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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 553x328, fake-olive-oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10603676 No.10603676 [Reply] [Original]

I just heard that some olive oil companies cut their olive oil with cheaper oils to increase profits. Consider that even well-known brands have been caught doing this, what brands do you trust?

>> No.10603688

Ive never heard about this in europe.

>> No.10603702

Yeah but forcing companies to label their products correctly would be like communism and communism is bad.

>> No.10603710

I'm not really OBSESSED, but is this american only thing?
Laws considering food items are really tight in europe, so nothing like this would never come to pass. Same goes for lot of things, like glued meat.
How is any company selling something different than it is, still in business?

>> No.10603714

Google it. It's a massive problem in Italy. It sounds like the plot of a bad movie, but the olive oil business is literally controlled by the mafia and counterfeit and mislabeled oil is a serious problem.

>> No.10603721

Companies do the same thing with honey. Only buy local honey. You can't trust the store bought stuff. Very likely that similar diluting is done to maple syrup as well.

I've read that exported olive oil from Italy is notorious for being lower grade compared to the domestic oils used even within the same products/brands.

>> No.10603723

I only buy California olive oil because of this shit.
Never trust an Italian.

>> No.10603729

Yeah this is awful and as far as I'm aware, there's no good way to check what you're getting.

>> No.10603740

As a merican I trust California Olive Ranch bc it doesn't pass between 50 different companies' hands.
Of course selling mislabeled shit is illegal, but it's very difficult to scientifically prove that Olive oil has been cut with something else.

>> No.10603784

This. I think in the US when the bottle states "100% EVOO first cold press" and the ingredients list only EVOO you can be certain that it is. At the very least in the fine print of the ingredients list they'd be required to list the other oils. What I don't get is why the FDA permits the imports to not comply. That's why I'm suspicious of the claim that italian olive oil imported to the US is adulterated. I think the FDA would shut their ass down and right quick. They don't play when it comes to that ingredient list.

>> No.10603794

This is even more prevalent in Europe, retard

>> No.10603799

Dont buy Dollar Tree olive oil. Problem solved.

>> No.10603809

This happened in Denmark earlier this year

>> No.10603815
File: 167 KB, 1330x746, oliveoilgirl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Olive Oil gf

>> No.10603827

>the virgin olive oil vs the chad lard

>> No.10603834

Bribes and kickbacks anon.
Plus, how exactly do you think inspections work anyway? Do you think they're sampling every shipment and testing it on a gas chromatograph?

The naivete is shocking.

It's a problem with major name brands, not just the cheap shit.

>> No.10603837

I've heard that if you put it in the fridge the heavier oils will separate out and you can use this test to check the purity of your olive oil. I don't know what the specific melting points for all those oils is so I don't know how cold it has to be. Also, it wouldn't work if there are lighter oils mixed in.

>> No.10603848

>tfw your country makes objectively the best olive oil in the world, being its biggest export and this shit doesn't exist

Even the cheap stuff is decebt compared to what I saw being sold for 5 times as much in other countries.

>> No.10603874

Carbonell and Carapelli. According to a study i found recently done, carbonell is of top quality and it does taste good, don't remember anything about carapelli but i still like it nevertheless.
Other names i remember where Bertolli (which i don't like that much), a whole foods or some soyboy brand oil i don't remember and Ybarra

>> No.10603880

>glued meat.
do amerilols really

>> No.10603893

It's mainly a yuro thing done by organized crime. Italy exports more olive oil than it produces.

>> No.10603899

The counterfeiters have devised formulas to beat this trick. It's literally an arms race.

>> No.10603925
File: 54 KB, 275x679, 81S8iU-DD9L._SY679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Horse meat in meals right? Your comments sound very innocent and you probably have had a good life.

Almost all of these studies and articles are done FOR American companies intentionally trying to bolster their ability to sell - because Greece/Turkey/Spain/Italy own the EVOO market. So this thread almost appears as a push for Cali oil shilling. That said - the issue discussed in this thread is completely true. many brands both flagrantly (The ingredients will list fucking 85% canola oil 15% EVOO) and latently (100% pure EVOO when it isnt at all) dilute their oils. The brand in my post is one you should never buy.

People say its mafia related and it might be. Canola and other shit guter oils that no human being should ever be eating are always the ones mixed in as well, which causes the biggest issue. They also add clorofil to it so that it appears green when it isnt. The reason its such a problem is because it costs time and money to stop the diluting of the oils and it can be done in several places along the process. There is an organization dedicated to regulating it. it almost certainly DOES happen in USA too despite what the articles (Again pushing intentionally for Cali oil) say.

I wish I had more advice about this but I have pretty much given up and assume Im being fucked with if I buy unendorsed EVOO from that unity, their logo is a white circle with olives inside and as of two weeks ago my local grocer stopped stocking all the brands with this logo because they cost almost 2X as much as the gutter shit.

>> No.10603938

Greece and Spain produce more olive oil than Italy.
The mafia thing is an urban legend.

>> No.10603950
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>Italy exports more olive oil than it produces

>> No.10603959

Read the thread, you fucking idiot.

>> No.10603961

yeah no shit that's the problem

>> No.10603962
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>> No.10603973

This, it's propagated by the Italian government to demonize the mafia.

>> No.10603974


I don't think anybody who can't spell chlorophyll should be telling people anything anon.

>> No.10603983

bro auto correct wouldn't work at my first run because I spelled it so bad, I legit dont care at all

>> No.10604000

The mafia thing is not an urban legend, they do own shell companies that act to launder money. Italian imported goods is an appropriate cover.

But yes OP, if you do the math of the basic yield of oil the average tree can produce vs how many trees the country has, their exports are something like 10–15 times more than is possible.

>> No.10604058
File: 77 KB, 800x1440, received_2070612976513383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Arab
>tfw get my olives from my own personal lands every season, taken personally by me to the place where they turn them into oil(forgot the name in English) and get my %100 natural pure extra virgin oil plus some people make soap and other shit out of it
Suck my dick wh*tes

>> No.10604087

>tfw Arab
>die in cafe explosion

>> No.10604102

It is literally the Italian Mafia that is behind most of this.

>> No.10604113

>Canola and other shit guter oils that no human being should ever be eating

What is so bad about canola?

>> No.10604127

bruh... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXXrB3rz-xU

>> No.10604140

Die in a goat herding accident

>> No.10604155


>> No.10604162

>Olive oil industry
90% of the euro market is Spain and Greece.
Which explains a lot though

>> No.10604173

the mafia doesn't respect borders

>> No.10604197

Then an Israeli digs up your olive trees and plants them in front of his house... where’s you allah now, lol!

>> No.10604200

You are not funny.

>> No.10604214

>I'm not really OBSESSED, but is this american only thing?
No, not at all.
>Laws considering food items are really tight in europe, so nothing like this would never come to pass.
That isn't true at all, it's cute you believe it, but you need to open your eyes and look at what is really going on. Europe, America, Japan, wherever, companies will turn to shady dealings to increase profits. Or don't, life is easier when you just believe the claims and don't look too deeply.
>How is any company selling something different than it is, still in business?
The fines are less then the profits and consumers have short memories, never hear about it, or just shrug and buy what they can afford anyway. A company gets caught selling cut oil, they blame it on a supplier and promise to institute tighter screening procedures. The public pays attention for about a month, then forgets.

>> No.10604216

Looks good man I am really jealous. I got lots of herbs in USA and of course apple tree, would prefer olive though.

Canola is 100% synthetic with no real benefits for your health versus other oils. That its completely fake and you have to alter the genetics of rapeseed to make it at all isn't inherently bad, but its a very nasty rabbit hole with lots of conspiracy theory tier stuff. Essentially, even if none of the conspiracy is true - its still just matter of fact less beneficial nutritionally than EVOO or peanut/sunflower etc.

>> No.10604218

he's a little bit funny

>> No.10604220

>Then an Israeli digs up your olive trees and plants them in front of his house
Or just cuts them down to ruin your economy.

>> No.10604225

>nonononononono MUH NARATIVE you just don't SEE IT
You are just a dumb shit eating faggot, not sure where you found an echo chamber to keep that stupidity of yours post teenagerhood, but damn, that's just miserable at this point.

>> No.10604228

Nah they burn them.

>> No.10604229
File: 171 KB, 374x482, 1518665927968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really

>> No.10604230

>Canola is 100% synthetic
It's derived from a seed

It is low in trans and saturated fats.

Go back to /x/
Also I live in Canada, we don't do quite as bad shit to our food as the Americans. (still bad)

>> No.10604234


>> No.10604246

I will concede that while genetically engineered foods are not inherently evil

Monsanto is

>> No.10604264

Yuropean coping mechanism

>> No.10604267

I am being serious, but by all means continue to use it. Oils should never have trans fats and saturated fats are good for you. China will corner the market on your nations greatest invention in a few years so you don't need to be proud about the shitty oil.

>> No.10604274


>> No.10604281

Even if you are correct,
I am not sure it is the #1 problem with what we do to our food (I mean north America)

I typically eat olive oil anyway, unless I need something with a higher smoke point.

>> No.10604285

Oh for sure, I'm not saying its the worst but its quite bad and should just be removed. I have it when going out to eat alongside soybean oil because I'm sure it gets used, I just don't buy it and use it myself. I like sesame and sunflower for higher points.

>> No.10604293

Soy oil is the cheapest and therefore the most widely used oil.

Just for context i'm a research scientist who has been openly opposed to Monsanto's practices for the last decade.

They're sneaky, and put out lots of disinformation.

>> No.10604304
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>living in a country without customer protection laws
lmao at your life

>> No.10604337

Excellent! I'm against them too and have been learning a lot lately. Its very scary. The olive trees in the Med overseas have been around for thousands of years so should definitely be healthier. The West has fucked up so much.

>> No.10604356

I'm more disturbed about their work with neonicotinoids and glycophosphate.

Scientifically proven to destroy surface water eco systems, while they genetically engineer plants that are resistant so we can put more of it on.

>> No.10604363

You mean glyphosate?

>> No.10604377


>> No.10604392

Just started listening to a man in a video talk about it. he believes in chem trails which I always laughed at, but his nutritional advice is outstanding. He's Canadian. Tony is this you?

>> No.10604410

Dumbfucks who believe in crazy shit like chemtrails make all of us look worse.

>> No.10604411


no, i'm not dumb enough to mistake jet exhaust for chemtrails

>> No.10604418

retarded wiggers gonna wigg

there was never any evidence that this was true. The only fraud happening was the labelling of low-grade as virgin, extra virgin, etc.

There was never any fraud where the olive oil was literally not olive oil.

sounds amazing to be quite frank. I bet it has that peppery taste/cloudy quality as well.

Arabs sponsor terrorism, they're not victims of it ya dingus. Think 9/11.

>> No.10604425

>Arabs sponsor terrorism
So does the US government

it's the people who are the victims

>> No.10604442
File: 82 KB, 842x792, 5C988020-BCCF-451D-8882-9C46BB1F7240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The olive trees in the Med overseas have been around for thousands of years so should definitely be healthier.

>> No.10604456

Is your brain as broken as your reaction image?

If the trees are old they clearly pre-date any sort of GMO shenanigans.

>> No.10604467

Olive trees don't live thousands of years, anon.

>> No.10604470

seems like a fair point

>> No.10604490

I-I meant to say d-dozens....!

>> No.10604506

I hope you are kidding, Italy Regulations is more strictly than Americans when it Comes to food. Italians food productors when they products for America are really happy because they can put shit that in Italy will be considered Illegal

>> No.10604509

Most terrorist attacks occur in Muslim countries, dumbfuck.

>> No.10604514
File: 96 KB, 500x506, 1517521375467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw someone insults Italia

>> No.10604520


If it makes money then it is American approved

>> No.10604523

Most muslims aren't arabs, anon.

>> No.10604555

You know what the fuck I meant. Places like Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. That's where most terrorist attacks happen. Most terrorist victims are Arab.

>> No.10604568

People in places like Egypt and Afghanistan are mostly not arabs.

>> No.10604580

The Olive tree of Vouves is at lease 2000 years old, they still have the receipt when it was purchased and planted.

>> No.10604590

Happens constantly.
Especially in italy where the mafia owns many companies for money laundering purposes.

>> No.10604598

I dont think anybody who needs spell check to spell chlorophyll should be telling anyone anything

>> No.10604603
File: 842 KB, 4210x2808, For me, it's Puget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Family used this since I was a kid and it's made just near my hometown

>> No.10604605


if you can't spell a word then everything you say is clearly false. Let me guess.... you're an american

>> No.10604613

Based Boulos. That is a quality oil.

>> No.10604615

i bought offbrand olive oil once and it was mostly soybean oil

>> No.10604625

by the label or can you just tell by eating it?

You know market research has been done on lots of brands by actual scientists. Especially when this came to light the first time

>> No.10604630

you know, I believe that
there were incidents with cutting wine with anti-freeze and vodka with methanol that went by until people started dying because somebody overdid it
they even caught people cutting salt with cheaper road salt
I get apple juice the same way, some people even distill it

>> No.10604631

by the label. it was some "euro" brand being sold in america, and one of the ingredients was "soya bean" I thought it was some odd bean but it was literally a typo because they didnt translate the label properly. I can take a pic when I get home, but since then i stopped buying that stuff.

>> No.10604635

Just take a swig. Good quality olive oil should make you cough as it trickles down your throat. It contains a similar chemical as Aspirin, which leads one to believe that olive oil is anti-inflammatory.

>> No.10604641

at least they were honest about how shitty it was

>> No.10604642

I live in Funland and everytime something like that has happened, a shitstorm ensued and there's no more trust for the producer.
I don't think that the horse meat incident got in Finland, though.
I'm not sure how lax other European countries are, but Finland are pretty much food nazis.

>> No.10604646

No, seriously you can ask any Italian food chemist working in the industry.

>> No.10604651

Some places sell fish labeled as high end in demand species, dna shows it’s carp.

>> No.10604653

I prefer the viscosity test by lubing up with it and fucking your mom.

>> No.10604671

italian here, happens quite a lot, maybe a little more careful now but if you go cheap you wont really know what you get
it's most likely olive oil, yes, but hard to define the quality

>> No.10604709

>I live in Funland
I'm jelly.

>> No.10604729

>one of the ingredients was "soya bean" I thought it was some odd bean but it was literally a typo
Soya isn't a typo, it's an alternate British spelling.

>> No.10604747


>> No.10604770

404 senpai

>> No.10604778


Chlorophyll is not a hard word to spell, it is a very ubiquitous word in the school system where they literally teach it to grade schoolers.

>> No.10604781

Weird here is another link I like this brand they also make good balsamic vinegars
SENPAI Intense Fruity Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Azienda Agricola F.A.M.

>> No.10604784

thanks for the correction. either way it wasnt pure olive oil and i never checked the label before i bought it

>> No.10604801


Does this link work?

>> No.10604803


I think it needs more fruit

>> No.10604806

Both links work just click on the page to redirect you I don't know why it is doing that. SENPAI Intense Fruity Extra Virgin Olive Oil

>> No.10604824

>thanks for the correction.
Glad to help.
>i never checked the label before i bought it
Hopefully this is a learning experience, and you'll check the labels (at least on new things).

>> No.10604830


dude its filtering F.a.m. to senpai in the links. ahah 4chan

>> No.10604836

not really
if you read the label it should say "olive and canola blend"
and it tastes like olive oil so it's fine

>> No.10604840


Oh I didn't realize

>> No.10604870

Yeah, really, because they're not legally forced to say so. I get cheap ass bertolli or vigo Olive Oil/Extra Virgin stuff and it's been proven it's a blend of oils, just called olive. I don't have the italian in me to taste the difference between the real and fake, but I did buy one for $12 on the approved list just to see if I could.

>> No.10604884


You cant tell the difference because a lot of olive oils are intentionally rancid to hide blends and/or flavour imperfections.

>> No.10604888

These are good brands.

>> No.10604941
File: 21 KB, 427x427, 1478353376041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just means olive oil isn't that good. If it were that great, people could tell they didn't buy the real stuff every time. They can't, which means food snobs can suck a cock.

>> No.10604950

If you're not overweight and don't eat sugars 24/7 you can taste a lot of things better.

>> No.10605021

You would know you fat fuck

>> No.10605035


No shit olive oil is a meme. Its a cheap oil to make but its loved by pretentious fucks so they dilute it and sell it months past expiration because the fucks who buy it cant even tell when oil has gone bad.

>> No.10605041
File: 115 KB, 600x900, mansaf-david-birchall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Jordanian so none of that happens to me
You know I had to do it to em

>> No.10605051


>> No.10605089
File: 80 KB, 816x612, FB_IMG_1526412882754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think they have the dirt required to grow olives anywhere south of Irbid, and I'm from the extreme north of irbid from an area (locally) known for the quality of our olive oil, our kabab (far left) and our makmoura.

>> No.10605101

You will in about fifty to a hundred years or so.

>> No.10605154

I was looking at some pictures of Yarmouk Nature Reserve and it's beautiful.

>> No.10605170

Why? Seems like politicians or whoever is making decisions, is doing their best to make our country a shithole slum currently.

>> No.10605468

Now THAT is tabbouleh.

>> No.10605552

Same thing with spring water, honey, and maple syrup.

>> No.10605568

Sssssshhhh. Don't tell everyone. I too only buy California olive oil and don't want it to become the trendy thing.

If you look at the label on a lot of store brand olive oil it will say it contains oil from several different countries and each of those countries has different regulations.

>> No.10605583
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>> No.10605617
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for me it's California Olive Ranch, the best extra virgin olive oil

>> No.10605626

How? The original reply is literally talking about europe

>> No.10605634

Isn't only parts? Like just the big cities.
Otherwise your country is really beautiful.

>> No.10605638

It's not the best, but it's probably the best value for something decent.

>> No.10605639

That's because there is a media blackout across the entire continent of europe, there's a huge fucking conspiracy to turn you guys gay with mislabeled olive oil

>> No.10605641

>and each of those countries has different regulations.
Same thing with honey. Beware of lots of the cheap honey you find in the major brands, it's full of Chinese knockoff "honey" syrup.

>> No.10605659

t. mafia

>> No.10605733

Kirkland, Costco's brand label, has been found to be a very high quality olive oil. Get on this shit.

>> No.10605796
File: 31 KB, 472x292, goyasardinesbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just buy olive oil from California, however there is no escape from counterfeit olive oil in canned and processed foods. If it was processed overseas there is about a 99% chance the "olive oil" is fake.

>> No.10605909

>not having your own olive trees

>> No.10606068

>not having your own olive space station

>> No.10606077

Do ypur own olove oil

>> No.10606084

Are you an idiot? Peroxide value, GC, density, etc. Several tests can reveal the food fraud fat soyboy

>> No.10606096

FDA has staff only for less thab 0.05% of shipments into USA

>> No.10606101

Its meat fater all. It just that the enzyme is used to bind meat togther. Its safe and legal stupid bro

>> No.10606107

Just like honey from Malasya

>> No.10607012
File: 3.54 MB, 4032x3024, 20180515_193617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying olive oil straight from the source :^)

>> No.10607030

>On a very special episode of 4chan High
>/ck/ learns the importance of DOP
>Fisters on /gif/ have an emergency
>And /pol/tards stop a reddit insurgency

>> No.10607078
File: 203 KB, 1024x768, pressing-olive-oil-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug. Now I have to press my own olives just to make sure I got an authentic experience.

Should I buy a press or DIY a machine out of recycled materials? What should I use?

>> No.10607084

oil is oil. use sparingly.

>> No.10607119

>but is this american only thing?
It's actually 5 times more prevalent in European countries than it is in America, but that doesn't mean it isn't an issue in America.

>> No.10607130

>What I don't get is why the FDA permits the imports to not comply
If the FDA didn't let the imports get away with it we would most likely not even get any in the first place.

>> No.10607138

>Its safe
Not for rare steaks it's not.

>> No.10607359

watch checks out

>> No.10607528

t. La Cosa Nostra

>> No.10607694

if someone can do the math:
> how much olive oil is produce in the world per year ?
> how much olives (KG) for 1 litter of oil ?
> how much an olive tree produce per year ?
> how many trees for that ?
> how many square meters need each tree ?
what the final surface needed ?

>> No.10607722

stop using oil
cook with lard

>> No.10607734

would suck to live in a country where olive oil isn't olive oil. thankfully, i don't live in such a shithole

>> No.10607743

>claims to get premium olive oil from his private lands
>used a plastic bottle to contain it

you dun cucked yourself, sandnigger. get the fuck off /ck/

>> No.10607751

So which brands are good and not fascist

>> No.10607755

Imagine her tits and butthole lubed up with warm olive oil.

>> No.10607833
File: 96 KB, 800x531, My_Blue_Ridge_Travel_Guide_Nikki_(36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get my olive oil from my local olive oil shop. I suggest you all do the same since it will be much better olive oil than the store bought stuff anyways. Literally just google "(your city name here) olive oil shop"

>> No.10607923
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gooogle give no shop in my town

>> No.10608068

This is what I buy. It is good for the price and local.

>> No.10608131

>Olive oil shop
Yeah sure dude there's one right between the mustard shop and the peanut butter shop. what kind of fucking hipster town do you live in

>> No.10608133

I've got one and live in a small-ish city in the midwest.

>> No.10608144
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>He thinks Muslims did 9/11

>> No.10608174

I did a olive oil tasting at an event in my city a few years back. I liked the Australian olive oil I had the best. I would have never thought about Australia for olive oil. I wonder if they have the same issues being niggers with cutting their oils?

>> No.10608180

No, we don't, because we're socialist cucks protected by too many consumer laws.

>> No.10608220

So is Italy, and they are lousy with cutting oil and lying though.

>> No.10608230

>Like Horse meat in meals right?
I mean, we eat horse on purpose (except for island monkeys). The problem was selling it as beef

>> No.10608252

Finally, my kitchen centrifuge comes in handy.

>> No.10608264

nearly half... in usa

in the EU it's a fucking crime punishable with high fines

>> No.10608541
File: 2.92 MB, 4128x2322, 20140912_190046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this....
This was just a sample from the start of the season to check the olives, the rest comes in big metal box thingies and we pour them into glass containers for personal use
YOU're beautiful anon

>> No.10608547

No, in fact, most of the olive oils that are succeptible to this are straight from Italy.

California olive oil is the world's best. This isn't a US issue, so sorry! Go look it up.

>> No.10608553

>I'm a research scientist

I wonder how young you have to be to actually come here and make lies like that

>> No.10609012
File: 14 KB, 450x450, olive oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started buying pic related because I wanted to get away from the store brands that taste like ass blended with all kinds of other oils.

It's pretty tasty and says 100% Chilean olives. Is Chile reputable for olive oil?

>> No.10609279
File: 71 KB, 700x617, Casolaree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This any good?

>> No.10609313

Denmark reporting in, they got caught here recently, they were cutting it with lampante.

>> No.10609352

>Go to Costco
>Get authentic 100% pure EVOO for cheap

>> No.10610661

I would unironically watch this TV show

>> No.10610716

I buy local olive oil, but I live in Mexico so I may be getting scammed.
Tasted good, tho

>> No.10610812

Olive oil is overpriced, overrated shit. Use Canola or Avocado oil.

>> No.10610822

dont care I collect my own olives every year for oil

>> No.10610869

Tastes like ass

Even more expensive than olive

>> No.10610933
File: 155 KB, 850x566, olive-pit-tasting-bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only a couple hours away from pic related

>> No.10610965


Damn, that brings back memories. I used to drive back and forth between Sacramento and Portland a few times a year when I was in college and always stopped there.

>> No.10611278

>bottle says extra virgin
>little do they know I crammed my cock in it

>> No.10611400
File: 488 KB, 859x918, 50207318_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10612316

the entirety of the McRib is glued pork, which is available in Germany year long

>> No.10612364


Just because you have absurd cultural regs on food doesn't mean you have the same food safety requirements of the US. The US has extremely strict food safety requirements ranging from restaurant / store sanitation to the ingredients list and they take that shit super serious.

>> No.10613794

>spooky scurry GMOs!!!1!
Opinion discarded

>> No.10613892

>It says 100% on the jug so he believes it

Trust that shit less than you trust dark web cocaine

>> No.10613895

>I think the FDA would shut their ass down and right quick.

If they get caught, sure.

>> No.10613897

It's more of a problem in Europe than in America actually.

>> No.10613901

Only because they can sue for any reason. sue happy fucks thinking they're gonna get a gorillion dollars because they got a little sick

>> No.10613906

That's an Australian news program.

>> No.10613910

>what brands do you trust?

Spanish olive oil.

Nobody fakes Spanish olive oil because why fake the second best when you can fake the best?

So the way I see it, if the bottle says it was grown and produced in Spain, I get the second best olive oil in the world.

If it says Italian, I get the best or, 5% chance, I get some bullshit.

Gonna stick with Spanish, because second best is actually still pretty fucking good.

>> No.10613913

Yeah, that's why heroin is legal in the US...

>> No.10613923
File: 12 KB, 500x342, avos51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol? What do you have to gain by not questioning them? fucking retard - you exist to make people money not so you can live a happy healthy life

Never use canola oil and avacado oil is often genetically augmented (and costs more if its actually worth using) pic related, natural avacados

the point of the thread is that you're probably being fucked

probably? Its more a person/company basis not country basis. As >>10603925
stated its about pushing national markets and shit when publicized

depends on pig, also I dont like lard on everything. butter and EVOO is usually far healthier too

use EVOO and butter daily, with nearly every meal

one of the only brands near me that ha sediment, good brand

>> No.10614186

Here's a little cartoon explanation of the scandalous practice:


>> No.10614227 [DELETED] 

Never heard of Spanish olive oil. I'm going to look out for it. That being a 2nd rate olive makes it less attractive to scammers to adulterate, seems reasonable, but I wouldn't put it over them. I may just drop olive oil altogether and consume coconut oil instead, at least until I can find an olive oil that I can trust. I know someone at work whose family runs a small olive oil business in Greece where they take the olives from their farm to the communal presses and bottle it. I feel I can trust buying olive oil after hearing that story, but it could be a total bullshit story too!

>> No.10614240

Never heard of Spanish olive oil. I'm going to look out for it. That being a 2nd rate olive makes it less attractive to scammers to adulterate, seems reasonable, but I wouldn't put it over them. I may just drop olive oil altogether and consume coconut oil instead, at least until I can find an olive oil that I can trust.

I know someone at work whose family runs a small olive oil business in Greece. She says that they take the olives from their farm to the communal presses and bottle it. I feel I can trust buying olive oil from her after hearing that story, but it could be a total bullshit story too!

>> No.10614243

We legally sell opiates here. It's actually a massive problem right now