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10613868 No.10613868 [Reply] [Original]

Do you put oil in the pasta water?

>> No.10613870

I do, just a little.

>> No.10613872

No, why would I? Oil and water don't mix.

>> No.10613878

No, if you keep stirring the pasta every 30 seconds for the first few minutes of cooking it won't stick. No reason to waste oil for that. And extra oil on the pasta will make most sauces not stick to it as well too. Just stir your pasta, don't dump it in and walk away until it's done.

>> No.10613881

No, I know how to control the temperature to avoid foam to form, which is the only thing the oil can prevent, partially.

>> No.10614171

Fuck no, and my pasta never sticks. All you have to do is add enough water

>> No.10614173

pasta water? i just use oil

>> No.10614181

no, if I'm gonna toss the pasta with sauce afterwards.
yes if not.

>> No.10614242

mom myths
>oil pasta water
>leave meat out to "come to room temperature"
>cold weather makes you sick
>starve a fever
>umbrellas open inside = no

>> No.10614249

Yes, but then again, my mother's Italian.

>> No.10614260

>starve a fever
I thought that was "starve a cold; feed a fever". It's not like you feel like eating anything when you have a fever any way.

>> No.10614271

>leave meat out to "come to room temperature"

i thought a lot of pros say to do that too, at least with steak. They call it "tempering," right to help ensure even cooking or something?

I do it every so often like with steak and lamb cuts that i intend to cook medium rare, but usually i'm too short on time to wait for the temp to come up.

>> No.10614280

If you suddenly apply high heat to cold meat it becomes rubbery.
>Do you put oil in the pasta water?
Yes, only a bit though.

>> No.10614281

One of Gordan Ramsay's meme techniques that don't actually work.

>> No.10614282

I can clarify a bit. The old rule of thumb was to leave the meat out for 30 min before cooking. That is indeed wrong, because 30 min is nowhere near long enough for the steak to come up to temp.

It DOES make a difference if you get the meat to room temp first. It simply takes longer than the often-quoted "30 minute" figure.

>> No.10614335

But it works.

Source: it just worked like 10 mins ago

>> No.10614343

i heard african ran dance can also prevent pasta from sticking
source: worked yesterday

>> No.10614345


>> No.10614352

I dont't boil my pasta, I like when you get that crunch.

>> No.10614353


>> No.10614354

Breathing in cold, moist air can definitely give a lung infection the edge.

>> No.10614367

The best texture is achieved by mixing 20% unboiled with 80% boiled pasta

>> No.10614372

Cold weather makes you sick

>> No.10616546

i put a little in for taste, like salt, but have found that stirring does more to avoid sticking than oil
>>umbrellas open inside = no
it's rude as fuck

>> No.10616551

you don't put a little water in your pasta oil though?

>> No.10616635

It does make a huge difference in my experience. I used to cook chicken breasts and steaks right out of the fridge, and then started leaving them out for 30-60 minutes or so, and it improved the final dish for both substantially.

>> No.10617428

This is what I've noticed as well. I eat a lot of chicken breast and I can tell how cold the breast was before cooking based on it's texture alone.

>> No.10617442

just a little bit

>> No.10617481

myth, disproven. You can take a steak from the freezer, and one left out for 4 hours, they'll cook in the same amount of time to the same doneness.
i do leave my steak out, but only because it's wet and i let the paper towels dry it off, the hundreds of degrees your pan is doesn't care about the 30~ degree difference from the fridge/room temp.

>> No.10617508

Not sure if troll

>> No.10617531

I put wine in the pasta water, italian guy I know said his mom and grandmom did that all their life

>> No.10617689

he cant afford much oil so he has to be miserly with it

>> No.10617879


>> No.10617900

Let me guess, every time you try to cook a steak, it comes out with a ribbon of pink through the middle?

>> No.10617916

Just on the surface to promote even browning.

>> No.10618052

Starve a fever, feed a couple is somewhat true though. https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/08/feed-cold-starve-fever-science/

>> No.10618059

Cold*, not couple

>> No.10618060

I use pure oil. The water has no flavor so it's useless.

>> No.10618070

It doesn't matter for store bought pasta, that hard shit you get at the grocery, for fresh pasta it works well though.

>> No.10618073

>umbrellas open inside = no
This really ruins the pasta flavour

>> No.10618079

No. What fucking retard would do that?
You put a bit of oil when the pasta comes out to keep it from sticking to each other.

>> No.10618132

honestly, you don't even need to do that. just twist them and then drop them in so they sort of get evenly spaced out.

>> No.10618200

cold air is dry, it can't absorb moisture

>> No.10618279

Can someone not blocked ask ramshit on Twitter how oil floating on top of his pasta water achieves anything?

>> No.10618286

Never. Oil goes on AFTER the pasta has been cooked and drained.

>> No.10618292

>cold air is dry it has no moisture
the absolute state of EU education.

>> No.10618319


i breath in stereo

>> No.10618338

Literally the only reason to put oil in pasta water is if you used a too-small pot and it's boiling over. I suspect this is where the myth comes from: idiots using pots not big enough for pasta and needing to oil their pasta water as a save-my-ass.

>> No.10618348

Do you also pour a little oil down the sink now and then just because you can afford it? It literally does nothing.

>> No.10618376

Unless you are cooking it to medium well/well done on medium or even lower temperature or breaking the laws of physics there's no way that's true.

>> No.10618381

Marco Pierre White puts Oil in the pasta water

>> No.10618383

Marco Pierre White doesn't put Oil in the pasta water

>> No.10618386

>leave meat out to "come to room temperature"
that's best praxis though, you idiot

>> No.10618428
File: 58 KB, 540x405, marco-pierre-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it

>> No.10618473
File: 15 KB, 569x514, volume-air-moisture-holding-capacity-imperial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been out when it's properly cold?

>> No.10618478

what's this in normal units?

>> No.10618609

>eating boiled strips of bread

pasta is pretty disgusting when you think about it

>> No.10618655

Fuck off with this unscientific bullshit.

>> No.10618664

>Cubic feet

What the fuck?

>> No.10618715
File: 15 KB, 546x514, air-moisture-holding-capacity-si.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked the graph with the widest span and with the units an american may possibly understand.

>> No.10618720

>when you think about it
thinking is clearly something you don’t do very often.

>> No.10618724

And this one doesn't even go below freezing which is a bit of an issue when talking about air mosture in cold temperatures

>> No.10618731


im assuming you've never made pasta before you idiot

>> No.10618732


>> No.10619060

Just a touch

>> No.10619068

>im assuming you've never made pasta before you idiot

Sounds like autism

>> No.10619474

less or no foam

>> No.10619482

of course not, what's the poupose of it?

if your pasta sticks if could be
- the pasta is not a quality pasta
- not classic pasta(whole, corn, rice)

If it stick to the bottom of the pan I can't imagine what kind of flame you have in your house but in any case oil won't help because it stays on the surface.
I saw Gordon using oil when making pasta and it shows how fucking little he knows food.

for almost any kind of pasta
> make souce in advance, you can parallelize with making pasta but it is essential that souce is ready before pasta
> put lot of water, better too much than too few
> put salt
> when water boils, put pasta, stir every 20 seconds for the first 2 minutes more or less
> when 2/3 minutes before doness put the pasta with a little bit of its water in the souce pan and finish it. when it cools down a little bit, stir energically and continuously until the souce thickens and sticks to pasta

>> No.10619493

a little is too much
just 1/2 a drop

>> No.10619496

no foam, nothing more

>> No.10619505

>boil pasta
>not enough water
absolutely disgusting
if it even cooks

>> No.10619509

pour favor
>water boils
>then you put salt