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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10602152 No.10602152 [Reply] [Original]

The Great Debate

>> No.10602153

induction masterrace

>> No.10602157

Keep your witchcraft out of this.

>> No.10602159

I love fire roasting my peppers on the induction grill

>> No.10602162


>> No.10602166

Gas. Used electric all my life until a year ago and the difference is incredible.

>> No.10602173

What debate?

>> No.10602174

>the difference is incredible
there is literally no difference, fire is fire

>> No.10602183

Electric isn't fire.

>> No.10602187

you can't warm up a tortilla directly on an electric stove. obvious answer is gas.

>> No.10602188


Nobody has ever claimed that electric is superior to gas.

>> No.10602191

>The Great Debate
There never was any.

>> No.10602193
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>> No.10602196
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>being too poor to afford a gas cooker

>> No.10602197

moved recently and the current house doesn't have a hookup for gas in the kitchen

I want to die more every day

>> No.10602200

Electric takes forever to heat up and heats unevenly.

>> No.10602219

The electric top on the right with the ope coils is utter shit. Either glass ceramic or induction. I really like induction but I freely admit that it can have flaws that can maake using it a pain in the ass, for example a really loud fan, or when it switches off and wont switch on again by itself if youu lift the pan off the top, or when it cant properly simmer something because the lowest setting is 400W, which will still let a large pot of water boil furiously. But that is all engineering and implementation, induction itself, when properly done, is god tier.

>> No.10602226

>Electric takes forever
>heats unevenly

>> No.10602228

Had both, gas is kinda better but difference is nowhere near as big as people make it out to be.

>> No.10602240

hell yeah it is, the coil basically has to have assitance of air to help cool, gas is far superior and accurate with temps at a blink of an eye

>> No.10602246

Unless you make technically demanding sauces and shit it doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.10602259

Wtf is there to debate? If you want to actually control your temp then use gas, if you never plan on lowering the temp then coils are ok I guess.

>> No.10602266

this, if you actually cook good shit, youd want to control the temp to avoid any chance of burnning or over cooking
stay made, ya fast food /ck/ook

>> No.10602269

Sure thing keyboard Alain Ducasse

>> No.10602280

Gas is better for cooking things that need even heating, electric is good for a long slow cook where being even is maxed by liquids

>> No.10602282

Gas is even, electric is fastest.

>> No.10602290

>Alain Ducasse
i take that as a compliment, pleb

>> No.10602293

The keyboard part was important.

>> No.10602309

>Alain Ducasse
Im drunk, leave me alone

>> No.10602312

>faster than flame


>> No.10602315

T. Never cooked on gas before thread.

>> No.10602324

those open electric coils may be shit, but look at some youtube videos that compare gas to a run-of-the-mill induction hob - induction will have the water boiling furiously when you can barely begin to see bubbles forming on the bottom of the pot on the gas range. They are more than twice as fast. And those are just 2000W tops, there are 3500W tops available for commmon household outlets (at least here in Germany, with 230V)

>> No.10602330

hows the cost in electricity vs gas? 2000w seems like alot, hell i can grow weed for that wattage

>> No.10602335


>> No.10602345

gas if far superior idiots just can't admit it.

>> No.10602360

Gas, and it's not even close.

>> No.10602366

There is no debate.
Anyone those thinks gas isn't superior, or that there isn't a difference, is either trolling or ignorant.

>> No.10602369

fuck that, you want a long slow cook use a crockpot, keeps all the flavor in, unless your making a sauce like marinara or somethin

>> No.10602370

You only need that kind of power for a few minutes when you want to bring stuff to a boil quickly, then you can reduce the power. Actually the more powerful it is the more efficient it is, because less heat is uselessly radiated away and wasted during the shortened heating up period.

>> No.10602378

the fuck are you on about, this might be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

>> No.10602381

how would you cook things that want you to simmer for 3-4 hours? Chili, Marinara?

>> No.10602385

samefag I bet ... who has never ccooked on an inducction top. The only thing gas may be better at is simmering stuff. That is an issue with a gret many induction tops. For simmering you need a top that can be set at 300W or lower, like the IKEA Tillreda that has a 300W and also a 100W setting. That works really well for simmering.

>> No.10602390

The other day I was pondering how do people living in public buildings/trailer parks get their access to gas. Then my sister told me it's illegal to own gas in those places. Now I understand why /ck/ is full of electrical crusaders/shills.

>> No.10602397

There are 2000W tops that also have 100W and 300W settings (and lots of other setting in between of course) like the IKEA top that I mentioned in my post directly below yours. 100W is perfectly fine for simmering stuff, even for hours. A great many non-professional grade induction hobs have 400W as their lowest settings (and that is actually 800W pulsed, to make it worse) and that is way too much power for simmering, even a full 1 or 1.5 gallon pot.

>> No.10602399

>fire roasting your peppers on a gas fire instead of a real wood fire
get on my level casul

>> No.10602401

Gas is fundamentally a lot less efficient than induction stoves. One watt is equal to ~3.4 BTU, so nicer gas stoves can use upwards of 4-5kW of energy per burner (10-20k BTU is fairly common on the big burners)

Gas is still cheaper on a per-watt basis in most places, but it's also important to note that all the waste heat from a stove has to go somewhere with regards to air conditioning costs.

>> No.10602408

you are confusing ovens with stoves, they are not the same.

>> No.10602431

I went from
electric heating coils to
gas to

Honestly gas was easiest to use. If you have pipes just get fucking gas. Otherwise get induction, it was almost as good. Coils are fucking slow.

>> No.10602440
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in what way? this completely average cooktop I pulled off costcos website has an 18k BTU burner


>> No.10602452

100w even 300w seems like itd be much more in electricity compared to gas, idk my gas seems pretty cheap and i cook on it many many hours a month, i dont understand wattage costs too much but most things in my home are below 100w

>> No.10602455
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>a bunch of fags posting in fast food threads are apparently expert cooks now

>> No.10602462

ah, thanks for clearing that up, ignore my post, the science behind it seems amazing

>> No.10602464

fast food restaurants dont use stoves, you retard and the few that do use frozen non fresh ingredients meant to cook in a couple minutes, go back to /b/ let the adults talk

>> No.10602469

me also. few months so far, but such a huge difference.

>> No.10602474

er. also, what did you upgrade from and to?

>> No.10602475
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>missing the point this badly
>let the adults talk

>> No.10602486

its cause fucks like you are ruining this board, this is for genuine discussion, this board is getting worse by the day like /b/ and many others. fuck off newfag

>> No.10602494
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>> No.10602502



>> No.10602506

the old elements for electric were shit. even the oldest gas systems outperform them. but modern electric isnt terrible. i prefer gas myself though

>> No.10602507

go gas or go home, faggot

>> No.10602510

The only reasons why gas could be better than induction is that with gas you can heat stuff up even when the pot/pan isn't in contact with the cooking surface, thus enabling you to cook a number of chink dishes that use a wok, and the fact that you can heat up a large surface evenly even with a cheap stove top

induction is better for everything else, it's much more efficient, can heat stuff up faster, you can set it to turn off after a set time, you can more easily get the same heat out of it everything, and you need to spend not even 1/5 of the time cleaning it, it's unbelievable
the electric ones with a coiled resistor that heats up are just outdated

>> No.10602525

kinda like cars, moe elctronics, moe problems

>> No.10602530
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I used to be gas all the way until I got a nice electric stove with a blastin ass hot burner
Shit will sear and boil the fuck outa shit

Honestly it depends on the quality of the stove most flat top electric stoves are shit
Most gas is good but it depends

>> No.10602533

this actually makes me sad because how true it is :(

>> No.10602559

nothing has feedback like a gas stove

no stoves are made properly, but at least with gas you can physically see the flame getting smaller.

with non-gas you just have to lower the knob and pray that you're in the right place

>> No.10602564

if you don't use gas

you're prolly white trash

>> No.10602566

Gas, all the way. Even on lower settings, the coils just reach a certain point where you can't keep the heat contained at a low point, which sucks for simmering sauces. I hate having to constantly pull the saucepan or skillet off an electric burner to control heat. There's a reason you won't see electric stoves in a professional kitchen.

>> No.10602568

In electric's defense, it gets hot as fuck quite quickly.

>> No.10602569

UNless you have stuff simmering for hours every day it wont be too bad. Also, remember that you would be saving all the money you need for gas right now. And if you live someplace hot with air condiition, all that waste heat from gas sucks extra power from the A/C to keep your house cool. Inducction is super effficient and produces barely any excess heat.

>> No.10602571

gas > induction >>>>> electric coil.

Gas has more power and even better responsiveness than induction, but induction is a whole different league than regular electric. The one big advantage induction can have is portability. Having a few of those portable induction burners in a pro kitchen is so goddamn handy holy shit.

>> No.10602572

t. Hank Hill

>> No.10602573

Gas ~= Induction > Electric

>> No.10602577

what's up retard hows life treating you lately

>> No.10602662

My old range never did. And anyways, gas instantly gets hot as fuck.

>> No.10602696

The biggest disadvantage about electric (aside form actually having to have your pan touch the coil) is that it stays hot, so it's almost impossible to turn something down to a simmer without moving it to another burner.

>> No.10602723

Gas is objectively better for nearly every use case. The only thing electric is better for is boiling water.

>> No.10602732

I prefer gas to electric, but it's not exactly high on the priority list when I'm looking for an apartment.

>> No.10602743

Thread is full of poorfags pretending they've used gas before. Since getting a gas stove I can't even entertain the idea of electric again. Gas is better in every category

>> No.10602764
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>The only thing electric is better for is boiling water.
This is bait.

>> No.10602768
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>literally 2011+7
>people not having gas-tops

>> No.10602773

It's true though. Electric is what you find in college dorm rooms and section 8 housing because it's assumed nobody is going to cook anyway or if they do they might accidentally burn the place down.

No functional adult would choose electric over gas.

>> No.10602867

Ah fuck, I always hated that too.

>> No.10602875

How is there any debate at all about this? Portal is clearly the best Portal game. Portal 2 was bogged down with a crappy story.

>> No.10602887

You fill a big pot with cold water and put it on the plate to cool it down more rapidly. It's obviously not as convenient as gas, but it's a handy technique if you don't have a gas line.

>> No.10602893

Gas offers more control with tilting the pan, but man is induction easy to clean. That puts it on top.

>> No.10602905

I wonder if americans are biased against induction because power output is lower over there. Might skew perception a bit.

>> No.10602910

That doesn't even make sense, as others have noted electric IS superior, for boiling water as fast as humanly possible. Nobody has even questioned that. What we're saying is that it's shit for actual cooking.

>> No.10602916

>fill up another pot in order to cool down the burner while your food is already off to the side
>not just moving the pot with the food in it to a different burner and using that one

You realize how counter intuitive that is, right?


Are you talking about induction hot plates or actual induction stoves? Because most people here are probably talking about moving into/renting a place that has either gas or electric. I have an okay induction burner, but am not an any position to buy a fucking induction range, and the power output wouldn't make any difference. Go back to your tea and instant ramen.

>> No.10602917
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>> No.10602943

No, I don't. Saves electricity, leaves the other burners free for anything else you might need them for, gets you to the target temperature more quickly than heating another one up from cold.

>> No.10602958

>gets you to the target temperature more quickly than heating another one up from cold

And here we have yet another reason why gas will always be superior.

>> No.10603072

Stoves. The ones you integrate within the counter.

>> No.10603101
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>> No.10603301

>Gas has more power .... than induction

Hahahah no. Unles you are atling about one of those jet engine wok burners even a 2000W home use induction top will heat a gallon of water in less than half the time of a regular home use gas burner. there are plenty of comparison vids up on youtube and I can personally confirm this too.

>> No.10603356
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>thinking with burners

>> No.10603358

Get one of those camping burners that you load with propane. Use that for most of your cooking. The electric stove could still work for things line boiling/simmering liquids.

>> No.10603364

either stop drinking or drink so much you die thank you

>> No.10603365

I wonder if europoors are biased against gas because they arent allowed to have basics things like knives and fire.
Here in the states we are allowed to be adults.

>> No.10603366

just move the pan to a different coil and set it to low if you need a lower temp

>> No.10603372

Both....they both light my cigarette

>> No.10603373

There's more to a quality of a stove than just a measurement of how fast you can boil water

>> No.10603380

That's what your Instant Pot is for.

>> No.10603420
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I used to prefer gas, but my current one is fucking annoying and dangerous. It has a center burner and an outer ring. You can turn the whole thing to low -- and it shuts off because a temperature-actuated mechanical safety thinks "oh the flame must have gone out" -- or you can turn the outer ring off -- in which case it leaks gas underneath the countertop and eventually ignites and tries to set everything on fire.

>> No.10603428

induction is really the way to go
>inb4 poorfags claim gas is better

>> No.10603435

Work with a guy that used to be a chef. He thinks gas is better as it gets hotter, heats up more evenly, is more easily controlled.

>> No.10603438

how shitty are you? i mean honestly, there's nothing as simple as controlling the temp with induction/electric.
please tell me you're trolling and not a real retard

>> No.10603448

The problem with every induction cooktop I have used is that the heat output is never constant. It fluctates between too hot and off. For many things that doesn't matter but it's a huge pain when you're trying to maintain a consistent low simmer.

Coil-type and non-induction flat top electric have too much intertia. They take too long to respond to changes at the knob.

>> No.10603458

Gas wins, no contest.
-works with any size or shape of cookware (flatness is not important)
-works with any cookware material
-instant source of ignition for flambé
-energy cost approx. 1/3 to 1/4 that of electricity
-works even if the power is out
-can toast or roast foods directly over the bare flame
-on average a gas hob is substantially more powerful than an electric one, even for cheap home rangetops.
-instant response to changes in the heat output
-easy to visualize the heat level by looking at the flame
-no annoying on-and-off behavior like the duty cycle on many electric cooktops
-no annoying auto-shut-off if you move a pan or pick it up to toss food.

The only con gas has is that it's more effort to keep clean compared to flattop electric. Otherwise it kicks the crap out of electric.

>> No.10603606

Have fun cooking in a wok anon

>> No.10603616

Try cooking rice on a glass top... it’s on off, on off on offffffffff on off on offf on off on off on off, timer goes off and there is still water in the pot the rice is not cooked...

>> No.10603675

>-works with any size or shape of cookware (flatness is not important)
Flat bottomed wok on an induction burner works fine (though obviously not as good as a real restaruant jet burner). Same wok on gas, and the bottom is right in the burner's dead area.
>-energy cost approx. 1/3 to 1/4 that of electricity
And 1/3 as efficient, so it's fucking nothing
>-works even if the power is out
I don't live in the 3rd world, sorry.
>-on average a gas hob is substantially more powerful than an electric one, even for cheap home rangetops.
Not once you consider their gross efficiency. The reason they don't boil water as fast is because they literally can't transfer as much energy to the pan.

All in all, the big advantages of gas are the instant adjustability and consistent and continuously adjustable rate.
The disadvantages are being harder to clean, finicky (every gas owner I've met has to keep a lighter nearby for when the starter fails), relatively unsafe (ranges are the #1 cause of house fires) and turning your kitchen into death valley in summer.

>> No.10603695

>Flat bottomed wok on an induction burner works fine
Flat bottom woks defeat the point of a wok.
>burners dead area
A proper gas range doesn't have a dead area.

The main point I was making regarding cookware flatness wasn't things that are deliberately curved like a wok, but rather flat-bottom pans that aren't perfectly flat anymore. They work OK on most induction stoves but they are extremely inefficient on coil or flattop electric.

Totally useless IMHO because every single one I have used fails hard at maintaining a consistent low simmer. They always flip-flop between "Too hot" and "off". I have no idea why this happens since it seems trivial to shorten the duty cycle interval but for some reason they aren't made that way.

>> No.10603854

You must be retarded if you cant make rice on a glass top. You put the rice in the pot and add about 1,5 cups of water for every cup of rice (if the rice is the good stuff, for generic shit rice you use about 2 cups of water per cup of rice), the you bring it to a boil, turn down the heat and let it simmer for ten minutes, then take the pot off the stove and wrap it in a thick towel and let it sit for another 15 minutes. Wa La, perfect rice every time.

>> No.10603869

The problem is that it doesn't simmer for 10 minutes. It alternates between "off" and "so fucking hot it's boiling like mad".

>> No.10603870

>Totally useless IMHO because every single one I have used fails hard at maintaining a consistent low simmer.
You have a point there, as much as I like induction that is annoying. But if you have an induction top with a low enough wattage it is not much of an issue. It wont boil off any water. The only thing it cant be used for is making perfect clear stock.

>> No.10603884

Maybe the cycles of your top are too long or somthing ... weird, mine doesnt do that. I can simmer stuff on mine very nicely. I can keep the lid on and even though I can see it slightly boiling there is no steam coming out. Maybe yoou could tryy using heavier bottomed cookware.

>> No.10603885

judging by the speed of this thread, none of you actually cook a fucking thing.
shut up.

>> No.10603888

It's a bastard for delicate sauces too, like hollandaise or bearnaise.

>> No.10603922

>Maybe the cycles of your top are too long or somthing
Yes. And it'san extremely common problem. Over the years I've used 6 different induction ranges and all of themm have had the same problem. Consider yourself lucky that yours does not have that problem.

>>try thicker cookware
Been there, done that.

>> No.10603964

Bitch please, I’m from Hawai’i, I know how to cook rice, just at my Auntie’s house in California and it sucks. I have to make it in the oven.

>> No.10605926

Gas always gas
Heats up faster, more controllable even distribution of heat.

better for cooking, better for using curved cookware like woks and better for doing hot knives.

you're stupid

>> No.10605951

>Bitch please, I’m from Hawai’i, I know how to cook rice, just at my Auntie’s house in California and it sucks. I have to make it in the oven.
More likely her pots and pans suck, or the lids do.

I have used every type of stovetop and my current house is glass, and I do just fine. My pots are heavy bottoms and my lid is tight. I use 13/4 cup water for every cup of rice for jasmine, basmati, or short grain. B2B, stir once to lift up grains, lid on, simmer 20, rest 10. On or off the burner the last 10 minutes, doesn't matter. And, it's light, completely cooked and fluffy every time. Nothing is stuck to the bottom, but like i said, i'm not using bad cookware with thin bottoms or venting lids or something like that.

>> No.10605968

These inferior simpletons with their quiant and brutish methods for creating heat.

I kek heartily at them. Kek most heartedly.

>> No.10606017
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Isnt induction the best out of all of them?
t. New fag at cooking

>> No.10606144

Don't most Americans have a 220V circuit in the kitchen if they have an electric range?

>> No.10606147

If you have compatible cookware and a good hob it can be fantastic.

Shitty electric and shitty induction are truly awful but even a shitty gas hob is still okay.

>> No.10606611
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have fun starving to death next long-term power outage.

>> No.10606712
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Im not sure.
>Doesn't the gas stoves seep into your food?
Electric or induction for in home.

>> No.10606787
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Gas is better but once you learn the specifics for your own pans and electric stovetop that is perfectly adequate.

>> No.10607117

As opposed to starving when gas lines are severed or supply disappears?

>> No.10607177

Given the choice, gas is better. If gas is expensive where to are, or you don't have it piped in, electric is fine for most things. You can get one of those single gas burners for the occasions where it really shines. A lot of Asian's use them for stir frying in apartments.

>> No.10607189


>My option is better than your because of the Apocalypse!!!

Dear God, stop trying to justify your completly subjective opinion on whether or not the world will end you dumb fucks.

>> No.10607210

Tell that the the Jews who can't even flip a light switch on shabbat

>> No.10607217

We're talking about gas, not propane

>> No.10607274
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Don't live so close to the city that you have the option to connect to a gas line. Gotta live in the boonies where you get your own tank. if there's an event where you run out of gas and you can't get anymore there's bigger problems than heating up your ravioli's. gas still lasts longer when without power anyway, as opposed to not working at all.
lol the world doesn't have to end for your power to go out for a while. I live in a hurricane zone and it's not uncommon for the power to go out for a while when they come through. I got flooded out during hurricane harvey and lost power for a while. electricity was out for a while. my gas tank still worked though.

>> No.10607297

So you think it makes sense to avoid living in a city just so that you'll be safer in a disaster, but you still choose to live in a hurricane zone? You people are fucking delusional.

>> No.10607304

I didn't choose to be born in a hurricane prone area. I'm moving out as soon as I have a job lined up anywhere else. sorry we weren't all born in candyland where nothing bad happens.

>> No.10607671
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>not shooting your stove

>> No.10609501
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>> No.10609542

ceramic electric is the best, flame is atrociously bad.

>> No.10609546

What are batteries and solar power?

>> No.10609584

Gas cooking is more homogenous, instantaneous and easier to regulate.

Also, if you pay attention to professionals, they always use live fire, and not those fragile, electricity consuming and "by steps" heat givers

>> No.10609627

Most restaurants including Michelin Star and high-end restaurants have switched to induction.

>> No.10609633


>> No.10609656

I cook my food using the heat of orbital reentry.

>> No.10609690

except you do. It's called thermal induction

>> No.10609810

As with most of these debates there is pros and cons

I make cheese sometimes and I have used both gas and coil the coil is superior for that because it is pretty much consistent all the time. For steaks you want flame because you can Pittsburgh style it and the sear always seems better on gas probably just due to higher temps and better distribution of the heat source in general. Flambe sauces are obviously gas as you don't need a lighter but boiling water electric is faster. Creams boil over easier on electric though. Typically I prefer gas but electric has some advantages and I would have one portable coil burner if I moved back North.

>> No.10609830

Those are easy to crack and expensive to replace though

>> No.10609849

Good luck with your solar power when earth bites the dust and all we have is 24/7 toxic clouds

>> No.10609929


>> No.10610007

How many gas tanks do you have stored up? I think it's much more likely the infrastructure to distribute flammable gasses breaks down than the sun is blotted out.

>> No.10610092

>Gotta live in the boonies where you get your own tank.

I'd rather use my wood stove in a pinch than pay $60 a month for a 25lb tank that they replace on a monthly schedule and charge triple price for "emergency" service if you need more before the scheduled replacement. Also you have to use it all or you're charged a handling fee on leftover gas, which is a set $25.
The sheriff's brother owns this company, and the police harass any competition that tries setting up here, so there are no alternatives.

>> No.10610199
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>eating something that can't be nuked

i'm sorry but i don't live a retiree's lifestyle

>> No.10610292

Always good to have a backup like that, sucks you have to deal with that though. I guess that is one of the disadvantages of rural leaving; there are too many towns that are run by inbred retards that have nothing better to do than to serve out speeding tickets and harass people for nothing.

>> No.10610527

>Having gas in your home.

Have fun dying in your sleep or in an explosion.

>> No.10610534

Electrical fires are far more common than gas. I hope you don't have electricity.

Hell, a building might collapse on you too. Better not live under a roof either.

>> No.10610555

Why would I use the oven when I could just go to McDonalds?

>> No.10610559

looks like anno

>> No.10610577

When will we get induction ovens to replace microwaves?

>> No.10610584

Because salt, sugar and fat.

>> No.10611059

Bill Clinton wasn't a rapist, but by current cultural discourse he probably is.

>> No.10611554

The only benefit of electric is you don’t have to worry about gas poisoning you or blowing you up

>> No.10611561
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>> No.10611567

I have spent most of my adult life cooking on electric units. I would actually not mind giving up a testicle if it would guarantee that any house I live in from this day forward would have gas instead.

>> No.10612779

Many of you are comparing gas to poor induction cookers. Induction cookers are as good or even better at temp control than gas if you actually get a GOOD one.

>> No.10613145

It had decent lore and the gel sections were pretty fun.

>> No.10613761

I wish I had a gas stove here so badly. I understand a gas stove, The electric one I'm stuck with now scares me because I'm retarded.

>> No.10613810

Marinara in a slow cooker is transcendentally good

>> No.10613820

yeah, but an "actually good" one is $2000+, while a perfectly good gas range is about $500.

>> No.10613826
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>> No.10614371

Ignorant little cockholster.

>> No.10614382

I laughed so hard I cried.

>> No.10614404

I was kinda surprised when the old Italian chef in the carbonara thread was using induction to make carbonara:
Then they get to the last guy:
>This is being filmed in my restaurant
>seltzer bottle of parmesan-romano foam
>recipe is one piece of pasta, one chunk of guanciale, and lots of said foam in an eggshell
>call it "Birth of Carbonara"
Okay, now I'm less surprised.

>> No.10614940

cooking over a wood or coal fire

>> No.10615621


The mechanisms are completely different.

Inductions works on magnetic objects (ferrous metal, and many others). Microwaves work on polar molecules (water based food)

Microwave efficiency could still improve if we could direct the waves better, as they usually just bounce around aimlessly within the oven.

>> No.10615641

We can control microwaves better, it's just not needed for the average home microwave where the objective is to build them as cheaply as possible.

Comercial-grade microwaves often have two magnetrons so they are not only more powerful but heat more evenly as well.