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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10606051 No.10606051 [Reply] [Original]

I recently moved into a shared apartment in a new city and it turns out i'm living with a bunch of animals.
Everything from the kitchen to the bathrooms is disgusting and looks like it hasn't been cleaned since these assholes originally moved in.
This includes the refrigerator.
It smells funky and god knows how many types of mould are growing in there.
For this reason i want to keep my food away from this mess so i don't die from botulism.

What's the most practical way to keep food that doesn't need to be refrigerated?
What amounts should i buy so i don't risk anything going bad?
What kinds of vegetables hold the longest without refrigeration?

>> No.10606082

>>practical way
Just keep it in a cool, ideally dark, place.

>>amount to buy
Impossible to answer without knowing how much you consume, what you are consuming, and how often you are going shopping

>>what keeps the longest
Pay attention to how things are stored in your supermarket. If they are kept out without refrigeration they generally last a very long time (exception: bananas). Those ingredients kept in a "cooler" or refrigerated shelves don't last as long.

>> No.10606113

>amount to buy
I meant something like "a week's supply", or rather how frequently i should go to the supermarket

Thanks for the advice

>> No.10606163

Make an icebox or a cold box

if you have a window shaker air conditioner rig it up to keep the box cool before the room

>> No.10606172

Live like they did without refrigeration. Dried fruits and meats. Salt the shit out of everything.
Honestly it would be easier to take the fridge outside and spray it to hell with water and bleach.

>> No.10606227

Get a mini fridge for your room

>> No.10606375
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>> No.10606384

Canned and jarred goods will be your best friend.

>> No.10606391

desu op id say just spend the money and get a mini fridge

>> No.10606390

Move out instead of being so autistic.

>> No.10606524

You should probably clean the fucking kitchen. After that... apply some bleach.

>> No.10606531


>> No.10606673

I live on my boat and she isn't equipped with a fridge. it took some getting used to but now I don't think much of it. the biggest way to work around it is to just go to the grocery store every day and buy only what you're going to cook with that evening. there are also lots of food that people store in the fridge that don't actually need to be. eggs for example can keep for a couple weeks at room temp. jars of pasta sauce also say to refrigerate after opening but it's not like it'll go bad really soon. it just loses freshness faster. if you eat stuff somewhat quickly there's loads that you can keep out.

>> No.10606716

>What kinds of vegetables hold the longest without refrigeration

I guess bellpepper, onions, potato, tomato, garlic

>> No.10608490

I'm stuck here for at least 3 months and i think i'd rather endure this than go through the nightmare that is looking for an apartment in berlin

>> No.10608564

I thought germans were nazis, crack a whip and those little piggies will fall in line

>> No.10608582

When I lived with my narc parents I basically lived off pop tarts, dried fruit and tinned spaghetti I stored in my mattress (mum wouldnt let me use the kitchen because I would ruin it). Also get an exit strategy in place, its not a good way to live longterm.

>> No.10609227

He said clean the kitchen you stupid knuckle dragging retard idiot. And then bleach it. With bleach. Can you not read you retard ignoramus? HUH? HUH? HUH? WHAT DAT MEAN? IDIOT.

>> No.10609833

It's all foreigners living here
I might have to go 1939 on their ass

>> No.10609880

I've lived without a fridge for a year

>What's the most practical way to keep food that doesn't need to be refrigerated?
In a bag, possibly with paper towels
>What amounts should i buy so i don't risk anything going bad?
Depends on the type. The only thing that doesn't need to be refrigerated and still spoils is fruits/vegetables

>What kinds of vegetables hold the longest without refrigeration?
Also cabbage
Broccoli is OK too
Some other stuff

And there is no risk of food poisoning from using a dirty refrigerator as long as your food is stored properly in closed containers.

Also you can used skim milk powder for milk, it's pretty good.

Animal products are the primary reason a refrigerator is even needed. Oh and food prep I guess. I never have leftovers or cook for more than one meal.

>> No.10610408

you could make pemmican or smoked fish/meats.

Go ahead and just buy the same amount of vegetables you would buy, but pickle or lacto ferment the stuff you don't use in time. You could also just grow sprouts and have them fresh.

You can make fruit roll ups with your fruit or mix them into pemmican, when you are making fruit roll ups make sure to have a mix that has a decent amount of pectin in it, blueberries and apples have a high amount for example, otherwise you could just make alcohol or vinegar out of the fruit.

There are certain types of squash that keep really well, especially if the rinds are cured in the sun. hubbard is a type that lasts long I think, Ive had some acorn squash last almost a year but most go bad in sooner.

you could also research different spices to use for preserving your food besides salt, I've read that rosemary is supposed to protect fat from going rancid.

>> No.10610954

If you're near a university you can get a mini fridge for like $50

>> No.10611021

You could just clean the fucking thing

Or yeah just adjust your whole god damn lifestyle to live without refrigeration like a fucking pioneer.

>> No.10611078

I was in a similar situation once except it wasnt a small apartment it was a house. It was a cesspool when my wife and i moved in and the current residents essentially acted like the mountians of garbage and piles of dog shit didnt exist. You just have to be the bigger man and get to work. In that first month i spent more time cleaning than working and i work full time. But i got it done and eventually the resident trash urchins felt enough guilt to pitch in.

>> No.10611104

depending on climate, you can put your food in a bag, jam it outside between window (with the handle inside obv) and it will stay cooler than room temperature at least.

>> No.10611936


Consider cleaning the fridge.

>> No.10611940

if you think about it a fridge should be a cook's worst enemy because it uncooks the food

>> No.10611955

What about freezer burn?

>> No.10611960

Youre in Germany...You have a million different types of sausages, I'm willing to bet a few of them don't require refrigeration. Sausage, hard cheese, and bread Hanz.

>> No.10612192

For your sake I really hope you don't call your dinghy a woman in public

>> No.10612348


German efficiency at work, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.10612353

but mini fridge for your room

>> No.10612399

use commercial grade disenfectant. costs about the same as normal shop bought stuff except 90% stronger at killing germs...

look and food preservation and canned food: its what they did 200 years ago long before freezing was a thing or eat it he day you get it.

or defrost and clean the fridge ya pleb.

>> No.10612635

They're just going to go into your shit when you're not there and fuck it up /steal it. Move out now, take your deposit, and fuck them over as much as you can.

>> No.10612935

Most vegetables keep for a couple of weeks, basically just buy UHT milk, use your fresh meat the day you buy it and drink spirits instead of beer. Everything else doesn't really need a fridge.
Also you can pick up little bar fridges for like $80. If you live with housemates it's invaluable. I bought one when I went to University and knowing no-one can get to my important shit was great, also not having to get up to get a drink.

>> No.10612945

Have you tried, gee I dunno, talking to your house mates and/or landlord?
Landlords are usually quick to evict dirty cunts cuz that shit fucks with the value of the property.

>> No.10613168


>> No.10613749

Buy a mini fridge or clean the fridge

>> No.10613995
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>unironically living in berlin

>> No.10614013

>wait until move out day at the dorms
>get three perfectly functional mini-fridges

College kids are beyond wasteful

>> No.10614744

>Agreeing to move in to a new apartment with roommates without going to check them out first.
You deserve your pain as a lesson in your naivete.

>> No.10614759

Buy a mini fridge and put it in your room.

>> No.10614792

I did this.
I got a mini fridge from from sister though, who had it for four years. I basically never used it because I started getting healthy and college kids don't tend to steal raw meat and veggies. Threw that shit in the dumpster when I had to stuff my Mustang full of my worldly possessions to move out of the dorm, lol.

>> No.10614855

If you had bought a wrx you could have put it in the hatchback you plen

>> No.10614924

But how does it burn in the freezer?

>> No.10614930

>turns out i'm living with a bunch of animals.
Just eat those.

>> No.10615215

>unironically moving to the most subhuman city in germanistan
warum, du Horst

>> No.10615351

tell those filthy turks to clean their shit