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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.11 MB, 2576x1932, 20180511_182714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10586401 No.10586401 [Reply] [Original]

>dry commercial noodles
>fresh shallots
>fresh fennel
>fresh herbs
>aged cheese
>olive oil
>green peppercorns

>> No.10586408
File: 1.67 MB, 2576x1932, 20180511_183618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chop stuff up

>> No.10586416
File: 1.68 MB, 2576x1932, 20180511_201611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saute shallots fennel and sopprasseta in olive oil

>> No.10586426
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Boil pasta

>> No.10586435
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Drain pasta

>> No.10586440
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Sauteed stuff to pot

>> No.10586448
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Noodles herbs cheese and butter to pot

>> No.10586459
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Adjust seasoning
Thats like...less than a buck.

>> No.10586537


>> No.10586571


>> No.10586615

>Poor People Pasta.
>fresh shallots
>fresh fennel
>aged cheese


>> No.10586643

Most "poor" people in the West buy alcohol, tobacco, drugs, video games, etc. and can't afford good food. I'd say OP is smart and does the opposite.

>> No.10586660

these are the riches of the poor

>> No.10586683

So are you saying those four ingredients are reserved for the affluent?

>> No.10586706

Sounds good OP. Looks shitty but maybe that is your camera. Simple pasta dishes with fresh natural ingredients are awesome and inexpensive.

>> No.10586820

looks pretty good

>> No.10586850

What kind of cheese is thatq

>> No.10586855 [DELETED] 

How’s the fennel?

>> No.10587910

Its a ridiculously aged cheddar

>> No.10587912

Tastes like fennel

>> No.10587937

You did good, OP.
This type of shit don't get hits this late at night.
Consider different posting time, OR just be a legit faggot and post IRL.

>> No.10588061

8/10 for ease of preparation and value.
Would eat

>> No.10588141
File: 52 KB, 750x501, x5lhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the millennial version of "welfare queens buy cadillacs and lobster with their welfare bux"

You've never actually spoken with a first generation immigrant have you

>> No.10588459

OP delivers. Good looking tucker there mate

>> No.10588479

>>fresh shallots
>>fresh fennel
>>fresh herbs
>>aged cheese
>>olive oil
what /ck/ thinks constitutes poverty is fucking absurd

yesterday i had to eat a poutine i found on the ground, do you think i can afford anyy of that shit? retard

>> No.10588487


Nah dude hes absolutely right. Use your welfare money for shit food because anything bigger than a mcdonalds and 7-11 has been chased out of the neighborhood.

We have these food desserts because grocery stores cant operate in poor high crime areas due to theft and security costs.

So poor people use their welfare on shit food, and then commit crimes to purchase / steal tvs, xbox, bikes ectect.

There might be 1 job holder in a 4-5 person government subsidized household.

>> No.10588504

no one actually *buys* video games

>> No.10588605

>food desserts
something tells me your entire post is projection

should have stayed in school tyrone

>> No.10588609

>Under a buck
Regardless still looks good.

>> No.10588611

>Thats like...less than a buck.
the aged cheese alone is already like 48$/g

>how 2 cook on le cheap t. american
>first start off with the most expensive meat you can
>then add truffle oil and foie gras
>but serve it over ramen noodles so that makes it cheap!!

>> No.10588640

Subhuman scum

>> No.10588649

desert and dessert. one is lacking precipitation and one is eaten after a meal.
the one with two "s" is the sweets, and easily remembered because "ss" is for strawberry shortcake.
food deserts are a real thing.

>> No.10588676

>food desserts are real
ATM machines too

>> No.10588697

As much as I hate to advocate for people on welfare most of the time he is right. They're real. I've done a lot of research on food deserts and living in one really fucks over a lot of good people.

>> No.10588709

>wow! I just ate a shitty meal with no nutrition for less than $1!
be sure to post how much the other 1400 calories you ate that day cost you

>> No.10588718

how many vaccines did they give you to make you this autistic?

>> No.10588734

bbbut theyre only no whole foods there cuz the niggers keep robbing them !!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10588740

>Whole foods
*any kind of grocery store

>> No.10588746

Would nom/10

>> No.10588771

m8 you can live on like 1000 calories a day if all you do is sit at a desk and shitpost

>> No.10588783

gaben wouldn't be a billionaire if that was true.

>> No.10588803

people buy hats and trading cards, not games

>> No.10588827

Ah ! I bet op didn't think his thread would turn into that kind of debate.
Gotta love that 4chan flavor ..

>> No.10588902

Hes not talking about immagrants. And hes absolutely right. Liquor stores and nail salons are the only places that survive in poor areas.

>> No.10588912

Now thats just silly.

>> No.10588920

>im poor and cant afford quality food.
Its about making fiscally responsible choices.
Youre the type of person who wont spend $20 on fresh vegetables but has no problem spending $20 on pizza because
>i can eat on it for 3 days
Youre the type of person who wont spend $7 on an 8oz sirloin because
>fuck man thats 14/lb
But you have no problem spending $7 on a fast food combo.
You buy store-brand chicken bologna and ramen noodles because
>its all i can afford
But then you turn around and buy canned soup and hamburger helper-type boxed meals which are incredible expensive when compared to home-made versions.
You wont put the time into planning and preparing fresh meal because you
>dont have time
But somehow find 3 hours a day for instagram facebook chan ps4 and masturbation.

There are things worse than being financially...like being creatively poor.

>> No.10589188
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>the only REAL poor people are black people who have lived in the same public housing complex for 3 generations
>you're not poor if you'll someday not be poor
What kind of asinine logic is this? I can't even make sense of why someone would construct an argument like that. Is it just to change the definition of poverty? Are you leading up to some sort of "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" argument?

>> No.10589205

>not reading the post you're responding to

>> No.10589207
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Hi Gwynyth

>> No.10589256
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He's probably saying that if you're sending $900 a month back to your family in Ubeki-beki-bekistan-stan to send all the kids to private schools you probably have other priorities than cheese made from raw milk aged 24 months and artisanal charcuterie

>> No.10590604

Do you understand what it means to have no money?

>> No.10591255

I eat like op and have plenty of money.
Of course one reason I have plenty of money is because I eat like op.

>> No.10591264

what are you even doing OP? stems on garnish, non-rendered white fat, holy jebus. no thanks.

>> No.10591272

not to mention the onions are rotten.

>> No.10591286

what the fuck is fennel

>> No.10591302

Fennel is a member of the carrot family, with the texture of celery, that closely resembles anise (pronounces anus if you're Italian) in flavor.

>> No.10591915

What are you two on about

>> No.10592667

This entire thread is incredible

>> No.10592705


>> No.10592707
File: 860 KB, 500x281, Laughing Elves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that troll Indian pricing
>$0.01 tempeh
A shaving of tempeh.
>$6.35 sweet bananas
So like, 15 bananas?
>$0.03 peanuts
A sneezed and dropped five peanuts into the dish. I know they're not making peanut sauce with this or topping it with toasted peanuts.
>$11.50 jasmine rice
Is that a 30 pound sack from the Asian market or a 10 pound bag from Sam's club, either way what the fuck after soaking.
>$5.75 cucumber
Sounds someone needs to invest in a sex toy. Those things are 40 cents a piece.
>$0.03 mutton
You were permitted to smell the mutton.

>> No.10593097

This was went from
>cheap fast dinners using whole ingredients
>food deserts and their impact on immigrant subculture

How did we get here?

>> No.10593153

>unsalted butter
so there is salted butter?

>> No.10593205

What herbs?

>> No.10593218
File: 82 KB, 645x729, 1508361102827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cuts food directly on the countertop

>> No.10593221

>ive never seen a red cutting board

>> No.10593231 [DELETED] 

There i used thyme oregano and some basil...just what i had lying around after topping off my herb garden. Use whatever. Its fucking meatloaf

>> No.10593244

>what herbs
I grow my own so more often than not i use whatever needed to be pruned. For this pasta i think it was oregano basil and thyme...maybe some savory.

>> No.10593973

In Canada and the USA, salted butter is often less expensive and more common than unsalted.

>> No.10594855

actual fucking retards

>> No.10594865

Where do you live where it's not the exact same price? Salted butter is just a means of preservation.

>> No.10594870
File: 131 KB, 500x419, recent-polls-have-shown-a-fifth-of-americans-cant-locate-31240276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rijsttafel is from india
t. home schooled by evangelicals

>> No.10594911

>herpy derp
See the key to being a smartass is that first you have to be smart. Otherwise youre just an ass.

>> No.10594937

Victoria, BC. There's a higher demand for salted, and like you said it keeps longer, so that might explain the price imbalance.

>> No.10595011

The joke went way over your head, didn't it? Unless the joke you are making is way over mine

>> No.10595106

that's the joke you retard.

>> No.10595142

>this butthurt whiteknight
You've never actually entered a convenience store in the ghetto, have you precious?

>> No.10595210


>> No.10595211

This is the second time someone has used that phrase today in a way that makes no sense whatsoever

Is this the new "hipster"?

>> No.10595248

>Is this the new "hipster"?
No, that'd be you. Now go order a bone broth soup with an avocado toast, a side of quinoa, and the coup de grace, a tripple double IPA.

>> No.10595251

Go back to /reddit/ whiteknight.

>> No.10595334

>not letting me enjoy it
I've always just ignored the comparison of an Indian buffet to delivery pizza until now. Now I'm just praising the joke looking at the prices. This isn't exactly OC.

>> No.10597163

kys tripfag scum

>> No.10597184

I am literally a first generation immigrant and I can save money while eating whatever I want while making minimum wage AND saving up

>> No.10597189


thanks, it actually tastes good and i don't have to beat the shit out of my college roommate

>> No.10597203

Wow, more than gold!

>> No.10597219

Lurk Moar.

>> No.10597224

Salted butter tastes better on toast, too

>> No.10597605

>salted butter
Or you can just be smarter than toast and buy unsalted butter, adding salt as needed.

>> No.10597610

>it's smart to make everything needlessly complicated
install gentoo for that 1.8% performance boost when doing certain tasks that depend on some obscure CPU architecture no one cares about

this is surely worth spending 16 hours a week banging your head against the wall wondering why your audio keeps randomly going out

>> No.10597615

Yes for the same brand otherwise salted and unsalted butter is priced the same. What hes saying is that quality butter is typically available only unsalted.

>> No.10597617

>quality butter is typically available only unsalted
Typically where? What's your definition of "quality butter"?

>> No.10597636

>I can save money while eating whatever I want while making minimum wage AND saving up
You obviously have done a very good job of restricting what you want to a very narrow set of foods and beverages. If I ate whatever I wanted I'd be blowing thousands a month on food, and that's not even getting into the wine

>> No.10599490


hehe you said poo

>> No.10599527
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>guerrero tortillas

>> No.10599610

pls respond

>> No.10600768


I can't speak for where you live, but my area is rife with food deserts and it is 0% because of the crime rate.

>> No.10600963

>100% tip
Good meme

>> No.10600983

Well i was thinking Plugra and Echire...one being great and one being amazing but...i see both are offered salted or unsalted. I have never seen quality butter with salt but i guess its a thing so im full of shit.

>> No.10601026


>> No.10601063

I'm the kind of person that stocks up on expired meat at the supermarket and digs up garbage bins

>> No.10601085

it's just white people being insecure as usual

they hate themselves so much that they call each other white as an insult : ^ )

>> No.10601130

>needlessly complicated
Youre making anons point. Buying salted butter is needlessly complicated. You dont want to use salted butter for many baking and pastry recipes and cooking with salted butter means you now have to more closely regulate and adjust the addition of other ingredients that are already salted. Sure you could maintain two different butters like a weirdo or....
Just buy unsalted butter and add salt to your preparations as necessary.

>> No.10601145

Its refreshing to hear you admit that.

>> No.10601582


just cook your pasta in unsalted water and salt later

>> No.10602644
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>dry commercial nooodles
>boil bunch of random shit
gook detected

>> No.10602647

>no nutrition

>> No.10602658
File: 7 KB, 149x174, jis_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually fake gook detected, would eat

>> No.10602735

>You dont want to use salted butter for many baking and pastry recipes
99% of my butter use consists of frying ONE egg or buttering ONE slice of toast because I'm neither a commercial pastry chef nor a ham planet that eats 20 pies a day. Same goes for EVERYONE else who buys salted butter. Salted vs. unsalted affects high volume recipes using like 1kg of butter at a time, not one pat going into a frying pan. Are you buying unsalted butter from aramark via a purchase order form? Or at a grocery store, with your other household goods? If the latter, kill yourself because it means you fucked up at life and your doctor told you to stop eating salt. These are the only people who buy unsalted butter for personal use.

Never post on this topic again, idiot.

>> No.10602736

Yes, you are.

>> No.10602740
File: 145 KB, 1200x900, spaghettiketchup[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European poor people pasta consists of spaghetti, cheap vegetable oil and ketchup.

You're welcome.

>> No.10602749

In Sweden, we fry some meatballs or sausage with it, turning into a decent meal.

>> No.10602754
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>> No.10602755

Looks fucking terrible. Kill yourself.

>> No.10602776

In an attempt to make this thread better, I will post my greek aunt's authentic poor man's rural greek yoghurt and mint pasta.

>>Boil a bunch of pasta of your choice, preferably something medium-sized like farfalle.

>>Fry a yellow onion or two cut in larger pieces in olive oil until it gets golden, soft and sweet

>>add some chopped garlic and fry it slightly as well

>>add the boiled and drained pasta, mix and make it all creamy with greek yoghurt

>>season with chili flakes, paprika powder and dried mint.

Trust me, it's better than it sounds.

>> No.10602784

fettucine would be ideal. sorry

>> No.10602873

Youre the best kind of moron because you dont even realize how fucked up you are

>> No.10603279


>get blown the fuck out of the water
>"n-n-n-no you!"