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File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, 31dover-stolichnaya-shadow320x1000_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10587671 No.10587671 [Reply] [Original]

Few days ago I saw someone here recommend this in a thread about vodka and I decided to pick some up tonight to try it out. Just wanna say whoever left that post thank you cause this is great.

>> No.10587672
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>> No.10587677

Not today Pepe.

>> No.10587799

don't drink much and was also thinking about trying this brand for future use
have tried most of the popular ones like absolut, smirnoff, belvedere, grey goose, etc. and also some bottom shelf stuff which was vile
in what ways did you find stolichnaya better than whatever you usually drink?

>> No.10587803

Hey OP, stoli is ok, but coming from a piece of shit alcoholic and long time drinker, I would say you should give Breckrenridge Vodka or Tito's a try. They make damn good booze. On the other hand, stoli is ok. I mean if you like it that's cool, but just another suggestion if anything,

>> No.10587823

no shit that was me! thanks man! enjoy.
I, ironically, can't drink any more because I got robbed and kicked some cunts head in and now i'm in all sorts of shit.

>> No.10587896

Is it good because it's as close to tasteless and non-harsh as possible or is it good because it has flavor?

>> No.10587900
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i can smell the vanilla stoli over the phone

>> No.10587934

It has a distinct flavour, where smirnoff is kind of sweeter and more oak like stoli has a more fresh metallic kerosene like flavour. Stoli is definitely one of the best vodka's out there. moskovskaya is also pretty good

>> No.10588066

Tell us the story

>> No.10588499

I'll be on the lookout for those when I finish this.

>> No.10588519

apparently it tasted even better in the 80's, but I still like how syrupy and smooth it is.

>> No.10588661

fuck titos

>> No.10588989
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>> No.10589003

stoli is cheeki breeki but I usually get luksusowa

>> No.10590044

what about metallic and kerosene is supposed to be good?

>> No.10590163

The fuck makes one vodka better than another? It's a flavorless neutral.

>> No.10590168
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>> No.10590213

most cheaper vodkas are harsh, for example

>> No.10590215
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Titos is made from corn and it fucking tastes like it. Fuck that, it's just a really expensive mixing vodka with a one-note flavor. Tastes like unaged whiskey.

Untrue, try drinking some decent vodka on ice sometimes. Titos tastes remarkably different than something made with wheat.

>> No.10590226

Forgot to mention: pic related is what I'm drinking now, tastes breddy gud

>> No.10590232

Anything past seagrams (glass bottle) tastes the fucking same. Vodkafags are retarded.

>> No.10590300

>t. tastelet

>> No.10590337

>this neutral is slightly more tasteless as this neutral
>this is the smoothest, most flavorless neutral
>what I'm looking for is the true absence of flavor

fucking vodkafags

>> No.10590387

Go to a rum distillery and give good white rum a try. Distilling does not even come close to removing all the flavor compounds from a spirit, vodka is no exception.

I don't give a shit about the smoothness, that's your projection. I like the taste.

>> No.10590401

vodka being flavourless is a shitty meme perpetrated by americans who don't know shit about vodka

>> No.10590507
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Have you ever distilled your own alchohol? There's a process called 'making cuts.' You learn how to cut out ethyl acetate, butyl and pentyl etc. Fores, Heads, Hearts and Tails.

For Rum you have to deal with the 'dunder' which is essentially a pit filled with batshit and other rotting things.

Look up Rum Dunder Pit.

>> No.10590549

Listening to you jokers yammer about vodka and rum just makes me shake my head. You want a good vodka, you want a distiller that leaves in the vanillins. The entire shot becomes sweet and lightly savoury.

But you have to be a good distiller with a column that can separate all of the alcohols with a hard taper. Methanol from a wash is almost non existent. But you need to take away the cardboard flavours of the tails from the sweet Hearts of the best of the ferment.

>> No.10590554

>Distilling does not even come close to removing all the flavor compounds from a spirit, vodka is no exception.

firstable, that's just incorrect. fractional distillation absolutely allows for flavors in the end product to be precisely controlled.

secondly, what about the filtering? literally all of the "high quality" vodkas claim to be filtered at least 9001 times. that definitely removes flavor.

>> No.10590563


Filtration is the fractionating. You need to go read about fractional distillation.

Fractional distillation is how you get gasoline instead of kerosene, instead of diesel.

>> No.10590567

what's wrong with Tito's? it's reasonably priced, smooth, and mostly flavorless vodka. It's everything vodka is supposed to be.

>> No.10590572

>Distilling does not even come close to removing all the flavor compounds from a spirit
That depends entirely on how the distillation is done.

Most whisk(e)y, for example, is distilled using a pot still. That is a very inefficient design which deliberately retains a lot of the flavor from the original mash. After distillation the whiskey is aged in wooden barrels--often re-used from other things like sherry--which also adds a lot of flavor.

Vodka, OTOH, is often distilled many separate times, and/or using a reflux still. That is a far more effective system that tries to keep as little of the flavor from the original mash as possible. The resulting spirit is generally not aged in wood.

The difference between the two processes are major even though both are "distillation".

>> No.10590575

>Fractional distillation is how you get gasoline instead of kerosene, instead of diesel.
Yes. What does that have to do with "Filtration"?

Running a liquid through a filter has nothing at all to do with separating different chemicals based on their boiling point.

>> No.10590582
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I can make a azeotropic alcohol that tastes like sweet vanilla at 93%. It burns on the way down, but god is it ever delicious.

>> No.10590591


They're exactly the same thing. You're removing one component in favour of another. Exactly the same thing without a catalyst or sieve.

>> No.10590593


We call cutting 'filtration'.

>> No.10590616


Here you go. You get to see how Lagavulin runs their continuous still.

That thing runs all the time with Heads Hearts and Tails coming out constantly with the boiler being recharged.


I think that other shitbox distillery has a video. That crappy blend scotch.. Glenlivet.

>> No.10590620

>Filtration is the fractionating.

No, it is not. Fractional distillation is a separation process, but it is not the same as running something through a filter. Filtering can be done at any temperature and uses a filtration media to allow some matter to pass through while stopping other matter from passing through the media. Distillation exploits the different boiling points of the components in a mixture to separate them accordingly.

You really shouldn't argue with a chemical engineer about these different processes when you know nothing of them, but I digress.

As I said before, all of the top-shelf brands of vodka will state that they are distilled and filtered multiple times. This is because multiple distillations are required in order to concentrate the spirit, and multiple fitrations are require to remove unwanted flavors (among other things). The process of multiple filtrations results in a less harsh and less flavorful vodka. Ergo, all of the top-shelf (aka "best") vodkas are smooth and nearly flavorless.

Die in a fire, faggot.

>> No.10590625


You want a rag or activated charcoal. You're fun. Keep going..

>> No.10590627

>We call cutting 'filtration'.

then you are ignorant fucktards.

>> No.10590632


If you're really a chemical engineer I weep for your clients. You're the kind of dipshit that prides themselves in target fixation. I'm a rigid asshole who thinks this! Dude, get the job done before being some throwback colonial moron who needs to show how autistic they can be in their analysis.

>> No.10590644


I'm an ignorant fucktard that can separate 10 different types of alcohol down to a sweet vanilla ethanol that surpasses anything you can buy in the store for hundreds of dollars.

I'm down with that level of fucktard.

>> No.10590646

Dave, is that you?

>> No.10590650



>> No.10590652

>I'm an ignorant fucktard that can separate 10 different types of alcohol down to a sweet vanilla ethanol

And? I can collect vapors at different temperatures, too. It's not that hard.

>> No.10590654


I got that in in under a minute, you have to be impressed.

>> No.10590657


That's totally tits dude. Good work. Now keep on talking about rum or whatever the fuck you were on about. Love watching you monkeys.

>> No.10590658

is that from Adult Swim? I stopped watching that channel after college

>> No.10590662


That's Cheech and Chong. From the 70s. God. I forgot, I'm probably your grand parent at this point.

>> No.10590668


Does it have that great non-existent vodka taste?

>> No.10590680

>Here you go. You get to see how Lagavulin runs their continuous still.
Nice video. But it doesn't have a damn thing to do with filtration.

>Fractional distillation is a separation process, but it is not the same as running something through a filter.
This right here.

>> No.10590686

>They're exactly the same thing. You're removing one component in favour of another.

They're not exactly the same thing because the methods are completely different.

Filtration separates things based on the physical dimensions (size) of the particles involved.

Fractional distillation separates things based on their boiling point.

Do you think that "boiling point" is the same thing as the size of a particle or object?

>We call cutting 'filtration'.
Is that some kind of liquor industry jargon?
a) it's fucking retarded
b)it does explain the confusion here though...

>> No.10590694


So what is your 'filter'? Tell me your filtration process. You're a queer obsessive dipshit and I want to hear your story.

You know that no actual professional is like this, right? No one is an obsessive weirdo who has a job at like 3M or General Dynamics. You'd be DNQ'd in an instant. I like how you pretend, however.

>> No.10590707


You don't even understand how a GCMS works. Particle titration is based on weight. Did you not know about how a gas chromatograph mass spectrometry device works?

>> No.10590752


Can I go away now and let you die in your own disgrace? I know you're some stupid kid in Wisconsin that wishes they mattered to people. But I can't keep hitting refresh to find out you hanged yourself. Tell me you're done. I'm hungry and tired and sick of fucking children.

>> No.10590782

im a piece of shit of alcoholic but im a smirnoff man

>> No.10590796

>He doesn't taste kerosene for fun

>> No.10590857

Its priced correctly. Belvedere,grey goose charge alot because of the pretty bottle. Stoly is just a good honest vodka. Most people mix up. No off flavors just the alcohol flavor thwt is typical for vodka.

>> No.10590860

What does GCMS have to do with anything in the discussion? Are you just muddying the waters because you can't distinguish a pot still from a coffee filter?

Ah yes. After being decimated in the discussion the fucktard has switched to insults.

>> No.10590950


a GCMS is a chemical analysis device you utter fucking childish moron. Don't you know that?

You're a fucking kid. Stop talking to adults.

Chemicals are also "filtrated" things in your filtration argument you fucking dildo.

Why are you here?

>> No.10590961


Why do gimps that know they're a gimp try this hard? It's like watching someone drink their own barf.

>> No.10590988


I have to apologize. I absolutely _love_ insulting gibble brained morons on 4chan while I watch tv. I'm half way through Braveheart now and I'm watching you shit into your own mouth and I'm loving it.

I don't mean to prey on your mentally crippled lifestyle but I am and I'm sorry.

You're so screwed, there's no one that can help and I might be the sociopath that preys on your useless mind.

>> No.10591035

It's overpriced mixing vodka, there are much cheaper equivalents. On it's own it tastes like corn, which isn't desirable for vodka IMO

>> No.10591037

Neat, wouldn't mind hearing about your method

>> No.10591137
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It involves a jackson crossflow condenser.

>> No.10591160
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Sasha, what have they done to you?

>> No.10591164

This slaps me on the knee