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File: 8 KB, 480x268, drinkingman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10611984 No.10611984 [Reply] [Original]

>our high school years edition



>> No.10612000

>tfw rocking out in my chair listening to Clutch

>> No.10612008
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you guys are gonna call me a faggot or something but I don't give a shit this music has a deep meaning to me.

>> No.10612013


>> No.10612023

this is pretty nice, and I'm not much of an indie guy at all. bit of a Talking Heads vibe

>> No.10612034

Yeah one time my mom heard Arcade Fire and said 'this sounds like a bad David Bowie ripoff', which I really appreciate.

What kind of music are you into?

>> No.10612046

got this on right now


>> No.10612047
File: 67 KB, 246x344, pbr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the McPabst. The best cheap beer sandwich.

>> No.10612064



>> No.10612067

haha fuck I'm sorry that's cool music but I had to turn it off after like one minute. Too brutal for me but keep doing you.

>> No.10612074

holy shit yes
I bought their first album with paper route money, Alexisonfire is sick

>> No.10612080

these bands always have super nice heart-wrenching vocals but the music doesn't grab me. Emotive stuff all the same.

>> No.10612085

No,I'm going to call you a faggot because OP is always a faggot.

>> No.10612087


how bout this?

>> No.10612093

I love the cool refreshing taste of Pabst

>> No.10612099

I don't listen to it much anymore but it really appealed to me as a teenager.

>> No.10612100

At least my kitty story is the last story on the last thread so I don't have to hear about not greentexting it.

>> No.10612111

this sounds like Reverend Horton Heat meets Future of the Left. I like it a lot


>> No.10612125

What are you lads doing for May 24?
The boys and me are headed to the beach for drinks and fireworks

>> No.10612136

me and my friends were going to go camping but all the sites were reserved like four months ago so who knows

west coast BC life

>> No.10612144

this is fucking cracking, thanks anon. I've not got much to offer back but more ridiculous heavy stuff but maybe you'll get a chuckle out of it at least


>> No.10612158

Me too, but something must go back in to solution at 37F because damn it gets gross.

>> No.10612172

>went to the liquor store today and the guy in front of me smelled like shit and I could see him shaking so bad, bought a pint of bourbon from the clerk

Gave me an existential crisis. Got all my grades back finally, made dean's list. Fucking unbelievable given how I was killing 2-3 handles of rubinoff a week. Parents have laid off my ass, seem content that I'm only drinking beer and working 9-5. Light beer certainly ain't the same though, that's for sure.

>> No.10612194


>> No.10612196
File: 751 KB, 1440x2560, Message_15041895565591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it.
My girl scored some benzos st her work-like 90 mils for 30 bux. I came home from work with a cube of Natty as a thank you from my boss for blasting out some shit work and a 50 dollar supermarket giftcard. Come home with beer and food-decided we could make fajitas. We eat a handful of Xanax and drink ice cold swill bux light and have a lot of fun. Didn't blackout but stumble into bed,we cuck hard and pass out. Left the fucking burners on high. Two of them. Kitty is meowing st the bedroom door. Fuck You kitty. She's never done it before but kitty figures out how to open the door and is batting me around and meowing. Fuck You kitty toss her away. Does it enough that I get up and she runs to the kitchen and sits in front of the stove. Heat hits me like a wall. FUCK-the bottom of the cabinets are singed. Turn off burners,open windows and pour water on the elements,give kitty a can of tuna which is rare because she gets addicted to human food and won't eat her food so she knows she did good. Go to sleep next to my girl with my other girl laying on my back. That cat is awesome.

>> No.10612206


If only your house had burned down with you all inside.

>> No.10612212

>7 days sober
>noticing I have been making a few too many little mistakes like misreading numbers or confusing words while sober as a judge
well pretty sure I have addled my brain and will be slightly retarded for the rest of my days.

>> No.10612213

since you like this indie-ish stuff, what do you think of my ex's favourite band?


>> No.10612224

so this post is really you saying you nearly burned to death with your druggie gf after nearly blacking out on illegally gotten drugs?

>> No.10612225

My Nigga! You so 4chan!

>> No.10612229

ugh, no likey. It reminds me of Ed Sheeran. most 'new indie music' is shit imo.

>> No.10612235

As opposed to legally gotten alcohol?

>> No.10612244

a fucking handful of xanax? and you thought drinking would be a good idea?

you're a moron and you're gonna die. also put your fucking cat on a diet if you actually love it.

>> No.10612248

yeah it's very pop-y and saccharine, it just reminds me of my ex so I like it. Just trying to think what you might like based on this thread.


maybe this? I'm out of my depth here I'm just a metal nerd

>> No.10612251

more like give his cat away to a responsible person if he loves it.

>> No.10612275

Don't high road me drunky. You're barely hanging on like every one else. I'll wait for the next post about someone begging for benzos cuz "muh WDs" and assume it's you. Enjoy your pancreatitis.

>> No.10612278

You love nothing. Not even the booze you need so fuck you too.

>> No.10612283

God i used to listen to this and think about burning my school down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioadFzq_6n0&list=PL79EAED8E8BC063EC&index=3

>> No.10612287

Woah, someone's a bit touchy. I love more than you could imagine.

>> No.10612296

oops I meant this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BPHoqKU9ag

>> No.10612309


>> No.10612313
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>getting pissy for people calling you stupid for doing a very stupid thing that could have gotten you all killed

>> No.10612339

Like you've never? Also someone asked about that so I posted. So you're one of those alkys that have never done anything stupid? Ever? Then you're just a YET.
And again-if you're here you're no better than anyone else.

>> No.10612380

Heres to you faggots


>> No.10612384
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Wow. Dead thread. At least the PBR bot bumped it.

>> No.10612412


Amebix? Good lord.

>> No.10612457

they are pretty great

>> No.10612471

you might like this


>> No.10612591

Easily one of the greatest canadian bands


>> No.10612604
File: 22 KB, 351x351, american tea time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be so poor i have to eat out of the trash and beg for bus fare to get to work
>"Why don't you just get land and raise chickens and grow crops and build your own car??"

>> No.10612726

Why the fuck does alcohol make me feel so good? It's not even getting drunk, but two shots just completely restores my will to live. I'm not even actually addicted to it because of how inconsistently I'll do it, but I'll go from only being capable of laying on the floor and wishing I had the courage to kill myself to listening to music, being in a good mood, being hopeful when thinking about the future and actually having an individual identity from stupidly small amount of alcohol.

I'm not exactly sure on this, but my mom once told me about how the doctor would sneak out with her for cigarettes when she was in hospital and just from knowing my mum, I don't doubt one bit that she drank while she was pregnant with me. Could this have something to do with it?

>> No.10612793

I want to sk this one grill at AA to be my sponsor becuse she's had a similar life to mine, but I don't know how to ask without seeming like I'm just trying to bang her. An I'm really not, I just dunno ho to bring it up

>> No.10612801

Your post does not have much to do with Skinny Puppy, but maybe besides being poor.

>> No.10612836

Sober 3 days, but even before that I was quite sober, 4 beers one night then 3 days off again and similar. Been trying to quit now

Got a headache this morning though and it's really annoying, thinking about getting some vodka.

>> No.10612843

Got 1hour to think about it, they sell alcohol since 10 am here and its only 9 now. Might buy, might not buy. Probably gonna buy but maybe just 0.2l of vodka and 3 beers or something. Got 1 hour to think

>> No.10612861
File: 38 KB, 436x413, LKNS4083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13th stepping
guaranteed hiv. have you ever spent time with an alchie chick? the poor fuckers are hopeless, strewn with the pathogens of a trillion drunken fucks.
huh, like eliza dushku apparently. just as typing this saw a pic of some delicious giney from the corner of my eye, and it was a story about duckshoe being an alchie/addict. can you imagine having her as a drunken fuckbuddy?

>> No.10612871
File: 34 KB, 633x758, 1511380678930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck dude this song, I used to love watching it when it came on Much because the little hooded characters reminded of a book I used to read in elementary school that I can't remember the name of right now, but they were like three little creatures who were basically shit disturbers and the cover looked like those little guys

fuck me, all these memories are flooding back all of a sudden, that was so long ago now...back when things were simpler, my parents still had faith in me, thought I still had potential, hell back when I still thought i had potential

fuck me, i wanna kill myself

>> No.10612879

managed an entire 3 hours before breaking down and responding. at least all i did was politely tell her to fuck off, to which she responded and i told her to fuck off again. only fapped over videos of her for like 2 hours as well. progress. took me 12 years but here i am. what a man. brb crying.

>> No.10612889

dude i used to jam to billy talent all the time, i grew up not far from where they're from

>> No.10612893
File: 201 KB, 1600x1200, duckshoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the hell isn't weinstein in prison? fuck i'm so jealous, i want to molest thousands of 10's too ;_;

>> No.10612915

3 days in here too. I was happier drinking honestly. Been depressed so long pretty sure I'll never be cured. I just want to sleep and live in my crazy ass dreams and forget this horrid meat prison.

>> No.10613109
File: 82 KB, 600x444, 1525327240573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's vodka and soda water.

>> No.10613154

>at line in subway buzzed on the ass end of a 4 day bender
>cannot for the life of me say "lettuce"
>stand there looking at it and wondering why I cant remember the fucking word
>"yes, that green shit"

This is when I know my brain cells are dying in droves

>> No.10613162

Ended up buying vodka 0.5l and 2 beers.
For me it's not that bad, i have goals and shit wanna work as a truck driver but drank away my license, need to wait 5 more months and i get annoyed by my current surroundings easily. When I'[m a trucker I'm finally gonna be at peace I think.

>> No.10613165
File: 33 KB, 800x600, ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture. Here's me drinking the vodka!

>> No.10613178

>When I'm in one of the most highly stressful federally regulated detailed orientated long time isolated longest hours per week highly prone to drug addiction and usage at stops occupation I'm finally gonna be at peace I think.
Do everyone involved a favor and find another vocation. I work very closely with truckers and it is a tough fucking job on the body and mind. Most go in fresh as a fiddle and are taking hard drugs just to stay alive for another few years. It is a mother fucker of a job with constant roadblocks by dozens of different agencies and companies and 3rd party operations that a driver has to essential wile his away through the bullshit. People constantly trying to fuck you over one way or another and at the end of the day
drugs come easy and cheap. You'd most absolutely relapse or go into something much worse. Before or after you flip your trailer into a bus of people who knows. Go join the coast guard or some shit. Sail around and get some perspective on nature and shit.

>> No.10613184

I wanted to work as a truck driver since like age 9 and i already know everything about the job, you don't to tell me anything.

>> No.10613187

>I work very closely with truckers and it is a tough fucking job on the body and mind.

And I also have truck driver friends, some relatives and they all say it's alright, the people who complain are the losers who would be unhappy in life with everything

>> No.10613189

Then you know what I just said is true and it like working as a bartender but with way more stress. Why risk it may man?

>> No.10613192

Or subhumans who become truck drivers because they think its good money but dont enjoy the job at all. Lul.

>> No.10613197

Being a bartender you dont get to drive, and you get to talk to people all the time, but bartender is alright too, here in lithuania the bartenders usually drink too( they steal a lil bit) and its alright

How is truck driving stressful though?

>> No.10613204

>here in lithuania
Oh carry on. That you were a burger.

>> No.10613222

Being a truck driver in america is probably even better. You get like 70k$/year and the roads aren't crowded, you drive 1000 miles before loading/unloading

>> No.10613259
File: 18 KB, 500x343, 1367203295263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want to go to sleep but 4chan's keeping you awake
The ride never ends.

>> No.10613281
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>tfw you can't get a decent dopamine release from videogames anymore
What do?

>> No.10613287

I can't even enjoy video games anymore. Shit sucks.

>> No.10613305

My go-to drinking game is s.t.a.l.k.e.r last day mod. I get hammered, choose a faction/allegiance, and go on my cheeki breeki way until I pass out.
>not shill

>> No.10613424

probably the greatest game ever made. i'd kill for a new stalker game but the dev team split.
far cry 5 is pretty damn good. bet it's shit on consoles/slow pcs, but on max settings it's unreal. these plus 'sim city buildit' which i play on my phone, are the only games on earth i can stand to play.

>> No.10613432

Yesterday a new STALKER got announced. There was even a sticky on /v/.

>> No.10613433

>i'd kill for a new stalker game but the dev team split.
The original team split, but a new team announced yesterday that Stalker 2 will be released in 2021. Not even kidding man.

>> No.10613436

oh wow ok. i've been to /v/ three times iirc.
great. just upgraded my pc. i'd hoped i'd get a decade's use out of it. ho hum

>> No.10613441

>playing STALKER like

>> No.10613572

Given that these threads have diverged from discussion about drinking to a general discussion regarding alcoholism and life, they are no longer appropriate for the food and cooking board. In the future please post these threads on a more appropriate board such as /r9k/ or any of the topicless boards (/trash/, /bant/, /b/)