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10579135 No.10579135 [Reply] [Original]

/Fuck off McDonalds shills/

McDonald's Hate Thread

>> No.10579137


>> No.10579149
File: 15 KB, 236x176, 4871787a1602df62a7d1c34755c6a11b--homemade-hamburgers--month-olds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I always get this weird fungus looking shit on my burgers?

>> No.10579171
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seriously tho i work at a processing plant that makes the chicken and it's this nasty goop shit with flakes on the outside, it ain't chicken. i woud never eat that garbage

>> No.10579175

McFatty serves a purpose. It's not good, but it'll fill you up and constipate you for long road trips. The coffee is 4/10, but it's always 4/10, and it's cheap. And happy meal toys are the opiate of the backseat.

>> No.10579188

You sure that ain't tripe? Cuz it looks like tripe.

>> No.10579193
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>Homogenized and reconstituted chicken

garbage you say?

>> No.10579199
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I'm lovin this

>> No.10579202
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>pink chicken

>> No.10579209

Man if I could get tripe at McDonalds that would be the tits.

>> No.10579215

Isn't that picture from the time when people were bashing McD's because their burgers don't get moldy if left out?

>> No.10579220
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>> No.10579222

Ice cream machine is working!

>> No.10579223

they don't get moldy cause they're half soy and a quarter salt, they're practically anti microbial

>> No.10579226

annndd it's broke again

>> No.10579228

Treated with ammonia gas to kill bacteria. Same reaction as what turns ham and corned beef pink.

>> No.10579231

Probably one of the major contributing factors to why the average person has terrible gut flora

>> No.10579240

well yeah, actually, all our processed foods are way overloaded with salt and sugar to mask the fact they have no flavor.

>> No.10579258

Oh look, it's retarded!

>> No.10579275

he said same reaction (as in chemical), not same thing, obviously. Obviously no one thinks corned beef and ham are treated with ammonia gas

>> No.10579279
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>> No.10579297
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>Obviously no one thinks
Lots of people think chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Never underestimate stupidity.

>> No.10579312

this horrible reality was brought to you by:

The American Education System

remember, Evolution is 'just a theory'

>> No.10579325



>> No.10579333

Honestly, far less than I expected.

>> No.10579342
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7% of Americans will pick the obvious joke answer when filling out a boring survey.

>> No.10579366
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Or they're just fucking stupid. Equal odds, I s'pose.

>> No.10579378
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>> No.10579391
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>32 ingredients
Oh noez! Multiple ingredients with names I'm too uneducated to understand!

None of these ingredients are at all scary or controversial. Go drown in some dihydrogen monoxide, dipshit.

>> No.10579427

McDonald's apologists think eating shit chemicals cooked by dindus is healthy, kek

>> No.10579442

>shit chemicals
Sooo.....many.....syllables. It ... must .... be ... bad for me.
Go get an education.
Or just go back to /pol/

>> No.10579448
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>defending McDonalds

>> No.10579454

>Being ignorant

Plenty of reasons to criticize McDog's. A list of perfectly normal, non-controversial ingredients is not one of them.

>> No.10579464
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>> No.10579494


>> No.10579515
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>meme-level dumbfuckery
>so fucking stupid
>maybe I'm being trolled

Acrylamide happens to almost all starchy foods when cooked.

>> No.10579517

Think about how stupid the average person is, then think about someone thats multiple standard deviations lower. Stupid people exist and they look just like you or me. Except they think brown eggs come from chickens, get cracked into a machine, then are injected into a plastic white shell and thats why we dont eat eggshells

>> No.10579568
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Why is it when I go to Trader Joe's and look around, there are zero fat people and the cars in the parking lot are all less than a decade old,
but when I drive past McDonalds there are 30 year old beater cars and landwhales waddling out by the bucketload?

It's almost like smart people are always healthier and more successful in life.

>> No.10579616

>propylene glycol
It's literally antifreeze, moran.
>inb4 b-but the wholly owned subsidiary of the mega chem corporations, the FDA, says it's safe in foods

>> No.10579627

That's ethylene glycol, a whole different molecule.

>> No.10579640

Can you imagine leading a life so empty and miserable that you make a deal, any size, out of that? Why doesn't she just hang herself instead?

I used to work in a factory that made that stuff. It's very sweet and a little bit won't harm you.
The sweet smell attracted mice and they all drank enough to die from it, though. Talk about a problem that takes care of itself.

>> No.10579723

Haha yeah. People need to get back to nature. In a really strange way. It's medicine. I eat raw garlic all the time. Yeah, Dr. Rhonda Patrick taught me to cut them up before eating. But I used to just eat it like pills. You know Chris Kresser? Have you heard about the coyotes? Apparently, drug trip, watch this video of a grisley bear.

>> No.10579745

I've actually stopped paying attention to California's screeching. According to them, everything from A to Z will cause cancer or reproductive harm. I ordered boots and a knife from Amazon, and one of the first things I saw on both were warnings about cancer causing materials. Looked it up and it wasn't even valid.

>> No.10579752
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>>propylene glycol


>> No.10579769

>32 ingredients
>salt is listed 3 times
It's like whoever made that isn't even trying.

>> No.10579772

>I ordered boots and a knife from Amazon, and one of the first things I saw on both were warnings about cancer causing materials. Looked it up and it wasn't even valid.

Lots of companies will just include that prop.whatever notice with all of their products because one/some may contain whatever chemical. It's also a hedge against lawsuits when Xingzhang People's Manufacturing Concern includes extra lead in the kid's clothes. (Or whatever)

>> No.10579910

Why Mc Donald specifically?
All fast food sell unhealthy shit.

>> No.10579965

>Why Mc Donald
Big targets are easy targets

>> No.10580001

It's been over a decade since the last time I ate at McDonald's. I don't think I'm qualified to hate on it anymore.

>> No.10580020

McD's seems to be the brand shilled most often on this board.

>> No.10580063

The double quarter pounder at my mcdonalds changed now the patties are thicker but it still too greasy to eat.

>> No.10580268

Depends. They have to scrutinize their budgets in terms of resource allocation. Sometimes you get a flurry of taco hell, chik-fil-gay, and wendys shilling, so there's that. Then you have the In-and-Out vs. Five Guys vs Whataburger shill threads which are very interesting because those companies have teamed up to create a fake competition which saves money because the same flip company employees are doing all the posting.

Someone should write a thesis on this shit.

>> No.10580347

This happened to me but in wendys.

>> No.10580357

Wtf is wrong with california

>> No.10580365

>propylene glycol

>> No.10580396

As if newer car=success

>> No.10580416

it's obviously a good proxy

>> No.10580611

You can't drive a 2019 Mercedes working at McDumbfuck.

>> No.10580620

We should rise up and anti-shill against this bullshit. Fuck McDonalds and fuck shilling on 4chan in general.

>> No.10580662

What is the reason they pull this bullshit every fucking time I order ice cream?

>> No.10580669
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for me, it's the big mac. the best chickenburger sandwich available

>> No.10580672
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Gonna go get me a mcrib for lunch nigger hellz yea

>> No.10580699

wendy's is better simply due to customer service and food quality

>> No.10580717
File: 72 KB, 480x640, wne9bgzfQd1Yh4TzgtqzYH5eJtn-NigavRgDw347Ioo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I needs it brotendos....

>> No.10580787

ok so 3.5% are beyond stupid and should be sterilized and the other 3.5% are funny.. sorta

>> No.10580802

If everything causes cancer then no one cares about those warnings, it was a decent consumer protection idea but lobby groups managed to dilute it like that.

>> No.10580819

yet still completely flavorless

>> No.10580823

>trader joe's


>> No.10580829

Consumers who needed to be told mcdonalds wasn't good for you don't deserve protection.

now let the fatties eat. it is their choice

>> No.10581587

>You can't drive a 2019 Mercedes working at McDumbfuck.
True, but my net worth is much larger than required to drive a Benz, but I like my 6 year old Pilot. It works well for what I need. Spending extra money just so people know you can is retarded.

>> No.10581593

I would un-ironically eat that and enjoy it.

>> No.10581594

>fast food customer service
Man, really? Maybe you live in richie rich ville, but they're all assholes just doing the minimum to not get fired. Chik Fill A is a notable exception, shit-tier food notwithstanding.

>> No.10581600

McDonald's is the nigger of hamburger joints. I always see black people eating there.

>> No.10581608

They're too expensive for the shit food they serve nowadays. If I want to eat trash on the go I just get Taco Bell since they actually have a dollar menu.

>> No.10581609

>I live in the ghetto

>> No.10581611

That's in a Burger King wrapper, though.

>> No.10581615

>trash on the go . . . Taco Bell
Should be their slogan -- "It's trash, but it's fast and cheap!"

>> No.10581621

Pretty much.

>> No.10581626


>> No.10581643

>Consumers who needed to be told mcdonalds wasn't good for you don't deserve protection.
Easy there John Galt. Big difference between 'not good for you' and 'causes cancer.'

>> No.10581647

what the fuck even is this thread?

>> No.10581648

not really. just make your own food that you grow yourself

>> No.10581652


That makes no sense whatsoever on the context of this thread. Please don't breed.

>> No.10581675

how can you diagree that growing your own food is objectively better than eating fast food? if people would rather be lazy and eat garbage, let them suffer the consequences.

(side note) if you banned drive thru's, the obesity rate would be lower.

>> No.10582124
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the amerimutt asspain is beautiful

>> No.10582232

I get their fresco bean and rice food all the time. No cheese, sometimes potatoes. Taco Shits can be pretty healthy if you order it that way.

>> No.10582244

Imagine being such a rich country that some people overeat and get fat. You probably can't.

>> No.10582305
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How do they fuck up basic sandwiches

>> No.10582420
File: 53 KB, 720x960, 32235513_1706324296117093_4992799172638801920_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these chicken nuggets

>> No.10582470
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>I love these chicken nuggets

>> No.10582479

I can't imagine being such McDonalds-eating numale. I'd rather kill myself and leave my purse collection to my girlfriendzone from 15 years ago, the last time I talked to a real woman.

>> No.10582485

Kek, I thought this when I was a kid. I also thought black guys had brown cum.

>> No.10582501

Yeah, it's just fun BS to get your kids to believe before they realize you're full of shit, like how they'll explode if they hold in a sneeze or christianity.

>> No.10582541

My aunt used to tell me if I swallowed too much chewing gum it would plug my asshole and I'd have to poop out my nose.

>> No.10582610

is this bait? it's so ridiculously stupid that I'm having a hard time figuring it out

>> No.10584121

Fuck McDonalds

>> No.10584473

>half soy
So you're saying people who eat at mcdonalds are... SOY BOYS?
Just wait till I tell the boys back at /pol/

>> No.10584519


>> No.10585135

He means "I fucking stink"

>> No.10585138


>> No.10585148

I would imagine cleaning an ice cream machine would be a pain in the ass.

>> No.10585153

"Ice cream machine is broken" is the generic excuse given for any number of problems. It's just easier to tell you that than it is to tell you the real reason which might be difficult to or embarrassing to explain.

>> No.10585183

If you didn't realize that /pol/ddit is overflowing with "soyboys" by now you probably should stay there.

>> No.10585465

I'd rather hear that it's broken than "We haven't cleaned it in months. The dispensing valve won't open because the mold has jammed it."

>> No.10585488

It's not too bad. Empty into a bucket, take apart the auger and dispenser assembly, wash the parts in the machine, reassemble, run sanitizer cycle on machine, refill. Total time, about 20-30 minutes plus refreeze.

>> No.10586762

>customer service
Some of the worst fast food experiences I've had was at a Wendy's. The worst thing I can say about McDonald's is they sometimes get my order wrong, which every fast food restaurant is guilty of.

>food quality
Despite the burgers being "Fresh, never frozen", they taste no better than McDonald's. McDonald's chicken and fries are also better.

>> No.10586951
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whats wrong with mcdonalds shills?
what i really hate are the wendys shills. the food isnt good and i'm tired of hearing about how savage wendys twitter is.

>> No.10587512

I know how god awful Mcdonalds is, but when it comes to Wendy's food and their twitter, it's obvious that people more likely only go to Wendy's because of their "quality" roasts.

>> No.10588398

Basically every Wendy's sandwich is better than the McDonald's equivalent.

>> No.10588404
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I hate how mcdonalds looks so good in the commercial but then it comes out looking like this

>> No.10588424

No shit, they've got $2 more per item. Doublestack is not exciting to me, even when it was $1 though, so they fuck up the cheapest burger option, the mcdouble.
if I want a burger that makes me feel fat, I definitely go for the double wendy's though. for some reason, doublestack/single stack meat is different than single/double, but they're so similar sounding, with very different prices.

>> No.10588513
