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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10612257 No.10612257 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a better beer?

>> No.10612506
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>> No.10612517
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>> No.10612524

Never had either of these. See them on the shelves at grocery stores everywhere I go, but never pulled the trigger.

What do you like about them and why would you recommend them?

>> No.10612536

I want to cum inside that beer

>> No.10612544

does it taste like horse pussy?

>> No.10612545

Delirium Tremens really is fantastic if you like Belgian blondes. It is expensive and very strong though.

>> No.10612551
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>> No.10613500

I once drank two of these right before taking 1000ug of lsd and I puked like I never had before
Delirium Tremens has a distinct but nice flavour imo. Totally different from other strong beers of the same kind.

>> No.10613512

Hue hue hue
Its called delirium and its like super strong!

It taste like shitty hipster beer but hey guys look at this trippy label its like, wow! Makes me wanna smoke weed and get spaced out dude!

>> No.10613514

DT is a medical condition from withdrawal and it's not a lot of fun.

>> No.10613522

Thats my point. Then why make a extra strong beer with that name. Its like if a cigarette brand would be called lung cancer and contain extra tar

>> No.10613523

Yeah I should have added that I agree it's in bad taste.

>> No.10613599

Both Nocturnum and Noel are superior.

>> No.10613604
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>> No.10613777
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It's really good but American craft beer is of such variety and quality there's always something better at a reasonable price. I think dark horse makes a better Belgium trippel and it's one of my go-to's. No reason to buy euro meme beer when it's so expensive and usually not very fresh.

>> No.10613816

02:41PM for me

>> No.10613850
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>> No.10614023

I like that it tastes extremely sweet and bitter. I also love the milkshake like consistency and the sour aftertaste

>> No.10614037

Lindemann's is great and all, but while by definition, lambics are beer, it ain't beer. It's like putting feta and pesto on a crust and calling it a pizza. There's nothing wrong with it, might even taste good, but it ain't pizza.

>> No.10614066

Or making a burger place called the Heart Attack Cafe. It's madness!

>> No.10614074

Pretty sure there's never be a more overrated beer. Total meme. It's okay at best.

>> No.10614505
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where do I find this?

>> No.10614532

>Its like if a cigarette brand would be called lung cancer and contain extra tar
That'd be badass. I would totally try those at least once.

>> No.10614537


>> No.10614542
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>> No.10615287

Wtf this doesn't sound appetizing at all

>> No.10616245

Rochefort, Chimay, St. Bernardus and even Duvel make better belgians. I've never had any Westvleteren but I can imagine them being better too.

I'd even put La Fin du Monde from Unibroue above this.

>> No.10616637

it's just alright and a meme. it annoys me that it comes with that champagne-style cork

>>10612506 is legitimately not good

>> No.10616666

Didn't this one win a blue ribbon?

Not American, it's expensive to import that one here.

>> No.10616691

yeah, in like 1900

>> No.10616725

Yeah. Still holds up too. Worth the import cost

>> No.10616732

I don't like beers that taste like orange zest and coriander

>> No.10616779

Yep. Still a fantastic beer though.

>> No.10616804

I don't even like beer and i like this stuff

>> No.10616867

This shit tastes like feet but will get you drunk. Fuck you. Love, the al/ck/ threads.

>> No.10616885

My all time favorite

>> No.10617256

No cuz beer suks

>> No.10617298

where is the al/ck thread? cant seem to find it...

>> No.10617327

We've been exiled to /r9k/. I'm trying not to go full on drunken shitpost jihad/crusade on /ck/ but today is fucking doing my head in.

>> No.10617345

every day on this garbage board does my head in

>> No.10617629
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>> No.10617646

If this isn't literal horse piss, I'm going to be very disappointed.

>> No.10618289

i like 8

>> No.10618300

what the fuck i love beer now

>> No.10618303

Love Gulden Draak. I get myself a 750ml bottle at least every Christmas.

>> No.10618308

So find another board, there’s plenty.
/ck/ isn’t appropriate for alcoholic threads. Try /r9k/ or /s4s/

>> No.10618656

6 is a strong ale, 8 is a dubbel, 10 is a quad.

>> No.10618659

Draak is fucking delicious, but I find 9000 to be overly sweet, personaly

>> No.10619738
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GTFO Amerifags

>> No.10619747

by that definition I guess the only beer is bud light?

>> No.10619761

american beer is like having sex on a canoo.
>it's fucking close to water

>> No.10619796


>> No.10619844

t. only ever tried macros

>> No.10619846


>> No.10619849

Turd worlders folks

>> No.10619922


This tastes like rotting corn mash

it’s fucking disgusting and only dirty hillbillies and hipsters drink it.

>> No.10619942

It tastes like Pinkie's pie.

>> No.10619948
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Ummmmmm, sweaty....

>> No.10619956

fuck off, retard

>> No.10619960
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I don't know if it is 'the best beer'
but it is fucking awesome and probably one of the best Mill St beers

>> No.10619965
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Also very good

>> No.10619972
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This is my go to

5.5, easy drinking, actually tastes like beer.

Alcoholics choice really

>> No.10619975

What is this meme where you refer to a vagina as a pie? It makes literally no sense at all and it sounds disgusting to be quite honest

>> No.10620014
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Oh shit it's real


>Brony(ABV 7%)Double Dry Hopped Double IPAPonies are cool. They can fly and make magic and have the prettiest tales. But people have hands. Ponies don't. With hands, people can drink beer (usually). Like this beer here.This beer is for Bronies, not phonies. Huell Melon, Motueka, Citra & Rakau hops swim together in rainbows of citrus, strawberry & orchard fruits. You can even share it with your pony, Brony. But you'll probably have to help it drink it. Because ponies don't have hands.

>> No.10620018
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The superior IPA iteration.

>> No.10620033

Ummm excuse me sweatie but I'm talking about the pastries that Pinkie bakes...

>> No.10620062
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this is patrician beer

>> No.10620069
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this one is goat
shame that the rest of bellwoods kind of suck

>> No.10620081

This is my favorite quad I've tried. Good stuff.

>> No.10620090
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For me? It has gotta be PBR!

>> No.10620098
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can you give me the down low on these fellas? Got a few friends going to Montreal and they said it could be possible to find a few beers to bring with back. Backwoods was on top in Ratebeer, but is there some other place in downtown that a tourist might pick up a few bottles and have a better time I do not mind the style, it is just nice to get new experiences. Pic related is what I am drinking atm.

>> No.10620099

absolute piss

you fucking dirty hipster

>> No.10620100
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>> No.10620103

>delirium tremens
what a stupid fucking name for a beer
why not bottle a soda called “complications from diabetes” too

>> No.10620106

why do you fucking care so much
If it tastes good it's good

>> No.10620125
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Well I am sorry. How else is how a fella to get their information across the Atlantic? They might be stuck up pricks but you can glean some information from there. The question is, are you one of them daft cunts or can you help me out? Either way I do not frankly give a hoot.

>> No.10620136

Not sure about in Montreal, most of the Montreal craft beers we don't get in Ontario, and vice versa.

You might have a hard time finding any bottled Bellwoods anywhere outside of a craft beer pub (and they charge like $15-22 per bottle, or $8 a glass)

They have a few decent beers, I just don't like the farmhouse one or jutsu

Jelly King is like one of the smoothest/easiest to drink beers I've ever had.
It's sourness is super balanced because of the dry-hopping, so it essentially just gains more depth of flavor, while still remaining sour.
The flavored Jelly Kings I've had were pretty good too.

>> No.10620141

>stuck up pricks
Try again, ratebeer is pedestrian as fuck. Beeradvocate is for actual snobs and anyone after real information

>> No.10620144

>actual snobs

what a thing to aspire to

>> No.10620150

Forgot to mention, Bellwoods brewery is in Toronto.

Also, what I meant with the flavor was that the hops neutralizes some of the acidity, but not any of the sour flavor, and even adds more fruity citra flavor.

>> No.10620174

literally everything else?

>> No.10620192

Sorry to piggyback on this, do you reckon it would be ok to get 1-3 500ml bottles from there and call it a day? Were I there personally I could dedicate a lot more effort in getting some nice samples for home but alas. I just need to get a few bottles that exemplify what I am looking for. Went to Seattle and Vancouver a few years back and I reckon those beers were worth the effort.

>> No.10620193
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Not even their best.

>> No.10620238

from the brewery or a pub?
I guess either works, but from a pub is pretty expensive.

I'd probably try to get a bottle of some different types.
If Bellwoods specifically, probably Jelly King, Raspberry Jelly King (rarely available), 3 Minutes to midnight and either monogamy or barn owl (both aren't always available and are a bit different each time they're released, but a version of one of them is usually available)

I'm not certain which of those is bottled though, they may just have casks. I've only got Jelly King and Jutsu bottled and the rest on tap.

>> No.10620294
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Thanks a bunch for your co-operation. To be frank, I do not have a slightest thing for Bellwood, but I am curious about their beers. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.10620303

of course, np

>> No.10621917
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Greatest beer ever coming through.

>> No.10622005
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I like this one, it has a gnome on the bottle.

>> No.10622304

Of course its an ipa

>> No.10622433
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>But you'll probably have to help it drink it. Because ponies don't have hands.

Fucking poser faggot.

>> No.10622548

I've been waiting for my local store to get some of the Helles Schlenkerla Lagerbier back on the shelf. I miss it.

>> No.10622587
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managed to scoop up two of these, gonna age one

pretty fucking incredible imo

>> No.10622620
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This one is so underrated

>> No.10623128
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All you Belgiancucks cannot compete with this.