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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 990x556, 20171120_siouxchef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10617665 No.10617665 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get into Native American cuisine?

pic related - the Sioux cookbook that got a James Beard Award this year

>> No.10617667

white people roast

>> No.10617674

pumpkin, beans, and corn
deer and berries
gringo scalps

Idk just buy the damn book if you want good answers

>> No.10617675

tree bark

>> No.10617687

go to your local indian casino

>> No.10617707

>How do you get into Native American cuisine?

Out in the Southwest reservations you can find flea markets with food stands. Out here it's a lot of mutton and fried bread. Maybe something weird like sheep intestines. Oh and corn for days.

>> No.10617712

Don't we already have alcohol?
Hell, we have an al/ck/oholic thread already!

>> No.10617758
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>> No.10617777

Fried bread isn't real indian food. They started making that when the government was giving them nothing but lard and flour after they were relocted in the 1800s.

>> No.10617781

Sure beat the hell out of the lead sandwiches.

>> No.10618095

Here on Vancouver Island a traditional diet would include salmon, shellfish, seaweed, deer, berries, plant bulbs baked or steamed or turned into flour, stinging nettle and other edible greens, but mushrooms weren't commonly eaten, probably because some of them are so poisonous.

>> No.10618099

This dude claims to be native for publicity purposes. Dude looks white as a mother fucking ghost.

>> No.10618101

Take some shitty rodent, throw some dirt on it, do a rain dance around it and enjoy!

>> No.10618167 [DELETED] 

There aren't very many pure featherniggers left to be fair. The few that didn't die in the Wars of Indian Aggression, from smallpox and alcoholism miscegenated with the settlers and other tribes.

>> No.10618190
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Nettle soup used to be pretty popular here, in Poland as well.

>mfw we native Americans nao

>> No.10618204

Uh they call it maize you white devil.

>> No.10618208
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I know that. <%50 native blood is the only native I can respect.

>> No.10618255

injuns have about as much cuisine as niggers in africa

>> No.10619173

this is mexican food. minus the dairy and wheat.

well, i guess it's most native central american.

>> No.10619221

Where i live the injuns used to fish smelt and ferment it into grease that they would trade with people inland. The type of smelt we have here is also called candlefish and is so oily that you can literally take a fish and light it like a candle. A 4 oz serving is half the recomended intake of calories as well.

>> No.10619233
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>Native American cuisine

>> No.10619514

Native here. I got passed down a collection of recipes done in the old way and most of them call for kvpecvfke, which is wood ash lye. Corn is also heavily used, both fresh or dried. The anon who said corn for days is right, its used everywhere

A good way to find Native cuisine is to dig around individual tribes and find dishes using that tribes language. Then Google your findings and see what comes up: its a way to filter out a lot of the bullshit recipes that get passed around as Native. Also look for those really old school, shitty looking vintage cookbooks with yellowing pages that tribes or people of tribes put out- lots of authentic gems in those.

>> No.10619524


>> No.10619622

step 1: buffalo
step 2: smallpox
step 3: alcoholism and diabetes

>> No.10619632
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posting superior beverage

>> No.10619656

>durrr how amazing is this Neolithic cuisine!!!
Liberals genocide when?

>> No.10619679

>Liberals genocide when?

>> No.10619703

thanks mohamed

>> No.10619722

read an article recently that scientists have rediscovered odd patches of herbs and plants growing wild in the u.s. that they determined used to be grown by native americans, the point being that a pretty wide ranging cuisine has completely disappeared from our awareness because of the cultural destruction and genocide of the various native groups by the white man. corn arriving from the south and replacing a lot of crops before that may have also helped eliminate some low yield plant crops.
inb4 the assmad 18-24 year old white male poltards who gonna scream fake news like every time ive posted about this.

>> No.10619743

It’s a shame the white man destoryed the old Indian culture of running buffalo off cliffs and rain dances.

>> No.10619766

oh no, muh prehistoric agriculture

>> No.10619789

Survival of the fittest

>> No.10619803
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>Wild plants.
>Raised by humans.
>Died off when said humans vanished.

>> No.10619807

yeah. they were rediscovered by scientists as odd patches of now wild herbs that did not fit their environment or were in odd locations, leading scientists to conclude they were previously cultivated. stay in school, kid.

>> No.10619813

Try chipa, is basically a blend from native and spanish but fuck it is still good.

is a mandioca bread made with cheese

>> No.10619835

There's a lot to be said for studying historical agriculture.

Most of our modern crops are competely fucked in the flavor department because of our focus in MOAR and CHEAPER. Heirloom crops might not have as high a yeild or survive transportation as well, but they're often times fucking delicious.

>> No.10619859

I only eat stoffers lasagna

>> No.10621084

source please?

>> No.10621096

nah that's too dry

>> No.10621120

t. moron

>> No.10621129

decent bait, but please keep /pol/ in /pol/

>> No.10621356

Yeah, but they eat it like motherfuckers. More than anything traditional.

>> No.10621389

My gf is native american but unfortunately can't cook.
When she does cook she makes indian tacos with fry bread.

>> No.10621398

going to have to go with the classic Sunday tatonka roast

>> No.10621465

>Most of our modern crops are competely fucked in the flavor department
t. moron

You could stomach maybe a third of the wild variants of our modern crops

>> No.10621504


Bullshit. Fry bread is bonafide Indian food that they've been making forever; Lewis & Clark documented on the different variety of fry bread created by the tribes they encountered.

>> No.10621665

OMG, it's the perfect keto food.

>> No.10621739

>heirloom crops

>> No.10621743

indian tacos are best tacos

>> No.10621760

Whatever people ate in the fucking stone age really.

>> No.10621766

mutton isn't even native lmao

>> No.10621774

>You could stomach maybe a third of the wild variants of our modern crops
That's fine. I didn't say all of them were good. Even if only 1 in 1000 is great it's still a worthwhile exercise.

>> No.10621788
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>traditional native food

>> No.10622180

high pitch!

>> No.10622186

traditional native american foods are smirnoff and listerine

>> No.10622187

Fried Bologna (in lard sometimes) and whiskey

that's what my impoverished native friends ate growing up

>> No.10622190


and fuckin damn is bison good

>> No.10622197

so less than 50%?

>> No.10622208
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What's your favorite recipe you've found that might be easy for us to try out?

Thanks :-)

>> No.10622217


>> No.10622222
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Looking for ideas for making Native cuisine? Why not try ideas from Sioux Chefs catering menu?

I think the big key is no flour, beef, or things that arent indigenous to North America. And lots of heritage corn.

>> No.10622230

funny yes

but also a true story (also the least depressing story they've ever told me)

My friends are Ojibway and grew up on a reserve as members of the batchawana band near Sault St Marie Ontario

>> No.10622229
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>> No.10622236
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>> No.10622245
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>> No.10622280
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Look at Mr Moneybags here posting the expensive shit

>> No.10622292
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"Smoked eulichan, eulichan oil, poached salmon with crushed juniper berries, wild onion and wild celery, clams and cured salmon eggs"

>> No.10622328


>> No.10622345
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>> No.10622355

>destroying civilizations
>become slave to the jew


>> No.10622448

some science magazine I found in the library a couple months ago sorry

>> No.10622457

>You could stomach maybe a third of the wild variants of our modern crops

That probably isn't a good thing.

>> No.10622488


I don't get the impression that ANY of this is Native American quinine. It looks like they took ingredients that for the most part are native to America, and used them to make your standard fare of dishes.

>> No.10622633
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Depending on the region they had access to:
>acorn and corn flour
>sweet potato, quash, pumpkin
>miners lettuce, lambs quaters (now a common weed) and nettle
>blueberries and wild grapes
>rabbit, buffalo, venison, duck, quail, pheasant, turkey
>lots of fish depending on the area

Just a few off the top of my head but South Americans had lots more cultivated crops because they were more advanced

>> No.10622638

Scratch pheasant it's from Asia

Also apologies for the typos IM SORRY

>> No.10622674

I really like native american cuisine. I was in a native american restaurant just the other day. I recommend the chicken tikka masala.

>> No.10622677

River nigger

>> No.10622699

in the pnw we have these (i forage a lot)

>mares tail, cattail shoots and tubers
>pine nuts, dock seeds, wild rice
>arrowhead root, burdock root, chicory root, and wild carrot
>salal, huckleberry, cloud/thimble/black/rasp/salmonberries, wild cranberry, kinnikinnick, hawthorn, twisted stalk, false solomons seal, blueberry, currants, serviceberry, oregon grape, crab apple, plums, manzanita, fairy bell, wild strawberries, currant, gooseberries, bunchberries, elderberries
>dock, lambs quarters, plantain, dandelion, wild mustard, purslane
>an abundance of fish and shellfish, whales, quail and pheasant, duck, elk, deer, rabbit, bear, turkey, buffalo in some parts, weasels, beaver, gopher, squirrels, etcetcetc
>wild mushrooms like chanterelles, morels, porcini, zeller's, chicken of the woods, shaggy manes, armillaria, and psilocybe species of course

>> No.10622718

I think part of the problem is that diets would have been heavily supplemented with forage that isn't really familiar to modern americans since it isn't suitable for cultivation and thus not found in grocery stores.

In the east at least the natives practiced some large scale land management, like slash and burn renewals of the pine forest to maintain them in a state that was good for deer forage, as well as limited aquaculture. I don't have a source but probably part of the reason ealry american settlers found such bounty in the new world was that they were discovering the devastated remains of prior native settlements. I know I've read before that there's some limited encouragement of fruit trees in the amazon and central mexico in the same way, perhaps a precursor to domestication.

>> No.10622722
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>> No.10622729

Australia, please.

>> No.10622758
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Yea a lot of ethnobotonists agree and have publications on the techniques you mentioned

In school I was drunk half the time but to simple it down we were told they "cultivated/farmed" but not in rows. In California they used "controlled" burns to essentially create deer parks

Good shit

>> No.10622761

For chief it’s um mcchicken.

>> No.10622770

What do they eat? Probably cactuses and dirt

>> No.10622781

That's definitely a white man with braids.

this is how liberals make themselves feel better about their reality

>> No.10622855


Ask yourself if any of those things actually make you happy. It's easy to look down on primitive cultures, but at least they had their freedom. Every one of us is a diseased slave hoping to die while sleeping.

>> No.10622873

>primitive cultures
But, the Native American culture wasn't a primitive culture. Smallpox and various illness brought in by European explorers already had wiped out most of native population, and by the time European settlers arrived, they were only seeing the disintegrated ruins long after apocalypse and Mad Max-tier nomadic gangs that formed from the few survivors of the apocalypse.

>> No.10622983

>Ask yourself if any of those things actually make you happy.
yes absolutely

>> No.10623243

>live in a region with some of the best wild mushrooms in the entire world
>don't eat them

>> No.10623260
File: 36 KB, 500x333, cardinals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans and American Natives share a common ancestor.

The Ancient North Eurasians fathered both the Native Americans and the Indoeuropeans.

>> No.10623264

this. Or northern europeans, whichever one.

>> No.10623271

> It's easy to look down on primitive cultures, but at least they had their freedom

Good noble savage you got there, not realizing that North American natives practiced human sacrifice among other things. Truly, it was freedom! Until another tribe took your fucking head.

They weren't "environmentally friendly" either. They set bushfires to contain buffalo and didn't practice sustainable agriculture techniques. They cleared forests and changed the landscape. They caused the deaths of the megafauna and the American horse. This is true for all peoples, but reminding you retards that Natives did so too makes you angry because it refutes noble savage myth.

>> No.10623275

pretty much, yeah

in other words, european cuisine consists of only turnips and fish.

since cows, carrots, chickens, and literally everything else was imported from outside europe in the last 10k years or so.

>> No.10623281


Take your pop history views where they belong, cretins.

>> No.10623284

that doesn't refute what he said though.

primitive people had freedom or death. Modern people have guaranteed life, but also guaranteed slavery and no privacy.

>> No.10623292

that's not even remotely a pop. history view. A culture's cuisine should be judged on its present status.

if NA cuisine needs to have foreign ingredients banned, then European cuisine needs to have spices, sugar, chocolate, and nightshades banned.

>> No.10623297

>That's not a pop history view!
>proceeds to give more pop history viewpoints he obtained from wikipedia

>> No.10623300

>that doesn't refute what he said though.

Yes it does. There was no freedom. You were part of a structured hierarchy from birth to death both in medieval Europe and in Native America before Columbus. You just trick yourself into thinking they were communist or whatever the fuck bullshit you sold yourself on, not realizing they actually practiced slavery regularly. So much freedom, huh?

>> No.10623310
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native chicks are so sexy

>> No.10623311

> European cuisine needs to have spices, sugar, chocolate, and nightshades banned.

And how about wheat? Because it's from Mesopotamia, not Europe.

>> No.10623317

That poster appears to be talking about post-Columbian exchanges, not intra-Eurasian exchanges.

>> No.10623320

>wherein americans don't understand how genes work


this is you

>> No.10623325

Which one? The hotty at 0:20, I hope.

>> No.10623326

you don't even know what anyone's talking about now. You can't keep track of the discussion.

>> No.10623336

>resorts to insult like the confounded pseudo he is

>> No.10623338

>genetics are BAD and it's not taught in high school so it CAN'T be true

imagine being this guy

yeah he should've said wheat too, since that came from the Middle East. As did ~40% of the modern European genome.

>> No.10623348


Opiate addiction

>> No.10623352

he's technically right about the "freedom" thing, but that's just a consequence of getting closer to human carrying capacity.

Also you're wrong about the hierarchy part. While hierarchy technically exists everywhere, it was much looser in paleolithic societies. The reason is pretty simple, people were more necessary (and thus had value), and also there was far more interaction between members of society, since societies were a few hundred people.

>> No.10623353


Oh, dog. That is not what the Indians got at all.

>> No.10623413

Good Marxist historiography memes, coupled with the classic leftist stirring down of complex issues into "simple" ones to broadcast to the proles.

Gut yourself and go study the North American native on a real level, not a meme one guided by what Daddy told you.

>> No.10624867

imagine being this person

>> No.10624953
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>> No.10624971

>I'm 1/168th native american teehee

>> No.10625087

>getting swarmed by hordes of grain eating milkboys

>> No.10625114
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I decided I was going to start foraging and making dishes using only California native plants. Acorn flour was easily the biggest staple for the native tribes but fuck if I know how to use it. They only ever mention making a mash out of it or using it as a soup thickener. It has no gluten so if I wanted to make bread I would have to heavily cut it with wheat flour to the point where its more of an acorn flavored wheat bread. What should I try to do with this stuff?

>(i forage a lot)
Do you have any pointers for someone trying to get more into foraging? Things may be a bit different for me since I'm in SoCal, but so far I'm going in blind. Also I'm not going to lie, I'm a little bit envious of the amount of shit you guys can find up there. Options down here are quite a bit more limited.

>> No.10625115

Those are injun dishes because they're something injuns invented and embraced. Nobody would say that ragù (the sauce, not the brand) isn't Italian, but it wasn't possible until the Colombian Exchange introduced tomatoes from the Americas.

>> No.10625128

would marry legally since anything goes in the south

>> No.10625159

computers were invented by Indian people.


>> No.10625178
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>> No.10625183

that pozole is pretty telling. it's like he's saying "eh close enough" and adapting a mexican recipe because it has an indigenous name. but that's a big fucking assumption

>> No.10625185

Sorry, I don't speak meme as fluently as you
Can I at least get an urban dictionary link?

>> No.10625209

one thing that gets overlooked a lot is that Americans had a very very low population density before the migrations of Euro-Africans.

Even the farming societies of central/south America were far less advanced than Asian ones of similar latitude.

They were basically in the transition from paleolithic to neolithic. How much of indigenous European culture still survives today? Literally zero, it's all Indoeuropean, Uralic, or at best Neolithic-originated (Basque).

This is also why the Americas and Oceania were successfully settled by Europeans, while India Africa and Asia could not be.

>> No.10625213

he's saying it wrong but he's still right. if you live in acephalic society it doesn't mean you have freedom in a consumer sense because the survival of the whole tribe hinges on unity and efficient operation. you carry the hierarchy in your head. your choices in life are carefully circumscribed from start to finish. you can choose any color you want as long as it's black

>> No.10625224

it's true, there's no major urban centers outside of cahokia in the southeastern united states and maybe the anasazi cities in the west. it's telling that both mexico and peru had major urban civilizations with large populations that are still visible to this day. no big populations without big cities, unfortunately

>> No.10625319

>Even the farming societies of central/south America were far less advanced than Asian ones of similar latitude.
The Mayans had astronomical calculations far advanced from anything the yuro or asian cucks had at the time and both they and the aztec as well as the incas had precision building techniques that baffle scientists to this day, given the tools employed. The written language of the Mayan was so complex it's only comparatively recently that it's been translated.

>> No.10625333


>> No.10625336

>that baffle scientists to this day
That's because the Catholic Church went out of their way to burn and destroy anything documenting the local cultures, and either killed the subject matter experts outright, or cowed them into silence

Most of what we know from those times came from extremely isolated, literal backwoods communities that escaped the initial onslaught of Christiandom for the first few hundred years

Imagine trying to learn about western civilization by interviewing cleetus the slackjawed yokel from West Methville, TN

>> No.10625368


white "people" are literally and unironically ISIS-tier.

>> No.10625401

Traditional Cuisine == Bad Cuisine
The best cuisines in the world are a fusion of many different cuisines.

>> No.10625422

Just remember, these are the same people who bitch and moan about taking down the mass-produced confederate monuments in public parks.

They value forgettable fanatic nonsense from one of their losers more than they value entirely new branches of human history. They're triggered by anything that's not about them.

>> No.10625442

>black legend
as expected from an anglo

>> No.10625459

>That's because the Catholic Church
It was the conquerers and the very tribes who collaborated with them who destroyed their culture to gain political alliance. Besides, judging history with today's standards is just stupid.

>> No.10625468

No, we're not...we are an aweful lot worse as we have perfected and industrialized death on a huge scale...
Isis can't into that...

>> No.10625475

>It was the conquerers
Yes. Which included Catholic officials, who were very interested in Christianizing the locals
>the very tribes who collaborated with them
No, not really. You obviously read the cliffs notes version of history, try reading the real books, not memes on /pol/
>Besides, judging history with today's standards
Nobody is judging you personally, try not to get butthurt over this conversation. I'm making a statement of fact, not asking you to pay reparations to dead people.

>> No.10625479

American history is joke, I will hope you kill each other in another civil war and clean the earth from your idiocy.

>> No.10625485

>No, not really.
>what is Tlaxcala

>> No.10625492
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>educate yourself

>> No.10625501

>what is Tlaxcala
Yeah, that's what I thought. They were small time, short-term players in a large scale, long-run invasion and they certainly weren't the ones hunting down and burning all the Mayan codexes they could get their hands on, or debating whether to wipe out the locals completely or enslave them after christianization.

Read up on Diego de Landa, Bartolome de las Casas, Juan Gines de Sepulveda... that should get you started.

>> No.10625510

I just want to eat a classic tomato, man. My grandpa told me about them when I asked him about the descrpenacy of the phrase "bruises like a tomato".

>> No.10625512

I lold

>> No.10625541


>who were very interested in Christianizing the locals
like every European country in their context. you need to understand in those times relligion=politics, so Indians need to convert to Catholicism in a catholic realm to be considered subjects. Spaniard indeed was drastic in that, but they didn't want to exterminate the Indians, this is why they bought African slaves in first place and put Colon and his asshole brothers to the jail.
>No, not really. You obviously read the cliffs notes version of history
raelly? Tlaxcala and other tribes joined to Cortez by pure opportunism and this is a historical fact.
>not asking you to pay reparations to dead people.
I know, just you need to understand the context is not the same to the current day values.

>> No.10625620

The discussion was about why we know so little about precolumbian civilizations. The reasons are well documented and not controversial, other than asinine debates over whether so-and-so was a "good guy" or "bad guy". The local cultures were not wiped out by the Tlaxcalans, and nobody is holding you, random anon #13299, personally responsible for the native american genocide.

Everyone knows about the Tlaxcalans, yes of course there was warfare in the Americas, no, it wasn't why we, the victors, centuries later, don't have much to go on when it comes to Mayan astronomy or whatever.

Get over your white guilt, it's boring.

>> No.10625741
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>white guilt
Why do you americans are so focus in race? also
>we, the victors
Are you now a spianard or modern day"criollo"?

>> No.10625746

Damage control settings now on maximum

>> No.10625777

>Damage control
why? I am not even american or white.

>> No.10625804

Nobody ever said you were American, where did that even come from? You do know Mayans didn't live in what became the United States, right?

You may not consider yourself "white" (or perhaps you do and are claiming not to for rhetorical purposes) but it's evident that you are taking statements of historical fact as some sort of personal attack, while attempting to turn your own guilt back on me.

You're desperate, over I don't even know what. I suppose now you will retort with some inane comment like "oh but the United States of Mexico is really the english name for..." blah blah blah, spare me.

>> No.10625820

>not even american or white.
how do you not kys everyday?

>> No.10625865

>THOSE were the fucks who spray painted "THIS IS INDIAN LAND" on the trestle next to 17 heading east.

I don't see "legally poached small mouth bass, gill netted (legally) yellow perch, and sweep-netted (legally) riverine walleye - because fuck wildlife practices and tourism that actually generates revenue, we're oppressed" anywhere on the menus either.

>> No.10625887

>You do know Mayans didn't live in what became the United States, right?
>taking statements of historical fact as some sort of personal attack
>personal attack
>in anonymous forum
Good lord no!!! I just want want say the nature of the events in those times were not as simple as people commonly think, but right you can interpret as you want, it is a fact the results were the destruction of the Indian traditions and culture of coercion and assimilation.
>You're desperate, over I don't even know what. I suppose now you will retort with some inane comment like "oh but the United States of Mexico is really the english name for..." blah blah blah, spare me.
Sorry if you interpreted it in that way, it wasn't my intention. after all, this is a /his/ topic.

>> No.10625924

My gf is full blooded native american and these white instagram thots like this make me rage.
Rich white liberals are the fucking worst.

>> No.10626097
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why do southern europeans get buttmad so easily?

I saw this in another thread, some frog got butthurt when someone said his cuisine was overrated and just garlic and butter (which it is)

Is it because of the high amount of Middle Eastern and African admixture? Or is it because they cannot digest milk?

>> No.10626105

>My gf is full blooded native american

That's highly unlikely, however you could make sure by getting a DNA test and uploading your results to GEDmatch.

>> No.10626108

Eat fried bread and beans

>> No.10626115


>> No.10626157
File: 84 KB, 800x1120, Two_Black_Indians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You joke, but when the white man tried to introduce black slaves to the injuns an an effort to westernize them, they more often than not just adopted the blacks into the tribes.

>> No.10626275

>why do southern europeans get buttmad so easily?
Wrong, I'm southamerican but I think this doesn't matter. I'm a mutt (I can enjoy cheese and such by th way) if you want to be more memetic you can use "la creatura" memes if you like. American racial reductionism is cringe as fuck.

>> No.10626290

My SO is Tlingit, and couldn't give less of a shit about twats like in the pic. They peeve me more than him.

>> No.10626299


>> No.10626317

There were millions of natives in the Americas, with large cities, complex languages and governments, aqueducts, etc.
They built them while Europeans were wearing furs and living in shit smeared caves.

>> No.10626334

Then they suffered their own plague, Europeans showed up and introduced more sickness.

>> No.10626340

no one believes you have a gf my man
not a single one of us

>> No.10626353

>incatard argument
Eurangutants, amrite?

>> No.10626366

>We need to embrace their rich cultural traditions so that they may be empowered
>W-wait, that's cultural appropriation

It must be confusing being a lefty. No wonder they have five times the rate of mental illness.

>> No.10626418

I said southern europeans, not south americans.

And yes, the lactase thing is highly misreported because pop science is a sewer.

>> No.10626488


>> No.10626516

Except heirloom isn’t wild you fucking retard

>> No.10626539

he was agreeing with you dolt

>> No.10626547

also cheese barely has lactose in it anyway

>> No.10627868

yep, the only lactose containing thing is milk (and ice cream, since it has milk in it)

fermented stuff has it gone, and cream/cheese are mostly devoid of the liquid portion, so are drastically lowered.

>> No.10628006

Lactose is a good thing if you are lactose intolerant, it functions as a prebiotic and may even help you habituate to higher levels of milk over time because they help your gut biome respond to lactose more efficiently.


>> No.10628517
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You don't. Indian food sucks dick. Americans only eat good food. Not outdated feather people food.

>> No.10629378

Thanks to GMOs, like corn, whites are much larger today than when they were first harvested in the Americas.

>> No.10629493

Cook any meat you have all the way.
Bacon? Extra crispy so it turns to dust when you bite it.
Steaks? Well done. The pink part will make you sick.
Pork chops? Extra dry. The A1 is the flavour.
Eggs? Over extra hard.
Most don't even take vegetable options.
Oh, and lots of biscuits and gravy.
At least for the ones in the Southwest.

>> No.10629581

>being against genocide wasn't invented until recently

>> No.10630246

>american conquest was a genocide.
It was cruel but not a genocide.

>> No.10630295
File: 145 KB, 1024x615, article-2146092-1325F60B000005DC-890_1024x615_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look no further anon

>> No.10630325
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>expecting people who lived in tents and foraged to have a distinct cuisine

I mean shit dude, even the Mongols understood the value of raiding spice caravans

>> No.10630494

100% native here. Fuck i love frybread

>> No.10631704

What pairs well with listerine?

>> No.10632731

Haven't read anything about that but have experienced it. On the hilltop north of the Bandoleer Canyon pueblo ruins is several acres of the tallest, thickest false mullen you've ever seen. Very useful plant in quantity and it was clearly cultivated or encouraged in that spot.

>> No.10632754

just get some native american beans to walk around a plate until their feet are ground up to a point they make a tear like liquid come out from them. This fine dish is called the Trail of Tears for obvious reasons.

>> No.10634311

Seriously, this.
Why would I want to eat anything made by a group of people that never developed agriculture?

>> No.10634323
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, tmp_10218-The_Agricultural_Revolution2079743124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroying civilization
What civilization?
Like they said...
Without agriculture you can't have a civilization.
All that was lost from colonialism was savagery and barbarism.

>> No.10634331

That was because of higher infant mortality rate because of lack of food, shelter, and medicine.
Raiding was extremely common among natives as one of their major means of acquiring resources.
This included kidnapping women and the young to integrate (or kill) them into their tribe.

>> No.10634335

Cognitive dissonance is absolutely necessary for lefties.
Without it they wouldn't be capable of the necessary mental gymnastics that liberalism requires.

>> No.10634341

Look at this smug cunt.
You can tell by her blonde hair that she is heep big no. 1 bleeding heart liberal who embraced her 1/246th Native American culture.

>> No.10634376 [DELETED] 
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>that is considered as white in USA
oh wow

>> No.10635432


>> No.10635466 [DELETED] 

prairieniggers literally did not have cuisine

>> No.10635529

>like only 15% Native by blood
>involved in tribal affairs, ceremonies
>letter of membership from my tribe's chief
>doesn't matter, because our tribe was one of those that was actually decimated, and therefore not recognized by the government (the only tribes recognized are those that signed treaties)

>> No.10635544

>blonde hair
>1/246 Native

when white americans don't understand how genes work

>> No.10635545

>Native American cuisine?

I really wish these people could learn some morals and how to farm so they don't hunt and murder animals for a living. It's almost like they want to be called "savages."

>> No.10635557
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Oh yeah, definitely. Lactose mostly promotes gram positive, "good" bacteria.

People want yogurt for that reason, and there's a multibillion dollar industry dedicated to figuring out how to get these bacteria into people's colons without getting digested by stomach acid first.

And here we have 65% of the population that would do that naturally from a glass of milk, and pop science retardation tells them they shouldn't drink it LMAO

>> No.10635559 [DELETED] 

i think you found yourself a nigger.

>> No.10635562

Actually many tribes were highly skilled farmers. Who do you think taught the Pilgrims how to cultivate corn?

>> No.10635565


Some Indians developed farming. Very few though. The vast majority are nomadic hunters.

>> No.10635577

>Some Indians developed farming.

Yeah, but the vast majority of their diet was still animal and murder based. Their primitive farming was not very productive compared to euorpoe or asia.

They basically stopped evolving. That's what happens to most meat based cultures. It's "natural selection" and natures cure for man's appetite for murder.

>> No.10635578

>*the vast majority of *plains tribes *were nomadic hunters because those were the resources at hand


>> No.10635586

>most recently settled land in the entire world
>hurr dey just stopped evolving

Why do idiots who dont know jack shit try to tell people anything? Just shut up and be silent for the rest of your dumbfuck life.

>> No.10635590

>the white man.

excuse me as a spaniard descendant i can confirm we fucked our natives and still use their cuisine and culture

>> No.10635600


No. Not really. Native americans are kind of like the black Africans. Most of these meat and hunting based "cultures" have not evolved; they have smaller craniums and smaller cranium volume, mostly due to generations of eating meat.

>> No.10635606 [DELETED] 

>Native americans are kind of like the black Africans

This is wrong. Dead wrong. Native Americans came from Asian stock which crossed land bridges. They are not niggers and are not related to niggers. Don't insult people like that, asshole.

See: epicanthic fold.

>> No.10635621


Like i've been saying. Natural selection is natures's way of getting rid of the human populations that still depend on meat. In the next phase of human evolution, all people should be vegetarian or vegan.

>> No.10635624

My people (Chinese) were a million times more murderous than any redskin nation lol
There are literally hundreds of small civilizations that were completely wiped from the face of the Earth in China, people, culture, writings, everything.

What the fuck are you on about

>> No.10635626

>Ask yourself if any of those things actually make you happy.
Pretty sure they do. Nasty, short and brutish is not the type of life I want to live.

>> No.10635633

doesn't work like that for europe, they've been trading food with india since the days of the roman empire

>> No.10635638

>for men and dogs


>> No.10635660

>They were basically in the transition from paleolithic to neolithic

Mate they were bronze age cultures

now i remember this isn't /his/ and people have virtually no idea what they are talking about

>> No.10635662

There are no real Chinese anymore

>> No.10635666

>I saw this in another thread, some frog got butthurt when someone said his cuisine was overrated and just garlic and butter (which it is)

french nationalist subsist entirely on believing their nation their nation is superior to everyone else

>> No.10635667

Anon...I don't feel so good..

>> No.10635670

>the things that scare me are objectively bad, this is in no way a projection of my own biases

The only peoples without blood on their hands and meat in their bellies are currently staining the hands of the ones still present. Moral high grounds are insubstantial wank.

>> No.10635681
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>smaller cranial volume

wigger what the fuck is your flavorless ass talking about

>> No.10635688
File: 78 KB, 3072x1152, ADMIXTURE_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are zero pure europeans anymore

>> No.10635690

What tribes? Be specific and give examples.

>> No.10635698

At least they had their own ethnicity ruling over them. 5k years of history with foreign rulers is the Chinese way.

>> No.10635703

Interesting fact about niggers and native genocide-

Europeans had the antibodies needed to resist certain diseases. Africans did not. When Africans were sold into slavery (by other Africans) and brought to the new world (95% of slaves went to South America by the way), they served to infect native populations, who also didn't have any resistances, resulting in major spread and widespread death.

Native genocide was directly caused by blacks. Fun facts!

>> No.10635706

But they weren't. Europeans are more genetically mixed than the Chinese.

Virtually all of their languages are Indoeuropean, which was a group that was basically half Middle Eastern and half actually European, with a minority of Indian ancestry.

The ones that aren't are Uralic, which comes from East Siberia (Mongoloid).

And lastly Basque, which is representative of neolithic Middle Eastern-derived migrants. European languages don't even exist.

>> No.10635723
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>> No.10635786

>Native americans are kind of like the black Africans. Most of these meat and hunting based "cultures" have not evolved; they have smaller craniums and smaller cranium volume, mostly due to generations of eating meat.

We should just get rid of these people entirely. When I cut the universe's population in half, the carnivores will be the first to go.

>> No.10635798

Native American culture was largely plant and vegetable based until the European came.

>> No.10635813

Largely because ungulates native to North America were much more hostile to attempts at domestication than their cousins in Eurasia.

South Americans made do with guinea pigs, but they didn't spread to North America.

>> No.10635821

Europeans also brought firearms, gunpowder, metal blades and other weapons.

>> No.10635822

>Native American culture was largely plant and vegetable based until the European came

So they're equally guilty of eating meat as the whites. Fuck those meat eating indians.

>> No.10635827

They were essentially forced to. Choctaw were master farmers.

>> No.10635921

unless you're talking about Inuit tribes, or plains indians with a huge protein component to their diet of course.

>> No.10635950

Which were always the minority, population wise, compared to the eastern tribes.

>> No.10635968

>unless you're talking about Inuit tribes, or plains indians with a huge protein component to their diet of course.

I'm so glad these savages are nearly extinct.

>> No.10636005

i unironically need this explained to me

>> No.10636010

The ancestors of the so-called native Americans migrated to the Americas same as everybody else.

>> No.10636035

If im not mistaken, Native American Cuisine consists of the cheapest bottle of liquor at the liquor store for dinner followed by desert which is beating the ever loving shit out of your wife and kids

>> No.10636037

I thought desert was a big dry stretch of sand

>> No.10636043

>native Americans migrated to the Americas same as everybody els


I thought native americans were all evolved from north american monkeys!

You mean indians also migrated to America and they don't actually "own" the continent?

> mind blown

>> No.10636047

Native Americans have much more of a right to be against immigration, though. Their culture has suffered a lot more from foreigners than current Americans' culture has suffered from foreigners.

>> No.10636143

Oh "sioux chef". It's like a play on sous chef. Neat.

>> No.10636185

>people ITT insisting that Indians all lived in huts before Europeans showed up

America is a huge continent that had different nations and people, many living in dense, urban area (Inca, Maya, Cahokia) and other smaller tribes living nomadic lives (considered savages by those living in urban area).

>> No.10636190

>the urban virgin vs the nomad chad

>> No.10636246

There were no other humans here at the time they migrated. Now your head just detonated, I know.

>> No.10636260

I wonder if they had the same kind of hatred for each other as flyovers and big city coasties do today ;)

>> No.10636576

probably worse, since actual hatred in america is reserved for real genetic rejects who can't succeed despite having 90% of their lives handed to them.

the Natives had actual reasons to hate each other, like survival

>> No.10637279

Nigger got trigger'd

>> No.10637347

>European languages don't exist

By your logic, neither do middle eastern, Indian or Chinese languages exist.

Hundreds of native European languages still exist that have zero connection to Asia.

>> No.10637938

Muh Civilisation

Fuck off, Kike.

>> No.10637948

my kamba. Ate that all the time. there's chipa guasu (more souffle like) and chipa so'o also (like a chipa bun with minced beef filling)

>> No.10638619


NA natives didn't really have (proto)civilization for long enough to develop luxurious culinary techniques. And even if they did old world disease JUSTED their population back into the stone age. Absolutely kino crops though.

>> No.10638709
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lel never thought id see a thread on /ck/ of all places full of ass mad timberniggers and timbernigger apologists

>> No.10638949


>> No.10638971

>Virtually all of their languages are Indoeuropean, which was a group that was basically half Middle Eastern and half actually European, with a minority of Indian ancestry.
Incorrect to a degree it's hard to even believe. The Proto-Indoeuropeans invaded and conquered many lands including Europe and India, as per their name. Their descendants still occupy these lands, with some degree of mixing in each place with the original inhabitants. PIE have barely anything to do with Semetic Middle Easterners though.

>> No.10640542
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>> No.10640755
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>How do you get into Native American cuisine?

Roughly chop an entire sheep and throw it in a boiling pot of water. Don't bother removing any unnecessary bones. Maybe add a can of corn if you have enough after buying enough store brand mouthwash to stay trashed. Enjoy your flavorless soup.

Now I don't know, maybe other tribes have some excellent cooking. In my area all we have is Navajos. The only thing they are any good at is frybread. All their other cooking is garbage. I don't think I've ever had good mutton cooked by a native. It's always zero flavor and shitty even before you pull up part of the pulverized spine with your food. If other tribes have good food, great, Navajos don't. They are just shitty at everything. Just feral humans that complains about the white man and chugs mouthwash since state assistance won't buy them cheap vodka.

>> No.10640815

Calls himself Sioux too, rather than Lakota.

>> No.10640817

I actually do. Full blooded natives are fucking gross.

>> No.10640836

kind of a faggy post, my man

>> No.10640854

Nothing is sadder than the fate of the native American, having their lands taken by whitoid savages from across the sea and now kept in reservations like fucking zoo animals
If living like that doesn't make you want to suicide, some black apes claiming they are higher on the muh oppressed minority list will

>> No.10641109

/k/ coming through https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPshjlb-aok

>> No.10641129

thank you for that picture anon

>> No.10641136

>stolen valour

>> No.10641144

There was a people before them in north america

we don’t' know what happened to them exactly, but they didn't interbreed

best guess is the natives killed them

so much for being 'first nations'

Anyway it doesn't matter, we're all destroying the planet

>> No.10641161

Yep, that's them

You can't expect a broken people to live up to their ancestors. They are so broken, I have no solutions to offer

>> No.10642152

I have been contemplating making pemmican for some time now. I work for a butcher shop and once put together a special order for a lady who was buying a bunch of lean round cuts and a heap of suiet. I chatted up the woman and found out what she was making. Ever since I learned of pemmican I have been fascinated with the idea of making my own. Has anyone here ever tried pemmican?

>> No.10642270

Show me what those plants look like. I’m intrigued