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10579191 No.10579191 [Reply] [Original]

I switched coffee shops because the old coffee shop cancelled it's newspaper subscription and the whole reason I go is for the newspaper but now at the new coffee shop, all the old people beat me there and get the newspapers first.

I really have to rethink this whole coffee shop situation from the ground up. Perhaps I could watch anime instead of reading the newspaper? Then I wouldn't even need to go to the coffee shop so where would I get a warm biscuit? I would have to bring my own biscuit and butter, but how to make it warm....

>> No.10579200

>Perhaps I could watch anime instead of reading the newspaper?

then you never have to leave your house and expose your shame

>> No.10579211
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why would i be ashamed of what I enjoy doing?

>> No.10579212

i'll spare you the typical millennial response of "why don't you just read that shit online?" as I assume it's some sort of ritual that soothes you, and instead ask why don't you get your own damn newspaper subscription?

>> No.10579225

I want to add

Make your own damn coffee to that.

>> No.10579230

Oh, I refuse, there's this one guy who works at the newspaper and I despise him totally. I won't fund that, but it was fine if I was just taking the free coffee shop paper. I thought I saw the guy on the street one day but I wasn't certain it was him so I couldn't tell him to fuck off because if I was wrong about his identity, I would just be telling some random to fuck off and that simply would not do.

Anyway, he routinely writes terrible articles and sometimes I write in sarcastic retorts to him but they never get printed, but I know he sees them. One time he wrote an article about a what if scenario of Donald Trump dealing with problems in our little town, and one of the things he wrote was that "Trump" said our bridge was garbage and needed to be replaced, which made no sense because our bridge was garbage and was in fact, in the process of replacement at the time he wrote that article.

I just didn't get it. So no newspaper purchases, they are going out of business anyway, everyone says so and with the loss of the coffee shop contracts, it'll be sooner still.

>> No.10579235

I know this is a meme but I still think you're cute, autism anon

>> No.10579239

Fuck off you tiresome weeaboo faggot.

>> No.10579246

>he routinely writes terrible articles and sometimes I write in sarcastic retorts to him but they never get printed

I take back my life suggestions for you. Clearly you're at maximum sperg already.

Don't forget to do up your velcro shoes before you go looking for a new coffee shop

>> No.10579250
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I'm not a weeaboo faggot.

>> No.10579251

>>10579191 >>10579230
Bake your biscuits in between anime episodes and live the high life.
What good comes out of reading the newspaper? It isn't free, it's included in the price. It's basically newspaper communism where every customer has to pay their newspaper taxes, even if they don't read it. By going to these coffee shops you are paying for that asshole's salary, instead of enjoying qt anime grills and learning useful skills such as baking.

>> No.10579261

the newspaper informs me of current events in my local area. I don't read it for global events, those never change. I can't bake biscuits when I am on the road though, I am a driver, eight hours a day I drive, some days.

>> No.10579276

Well then I'm afraid your life is at its turning point, and you'll need to move forward

>> No.10579873

do people just take the paper and leave with it? If not just wait a minute or politely ask if you can borrow a section and read that and then trade when you're done.

>> No.10581009
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well that's what I always did used to do but through a happenstance I uncovered a useful bit of information. It's not just my coffee shops that are affected by this, it's a city-wide issue. I actually heard someone else bitching about the newspaper absences. Apparently, the newspaper has upped it's prices or ceased delivering complimentary papers to coffee shops.

this will likely be it's death knell

>> No.10581293
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>Perhaps I could watch anime instead of reading the newspaper?
Yes you are

>> No.10581379


>> No.10581385

you can sample every coffee shop on your route and settle on a new one after you have tried them all. You could also ask the coffee shop owner of your new place if they could order more of those newspapers

>> No.10581451

yeah for some reason all the coffee shops open exceptionally late around here. It's a strange city I live in, finding open coffee shops at six a.m. is pretty difficult and there's a newspaper embargo so I might need to acquire a portable battery powered toaster.

>> No.10581472

Actually, I could just carry a normal toaster around with me, then all I need is an outlet and I am set.

>> No.10581747

What if you toast your biscuit in the morning and put it in a very nicely insulated lunchbox that will keep it warm?

Also, perhaps this outlet will not be so forthcoming but you could investigate how much power comes out of your car's cigarette lighter/outlet, if that still exists, but is this a fire hazard?

Finally, perhaps you could order a biscuit to go from a new coffee place where they do not know you and watch anime anyway

>> No.10581772

Anon your life sounds like a train wreak. Just read a different newspaper.

>> No.10581818

You type like Irish Stew Guy.

>> No.10582128
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>all this blogposting
unironically seething desu

>> No.10582135

What if, now hear me out here, what if you went to a gas station and bought your own fucking newspaper you piece of shit. They're like a dollar tops maybe two on Sundays

>> No.10582182

There's this thing called a library that carries newspapers everyday from all over the world

>> No.10582200

I thought I was on Reddit for a second there

>> No.10583232

But I want the newspaper to go out of business, that way, that jerkoff is out of a job and he'll never get another one because he's terrible.

>> No.10584836

>paying for yesterday's "news"

>> No.10586852

so it seems that you are just facing and inevitable problem that was going to happen no matter what. I think u gotta switch newspapers and start buying it yourself

>> No.10587082 [DELETED] 

Are you a Leaf?

>> No.10587904


>> No.10587944

Why not get a coffee and go to the library? I'd imagine it's a standard thing for the library to get the daily papers. I live in a small town and mine does. Although I never read the paper, I have the internet and a TV.

>> No.10587948

theyre old just wait for them to die

>> No.10589038

I don't drink coffee, only tea. And I think I am banned from the library. I lost one of their books at a strip club and never went back after.

>> No.10589069

>reading the (((newspaper)))