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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 627 KB, 1050x816, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10602616 No.10602616 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.10602630


>> No.10602631

No, because "american" food is so broad a term classifying it as one singular thing is retarded. Keep in mind that this guy thinks in-n-out is "the best burger ever"

>> No.10602642

British food is honestly terrible apart from Fish n chips

>> No.10602649

>be a working journalist
>get judged by a balding drug-addled cook because I want to eat my food later, possibly because I'm busy or not hungry
The man is a complete faggot just like his mentor.

>> No.10602651
File: 22 KB, 379x384, IMG_9573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was predictable. Who to trust: the michelin starred chef or anonymouse on the internet?

>> No.10602652

>Sunday roast is terrible
fuck off m8

>> No.10602665

Brits have great sweets and deserts desu
Explains the shitty teeth

>> No.10602687

I thought the tea, bad oral hygiene, poor nutrition, and bad dentistry were responsibly for it?

I think even the British comedian Simon Pegg joked that their teeth are so that in case of tragedy they can be easily identified.

>> No.10602692

Yes, Americucks will eat anything as long as the package says mayonase or soy

>> No.10602790

Sounds like the journalist got butthurt and tried to slander Ramsay after he tore her a new one.

>> No.10602808
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>> No.10602812
File: 35 KB, 765x758, 1483043700066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right. This slop is what the world thinks about when they want American cuisine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=curABBDhqLE

>> No.10602815
File: 272 KB, 940x788, USA vs UK food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans have only ever eaten American food typically, so they don't realise how truly awful it is compared with the rest of the world. Hypercucks ignorantly defend their slop because it's all they know.

>> No.10602839
File: 311 KB, 940x642, 1526378706977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>das cuz wypipo cant handle spicy foods n shiet

>> No.10602859

That's rich coming from a fucking brit.

>> No.10602862

This idiot loves in n out. He knows nothing.

>> No.10602869

This guy also breaks his own rules about burgers, and thinks that a meatball is a burger.

>> No.10602928

>roast beef
>cheddar cheese
>sunday roast
>english breakfast
>clotted cream
>jam/fruit preserve
>apple pie (yes, we invented that)
>cumberland sausage

I actually agree with the strawman I made of your retarded post but if you don't like any of the foods I've listed above, you're a faggot. Also yanks didn't invent macaroni cheese, that's an urban legend and equivalent dishes were already being made throughout Europe before Thomas Jefferson was ever even born. Stupid meme country.

The shitty teeth is because our dentistry standards don't dictate a level of luminescent whiteness and perfect straightness, they do enough to keep our mouth healthy and that's it. It's Americans that are obsessed with that, and it's all cosmetic, expensive bullshit, too.

>> No.10602933

Why the fuck would you come to a restaurant if you're not hungry, or if you don't have time to dine?

>> No.10602961

>unironically defending crooked teeth

>> No.10602963

theyre considered cute in japan

>> No.10602988

Who won the boxing match, though?

>> No.10602996

That's because you tards use term of "sausage" as meat patties

>> No.10603003

Gordon Ramsey breaks his own rules about burgers and thinks that meatballs are burgers because "we" use the term sausage as meat patties? What?

>> No.10603008

Well in all fairness, He placed the second greatest amount of his restaurants in the US. He knows whats up.

>> No.10603009

So what?

>> No.10603022


>> No.10603032

Amerifats teeth NEED to be on constant life support because of all the sugar they guzzle 24/7. it's a sign of extremely poor dental health, you need constant surgery and correction.

>> No.10603035

American kids have their teeth capped while at school, irregardless of their dental health at the time.

>> No.10603041

>Gordon Ramsey says fuck all about whatever

>> No.10603043

That’s not actually a word, anon.

>> No.10603048
File: 27 KB, 247x335, gram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains that a burger is too big
>makes an even bigger burger

>> No.10603050

fuck off, unrelevant.

>> No.10603053

Google which country has best dental hygiene. Spoilers it the UK. Bad teeth is a meme invented by Americans.

>> No.10603057
File: 559 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180515-074052_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10603065

It’s a meme?

>> No.10603074

I hope you don't use toilet paper to clean your buttocks. Civilized countries use bidets.

>> No.10603075

>cheddar cheese
literally the worst common cheese

>> No.10603079
File: 75 KB, 736x495, wtae5rymelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees one american do something
>literally says all americans really do this

top kek, he's a dumb 4chan poster. Dumber probably, because "do americans really do this" posters are just being sarcastic, but he is earnest.

>> No.10603085
File: 130 KB, 460x445, Oh+look+son_624cca_4641845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, another celebrity being an attention whore and trying to get people to tell him to fuck off.

>> No.10603094

Got to agree with ya.

>> No.10603104


>> No.10603111

No, he is 100% wrong and an O B S E S S E D yuropoor. Literally a detroit nigger american is better than the best "chef" europe has to offer.

>> No.10603124

I thought he was from Scotland?

>> No.10603127

Brits have no place to call other nation's food horrible.

>> No.10603135



>> No.10603158

>British food is terrible
Lancashire Hotpot
Bubble and Squeak
Shepherds Pie
True Gravy
Smokies and Kippers
Lorn Sausage
Yarg, Vinney, Shropshire and Stilton, Cheshire and Dunlop and Tintern
Bitter and Mild and Porter and Stout
Clangers, Pasties and Stargazy Pie
Black Pudding

>> No.10603166

Why do people know fucking nothing about british food? Legit question.
Britain has produced some of the most amazing dishes on the planet and people are obsessed with Battered Fish or Sausages

>> No.10603184

these are not even remotely British

>> No.10603194

british food isn't bad. it is just the most OK'est food ever.

>> No.10603195

he cant even make a burger that tastes good...

>> No.10603208

Go scarf down some more 6 faggots you mental midget

>> No.10603209

Not in origin, but both of them have a huge history in scotland and have become their own dishes there.

>> No.10603210

fuck yeah I will, faggots are based.

>> No.10603220


>> No.10603229

>faggots are based.
it's spelled 'diseased'.

>> No.10603230

fish and chips is gross

>> No.10603239

>after journalist boxes caesar salad
who won?

>> No.10603244
File: 119 KB, 1600x1060, Vension Faggots with onion gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are aware that faggotds are meatballs right?

>> No.10603251

It is, it has been in the dictionary since day 1

>> No.10603256

yeah. riddled, the shit-covered sluts

>> No.10603261

>phone poster
>just reads the first excerpt google pulls out

>> No.10603269

Kek, that's exactly what I thought

>> No.10603289

>joyless faggot
are you aware?

>> No.10603293

So it's a matter of opinion largely influenced by culture, and it still stands that British dental standards support proper hygiene, you judgemental faggot.
(Not that guy, and not British.)

>> No.10603393

Jesus Christ can you fat fucking retards stop repeating this when it's false. He complained about the size of the burger in correlation of the patty and then did a burger where the patty correlated perfectly with the size of the burger.

>> No.10603409

.... Not that anon but so go ahead and post your evidence then.

>> No.10603410

I think that he's pointing out how idiotic it is to disparage "americans" when his country is known for putting squid in jelly and serving it cold with mashed potatoes.

>> No.10603425

They eat squid in Scotland?
Thought they ate offal and fried shit all the time.

>> No.10603431
File: 14 KB, 183x238, holylel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh michelin

Gordon Ramsay is starting to sound like he's one pace away from going full-on Fuck Drumpf lunacy. Even his hair now looks like it belongs on a 65 year-old lesbian.

>> No.10603440

It's really funny to imagine a journalist in a boxing match against a plate of caesar salad

>> No.10603444

to be honest ?

>> No.10603445

I'm not sure about Scottland, but I'm referring to where he's based out of, Britain. And sorry, I remembered incorrectly, eels not squid. Enjoy the literal slop.
I know

>> No.10603473

Literally the second link on that anon's screenshot.

>> No.10603492
File: 893 KB, 233x330, 8e1d38ac7f9df695a2e5ed7b487ff7f8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another amerilard vs bong thread

Has it been 10 minutes already?

>> No.10603509

I'd try it. I don't care if it looks gross.

>> No.10603517
File: 77 KB, 344x376, 1510662748229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread fucking stinks

>> No.10603518

Pork roast and beef pies are the shit m8, they're great.
Unless you're a mohammed of course, which opinions doesn't matter.

>> No.10603519

ramshit is a frenchaboo. he probably thinks he is french.

>> No.10603520

If you legit think everyone in Britain regularly eats eels you're a special kind of stupid

>> No.10603523


>> No.10603528

be nice or youll be double raped

>> No.10603531

>not enjoying eels
You're gay eels are delicious.

>> No.10603563

This. He somehow managed to be more retarded than the average 4chan troll "pretends" to be.

>> No.10603566

>you are gay eels are delicious
is this how engish works

>> No.10603576

He forgot a comma

>> No.10603614

I'm less inclined to enjoy boiled, jellied eels.

>> No.10603648

What's your point

>> No.10603666
File: 9 KB, 310x163, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10603681


>> No.10603682

If you don't understand the point, you need to be evaluated by a medical professional.

>> No.10603696

Venu Malesh is the man <3

>> No.10603707

>what is Lorne sausage
eat my ass, Nigel

>> No.10603709

Why is /ck/ so easily triggered

>> No.10603717

This is revisionist history. The highlight of the video is him pretending his can't fit it into his mouth because it's too big. You repeat this bullshit lie every time it's brought up, and I hope you get a painful, incurable disease.

>> No.10603726

why do the british spend so much time shitposeting on /ck/

>> No.10603727
File: 67 KB, 575x586, 1521462821279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10603736

>Fish and chips
Seriously, why does everyone say this? I've had that trash dish multiple times, but the fish they use is always tasteless, which means it tastes like nothing but grease.
Fish & chips is an awful dish and I can't fathom why would anyone like it. At least Wienerschnitzel tastes like something in comparison. Why won't anyone use a fish that tastes like something, or at least season the fish before deep-frying it?

>> No.10603765

>good food
prove me wrong

>> No.10603768
File: 103 KB, 1200x1200, 1521289770682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, he's actually defending bad teeth.

>> No.10603770

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10603774

Slow news day, huh? I'm sure another immigrant will explode soon and Gordy here will fall back into the realm of "who gives a shit".

>> No.10603775

>points me to the OP image without context
>no ur dumb

Fascinating conversation pham

>> No.10603781

Imagine being so angry at something she frivolous as cooking

>> No.10603791

Any fish and chip place that isn't junk tier will give you multiple choices of fish - haddock, plaice, scampi etc. Nobody forced you to pick the most boring choice (cod)

>> No.10603811

>Without context
You're saying I believe all British people do x and I'm stupid for it. I'm pointing out that Ramsey is doing the same shit. Yet you're too stupid to make this simple connection.

>> No.10603824
File: 61 KB, 497x500, Murrica fat yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is he right?
Just look how triggered and defensive the amerifats in this thread are getting. If there is one thing amerifats can't stand, it's the truth because the truth is never in their favor.

>> No.10603842

I never said I agree with Rambos comment, doesn't give you a free pass to make your own sweeping statements about a whole country's eating habits

>> No.10603852
File: 82 KB, 530x791, 1523523986500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: butthurt americlaps

>> No.10603877

Please do not post Copyrighted material, anon.
It's very un-american.

>> No.10603902
File: 47 KB, 640x640, 15622011_0_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornish pasty is SO GOOD tho.
Bit greasy tho..

>> No.10603919

He is A VERY GOOD BAD BOOO000oooyyyy

>> No.10603942


>> No.10603956
File: 119 KB, 840x960, 1525626993034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post link to him saying it or fuck off OP.

>> No.10603958

>I thought the tea, bad oral hygiene, poor nutrition, and bad dentistry were responsibly for it?
Lack of sunlight too.

>> No.10603963

Oh so he was merely pretending to be retarded then? Glad we sorted that out

>> No.10603971
File: 24 KB, 591x422, 1512332932294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10603972

Failing to grasp irony is literally a symptom of autism.

>> No.10603978

>>apple pie

Literally all western countries did this shit for centuries, you fucking idiot. It's not British, it's globally western European.

>> No.10603988

Fucking lol. Fuck off, British people have atrocious teeth, it's even considered normal to have yellow teeth over there.

t. lived in the UK until November

>> No.10603995
File: 48 KB, 400x347, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10603998

That's right goyim, buy our teeth whitening product made 100% from baby goy foreskin.

>> No.10604001

>12 year old data about 12 year olds
dumb phoneposter

>> No.10604002

nice shop nigel

>> No.10604006

yes, he was right about pineapple ruining pizza

>> No.10604009

Link me to the paper, not some stupid "infograph", you dumb faggot.

>> No.10604012


>> No.10604013

How can you tell when someone phoneposts?

>> No.10604017


>> No.10604022

The 5 guys shills are out in full force today

>> No.10604026

Very likely.

>> No.10604033

steak n shake > shake shack > whataburger > five guys > jack in the box > everything else >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in n out

>> No.10604038

No one cares, fast food brainlet shill. Fuck off.

>> No.10604039

Nope, cry more

>> No.10604041

t. in n out shill

>> No.10604052
File: 80 KB, 726x545, 1510644944398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So this....is the power....of British arguments.... Wow

>> No.10604054

Oh, I thought you were quoting a different post with no pic. Thank you for answering btw, was halfway expecting to be told LURK MOAR

>> No.10604061

What's the crater in the forehead? I have one of those, but lower than in the pic.

>> No.10604063

It's all that's needed to btfo mutts

>> No.10604067

>Be american
>see salad
>start punching it in self defence distress

>> No.10604079

>he's one pace away from going full-on Fuck Drumpf lunacy
it's 2018, and an adult posted this, and he thought it was acceptable. Because in the USA, it is, right now. Let it sink a minute.

>> No.10604082

Nice, denial. You will never be recognised for having decent food, Nigel. The UK is a shithole.

>> No.10604156

You actually are mentally deficient. Go on you for figuring out how to form full sentences and post on the internet.

>> No.10604167

generally true but it becomes a religious experience if you are drunk or hungover

>> No.10604168
File: 86 KB, 1200x630, EB45F8FF-B644-498C-B549-F82C33226B83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least don’t smile for fucks sake.

>> No.10604224

"If he's able to eat soggy lettuce, warmed cheese, and a dressing with egg that's sat out for an hour, he doesn't enjoy food, he enjoys eating"
He's commenting on the absolute state of Americans where the journalist is an example of the symptom. I realised 4chin is full of spergs, but I didn't think the autism was so strong that everyone missed the point he was making because you all take everything so literally.

Stop being hyper defensive because a group you associate with was called out for bullshit.

>> No.10604277

Everywhere I've tried, had no options, just fish and chips. Nothing about the species of the fish. I think that at least one place had flounder as fish.

>> No.10604286
File: 155 KB, 1000x674, guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting Claps to not be hyper-sensitive

Even the simplest of criticisms gets retaliated with a barrage of anti-europe meme pictures and claims of obsession/jealousy

>> No.10604290

You must have tried some real shitholes then. The overwhelming majority of chippies let you choose what kind of fish you want.

>> No.10604305

You're welcome for saving you from the Nazis.

>> No.10604314


>> No.10604322


Of course he's right.
Just see how the average american eat everyday. Pathetic.

>> No.10604333

Because the British diet of fried meat, fried potatoes, gravy, and bread is so great, right? Most of you fucks live off of that garbage, frozen fish fingers, and cans of spaghetti hoops.

>> No.10604334

So you're saying to trust the UK link to not say UK is the bestest?

>> No.10604354
File: 75 KB, 634x486, &#039;MERICA FUCK YEAH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just see how the average american eat everyday. Pathetic.

'Merican niggers are just disgusting people. There is a very good reason why the world hates them.

>> No.10604364

American do it better.

>> No.10604366
File: 650 KB, 800x800, soldiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're a 90-year-old Russian you can shut the fuck up.

>> No.10604369

>doesn't even read past the first line of the first result
why are americans so inept at using the internet?

>> No.10604373

Britsh food is also absolutely terrible, the same stands for mexicans and canadians. Anglos in general have disgusting eating habits

>> No.10604374

No he didn't. He was directly talking about the overall burger size and how it didn't fit in his face hole. He even attempted to fit it in his face hole. Let's not get into the rest of that terrible "Let's make a terrible burger" video that he was more than happy to put his face and brand on, nevermind that it was painfully obvious that it wasn't his recipe.

>> No.10604376

>implying Hitler wouldn't have steamrolled Western Europe without lend-lease
>implying they wouldn't have won if he didn't have to worry about the Western and Southern fronts

>> No.10604378
File: 26 KB, 982x724, Retarded+gamer_098470_4570084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>155 replies
>only one person points out that there is no source

>> No.10604384

this is so obviously an american false-flagging that I didn't realize he was trying to defend britain and was trying to say americans invented roast beef and cheddar cheese until the non-greentexted bit

>> No.10604387
File: 49 KB, 640x474, &#039;Merica! Fuck!! Yeah!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are americans so inept at using the internet?

Because we spend almost as much on welfare as we do on education. We're all fucked. :`(

>> No.10604389


>> No.10604393

>a thread about food gets derailed into Le Fuck Drumpf baby rage
why are amerimutts so obsessed with donald trump?

>> No.10604395

>good food
white people food is incredibly easy to make. You take meat, sear it, some vegetables/wine. done. That's why I make it all the time.

when you don't use anything that could be potentially considered offensive in large amounts, then you're cooking on easy mode.

inb4 butthurt

>> No.10604406
File: 70 KB, 791x648, resistance becomes duty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do americans so wildly underfund education and social services, prompting the poor to form violence gangs and creating a culture of anti-education and anti-intellectualism among all castes??

>> No.10604413

Why do you think America so often? Whatever shithole you come from, I can assure you that I never think about it.

>> No.10604428

Why do americans think "why do americans think ... ?" is something frequently thought when americans aren't actively showing others what they think?

>> No.10604432

The non-OP post with the most replies in this thread is shitting on bong food, not American. Nice try though.

>> No.10604441

>wildly underfund education
America spends a relatively large amount on education. It's simply mismanaged.

Also, gangs have nothing whatsoever to do with social services, and they exist in every country.

>> No.10604443


>> No.10604460

the difference is that gangs outside the US like Hell's Angels and Banditos and such mostly just trade in drugs and arms and other illicit goods as a trade; gangs in the US like Bloods, Crips, and Kangs are functional replacements for the services and commerce that are not found in ghettoes and they are joined to get a basic level of services (or the money to get those services) by doing petty jobs rather than to make loades e mone off of selling coke

>> No.10604482

literally type it into google you insufferable faggot

>> No.10604483
File: 96 KB, 303x792, LOL_BONG_CUCKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roast beef
Literally the most bland and shitty cut of meat. Fucking ROATIE NATION.

>> No.10604522

exactly, amerimutts have been blown the fuck out and have resorted to attacking bong food out of spite despite bong meals and mutt meals being mostly the same sorts of dishes with few exeptions where something is too icky for the mutt palate

>> No.10604554
File: 1.05 MB, 623x882, American Liberalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because we spend almost as much on welfare as we do on education. We're all fucked. :`(

Americans are fucking retarded. The entire country is going nowhere but down.

>> No.10604557
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, Gordon-Ramsay-Perfect-Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10604570
File: 677 KB, 830x1088, 911loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolol bongs lost 2 egypt!!
how's that War on Terror going for you, sparky?

>> No.10604662
File: 37 KB, 618x416, GettyImages-533625642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The war that your slave nation immediately signed up for? Pretty good actually.

>> No.10604669

>Pretty good actually.
is that why gas is so expensive and ISIS is stronger than ever?

>> No.10604685
File: 60 KB, 634x347, article-2329458-19F1FAAA000005DC-303_634x347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas isnt expensive and ISIS is a dead two year old meme. LOL what year you living in, Ahmed?

>> No.10604728
File: 759 KB, 1024x540, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't lose to Egypt, faggot. You lost to the USA. IKE dropped the hammer on you cucks and broke your back for all of eternity. BTW you still owe us hundreds of billions (possibly trillions) of dollars for WW1. Don't even get be started on the size of your debt for WW2. You queers never stood a chance.

>> No.10604741

>comparing a kid who died because no lifeguard was around to salvaging books on a scheduled dive operation
do americans really not understand salvage diving?

>> No.10604744

>ISISis a meme
>a meme
Retardation : the post.

>> No.10604748
File: 371 KB, 1050x816, gordon ramsay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm. He is right.

>> No.10604758
File: 48 KB, 235x207, 668ab43941fa88ab046a8ffff1531e6b50619fe923c9ba12d3306a41ac1929d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously. Anyone still thinks the "do americans really" meme is just a joke? Of course not. The only thing Americans are actually worse at than food is making cars.

>> No.10604759

>the USA fought in the Battle of Britain and saved the UK.
Do they actually teach you this in school?

>> No.10604788
File: 198 KB, 610x668, common core math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks dad

in US schools they teach that the USA was the only non-Nazi participant in WWII and took Normandy all by itself, and that the only Nazi parties in WWII were Germany and Japan. anything is possible when it comes to US """education"""

>> No.10604812
File: 1.39 MB, 355x200, AMERICAN RACING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10604816

There were some Canadian and Polish pilots flying in the Battle of Britain.

>> No.10604829

well if youtube cooking videos are anything to go by, yes

>watch american video on mexican food
>it's shit
>watch british or mexican video on mexican food
>it's good


>> No.10604846

I refuse to believe that's an actual correction. Please, my faith in humanity depends on it.

>> No.10604849

i think the problem is that americans dont understand how to cook with something that isn't made by Kraft or a similar "food producer", rather than using fresh ingredients

>[eats half of it in one bite, chewing with his mouth open, intentionally getting shredded cabbage and ""mayonnaise"" from the coleslaw on his facial hair]

>> No.10604860

Two sixpacks is not the same as six twopacks.
Common core is shit but this pic doesn't show it.

>> No.10604863 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 468x340, BlackGIs_EnglishWomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bongs are literally this retarded.
I didn't think it was possible, but the lack of British intelligence always astounds. You faggots were (and still are) a literal broke ass tiny island nation. Big Daddy US paid for everything. Put down the porn license and pay your war debts. Also- LOL http://www.mix-d.org/museum/timeline/black-gis-english-women-and-brown-babies

>> No.10604871
File: 46 KB, 472x407, he sees your penis1424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a mutt can't even spell roastie

>> No.10604874

I don't have a dog in this fight but you reminded me of this, which is an amusing and interesting piece of history no matter which country you hate the most.

>> No.10604875

The USA hadn't even joined the war when the Battle of Britain was being fought.

>> No.10604877

Why does everyone from Europe suck so hard?

Like they all have a bad smell and mannerisms.

>> No.10604879 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 700x420, 5220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh battle of britain
Literally no one cares. You're the only one talking about it. Pay your debts.

>> No.10604895

>what is lend-lease

>> No.10604898 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 612x419, 3344408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I’ve noticed here and which I don’t like is the fact that the English don’t draw any color line. I’ve seen nice looking English girls out with American Negro soldiers as black as the ace of spades. I have not only seen the Negro boys dancing with the white girls, but we have actually seen them standing in doorways kissing the girls goodnight.

— A white lieutenant

>> No.10604907

Yes he is right, but for the wrong reasons

Ramsay is a fucking pretentious idiot.
But he sure knows how to play the Americans. Cause a controversy and watch your celebrity status soar.

>> No.10604914

>Don't have nigger stink
>Bad smell

Pick one you disgusting mutt

>> No.10604929 [DELETED] 

All niggers smell bad, but not all people who smell bad are niggers. Yuro stink is its own thing.

>> No.10604936 [DELETED] 

you can certainly have a shitskin stink

>> No.10604947

>dont even have their own name for rollmops yet they claim it

>> No.10604949

irrelevant because the US was also selling food and materials to the nazis as well, and was looking like it was going to go full nazi had japan not attacked

>americans actually believe that 12 is not equal to 12 if the operation getting you to 12 is different

>> No.10604960

>irrelevant because the US was also selling food and materials to the nazis as well, and was looking like it was going to go full nazi had japan not attacked
Do you honestly believe that? FDR allowed Pearl Harbor to happen because the American people were apathetic about another war in Europe, but the government was heavily supporting the Allied nations behind the scenes. Read a fucking history book.

>> No.10604965

>Credentialed by a tire company

>> No.10604968

>56% mutts complaining about people smelling bad

Oh sweet ironing

>> No.10604972
File: 770 KB, 1078x1002, not_white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a shower, Ahmed.

>> No.10604980

I don't know, should we believe a chef from a country that only has 5 restaurants with three stars each, or should we trust the glorious USA which has 14 such restaurants? Since you want this to be about michelin stars

>> No.10604985
File: 109 KB, 902x555, 1524602758410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anglo" rape seed trying to play the 56% card
Oh sweetie

>> No.10604987
File: 47 KB, 686x798, 1521242550951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10604988

I'm not American and the assignment displayed in that pic is very clearly meant to teach the student that even though they both add up to 12 they are not "the same" when you work with real-life items rather than pure numbers.
I guess they never managed to teach you that.

>> No.10604990

To interview a showboat "chef", and order food to be polite to the staff? I don't know I wasn't there. Ramsey is a low-skill drama queen though.

>> No.10604992

>FDR allowed Pearl Harbor to happen
no president "allows" anything and saying FDR "allowed" pearl harbor in any meaningful sense shows a fundamental lack of understanding of military action

as well, it was seen as a probably unlikely attack because the OSS, precursor to the CIA, was just as incompetent as the modern CIA is and predicted japan is unlikely to directly attack America

and America as a whole was having a nasty fascist streak, and was up until being directly attacked. while it's unlikely they would have directly allied with nazi powers and attacked Canada or something, they were still doing normal trade with the Nazis and many local movements were showing solidarity with them

>> No.10605001

s-sauce on the left pic?

>> No.10605008

Elsa Jean getting BLACKED

>> No.10605013

The highest levels of American government knew that Pearl Harbor was going to happen and did absolutely nothing to stop it, because they knew it would draw us into war. Were there Nazi supporters? Sure. But they weren't the majority, because there was still plenty of anti-German sentiment following The War to End All Wars. Stop trying to tell me about my country's history; I've studied it far more than you have.

>> No.10605039

>did absolutely nothing to stop it, because they knew it would draw us into war.
setting up actual AA on your own national property is not an act of war

moving ships out of that base and bringing them closer to the US would have been the most anti-war and safest preventative measure actually

sorry you're a retard who thinks they should have pre-emptively struck or something thereby preventing ships from being destroyed. i bet you're one of those retards who believes in open carry because somehow, wielding an AR15 defends you from getting shot

>> No.10605046

>FDR allowed Pearl Harbor to happen because the American people were apathetic about another war in Europe, but the government was heavily supporting the Allied nations behind the scenes. Read a fucking history book.
What sort of corrupted history books are you reading?
Take off the tin foil you fuck. It's made of aluminum now anyways.

>> No.10605052

thank you, m8

>> No.10605053

>All this butthurt

Shart in mart

>> No.10605056

most americans think pearl harbor is somewhere near new york, do you expect them to know anything at all?

>> No.10605061


>> No.10605073

We had already cracked their JN-25 encryption. Of course the fucking Navy isn't going to admit that we let Americans die so we could go to war; only a fool believes the official story of their government. The former director of the CIA has admitted that he told the Bush administration about an imminent plane attack on New York in early 2001, yet you won't find that in any official report.

>> No.10605095

No they don't. Most Americans know that Pearl Harbor and Hawaii are in the Pacific even if they don't know how far out or how far south it is. Even the really dumb ones usually know it was off the west coast.

Inb4 you find videos of hoodrats on crack saying really stupid shit.

>> No.10605098

I see you don't know the first thing about history, economy or geopolitics. Go shoot your teachers, kid, they deserve it.

>> No.10605107
File: 232 KB, 887x900, 1503633958004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire fucking thread

what happened to /ck/

>> No.10605112

That wasn't the question, idiot.

>> No.10605117

thats because theres two triggered amerifat samefags replying to it you dipshit

>> No.10605120
File: 15 KB, 300x388, stephen-king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramsay is a based, spun out on amphetamine, crazy motherfucker and is welcome in my home any day.
t. American

>> No.10605127

>implying /ck/ isn't the best board
Everyone has at least some interest in food, because everyone needs calories to survive. It's the only board on /ck/ that deals with something every person on Earth has experience with. Because of this, you get a cross-section of the entire site condensed into one board.

>> No.10605145

holy shit the banter in aussyland

>> No.10605148

This is like saying /o/ collects everyone from every other board because you need a car to maintain a job in a lot of places. You're already making big, big assumptions about the mental state of the 4chan general pop her.

>> No.10605166

>we cracked their encryption
>and that was shared rapidly within our own intelligence community far before push-button phones, things were decrypted rapidly, and we had that message decoded
Modern intelligence doesn't talk to itself reliably now you nutter, what the hell makes you think xenophobic people working on switchboards with less exposure to the international community and the consequences of non-cooperation within the network knew what was going to happen and all kept it a secret?

Does it make you feel really special "knowing" something that no-one else knows.

>> No.10605174

I've tried to find the videos where he's most obviously high. That one's probably the best I've seen.

>> No.10605180

Not every single person on Earth has experience with cars or cares about them. Some people actively eschew them. You can't say the same about one of the five things every single person on the planet needs to survive(sunlight, air, sleep, water, and nutrients). Imagine if there were a board devoted entirely to breathing(and that breathing is something that can be discussed at length outside of "do it"). Think about the types of people that interest would apply to. Fucking everyone.

>> No.10605184

It's literally just /bant/ with a fast food theme at this point, that's not something to be praised

>> No.10605191

Are you basing what you're saying on research you have done into the actual events we are discussing, or on your own thoughts and preconceptions? If it's the latter, (You) are a retard.

>> No.10605211
File: 15 KB, 535x490, 1521290284756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EuroBrainlets got butthurt in their own thread.

>> No.10605221

>JN-25 encryption
That wasn't broken until May 1942, numbnutz, just before the battle of Midway. It was the code used by the Nips for Pearl Harbor but we hadn't broken it by then.

>> No.10605245

Read >>10605221
and go to >>>/x/
Or you can head to /pol/. Either way, they're a special community that will teach you about the special truth that only you know to help you feel better about yourself.

>> No.10605253

t. yuro bootlicker nannystate cuck

>> No.10605263
File: 217 KB, 600x599, tax_policy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will never be great again.

>> No.10605272
File: 73 KB, 490x333, 1424790291259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>56% mutt detected

>> No.10605358

>thinks in n out is the best burger
wtf I hate Ramsay now

Seriously though, it’s good, but I won’t go out of my way for it. Not to mention it’s always packed to the fucking rafters with high schoolers

>> No.10605503

I'm glad I never saw this thread until now. I'm read for it to die.

>> No.10605542

200% true...

...And this is why.

>> No.10605816

>thread is losing post count

>> No.10606008

Maybe because after the (((romans))) invaded england became an invasive empire that stole food ideas from other people?

>> No.10606479

Why was he fighting a salad?

>> No.10606510

>This is like saying /o/ collects everyone from every other board because you need a car to maintain a job in a lot of places.
No it's not because it's only in the US where you ***NEED*** a car to survive.

>> No.10606522

>Gordon Ramsey breaks his own rules about burgers and thinks that meatballs are burgers because "we" use the term sausage as meat patties? What?
When you add eggs to your raw hamburger, you know nothing about juicy deliciousness.

>> No.10606529

This thread has seriously triggered the americucks

>> No.10606555

Gordon Ramsey knows fuck all about America. Practically anything that he tries to opine on ends up with him spewing mealy shit from his mouth instead. Also, Americans have proven themselves better than the British in nearly every single endeavor we have cared to, including nation building.

>> No.10606573


>> No.10606603

eggs in burger meat isn't there for flavor, it's a binder.

o b s e s s e d

>> No.10606625

He is absolutely right and the yanks in ck are fucking SEETHING

>> No.10606629

Obsessed cuck

>> No.10606631
File: 37 KB, 808x776, ramseyBTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look at all these michelin stars we have.

>> No.10606654

I thought it was the funniest shit in the world that one time when Gordon Ramsey tried to make pad thai and fucked it up and got called out for it by another chef.

If I want advice about beef wellington or some other faggy old recipe a british grandma would make I'll ask Gordon Ramsey other than that fuck im he aint shit.

>> No.10606680

you'd love Gordon's Great Escape then, it's basically two or three ~3 hour specials of ramsay trying to cook east asian food and being constantly BTFO, but never dropping his asshole banter towards the locals. a perfect mix of what makes ramsay fun to watch but also ramsay being shown to be a mere mortal who just cant stop getting fucking owned

like, in the vietnam one, they invite him to try some vodka with a still-beating snake heart in it. on Top Gear, Clarkson and May did it without issue but Ramsay is all grossed out and finds even just eating snakes at all to be too icky for him

>> No.10606696

Sounds like a bullshit TV show about an arrogant smartass pansy.

>> No.10606701

Triggered amerifat

>> No.10606717

Oh, you got me. It has nothing to do with a garbage celebrity and garbage threads on /ck/. But it’s ok because it’s just bantz, right? He’s never serious when he’s particularly stupid. No one that stupid could be that arrogant at the same time, right?

>> No.10606728

You are absolutely seething my amerifat friend

>> No.10606739

Yes, you got me again. How the hell do you do that? I mean, it’s not just once, either. It’s again, again, again, again, and again as though you never tire of it. Amazing.

>> No.10606740

exactly, it owns. sorry you're too triggered to enjoy it though, yanqui nerd

>> No.10606754

americans are incredibly easy to read, because americans only know being upset. americans are incapable of joy, so "u mad" is always valid and accurate bantz against an american, just as indians fail to poo in loo and flyovers shart in mart

>> No.10606760

>taking the worst of Murica slang and still using it a decade after it has been tired out by the rest of the world
His shows should remain in the UK.

>> No.10606762

Joy is a regular part of our lives. I would be willing to bet you just inspire the opposite.

>> No.10606765

how is not eating a snake getting btfo'd?

>> No.10606774
File: 179 KB, 872x769, Screenshot_2018-05-15_15-44-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I fixed that for you

>> No.10606780

The british can say whatever they want, doesn't bother me. I feel genuinely sorry for all of them because they don't have a 1st or 2nd Amendment. I can't imagine how powerless you must feel when you've given away your rights to defend yourself and speak your mind.

This thread though... it's bait. If there were any real british people in this thread they would probably be arrested and sent to prison for hate speech.

>> No.10606788

is his restaurant really named "restaurant gordon ramsey"?

that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life

>> No.10606906

you confirm that british food is garbage

>> No.10606945

Some of us know food, some of us don't.

Ramsay said some Ramsay shit. Wow how will we every recover?

>> No.10606971
File: 68 KB, 1172x1182, mutt2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10606981

Imagine being so triggered by the mere existence of the UK and British people that you can't even watch a bong boy get thoroughly owned repeatedly by Vietnamese and Cambodians because merely gazing upon the square-jawed visage of a good glasgow goy sends you into a SEETHING rage

It's like being so racist towards blacks you wouldn't attack one or even defend yourself if a chimp broke into your home because you can't bear the thought of even interacting with a nigger, even in a way negative towards it

>> No.10607081

>randomly brings up >muh 2a in a /ck/ thread about gordon ramsay

>> No.10607089

>O B S E S S E D

I mean, yeah, the 1st and 2nd amendments are a pretty big deal to me. Maybe if brits were a little more obsessed with their rights they wouldn't live under one of the most fascist goverments on the planet.

careful you don't get put in prison for the .png btw

>> No.10607091

All yurocucks and amerifats should be banned from /ck/ and possible the board

This thread is a prime example of how they are ruining the site

>> No.10607099

cool idea bro lets ban americans from an american website

>> No.10607105
File: 161 KB, 800x589, francegun&#039;s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, yeah, the 1st and 2nd amendments are a pretty big deal to me.
you have less free speech in the US because of modern idpol clown world lunacy, and the 2nd literally does not matter because of the individual states' rights to limit weapons in whatever way they want. it's also a huge misconception that gun laws across europe and canada are actually all the tight. it's harder to get a gun in china or south america (legally, anyway) than it is to get one in the uk or france or canada

agreed. 4chan should be joint property of canada and australia

>> No.10607108

stop ruining the board!!

>> No.10607109 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 480x360, he WILL kill the vice president.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>careful you don't get put in prison for the .png btw

>> No.10607110

blah blah blah I can craft weapons in my home legally, can you?

>> No.10607115

you are ruining the board too

you contribute to the off topic discussion and promote it like it is ok, it is not

you are doing it right now and do not realise it

>> No.10607118

spoiler alert: michael wilson does not, in fact, kill the vice president. the vice president dies by rejecting michael wilson's help, choosing instead to martyr himself

>I can craft weapons in my home legally, can you?

>> No.10607129

>you have less free speech in the US

Congrats, you win the "Most retarded quote of the day" award!

But seriously, just look at the level of insane rationalization these poor bastards have to adopt just to get by in a world without freedom. It's fuckin' sad.

>> No.10607141
File: 46 KB, 600x406, illegal in the usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans on a food board
no wonder u're constantly S E E T H I N G

>> No.10607150

putting inedible pieces of plastic in food is pretty retarded tho desu, in europe a few kids choked on the toy and died

>> No.10607155
File: 126 KB, 1224x792, Moms-Demand-Gun-Bans-Kinder-Egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10607164
File: 111 KB, 615x615, 1517108014919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good. in europe and canada, we dont need The Man to ban stuff because one or two hopeless dire retards choked on something. one fool shan't ruin it for the rest of us

>americans need special kinder eggs because they cant handle the FREEDOM of an actually free market that sells things regardless of their danger to chilluns
americans are literally afraid of food, why are you even on /ck/???

>> No.10607166

No child's life is worth giving up a single gun.

>> No.10607167

clearly we need to lift the ban on kinder eggs

>> No.10607171

why make posts like these
this is what i mean by this >>10607091

you don't care about food or cooking
you care about shit posting

>> No.10607172

>free market

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL motherfuckers that sue Google for free money should be silent

>> No.10607173

didnt someone start a thread here once asking how he was supposed to eat the cream bit? americans cant even figure out the special retard-proof mutt version lmao

>> No.10607174

>complains about shit posting on 4chan

hello newfriend! I suggest you lurk moar and then lrn2 hide threads. now kindly fuck off, thanks.

>> No.10607176

so you admit you are only here to shitpost
and you prove me right at the same time
why are you so pathetic?

>> No.10607178
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>> No.10607183
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>> No.10607184

go back to tumblr you giant weeping vagina

>> No.10607185
File: 1.17 MB, 720x893, 1526337395058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will never happen because america is not truly free and only gets less free by the day. kinder eggs are outright banned, and AR15s have to have weird unergonomic stocks and fins attached to make them as uncomfortable as possible. guns are next, and following that, actual cheese made out of milk will be banned because >muh lactose intolerance

s e e t h i n g

>> No.10607187

Doesn't Ramsey do mostly french cooking?

>> No.10607188

go to /b/ loser
whole board for people like you

>> No.10607196

french cuisine is the gold standard for hoity toity chefs so probably.

>> No.10607198

SEETHING cause he can't buy a butter knife lmao
based americans making cuckbois like this mad

>> No.10607202

/ck/ for people like me, too. that's why you'll continue to bitch and whine like a fucking cunt for a little while and when you realize that nobody and I mean absolutely nobody gives a shit you'll go back to tumblr to cry about it like the low T waste of cells that you are.

>> No.10607206

only cowards fight with knives. real men call drone strikes. the future is now, old man, you're scared of progress and will be left behind before long

>> No.10607208

no, you go to /b/ now


>> No.10607212

Bump limit reached, new thread


>> No.10607216

i don't care nigger don't reply to ANY of my posts again from now until the end of time or you'll regret it

>> No.10607218


actually I'm going to spend more time shitposting here than I was going to just to spite you

>> No.10607223

I go on 4chan to collect real education

>> No.10607224
File: 102 KB, 556x426, grenouille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all according to my plan
dance my puppet

>> No.10607236

>picking something that's actually good to get mad at

also S E E T H I N G

>> No.10607242

SEETHING canacuck detected

>> No.10607247

>maple taffy
maybe if you're a dumb fucking squarehead lmao

meanwhile your girl is slurping gravy off the big Quebec cock

>> No.10607316
File: 124 KB, 760x508, quebecyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile your girl is slurping gravy off the big Quebec cock
im gay and quebecois so ok

>> No.10607439

so is tentacle pr0n

>> No.10607512

>roast beef - so you guys invented baking beef?
>jam/fruit preserve - been around before there was recorded history
>custard - try Rome sweetie
>apple pie - Britain only has the first documented recipe, it was around longer than that assuredly, but I'll give you partial credit

The only thing on your list that has permeated the rest of the world is cheddar cheese. For a country that pretty much colonized and ran the globe for a long time, your influence should be everywhere, it's the fact your food is so terrible why it hasn't.

>> No.10607526

kids aren't allowed to buy firearms, what a shit argument.

>> No.10607588


>No trigger discipline.
>Lets ban something I don't even want to bother educating my children about.

>> No.10607866

I don't know how anyone can hate Ramsay. He's a strung-out crazy fucker. He doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.10608802

>Explains the shitty teeth
That's from drinking staining tea and centuries of inbreeding

>> No.10609201
