange, close to red. About 10 more pounds to go, and I'll almost be in the green.
There are no special tricks to my diet, I just control my calorie count.

>> No.10624553

you can do both you elephant

>> No.10624582

you measured wrong

>> No.10624598

>6'1, 200
>13% bodyfat
Unless you're fit af, you must have calculated your body fat wrong.

>> No.10624627

Fuck off dude I'm working on it, cut me a fucking break I don't need you pressuring me.

I'm down to blue. This time last year I was deep in the orange.

>> No.10624675

>I don't know the difference between imperial and customary, but I'm going to pretend that you're the stupid one.

>> No.10624677

I am in the green and have always been in the green despite constant horrible food choices.

i almost exclusively eat grilled cheese sandwiches

>> No.10624682

spotted the basedboy

>> No.10624693

>I'm 5'10", 125lbs, guess i'm not healthy?
Thank Mr. Skeltal

>> No.10625070

>no 6'5
How am I supposed to know where I stand?

>> No.10625395
File: 144 KB, 1440x2560, 476547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a twink at all, but here i am.
i once ate an entire log of deep fried cookie dough, three burgers, and a 12-piece bo-box with fixins in a single sitting in an attempt to gain weight. ended up the same. eating all the time doesn't help, either.

>> No.10625426

Work out and constantly eat meat.

>> No.10625433 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 250x174, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10625446

Is 23 BMI an okay place to be at

>> No.10625450

tried that all of last year, no results other than needing to fap five times a day to keep myself from testosterone rage

>> No.10625465

did you try working out and eating?

>> No.10625482

i ate every time i could, until i couldn't eat more. whenever i wasn't eating, i was working out.

>> No.10625505

>tfw green

>> No.10625513

I'm comfortably in the yellow and I can do 10 full pull ups in a row without stopping or swinging
what's your excuse?

>> No.10625519

if you aren't in the red then you should be banned because you don't like food

>> No.10625524
File: 20 KB, 405x153, p61-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're still in the green you are still possibly skinnyfat aka This is America mode

>> No.10625658

Sounds like you should have eaten more.

Try bulking while smoking weed.

>> No.10625849

I'm in the green. I also only eat frozen pizza and fast food. I'm a terrible alcoholic. Should find some other metrics to measure for health