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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10594292 No.10594292 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the american fast food industry has convinced americans that fast food is cheaper than cooking

>> No.10594297

In rural areas, fast food would be cheaper than cooking even if you ordered 3 large big mac meals per day.

>> No.10594303

OP can't understand that not all countries are the size of a shoebox. Just let him be.

>> No.10594307

>rural areas
Why does that matter?

>> No.10594313

>have to drive 10 miles to a mcdonald's
>will probably hit a pig on the way, so you can turn around and roast it

>> No.10594314

No it wouldn't.

>> No.10594318

I live in a rural area and I don't get this either. It's still cheaper to make a Meijer run and get some food that go to Culver's

>> No.10594322

Don't want to micro spend for all the ingredients I'd need to fuck up a dish. It's easier and more consistent and cheaper to get something I like around the corner, but you suggest I keep a fridge full of once-used ingredients because that night I felt like having curry. What the fuck am I going to use all this tumeric on?

>> No.10594323
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>> No.10594340

This is about a decade out of date, but still relevant

>> No.10594367

...no they haven't. Everyone knows take out is more expensive than eating a home cooked meal.

>> No.10594369

Don't buy the drinks, dipshit. If you want soda, buy a 2liter from a grocery store. Don't supersize, dipshit. Don't get the combo, dipshit. Fuck you and your "trying to say why I'm correct, but getting something wrong" mentality.
be fair, fast food IS over priced if you buy combos, super sizes, drinks. just get a god damn $1 item like everybody fucking else

>> No.10594394

>a god damn $1 item
those aren't a full meal m8 and even then you can go to the dollar store and get an ENTIRE LOAF of bread and TWO WHOLE CANS of some meaty sauce and have some sloppy joes at home for a week or two

>> No.10594400

I hate all the stupid rice and bean niggers on this board.

>> No.10594402

yeah, these days a mcdos meal for yourself is literally 11 or 12 dollars, so mcdos for 4 would be like 45 or 50 bux

>> No.10594422

Absolute bullshit.
Learn to grow prepare and preserve food you ignorant fuck. You are are completely dependent on the grid and will die within 6 months without electricity.

>> No.10594426

In Honolulu, it costs less to eat out vs home cooking.

>> No.10594432

t. retard muhreen who thinks the chow hall supplemented with cup noodles at the barracks is "home cooking"

>> No.10594512

Up until 2000 fast food was dirt cheap. Ever since then its skyrocketed in price while quality and quantities have tanked. Fuck fast food and all restaurants in general.

>> No.10594544

>tfw delusional 4chan Ameriboo's try to pretend their shitty countries don't try to copy the U.S. in almost every way they can

>> No.10594630

It's precisely the opposite. If your time is worth hundreds of dollars per hour, then eating out becomes the cheaper option. If you live in a rural area, you are probably not rich and you probably have a larger-than-average family, so cooking your own meals is the economically favorable option.

But what do I know, I live in Canada.

>> No.10594637
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>> No.10594646

You're literally retarded if you get those meals at mcdonalds. I never spend more than $3 at mcdonalds and can barely finish what i buy.

>> No.10594660

No I lived in Honolulu for 17 years. To make traditional spaghetti dinner, was about $70. (Everything is imported).

My neighbor just sent me a listing showing my old house just sold for $2.7M. I guess things are different in Iowa where you live.

>> No.10594675

This. I think OP has the 'tism.

>> No.10594678

You don't even have to be growing food for it to be less.

>> No.10594680

>these days a mcdos meal for yourself is literally 11 or 12 dollars
Holy shit anon I'm fat as fuck and even I never dinged that high. Lordy lordy...

>> No.10594683

>he thinks his gay little garden won't be taken from him by a passing militia if things go bad
Larping poof.

>> No.10595003

Whatever, you delusional faggots. Enjoy your seven limes.

>> No.10595230

>What the fuck am I going to use all this tumeric on?
It lasts a long time and you can use it to improve your cooking (which is objectively shit by your own admission). Now go get your fastfood shinebox, faggot.

>> No.10595388

rural areas are cheaper for groceries.... where i live 12 brown eggs are .75 whole chicken is $4 10 lb of rib eye is $20

>> No.10595538

In my country a McDonald's combo is like 10dollars so Fuck that

>> No.10595707
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>he thinks ruralfags are poor

I am doing everything I can to return to the country right now. The more remote it is, the more incentives they have to get an able body out there. I'm negotiating a deal right now to become a caretaker at a lodge. They won't pay me, but they'll give me a free room. All I have to do is keep it in order. Then I'll get a part time job at a bookstore or something to get food money. I will end up working only two or three days a week.

>> No.10595725

the general rule is that if you can't afford to live in the city then you are poor though.

>> No.10595743
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>measuring rural wealth standards by a city's cost of living

You understand that if the rent in a small town is 100 dollars and it is 1000 dollars in the city---

uh you know, this is too basic to even attempt to explain, I may as well be trying to coach you through tying your shoes

>> No.10596178
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>> No.10596200

I always heard mickey d’s in Brasille was super danl because they only used their own beef, any hues here to confirm this?

>> No.10596299

It is if you place an inordinate value on convenience.

>> No.10596425

I've lived in a rural area my whole life and I can tell you it's never been cheaper to buy fast food rather than groceries

>> No.10596498

No, you're missing that anon's point.

Congrats that you can live in a homestead in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do but work and shitpost, but your podunk job is going to make sure you never do anything but that, and you can't afford to live anywhere that has something going on.

Same goes for you, shitbag. Implying you're not poor when you're "negotiating" to become an unpaid caretaker with a room but no food? God man, enjoy your fucking life barely existing until you die.

>> No.10596517

Anyways, now that I'm done with that shit... sure. Feed a family with a bunch of bulk food. Save money. You're right.

If you're a single person, or a couple? You're gonna be stuck eating the same crap every single night while you burn through your ingredients, to save a couple of cents on the dollar. And that's not counting the opportunity cost, where you spent all day at work busting your ass, and portioning out ingredients and meal planning is now $50 of your time as opposed to just spending $30 having someone cook it for you.

>> No.10596627

Kek, came back here to find that I baited somebody else's bait thread. This is, like, Baitception. I wonder if OP was one of the ones who got mad?

>> No.10596948

>Up until 2000 fast food was dirt cheap
As was real food you idiot. At no time was fast food cheaper especially if you're feeding a family.

>> No.10596974

even if you're totally braindead in the kitchen, having a couple spices around will make your abject failures go down a little easier

>> No.10597011
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What impresses me is how many people are afraid of fucking up their food like me in the past. Sometimes you will miss, but you learn from those. Eventually you will sometimes even be able to somewhat fix your fuck ups.

Saving money and eating healthier is great and all, but I'd say that the majority of people who cook on this board cook because it is fun.

>> No.10598128

Cheaper? Maybe. Faster? Definitely. My friend with a family of 6 found that buying large 2 topping pizzas from little ceasar's was much faster and cheaper than cooking. Now, he didn't act on this information, but he did consider it.

>> No.10598149

Youre an idiot. You can make more than one type of meal even with identical ingredients. As much or more variety than youd get at a fast food joint.

>> No.10598150
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Actual true story inbound:

>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

>> No.10600207
