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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 296x300, Screamin-Sicillian-Pizza-Coupon-296x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10576433 No.10576433 [Reply] [Original]

>gf bought this for dinner because the box looked "fun"
>make her return it and get a normal non-faggy pizza

>> No.10576443

Ugghhhh, fun is suck a meme

>> No.10576447

by "gf" do you mean that piece of rabbit fur you rub on your dick every night?

>> No.10576448

I didn't know you could return groceries.

>> No.10576460

I got it once because the box looked interesting and I wondered if it tasted good too. It tasted good. I'd probably get it again.

>> No.10576463

Its actually a very good brand; don't be such a fag.

>> No.10576469

Safeway will take back anything.

They'll try to stop you from returning beer, wine, and liquor, but they have no legitimate corporate policy for this so if you talk enough shit they'll do it.

>> No.10576471

You can...

>> No.10576472

>make her return it and get a normal non-faggy pizza
What a controlling douche.

Do you order for her at restaurants too?

>> No.10576495

It's called being the alpha in the relationship you beta bitch

>> No.10576496

its actually a decent pizza, just slightly overpriced though

>> No.10576502


your gf can do better and i hope she soon does

>> No.10576505

reminder only betas are worried about being alphas

>> No.10576506

Being alpha and being so petty and whiny you make your girlfriend return a fucking pizza are two different things entirely.

>> No.10576509

thats why she cheats on you will niggers

>> No.10576512


this, his little chickadee is already planning her escape to some other "alpha" that doesn't give her shit for buying groceries. remember this thread OP.

>> No.10576521

Yeah, except >>10576463

You can be an alpha, and still be a big dumb faggot.

>> No.10576525

you're not fooling anyone

>> No.10576533

>mom bought this for dinner because the box looked "fun"
>make her return it and get a normal non-faggy pizza

>> No.10576539
File: 166 KB, 1800x554, Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 11.47.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Elon Musk is a beta

>> No.10576540

found the betas and/or women

>> No.10576544

reddit: the packaging
jack also eats this pizza regularly so I won’t touch it

>> No.10576548

He sounds autistic, but then, all that shit could easily be made-up.
>Taking women at face value

>> No.10576561


found the insecure underage b&

>> No.10576562



>> No.10576563

>nerd billionaire obsessed with space, magnets and digging tunnels is autistic
you dont say

>> No.10576573

>trying to alpha this hard
>"alpha"-ing so hard you're actually a cuck

I swear insecure cucks are the worst.

>> No.10576577

Sorry, perhaps I should clarify: The point being made was, "Why are you/he using an autistic person as a role model".

>> No.10577032

>alpha does some masculine shit
>beta fag calls him a cuck
I swear insecure cucks are the worst.

>> No.10577057

>He doesn't smoke his screaming sicilian pizza.

>> No.10577077

Do you think Safeway (smaller one) would sell pectin?

>> No.10577089

What is wrong with this guy?

>> No.10577178

Do you mean like fruit pectin? I picked a small box of pectin from Safeway in Seatttle.

>> No.10577258
File: 48 KB, 327x346, gymnastsmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antisocial loner in teens
>turns NEET
>calls himself "nice guy" but think every woman owes him sex
>wastes 10 years
>refuses to change and just assumes that girls love assholes
>acts like an asshole
>calls himself a masculine "alpha"
kek, what it must be like to be so fucking degenerate, I literally can't even comprehend.

>> No.10577332
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked "fun"
why the fuck would you get screamin' sicilian and not wild mike's then

>> No.10577415

>bring home supper
>bf doesn't like it
>give him takeout menu
>bring home supper
>bf doesn't like it
>eat it myself, give him a can of beans and a can opener

>> No.10577428

That legitimately looks fun, but I've never seen it before in my life

>> No.10577439
File: 54 KB, 412x627, sleepy pizza awakens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10577454

0.00001 euros has been deposited into your account, ugly wop

>> No.10577468

This is actually great pizza, wtf is wrong with you

>> No.10577643

For now. The second you put a ring and a baby on it then she's got you by the balls.

>> No.10577645

Get the store brand Buffalo chicken blue cheese ranch, superior in every way and only $3.50

>> No.10577656

>Comes with a package of Italian seasoning and crushed red peppers.
How can a frozen pizza be so kind to me?

>> No.10577674

You're missing out. They're actually pretty good, but easily over- or undercooked. I get them sometimes when they're on sale. Yes, the box is stupid, but if you identify yourself by dumbass corporate branding images, you're a fucking lemming.

>> No.10578114

Was pretty awesome drunk food when I had it you're missing out tbqh.