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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10574069 No.10574069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Binging with Reddit at 4:00

>> No.10574109

>Italians talking about food
>in their subhuman language
>il ni no authentico!! me nonna nevera makea ita like this!
Italians are trash

>> No.10574136

thanks OP I thought it was pretty entertaining

>> No.10574138

I dont trust Italians on anything

>> No.10574146

>No one one in my three cubic meter village makes X this way. It's not atuthetic Italian food
Fuck Redditing with Reddit, but Italians are leagues worse.

>> No.10574150

All of this

>> No.10574152

all butthurt they cooked it the wrong way and are really embarrassed

>> No.10574157


>> No.10574229

Why is it only Italians I see who bitch super hard about food not being 'authentic'? I've never seen any other group do that, not even Chinese or Mexicans.

>> No.10574265

haha i laughed but you should still kys lol

>> No.10574267

Garlic and pepper make carbonara taste better. It's not that weird.

>> No.10574270

This, it was a meal for broke fuckers who couldnt afford anything but egg pasta and pork, authentic carbonara is ass.

>> No.10574295

Alton Brown used to talk about French people being like this.

>> No.10574349

I mean I guess it's just weird. Food is one of those things that is influenced by culture and availability of ingredients, so of course it's going to be different in different parts of the world or even have variations in the same region. While I get not wanting to have your dish erased, since that is part of your culture, constantly going "well it's not just like THIS so it's no authentic and it's wrong/raping our culture (yes, I have seen people claim that not doing a pizza a correct way is raping Italian culture)" just seems super elitist.

>> No.10574394

Every country does this. You just see Italians doing it more because more people try to "cook" Italian food. Some people are faggots from every country. I personally don't say shit unless someone tries to say olive garden is real traditional Italian food.

>> No.10574446
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>All these redditors in ITT getting ASSMAD that their favorite Reddit man got BTFO by based Italians

you are almost as embarrassing and tryhard as the man himself

>> No.10574541

well, the italian chefs are right, but i still feel bad for the woman, she had a nice start and then threw it all away

>> No.10574566

They're mostly nitpicking, but also they complained a lot about the vanish video not seeming to realize that his whole schtick is recreating dishes from movies/tv. As such, he made the recipe the way it was in the show he was basing it on. His was also far from the worst of the bunch they watched, so their reaction was pretty weird to me.

>> No.10574727

Italians are culinary Dunning Kruger personified. They speak with such authority on a subject they have very little experience on. Most Italians like this talk about Italian food as if it's some monolith cuisine and not something heavily regional. Here are a few idiotic claims made by Italians.
>Alfredo sauce is not Italian
It was created in an Italian restaurant by an Italian chef just miles away from Rome yet I've heard Italian vehemently deny it being Italian. It's just pasta al burro with parmesan cheese.
>Onion and garlic are never to be mixed in Italian food
Again, more provincial thinking. Sauces with mixtures of garlic and onion are not uncommon in southern Italy. A lot if claims fall under the category of "my little province/village/nonna didn't do it this way so it's not true Italian" without any thought regional variations exist. I've seen Italians from adjacent townships argue over what's authentic and what isn't because one was used to one thing and the other something different.
>Italians don't use cream in sauces
This doesn't even need a rebuttal

If (someone claiming to be) an Italian asserts anything regarding food--ever--just ignore them. 9 times out of 10 it's unfounded nonsense.

>> No.10574799


Should've shown them this one

>> No.10574815

they never complained about pepper being added, they complained about the way in which it was being added (put directly into hot oil, burning it)

as for the garlic, sure it tastes good, but if a recipe has a certain list of ingredients and you just add whatever to it, it's not the same recipe anymore. Fries taste better when you put honey mustard on them, but that will never make honey mustard an ingredient in the recipe for french fries.

>> No.10574826


You should check yourself into the oncology ward, because you're cancer, and so is your shitty country

>> No.10574842

[self response] don't get me wrong though, Italian food culture is definitely pretty phony and ahistorical. But imo there's a difference between nationalist fake history and just knowing that some things are bad ideas when cooking (like burning your spices)

>> No.10574845

t. amerifat

>> No.10574873
File: 557 KB, 720x538, Jamie Oliver and Gennaro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised Jamie couldn't get it right since he did his training in Italy. But I'm glad they ripped that hack babish a new asshole (calling his carbonara the worst of all of them) and even made fun of his gay tattoos.

>> No.10574874

t. assdamaged guinea

>> No.10574877

that's cause you're a white knight faggot

>> No.10574900

Oh I don't disagree.

>> No.10574901

>Italy had the best royal chefs in the world
>codified a system for royal chefs
>taught the French
>the French create the very concept of a restaurant(not a pub or a tavern or an inn but a restaurant)
>why are they so snobbish about food
gee I wonder

>> No.10574903

>all these assblasted redditors
Babish is irredeemably BTFO, he can never recover.

>> No.10574984
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>reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit
>reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit
>reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit
>reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit
Why is this place so obsessed with that other place? It's like some crazy ex-girlfriend that keeps stalking an old boyfriend, while talking shit about him, but secretly crying herself to sleep calling his name. Pathetic.

>> No.10574989

you would need two hands

>> No.10574990
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>t. redditor

>> No.10574998

If I swat at a fly that keeps buzzing around my head, does that mean it's annoying, or that I'm obsessed with it?

>> No.10575027

Isn't the point of Babbish trying to recreate recipes from fiction? These guys are unreasonable douches.

>> No.10575028
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Its almost as if Babish is a youtuber and not a world class chef who would have thought?

>> No.10575032


t. Babish

>> No.10575037

Thing is Babish's gimmick is imitating the recipes from TV shows exactly, so he's not exactly doing his recipe, it's the recipe from that show.

>> No.10575038

>t. Mario Faggottelli

>> No.10575044

I feel the same fucking way sometimes.

>> No.10575045

>most retarded analogy ever
Let me fix that for you: you're actively going outside looking up dogshit and cowdung, then obsessing about the flies buzzing around on there. Followed by taking pictures and videos of it, posting those on 4chan, begging for support that dogshit is so shit, while loudly supporting the wailing about cowdung and the flies of other deeply autistic /r9k/ fucktards. And that's all you do... shitting up 4chan, instead of posting content that's actually good. You're the cancer of the worst kind, while you actually believe you're the fucking cure.

>> No.10575052


Shoo reddit.

>> No.10575062

gb2 /r/bingingwithbabish

>> No.10575070
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>he made it wrong on purpose!

>> No.10575087

>implying the scene in master of none came with a detailed recipe

>> No.10575090
File: 21 KB, 394x222, jack_scalfani-394x222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack of all trades.

>master of none

>> No.10575092

No, the flies are in my fucking house.

>> No.10575096

Not defending him, but there is a reason why he's not doing an authentic version of a carbonara.

>> No.10575098

I mean, adding something to a dish doesn't really change the recipe. Bear with me for a second here. Putting honey mustard on your fries doesn't suddenly make them "not fries". I'd argue they're "not fries" when you take out ingredients or change the cooking method. If you're deep frying thin potato sticks you've got fries, regardless of what you add. If you're boiling thick carrot sticks then you've "changed the recipe" and you have "not fries".

Adding garlic and onion to carbonara doesn't make it "not carbonara". Putting pineapple on a pizza is gross but it doesn't make it "not pizza".

>> No.10575104

He recreates recipes and eats them, if they're good they're good. He isn't trying for cultural authenticity. If they're crap and can't be eaten he tries his hand at making something that would work. See his Madmen episode and his Peep Show episode.

>> No.10575108

>there is a reason why he's not doing an authentic version of a carbonara.
Yeah, because he's a hack.

>> No.10575109

Don't you mean "I"?

>> No.10575146

Only a nobody would waste their time on some nobodies. Maybe if they had real culinary clout they could take on real culinary offenders.

>> No.10575151

It’s a silly video they took 15 minutes out of their day to do, and they got to plug their restaurants. Overall the guys in the video were pretty understanding. Stop being so upset, Oliver.

>> No.10575163

>the French create the very concept of a restaurant
Wasn't that the chinese?

>> No.10575164

I fucking wish, he's doing well while I've never broken 22k a year.

>> No.10575168
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>> No.10575171

Nope. Just have interacted with too many of them to take anything they have to say seriously.

>> No.10575178

>It was created in an Italian restaurant by an Italian chef just miles away from Rome
He mixed butter and parmegiano with pasta. This is not Alfredo sauce from fucking olive garden. NO one claims onion and garlic don't go together and that they dont use cream in sauces. The only Italians I have ever seen say anything about food is when i was in a fucking Pennsylvania italian american restaurant and some inbred idiot asked if this was how the food was in italy. youtube comments are not real life m8. Assholes are assholes everywhere. Everyone knows chinese food is not what food is like in china but you still get chinks getting angry about chinese food too. You see this with every culture but in the US specifically there are hundreds of thousands of "italian" restaurants that don't make anything close to whats available in any region of Italy. You are sitting with a bunch of people and they say lets get some italian tonight. What shows up is some fucking chicken parm or some shit which is actually fried chicken covered in fucking gravy and "mozzerella". Equating that to food that is central to an entire nations culture annoys some people. Plus Italians are all loud mouthed assholes. The two together makes them a loud group in the US in terms of hating on shitty food.

>> No.10575186

Chinese people are usually pretty chill
They only get mad about American Chinese food because of all the sugar they pour into it
They love the west and love it when the west takes Chinese stuff

>> No.10575190

what the fuck is this

of course shes some wideface clovernose gook

>> No.10575194

Wow, Americanized food looks different than Italian food. Who woulda thunk!? It's not like we didn't also do this with Pizza.

>> No.10575221

Seek help.

>> No.10575237

Shill elsewhere.

>> No.10575351
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>and also cheese
>shows a couple of those processed abominations

That one just killed me

>> No.10575355


>> No.10575361

Are Italians autistic? No shit it isn't authentic, it's based on a goddamn TV show. Cry some more, bitch wops.

>> No.10575365

What VPN do you use, Babish?

>> No.10575391

Whichever one is located on the inside of your mom's cunt. A place I can be found with increasing regularity

>> No.10575398

nice burn Babish!

>> No.10575400

change your channel name to "butthurt with babish" lmao

>> No.10575402

Yes, a friction burn. On the inside of her uterus.

>> No.10575403
File: 226 KB, 428x475, FUCK NORMIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate both but if you really fall for the "AUTHENTIC FOOD BEST HURRRRR"
then you should shoot yourself holy fuck, the people in the video did make mistakes but doesnt mean its the WORST FOOD TO BE EVER FUCKING MADE AHHH!1!!!111!!!!1!

>> No.10575409

Change your mother's cunt to "utterly distended beyond repair"

Wait nevermind, I already did :^)

>> No.10575433

t. Babish

>> No.10575438

>Babish wants the Louis CK audience
There's nothing inherently funny about the word "cunt"

>> No.10575552

I can't tell if you guys are fucking around or actually think some well-known youtuber would bother coming to 4chan to argue in a thread about some random video on the internet.

>> No.10575568

what's up babish, any word on what special ingredient your next video will feature?

>> No.10575577


>> No.10575579

>trying to disguise yourself by accusing other anons

You aren't fooling anyone Oliver

>> No.10575604

shut the fuck up and get back "in the kitchen," Laura

>> No.10575608

>I'll make up another character, they won't suspect a thing!

No dice, the jig's up

>> No.10575618


>> No.10575637
File: 56 KB, 491x491, babishpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10575638

t. guinea wop dago goomba greaseball

>> No.10575656


>> No.10575659


>> No.10575686

you okay anon?

>> No.10575726

he didn't though, he was making his own recipe. there's no garlic in the one from the show and he mentions real carbonara in the video. and his recipe was easily the worst from a technical standpoint, which was what they were judging him by. that's why they said the last bitch was the best because her technique was good. babish's technique was atrocious, he did it completely wrong and also added a whole fucking cup of cheese at the wrong time. there was also way too much bacon and so little black pepper, which the dish is named after.

did you even watch the video? they say you can do whatever you want, but carbonara is a specific recipe. they're professional chefs from rome, they were brought on to judge for exactly that reason.

>> No.10575735
File: 38 KB, 480x476, cat wants the loops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to know I only speak English and Romanian I only got glints what what they were saying :(

>> No.10575740

They also understood and acknowledged that pancetta or even bacon is a perfectly acceptable substitute for the harder-to-find guanciale. They seemed like fun guys who were having a good time and not actually getting that upset or being dicks about anything. Babish can't handle the bants.

>> No.10575744

The captions aren't hard coded; you have to enable them on the video. It's an actual translation and not done by a machine like most youtube captions.

>> No.10575746

fitting picture, that's the most pussy whipped I saw someeone compliment food
> good ........ good ......