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10603273 No.10603273 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.10603280


>> No.10603283

the bubbles make it more refreshing

>> No.10603287


>> No.10603290

I drink them for the carbonation. I am an adult now. I do not desire overly sweetened beverages as I once did as a teen or child. A simple club soda or mineral suits me just fine now.

>> No.10603313

My bf loves these, but I can't stand them. I love water, I love carbonated drinks, but carbonated water is objectively bad

>> No.10603323

I'm cutting back on soda and I like the feel of the carbonation.

>> No.10603326

>Perrier is soda water
>tonic water is the same as soda water
Double retard.

>> No.10603461

I don't drink any of these straight, but they are great for mixing.

>> No.10603735

Tonic's amazing straight
A soft drink that doesn't taste sickeningly sugary and sweet

>> No.10603766

shut up

>> No.10603771

It still has alot of sugar tho

>> No.10603780

Tonic water has just as much sugar in it as pepsi I just tastes bitter because of the quinine.

>> No.10603941

minerals make it more hydrating than just tap water

>> No.10603994


I lost twenty pounds and have stretch marks?

>> No.10604020


Thats not how it works sir

>> No.10604073

If you sweat like pig you need electrolytes too I think you get those from mineral waters

>> No.10604145

>Water with CO2 artificially added
Do Americans really drink this?

Also sparkling water is not soda water

>> No.10604154

>soda water

>> No.10604157

I like mineral water with my meal, but if I'm really thirsty I'd rather just chug cold water.

>> No.10604174

It's refreshing as fuck and won't make you fat-- why do you give a fuck anyway?

>> No.10604188

Gin and Tonic

Tonic contains quinine which is an aromatic bitter.
Also none of these contain sugar

>> No.10604192

>What the fuck is your problem?
Why are you so retarded?

>> No.10604209


>> No.10604599


>> No.10605129

I use it for homemade lemonade

>> No.10607057
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This. New flavors every season.

>> No.10607068

I like my soda water with a lemon and a lime wedge, very refreshing

>> No.10607126

Soda water with a few dashes of bitters is breddy gud.

>> No.10607137

Do Canadians really drink tonic?

>> No.10607168

I like the carbonation

>> No.10607191

Huh? What? Come again? Hmm?

Shut the fuck up you worthless faggot

>> No.10607203
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>> No.10607211

Seltzer Water is good, and it's healthy. I quit soda and drink this because I love the carbonation.

>> No.10607325
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Just last week i started drinking club soda/seltzer/mineral water. I like it more than soft drink now. So far ive been trying several different brands a day. So far the best one ive tried is a mexican brand called topo chico. The carbonation os perfect and the bubbles are just the right size to give you a clean crisp refreshing sensation. Anyone know of better soda water?

>> No.10608886

>Seltzer water is healthy
Have fun eroding your teeth and stomach lining

>> No.10608920


>> No.10608970

Perrier is unironically refreshing and thirst quenching as fuck but those other ones are nasty

>> No.10610315


>> No.10610359

you get those from gatorade my man

>> No.10610547

You're the kind of retarded that would happen if they exposed a retard to the ooze that created the Ninja Turtles.

>> No.10610568

vodka soda and lime is life-sustaining

>> No.10610579

He got u good with dat fedora dog

>> No.10610730

Topo chico master race

>> No.10610805

Where do you get these?

>> No.10610817


Topo Chico lime is good if you're looking for a flavor. I think they might have grapefruit, too.

>> No.10610879

I like the feeling of carbonation, but I don't want to drink sugary sodas. Except for tonic water, which is totally different from soda water, and is sweetened to balance the bitterness. I fucking love tonic water.

>> No.10612273

Diet tonic water is top tier

>> No.10612304
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Gerolsteiner is magical for some reason, it feels like drinking ice that's on fire. Sadly I cannot find it anymore.

You need to try this shit if you can find it. Cool but not too cold.

>> No.10612310

Tonic contains as much sugar as soda sorry to burst your bubble fat ass

>> No.10612404

What's the deal with bubly? Seems pretty cheap for a sample pack on Amazon

>> No.10612450

Big Lots, gas stations, any budget grocery.

>> No.10612542
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>not adding a twist of lime and making homemade sprite thats undeniably better and healthier
I buy mine without sodium though so idk about you guys

>> No.10612549

My mum drinks it because she's a dry-alcoholic and it reminds her of getting blasted on wine and ruining my family's life so every time we go out to eat she specifically asks for it in a wine glass and we all fucking cringe because we know it's cuz she misses the booze and desperately wants to drink again and spend weeks passed out in her bedroom with 30 empty bottles and stains on the carpet but the last time she ended one of those benders in the hospital my father said he'd beat the living shit out of her if she does it again and he's never laid a hand on her in 25 years of marriage so it was a bit of a shock to hear that so she hasn't done it again. Her own mum is weeks from death in hospice rn though so it's only a matter of time before granny kicks the bucket and my ma goes on what will possibly be the biggest bender of them all. Good thing I'm moving out in a month but damn it's gonna be one for the ages.

Tldr it's mostly alcoholics who are dry for the moment but want desperately to drink again so they get Perrier cuz the bottle looks like a wine bottle.

>> No.10612562

You're not supposed to drink it by itself, wench.

>> No.10612654

Polars grab La Croixs and beat their ever-loving shit in. Bubly is a good brand too. Good post.

>> No.10612685
File: 85 KB, 450x450, T. E. Lawrence 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Dad
>come home from work
>"honey? I'm home."
>hear bottles frantically clinking around in the kitchen
>rush over see what's going down
>wife slumped over a 4-foot pile of empty Perrier bottles
>pick up wife and chuck her aside
>"If one of these is real wine I'm going to fucking kill you!"
>tearing through the pile like a wild animal
>see one tiny half-empty hotel-room tequila bottle underneath all of them
>spend rest of afternoon beating her unconscious body to a bloody pulp

>> No.10612713

It's better for you than soda, I don't see the problem

>> No.10612825

literally everything in that image is a different product, but I like club soda in my gin instead of tonic because i'm not a huge fan of the tonic taste and I drink perrier because it's more refreshing

>> No.10612832
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Really only have experience with Perrier because a friend drinks it quite often.
I guess the appeal is that it's savoury and carbonated, can't really see any other reason to drink it though.

It's alright, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it. I stick plain old tap water.

>> No.10613561

By empty bottles I meant bottles of wine buddy not Perrier. Maybe I wrote confusingly but learn about context clues when you get to English class today

>> No.10613627

A nigga needs to be hydrated. Put some lemon juice in it when it's cold and it's the perfect quencher for a hot summer day.

>> No.10613944

Does anybody else drink tonic water by itself? I love the bitterness and small hint of sweetness

>> No.10613957

You posted mixers dumbass

>> No.10613971

tonic water isnt the same as soda water

>> No.10614054


Do you Chinese really think only Americans drink this?

>> No.10614205


just drink water or a soda, mineral water only exists as a mixer

>> No.10614344

I was just making a joke bro. Don't shit on me just because your family life is gay.

>> No.10614359

Tonic water is closer to isotonic with blood, so when I wake up in the night (which happens twice every night) and I have to take my sleeping pill, I wash it down with tonic water to avoid having to pee, which makes me feel more agitated and awake because I have to walk to the bathroom and get light in my eyes.

>> No.10614402
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I only drink Mineralwater nowadays
That carbonation is so good and it tastes better than normal water

Gerolsteiner if I want it in a bottle or these in cans
Nothing else has enough carbonation for that thirst quench

>> No.10616097

There's ginger ale in my nearby supermarket that has less sugar in a litre than there is in a can of coke.
Just a tip for fat, soda-addicted sacks of shit.

>> No.10616806

but it's more expensive tho

>> No.10616812

Insomniac or al/ck/ withdrawals?

>> No.10616904

I'm a classy adult myself and have never had much of a sweet tooth, and actively go out of my way to avoid sugar in my diet. I probably only get like 40g a day on average, half of which is from skyr or something. I still think that all the drinks in OPs picture are disgusting, as is shit like LaCroix. I'd rather just drink plain water. If I want carbonation, I will probably get a sugarfree red bull or something, but that's rare.

>> No.10617195

We're not fatasses like you, OP. Also the carbonation

>> No.10617551

Tfw it’s water that gives you heartburn

>> No.10617562

What's with the extreme hatred of lacroix on here?

I like sparkling water like san pellagrino or a perrier because it's more refreshing/interesting than normal water and pop is waaaaay too sweet. Also tonic/club soda for mixing

>> No.10617951

Oi oi oi, its refreshing, clear my palate and the smell of my breath like magic; also its cooling to splash it on my face, and for emergency wash my hands