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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 1200x630, 3C51DC67-6F78-4070-9106-A82B71C498D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10583997 No.10583997 [Reply] [Original]

do americans actually do this

>> No.10584000

Yes, and it's delicious.

>> No.10584004

does x really do y

>> No.10584013

Does ____ really spend their days thinking about Americans on /ck/?

>> No.10584108

Does ____ really spend their days responding to threads "thinking about Americans" on /ck/?

>> No.10584113

Listen eurocucks you don't see me making threads about mayo on fries so leave my frosty and fries alone

>> No.10584141

I'm European and I don't understand why this hate for the USA...
I think most of you guys are nice and your food looks good and yes I love to eat at macdonalds sometime.

>> No.10584165

Euro here and I honestly don't care what people do either, the thing is you just need ONE autist to shitpost all day on a slowboard like /ck/ to completely fuck it up. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an Asian Canadian to be honest.

>> No.10584243

I'm American and don't care what you think.

>> No.10584249

yeah me neither, you guys eat what you like, that's all.

>> No.10584259

fat cunt

>> No.10584261

I'm American and I think you're being rude.

>> No.10584262

It's a south east Asian thing actually. They do it with the burger too

>> No.10584266


>> No.10584268

you don't want to know...

>> No.10584269

>I'm European
You are a bong or a Belgian, you don't have culture anymore yourself

>> No.10584271


>> No.10584284

I am Greek, subhuman.

>> No.10584295


>> No.10584966

yes, but with chocolate frosty

>> No.10584972

Canadians do it too tbqh

>liking Americans

>> No.10584976

Remove the comma

>> No.10584979

>replying to bait threads.

Do you only have half a brain?

>> No.10584990

it's prolly because there's shitloads of complete retards in the USA

>> No.10585863

Yes, we do. What you gonna do about it?

>> No.10585895
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Only thing wrong is that it should be the malt chocolate instead of the vanilla.

>> No.10585994
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not with every fry of course.
Just a few. Just a bit of that sweet and salty.

>> No.10586003

t. European who has met most people in the US of A

>> No.10586009


>> No.10586013

cant argue with that level of reiteration

>> No.10586022
File: 2.81 MB, 640x351, british cuisine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do brits really do this?

>> No.10586046
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For having been a world power which basically created world-wide colonies and the spice trade itself - for god sakes, why didn't they decide to care more?

>> No.10586091

Chip butty hahaha. They do fish stick butties too. They re a silly fucking people at times. Love me a northern accent on a girl though.

>> No.10586113

the tiny specs of salt they put on the fries in the end made me chuckle

>> No.10586134

Just FUCK already

>> No.10586198


>> No.10586203

Has to be chocolate.

>> No.10586237

Do Brits actually put fries-excuse me CHIPS in between 2 slices of shit white bread and call it a sandwich? A CHIP asshole I believe? And if you're not brit you're eating trash also. Slavs have better food than most of Europe.

>> No.10586289

Gourmet drunk food? I've eaten those whatever organ pies that came in a tin and enjoyed them. But y'all don't eat them no more do you? You're national food is anything from the middle east and canned food. You're worse than mutts when it comes to that. If they put salad in a can it would sell great.

>> No.10586305

My fellow amerilards are rather disgusting on many levels, but i've never seen or heard about anyone doing such a retch inducing action, so no.

>> No.10587435

Fuck, they're cute.

>> No.10587452

Ive never done this and im appalled by it desu. Keep that shit separate but equal

>> No.10587454

>I've never tried it
>I'll take a firm stance against it though

great opinion

>> No.10587458 [DELETED] 


and what's wrong with being an asian canadian ahmed? China will own Canada by 2030, while your country will be a literal shithole filled with welfare mutts

>> No.10587468 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10587471

I like to dip chicken nuggers into chocolate frostys

>> No.10587482

Why does this make me feel that it's a prologue of gay porn movie?

>> No.10587575

t. turkroach

>> No.10587583

That looks terribly dry and the fries have no seasoning apart from a tiny pinch of salt. They could have at least put some sort of sauce inside the sandwich too

>> No.10587642
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are fries and chips they're different, stop calling fries chips. Then there are crisps which you call chips. lol a chip butty isn't a fries butty which wouldn't be that nice desu.

>> No.10587657

if its double fried correctly its actually very tasty desu and isnt dry at all due to the way the oil sits on the chips if you get one correctly prepared its actually really nice desu, altho that vid was a bit 'gayish' desu and why the salt thats just trying to be hipster or fancy its better without salt sauce is optional when you get it actually.

>> No.10587660

why does 'desu' keep coming up?

>> No.10587682

hownewru, t b h filters to desu

>> No.10589027


>> No.10589046

Make that a chocolate frosty, and yes I would

>> No.10589050

>>liking Americans
Go walk your own streets, bong. You are the land of fast food and dollar store. And none is local.

>> No.10589070

>tfw yuropoor can't wrap pea brain around sweet and salty complimenting one another

>> No.10589129

Because Ameribraps literally ruin everything they touch and you have shit taste in food.

>> No.10589164

pay debts

>> No.10589238
File: 3.04 MB, 480x270, 181c8005964cf624ba42522fcb8dc990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asians post threads about americans
>americans assume it's europe for some weird inferiority-complex related reason
>america rage-bombs europe, because that's what they do
>america doesn't have any friends on planet left except australia
>china laughs and joins forces with rest of world.
>"europe was the only place that didn't hate you, dumb shits"
>the entire world attacks america
>australia throws in a snake, but it doesn't help
Oh, you Americans..

>> No.10590722

That actually doesn't taste bad. I tried it when I was a young kid and I can still remember the taste. Makes me wanna try it again but I dont eat dairy anymore.

>> No.10590745
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>56 percent

>> No.10590757

>I'm European
stopped reading. fuck you muhummud

>> No.10590777

What's wrong with Belgian culture? We had a Belgian-themed bar and the food was very good and not halal at all.

>> No.10590802

hi NSA!

>> No.10590924

Are you invoking an air of incredulity for disgust or amazement at the fact fries actually do taste good with a frosty? It's the saltiness of the fries combined with the sweetness of the ice cream that give it a peculiar flavor that incites us to do it.

>> No.10592573

Yes. Everything dumb done by americans

>> No.10593002

both are v good and tasty

>> No.10593278

Holy shit I thought I was the only one...wanna fucc?

>> No.10593287

It is, it's better with the chocolate one though.

Thank You
Fuck You

>> No.10593297

chip butty is fucking great
should have put butter and a small amount of ketchup into the butty i agree

>> No.10593313

Yes you do.

>> No.10593325
File: 48 KB, 564x564, 14785690908379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dip burgers in shakes.

>> No.10593343

What about a fry AND chip butty?

>> No.10593347

t. south american monkey

>> No.10593412

dipping salted fast food in milkshake is like putting pineapple on pizza.

>> No.10594820


>> No.10596999



>> No.10597043


>> No.10597059


>> No.10597109

This. Don't knock it 'til you try it.

>> No.10597145

They're using the same camera configuration.

>> No.10597225

>comparing mayo on fries with fries dipped in fucking ice cream

>> No.10597241

Frosty is not ice cream and salt and sweet is a real pairing. Meanwhile eurocucks are putting fat on top of carbs fried in fat

>> No.10597258

Belgians have no culture.
t. lived there for a month when I was in highschool, on an exchange program

>> No.10597452


yes same with jewish community

>> No.10597525
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>> No.10597545

and burgers are still fatter than us
really makes you think

>> No.10597768
File: 18 KB, 258x258, 39b5250d50cd0ec51ea4b335a389ee30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vanilla frosty

>> No.10597869

t. Romanian

>> No.10597908

The audacity of Americans to do things

>> No.10597963
File: 81 KB, 364x852, AF5E4CC7-37DF-4FF4-9EC1-300A5604476D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an obese land whale
>le 56% face
>develop diabetes at 10 years old
>shit pants in grocery store
>live in fear of fresh foodstuffs and anything not endorsed by a large corporation
>why is everyone looking at me?

>> No.10597967

Pretty accurate >>10597963

>> No.10597968

all these identitarian faggots. no one cares where you are from, it's just banter.

>> No.10597972

what i want to know is why americans need sauce for their pizzas

>> No.10598060

Funny thread. You have to remember that all non-Americans have an inferiority complex. They have a psychological need to be butthurt over America as a defense mechanism against their insecurities. Every moment of their lives revolve around America and every single one of them is desperately in love with America despite all the shit they talk. Consider how they willingly spend all their time hanging around Americans on American websites like 4chan. What they really want is for Americans to recognize their existence and validate them, and when we don't appeal to their insecure needy satisfaction they get asspained and lash out. They are getting angry reading this and the overt declaration of the truths in this post, but none of them will leave 4chan despite the painfully illogical act of spending all your time hanging around Americans if you actually hate them. Their actions speak for themselves, non-Americans are like insecure girls desperately looking to be noticed from the alpha male and trash talking as a means to make themselves feel better when they don't get the attention they crave.

>> No.10598099

How are fries and chips different?

>> No.10598123

Everything in that image can EASILY be applied to both euro shitposters and american shitposters my man

>> No.10598125

what they call chips are basically just steak fries

>> No.10598146
File: 33 KB, 500x375, 20y9yn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Americans genuinely believe what you've just written tells me everything I need to know about your country. Some of that may have been true in the 70s/80s but you are joke of a country now with a walking meme as a ruler

>> No.10598163
File: 23 KB, 306x306, 1509139729385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's STILL posting on an American website with a majority of Americans

>> No.10598178

Japanese owned website hosted on servers in the uk.
The only American contribution to 4Chan is constant shitposting.

>> No.10598180

Chips are softer, larger, usually with a lighter fry and drowned in vinegar

>> No.10598192

No theyre not. Chips are thinly cut and should be crispy.

>> No.10598193
File: 19 KB, 235x250, 1506699113027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he REFUSES to leave the American website with majority of American posters
the absolute state of non-Americans

>> No.10598240

You're still describing fries
It's like you're complaining that burritos should only have beans in them and then everyone around you is saying "yeah, that's just called a bean burrito"
You're talking about a specific style/cut of fry
They aren't different just because you lack any real sort of original version

>> No.10598247

>you are joke of a country
My life has only gotten better while the rest of the world's gotten worse. I've traveled to Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America, none of these places offer anything that would entice me to stay because they're usually a worthwhile nugget of chocolate stuck in a mointain of shit. (often we have the same things, but they're usually too expensive) Especially Europe, I believe what that guy typed up because I've seen it in the wild first hand; Europeans are often extremely jealous of America. We're fascinating because we have stubbornly clung to all the sexy, controversial things you gave up for nothing because we're still better off here than you are there. You can't accuse me of ignorance because I've been there and seen it, so don't bullshit me or anyone else.

>> No.10598427

Dude, the US has become a corporate fascist military/police state banana republic and no amount of flag waving can refute that.

>> No.10598438
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>> No.10598445

>4Chan is an American website

>> No.10598457
File: 288 KB, 420x420, 6993954438571d7f8d43cccee87150ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bruh I went to Thailand once and there were people who still rode HORSES to work! They must all dream about living in Baltimore

>> No.10598487

This guy know what's up.

>> No.10598495


>> No.10599772


If you don't do this, and you don't have the free frosty key chain, your garbage.

>> No.10599788

fuckin kek

>> No.10599806

Fuck yeah

>> No.10600021
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>vanilla frosty

>> No.10600029

Looks like Melania

>> No.10601103

fucking fat motherfucker sugar and (((potatoes))) dont go together

>> No.10601159


>> No.10601196

You mean alliteration?...

>> No.10601240

Is this milkshake or just mashed potato on cup

>> No.10601250
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>> No.10601723

Americans have never cared what Europeans thought of is. More of a fact than rudeness.

>> No.10601953

Dear OP, yes they do. They have actually forgotten about Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers

Square-cut fries, thick and delicious. Fresh and the best, Cooled, still eating.em mashies with ketchup.

Some years ago, they decided to serve cheeseburgers, which are decent, I guess... With mayo for goodness sakes.

One has to ask for no cheese. The fries are useless and ridiculed for...

>get a pizza pan and an oven to cook Wendy's fries...

They have forgotten mustard for mayo, beef for cheese, fries for pencils, and dang'it a salad bar that the heralded Kroger company took for a while.

>> No.10601979

No, nobody orders vanilla frosties. Chocolate or nothing.

>> No.10601982


>> No.10602023

He's trying to help guys.. Let's be nice.

>> No.10602027

Another reasonable anon trying to be nice. Plz don't hate us Americans.

>> No.10603226
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>> No.10603354

ok nigger

>> No.10603363

hohaha i like these fags they are funny xd

>> No.10603367
File: 39 KB, 460x569, Mysterious_c773ba_6536436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a Greek subhuman
fixed for you

>> No.10603424

you put brackets around the wrong thing bud

>> No.10603641

>1/10 Americans who eat at Wendy's dip fries in ice cream.

>> No.10604177

I'm European and I do this too.

>> No.10604179

>what is ketchup

>> No.10604206

Sonichu - The Later Years

>> No.10605865


>> No.10606052

I had a friend who did at In and Out. Tried it, absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10607816
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>mad the picture
don't get a heart attack, fatty

>> No.10607929


>> No.10607964

Did you know Wendy's chocolate frosties are actually half vanilla?? I learned that on reddit :)

>> No.10608070

As an American I've never understood this shit. Whenever I try this, the ice cream always overpowers the taste of the fry, and all I ever taste is crunchy ice cream.

>> No.10608099

It's popular in Canada too, although we only had the chocolate Frosty where I lived

>> No.10608115

You fucking know it tastes good euro faggots. That's the best thing about America; overindulgence and gluttony. It's beautiful

>> No.10608126

It is. The bullshit that he bleached his skin needs to stop.

>> No.10609021

You have to have the chocolate frosty!

>> No.10609080

Americans can't into banter which it's why it's so much fun, you give an american a bit of shit for dipping his fries in milkshakes and you get >>10597525 every time being actually man about it

>> No.10609129

Yeah dude, those Americans, lmao. How can they afford so much food?

>> No.10609151

I dip my burgers in ranch

>> No.10609181
File: 102 KB, 556x426, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yurocucks BTFO and the replies to this pic show it lmao

>> No.10609561

Careful before you get TURKED and they finish taking over cyprus.

>> No.10609569
File: 82 KB, 728x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't belong here, normie.
Back to Facebook you go.

>> No.10609605

You don't belong here, redditor.
Back to red.dit you go.