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10571309 No.10571309 [Reply] [Original]

Any stories of stealing in order to quench your thirst?

>> No.10571320

No, but sometimes when I'm broke and desperate I'll go out and chat up ugly chicks so they'll buy me drinks.

>> No.10571355

Anon OP Please check last post in old bread.
You will get in trouble here for this lol.
I don't care either way but some are kinda into their old ways.
Lmfao winning.
I've never even tried. I thi k they have a lot of theft so they don't need more.
I saw a video the other day of an alco wearing only a box stealing from a dollar store.
I think he needs to make some new life choices but not sure if possible when you hit rock bottom but keep on keeping.

>> No.10571372

Hell can always get worse. It's a truth that everyone has a hard time acknowledging.

>> No.10571400

No I'm an alcoholic not a nigger.

>> No.10571403

Life can only stop getting worse when you die.

>> No.10571410

I always figure when life gets too bad you can just end it.

>> No.10571417

not even from your parents or housemates?

>> No.10571421

Stolen my fair share of 166 proof lemon extract at my worst. Liquor is guarded way too closely around here, the stores just feel sorry for you if you pilfer extract

>> No.10571422

Nice contribution, enjoy the bars in a few years

>> No.10571424

drinking my parent's booze isn't theft. If I have to go over to their house for an overnight, I'm drinking at least 10 shots of whatever I can get my hands on, just to combat the insanity

>> No.10571433

stop it
I will have the courage to kill myself when things get too bad, I promise

>> No.10571450

Boycotting thread. How fucking hard is it to get right? Fucking newfag piece of shit OPs.

>> No.10571457


>> No.10571460

if I drink 740mL of hard liquor in 2 days like it's nothing am I an alcoholic?

>> No.10571470

No one gives a shit about your promise, but I get that you want to feel wanted, faggot

>> No.10571476

I have my own share of adventure stories from my teens/20's of drunken booze raids from supermarkets, getting away on the bus at the last second, smashing liquor in daring escapes from loss prevention and police.

Sadly, many of them remain secondhand.

>> No.10571488

>Any stories
Not really, in the past i've been desperate enough to just grab a bottle and walk out(don't run) with it in my hand, people just assume you payed for it if you do it out in the open if it's a large grocery store.

>> No.10571495

I was drinking with a homeless man recently
and he went in everywhere with no fear and walked out with drink
I suppose if you look obviously homeless they don't bother phoning the police or something

>> No.10571499

Question: can you function normally without regular alcohol intake?
>Answer - Yes: You are binge drinker
>Answer - No: You are an alcoholic, i.e. you have an addiction to alcohol
It can be a blurry line, but a lot of people are binge drinkers but could get in with life perfectly normally if they had to stop drinking for some reason or another. Actual alcoholism is about dependency rather than volume
>t. consistently teetering on the edge

>> No.10571515

740ml of vod isn't loads for even a night
in my early 20s, and the birth of my alcoholism, I'd drink a litre of vodka in a day regularly

I think a big part of alcoholism is the inability to stop once you start
>one drink gets you drunk

>> No.10571524

I remember when I just turned 18 and didn't have much money to go out drinking I'd go to dark nightclubs with loud music and steal drinks people had sitting on their tables.

>> No.10571526

see appendix

>> No.10571537

I still do that
I remember when I was 18 and still attractive, I'd try to get guys in gay clubs to buy me drinks
even though I wasn't gay
then go back to their house eventually and make off with their booze

>> No.10571546

It's a bit of bragging on my part, but I'm pretty good at it. I'm one of the few people at my local watering hole who has been cut off by the bartenders despite never having bought a drink all night.

>> No.10571560

I walked around a corner once and got to see a guy throw a rock through an LCBO window, walk in grab a 60 and run away

The cops didn't catch him and they were there within 2 minutes.

>> No.10571577

My local liquor store always has a display of some awful clearance liquor near the door so that bums and teenagers always jack that shit instead of the more expensive stuff.

>> No.10571588

at what point did you become cynical of your chances to recover?

>> No.10571589

My friend bared some of her fears and flaws to me in a 3-4am drunk call a few nights ago, should I do the same and tell her that I stay up every night until that time (she didn't question why I was awake then) drinking alone because I feel like nothing has brought me any joy since I was like 14 and although I act extroverted around our university class in reality I only do that to distract myself and prevent introspection, which is also why I drink myself to sleep every night - so I don't have to contend with facing the questions of what I'm doing with my life, what makes me happy etc.

Or is that a bit much lads

>> No.10571596

may as well
you'll get over it eventually if it fails

one thing alcohol has taught me

>> No.10571602

Depends. Does she regularly do that or was it a one-off drunk session?

>> No.10571616
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cry me a river soyboy

>> No.10571630

Not OP but exactly this. Wish there was no meme we must adhere to. I'm too much of n alco to care either way but why do other fags care.

>> No.10571634

Don't do it if you're seeking any kind of romantic dividend. Broken people frequently seek out other broken people in the hopes that their pieces will fit together, but they never do. It just trurns into an even bigger pile of broken pieces.
However if you're just looking for a platonic ear to bend, give it a shot. If it fails you still have the ultimate excuse, "Sorry, I was a bit drunk"

>> No.10571658

One off, we've known each other since last September when we started the same post-grad course. We're friends but that was the first sort of deeper conversation we've had

Feel like it's a bit of a big step though, doubt I'd consider it sober - all she really told, or more accurately showed, me was that she is prone to serious anxiety, whereas I kind of want to tell her that my whole life is a mess

I feel like I just want to say it to someone, I guess you guys are probably a safer option

>> No.10571659

Checking into new thread, 11:40am and completely rekt crew.
Anyone else drinking and want to chat?

>> No.10571683

>We're friends but that was the first sort of deeper conversation we've had
I wouldn't dump it all on her in one go, then. It's important to have someone you can talk to about things but if you just reciprocally vomit all your problems on her it'll be too much for her to process at once. If you've got a good friendship going (and despite what r9k says, it's okay to be friends with women) maybe find one aspect of your problems to talk about.
It's like that scene in Mad Men where Don quits drinking and just spills all his dirty laundry in the middle of a client meeting. You've got all this shit pent up, building pressure and you want to just blow the valve and let it all out. But that's a lot for other people to handle, it's better to slowly bleed the valve so there isn't a big, scary explosion for your friends to deal with.

>> No.10571686

I have to make the ultimate choice at this point, steal or stop drinking
I'm leaning towards stealing

>> No.10571690

Get a job

>> No.10571695

I have had two jobs that after a month I kept just because I could steal alcohol. Fucking owners of both bragged about how no one would steal from them. They never found out because they didn't inventory and didn't have cameras in the coolers.

>> No.10571698

start making your own alcohol

or go to a make your own wine place, super cheap, then you can be a wino.. its classy

>> No.10571720

When I was a teenager I worked at a grocery store and would steal cases of bum wine. When I was closing I'd hide it on or in the trash cart and when I'd go out to throw out all the bad produce and bad meat and garbage I'd set the box of wine off to the side behind the dumpster. Clock out, go park up the road until I see the manager leave, creep back over and take my loot. That's how my drinking started

>> No.10571728

>stealing to drink
i do heroin but i'm still not niggerish enough to steal shit just for a temporary altered state of mind

>> No.10571745

what if you have no money

>> No.10571989

You haven't stolen to support your habit YET:


>> No.10572004

Wholly shit, I'm drunk as fuck. Can't even focus correctly as per 30 mins ago.
I have to cease and desist this bender.
It's not fun anymore.
The next episode of withdrawals will suck.
Maybe my wife will leave me for her good. I know she will be Buchan happier when she leaves but I hope she doesn't.
I love her but I don't even love myself to put the bottle down permanently.
How do you all do it? Please give me the way?

>> No.10572010

I got like a one month ban for making a thread about stealing from grocery stores!

>> No.10572022

As the other anon said, take it easy and don't drop the spaghetti all in one load.

I ain't an expert, but I got a girl and we got sober over the last 2 years together.

Sometimes miracles do happen.

>> No.10572029
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What is pack's tall boy if choice? For me it's Old English or Steel

>> No.10572042

I stole numerous bottles of wine out of my parents' basement as a teen, but that was just because I was too young to actually buy my own. Don't think they ever noticed because they had so much and I never touched the fancy expensive ones. One time I drank my housemate's 3/4 full bottle of vodka out of desperation when the store was closed but I bought him a new one so it was all good.

Don't think I would ever sink to the point of stealing booze from actual shops. Even if I was that desperate I think I'd rather wait it out vs. never being able to go to my local bottle-o again lol

>> No.10572057

I am drunk on Kirkland Gin and Pabst Blue Ribbon and it's the best feeling I have ever had.
Now give me 50 cent.

>> No.10572072

15 beers in today, probably gonna try to gas myself tomorrow with CO.

>> No.10572075

Stealing from a liquor store is like robbing a drug dealer. If you don't get caught then you did nothing wrong.

>> No.10572082

My coworking space has free beer on tap, I've seen several people walk in with several giant thermoses and just fill up every day. All the workers are illegal immigrants anyway so they don't care.

>> No.10572088

When I do my weekly grocery shopping, I typically load up one reusable bag with the expensive stuff (nice cuts of meat, good cheese, olives, etc), pack 2 sparkling waters and a 12 pack in the lower portion of the shopping cart and spread the rest of the reusable bags to cover. Go when it's remotely busy and start bagging your own groceries immediately and demur if you get offered help.

I easily cut out $50 bucks a trip and my fridge is pretty well stocked.

>yes, I am a poor alcoholic piece of shit trash and should be ashamed

>> No.10572104

How are you poor if you can afford nice cuts of meat and good cheese?

I've stolen from self-checkout but it was when I was 14 and I would mark the $3 roll as being a $1 roll. /devilish/

>> No.10572135

what are your thoughts?

>> No.10572170

Im a hopeless alcoholic still living with my parents at 23, just lost a good job and i might be going back to jail on the 15th
I have no friends and im still a virgin.
Might as well end it

>> No.10572198

before you do that, consider going to Mexico for a couple days to do coke off a hooker's tits

>> No.10572209

Forgot to add that im broke, ive got like $30 left i plan on spending all on liquor or maybe some DXM too
If i could afford it i wouldve already ran away

>> No.10572282

>be at store in Portland
>has shelf near the door
>cashier is distracted by some homeless chick making him lol
>meanwhile other homeless dude is chucking bottles out the door
>bottles are landing in huge plastic tub out of cashier's sight
>I watch in awe
>eventually tub is fucking full of bottles
>homeless dude and chick walk out
>each grab a side of the tub and haul off into the sunset

>> No.10572306

The cashier knew, he just didn't care. Stores are insured against losses and employees are discouraged from confronting shoplifters because if they get hurt in altercation it goes on the store's worker comp insurance. Unless a store has hired dedicated security they would rather employees watch the crime go down and report it to the police later than get get shanked by a hobo trying to stop it and have to file a claim.

>> No.10572322
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Not as bad as most of you lads, but I’ve beem drinking 3-4 beers a day for the last 6 months and i stopped today. I’m laying in bed and I don’t feel tired at all. I keep imagining the taste of beer and my mind is tricking me into thinking I can barely taste it sometimes.
I have a feeling I’m not gonna sleep well. Sober life is depressing.

>> No.10572331

for like $10 you can get a handle of liquor. I stole when ai couldnt buy it because of age, but liquor is like the cheapest of all intoxicants ever except for huffing dollar store oven cleanr and you should huff that for sure OP.

>> No.10572345

unironically gas yourself or at least get a vasectomy.

>> No.10572354

I think I'm going to die pretty soon.

My chest hurts. My shirt is soaked in sweat, face has gone white, and I can't stop shaking.

>> No.10572368

sounds like a heart attack

seek medical help

>> No.10572374

It's not, it's been going on for the last few hours, and it;s happened several times this week. I just mean in general my health is terrible from drinking nonstop every day.

>> No.10572375

how much is in a 'handle'?

>> No.10572442

59.2 fluid ounces or 1.75 liters.

>> No.10572458

Then perhaps cut back? Might be heart palpitations or some other heart issues, based on what you've said. Pale and shaking ain't a great combo, but adding everything else means you probably have some heart issue going on.

How's your heart rate? It could also be arrhythmia.

>> No.10572467

10$ for that?! I'm moving to wherever you are ASAP.

>> No.10572478

Heart rate is also pretty high. 85 measured just now and I'm just sat in bed. Although I did a bit of cocaine last night so it's probably that, should probably have said that. Yeah definite heart issues which is bad at my age, I'm only 27.

>> No.10572508

not that goy but bottom-shelf liquor in Tennessee is consistently about $15/1.75L

>> No.10572519

Stop doing drugs/drinking or you’re gonna die slowly and in agony. If you were looking for a sign or a wake-up call, this is it. Ball’s in your court now.

>> No.10572521

If you can, stick to one vice. I'd try to avoid coke if I was an alcoholic like you, because that'll fuck you up worse than the grog alone.

I know how hard it is as a recovering alcoholic, but it really is about one day at a time, reducing the intake.

>> No.10572595

a classic

>> No.10572634

Got away with stealing a fifth about 5 or 6 times before they stopped me.

Never went back.

>> No.10572642

When I couldn't stop shaking at work and realized I needed to drink during my lunch break so they wouldn't fire me

>> No.10572647

Say that when you run out of money

>> No.10572650

I've met bums like that, they're usually too smelly and act too crazy for the staff to handle so they just let them steal once or twice from a store and get the police involved afterwards.

>> No.10572663

what I do is put on a shirt and tie and a get a suitcase, walk really fast like I'm on my lunch break at work, and fill up the bag with the little wine bottles that don't have a security tag on them. I steal 10-15 of them, then go sit in a park and pour them all into a 2 litre bottle, add a bit of coca cola and sip that shit.

>> No.10572666


>> No.10572668

that is super cheap

>> No.10572672

things I've blown off this week due to drinking

- grandmother's funeral
- nephew's birthday party
- therapy session
- doctor's appointment

>> No.10572683


>> No.10572685

uh oh

>> No.10572693


Since you're new to this:

Alcohol withdrawals cause:
1. Insomnia
2. Strong feeling of depression/boredom due to lack of extra dopamine from alcohol
3. Anxiety. Most importantly manifests as "I don't think I'll be able to stop drinking"

Get over the withdrawals, however long thehy last, and then life is back to normal and you can sleep, be happy, and be confident again.

>> No.10572706
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hahahha my life is so pathetic. ever since my parents died, all i do is work shifts at my garbage dead end job and then come home and drink until im able to sleep. honestly, that hour or so i experience when i finish my handle of vodka is probably the best part of my day. that numbness. its so hard to describe. its what i hope dying feels like.

>> No.10572709

Totally agree with point 1-3. can sleep sure but I still can never feel happy for 2-10 days sober. It's like a different kind of hell but the only cure is to drink again. Just me though.
The withdrawals are far worse than the desire to drink again so it's always a question of 'why did I do this to my body again' but my brain is totally potato at this point and never listens to the tiny part of my brain that screams 'please not again'.

>> No.10572729

My mood the last few days has cratered. Not drinking any more or less but I'm just ornery and depressed in general. I wish I could go to my doc and get benzos for the anxiety but I'm worried I'd fuck it up and go on the list. My life feels like as soon as anything good happens something bad immediately happens. Kind of hard to be happy that way.

Quit now. You're where I'm at when it was the fucking sweetspot. I used to kick a Bud-40 a day and was doing pretty okay. All downhill since I scaled things up. I'm not as bad as plenty of people here either but it's still a bit grim.

>> No.10572735


The anxiety and insomnia go away first. The boredom/lack of happiness goes away very slowly. Last time I got over the anxiety/insomnia in 3 days but it took a month to genuinely not want alcohol again.

Of course then I drank because "Oh I've reset I can indulge in moderation again" and back on the ride we go.

>> No.10572771

this sounds like the future I'm headed for
any advice?

>> No.10572822

One month is fucking amazing anon.
That beats my PB within the last ten years by 20 days. Even after ten days sober I was so fucking happy. Now I just have 4 shots left then I can either go buy another 42 shots to last me another 24 hours or go through the very enjoyable wds

>> No.10572894

i used to park nearby walk in and run out of gas stations with cases of beer. was funny. the clerks jaws always dropped.this one lady kept screaming STOP STOP!!! like its coming out of her pocket

>> No.10572899

Except for jail, that's all pretty normal for your age. There's plenty of time left in your life.

>> No.10572905


>> No.10572917

not bad.

>> No.10572922


>> No.10572927

>her pocket
Too much of a coward to steal from a guy
I would have caught you but I wouldn't have beaten you the first time because you are too pathetic.
And to top it all off you brag hereabout stealing from women.
I hope you come to your senses soon.

>> No.10572953

you wouldnt have done jackshit

>> No.10572954
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Even with OP being a fag I still found you guys. I slid back again and tomorrow's gonna suck, But I'm still a lot better than before I started sharing and getting advice from this crowd. Thanks, Drunks. There's good people in here.

>> No.10572976


I'm on day 4 now and the withdrawals are over. Bloat is gone, anxiety is gone, insomnia is gone, feeling good.

Good luck buddy.

>> No.10573034

Steal from a guy who is only half as strong as me and see how that goes faggot.
You won't though. You are too scared. Say you are not but you are lmfao.

>> No.10573276

U so tough


>> No.10573283
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Taking it easy with 20 standard drinks a day, down from 35-40.

>> No.10573305

It's so weird to me when I see someone save a pic from Tuesday and post it on the same board Wednesday.
The thread you got this from might still be up.

>> No.10573310
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I did run out of money.

>> No.10573317

It might still be up. I had seen the picture before but didn't save it, so I jumped at the chance to download this bad boy when it resurfaced on my favorite board.

>> No.10573340

>no weed left
>dealer not answering
>spend an hour on hands and knees with a torch, picking up microbits of green, feel buzz for all of 20 minutes
send help. do not want to relapse.

>> No.10573347
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Nothing wrong with that, it's just something I notice.
Good luck with the tapering, by the way.

>> No.10573419

i know that feel. when i'm coming off a coke binge i spend hours snorting up anything that looks white.

>> No.10573439

im considering shoplifting today but from a dollar store because im hungry.

>> No.10573566

I barely ever smoke weed anymore but used to heavily. I remember the worst feeling ever was after you scrape out all the dregs from every chop bowl to get a measly half-bong, then smoking it and knowing before you've even pulled all the smoke out of the chamber that it won't satisfy the bong thirst.

>> No.10573582

i have smoked out of a bong only twice in my life and both times it was incredibly dissatisfying and awkward. how do people do that shit? is it only an american thing?

i have a shisha pipe i use for loose tobacco and the hose is fucked so I have to hold it like a bong and use a piece of rigid tubing instead of the hose, but it works and is ergonomic. but why do americans use bongs? why are americans obsessed with building and using things in the upside-down or otherwise in the wrong order?

>> No.10573583

Alcoholics are the niggers of addicts. You take a mostly benign substance that everyone has access to and ruin it.

>> No.10573600

how is it ruined

>> No.10573602

rp thread

>> No.10573603

die degenerate druggie retard

>> No.10573609

I don't really think it's an American thing friend. Depends on where you are, but everyone here mostly vapes, or uses spoon pipes or papers to smoke.

But anyways bongs are the simplest thing ever so idk what you're one about

>> No.10573626
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yeah, awful. no matter how much i spend, the drugs are always gone.

>> No.10573647

>cokefags are the worst
kek. you are the reason i put lines of lye on the toilet while in college. ruined a lot of gums this way.

>> No.10573650

>wake up at 3:30 and can't sleep unless i take a benadryl and then i'm tired as fuck all morning due to its long half life

getting sick of this meme honestly.

also i bruised my thumb last nite hitting a table, what do i do -- i guess ice and compress and rest it??

>> No.10573651

Coke is literally the most silly drug to use. I get trying it once, but it's so cost ineffective. LSD, meth, and weed are the way to go. Even MDMA is okay.

>> No.10573653

bongs are simple but theyre really unergonomic compared to the middle eastern hookah/shisha style of pipe

>> No.10573682

You do know that most liquor stores operate on the 80/20 system-80% of the take comes from 20% of the customers. The repeat customer which is alkies and borderline ones.

>> No.10573690

hookahs are actually the least ergonomic pipes, followed by bongs and regular pipes. you dont want a bunch of shit trailing behind you

>> No.10573698

jesus what lie can i tell about why my thumb is bruised

>> No.10573702

you put it on the fucking coffee table

or be like me and take the hose off, replace it with a pen barrel, and smoke it like a bong, but in reverse, as allah and yaweh intended

>> No.10573705

that sounds like the ghetto nigger version of hookah
and i like it

>> No.10573751

Wrap it up and if anyone asks you were playing junior carpenter trying to fix a cabinet door.
U dum.

>> No.10573795

Here in Australia, most people who smoke weed regularly almost exclusively smoke bongs. We do it differently to Americans though. We chop our weed up really finely, and most people mix with tobacco. Then you pack the biggest bong you can manage and smoke the whole thing in one rip including the ghost. Smoking bongs this way gets you stoned off ya titties.

My mates and I did this in a hostel smoking lounge in Amsterdam and all the American and Euro people in there thought it was fucked but it's completely normal over here

>> No.10573816

I'm feeling alive (drink). No drinking in 5 days and minimal caffeine.

I think caffeine is important.

>> No.10573851

my hose broke so its what i gotta do now. and when i run out of coals, i just use a fuckin lighter

>> No.10573854

Crashed my bicycle badly. I'm on antibiotics due to complications from that, and can't drink booze. Have an extra tinnie for me brothers.

>> No.10573873

I'm a former alcoholic and decided a month ago to only drink on fridays. I pretty much go every day of the week just waiting for friday to alchie it up. I should just quit all together, shouldn't I?

>> No.10573982

Are you retarded?
LSD you need to really prepare for, Weed is a downer, Meth lasts too long and MDMA leaves you with a shitty comedown

Coke is just 30 minutes of unbridled cocky arrogance lmao

>> No.10573998

Jesus, 15 bottles of wine in under 36 hours, now I either wait 8 1/2 hours for the bottle shop to open or I try and take a break.
I hope I'm too sick to drink tomorrow or I'll drink tomorrow.
My wife hardly spoke to me the last 36 hours, and I just jokingly said 'can you take your pants off so I can fuck you'.
Fuck me, she did. I don't know how I managed to even speak coherently let alone fuck her. At least she let me do it doggy style. I must smell like utter shit.

>> No.10574015

You need help.

>> No.10574023

I'm with this guy >>10574015
That's actually quite foul and disrespectful for your wife whose probably trying to take every avenue she can to help you.
The fact you let a woman you're suppose to love act as a bit of meat to masturbate into is pretty disgusting man
Please get better

>> No.10574024
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>> No.10574027


>> No.10574036

Yeah, I feel bad and your comment helps.
I'll be sure to apologise when she wakes up in the morning.
I honestly 99.9% expected her to say no. It took no time for her to get wet, so I hope she enjoyed it. At least she sounded like she enjoyed it.

>> No.10574062

Hoping to die doesn't seem to be working.
At least this horrid metallic taste in my mouth means my liver is gone. Hoping I can at least die before my son is old enough to remember me.

>> No.10574076

>woman whom I've known for 10 years has manipulated me for 7 because she knows I am in love with her
>constantly fucked with my feelings and messed with my head
>decided 4 months ago to finally cut ties with her
>told her to stop calling me then changed my number
>she came by my house once and I told her to leave, I don't want to see her anymore
>literally this is the only woman in 32 years of life that I could never say no to
>been drinking the feels away hard the last 4 months, handle a day
>incredibly sharp and dull pain in right side and stomach
>hurts even when I'm trying to tie my shoes
>been drinking 10 years daily
>thought I would probably live to 40-50
>likely going to die by 35

Well shit....

Life was fun I guess, Just not the way I wanted it. I wanted a wife and kids, and respectable existence. Not a lonely alcoholic

Oh well. Maybe the next life, Right?

>> No.10574095

Could possibly be pancreatitis anon.
The worst pain by far I've ever had by far and I've broken plenty of bones.
I went to emergency room before pain got to me. Was in hospital almost tread for 12 days. Morph one helped.
I hope you get what you want. I'm hoping to die in my sleep soon. God that would be nice.

>> No.10574120

You didn't get help when you needed it

>> No.10574128
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>dealing with full blown dependence for first time since teen years after a few months of ridiculous suicide binges
>hit the bottom again last week, pretty sure I nearly died and fucked myself over badly with DTs
>tapering this week, managing to drink relatively a lot less and a lot slower
>still going to AA
>have job I love which is the only thing keeping me going apart from seeing my family at weekends
>if they even catch a hint that I'm a drinker I'll be dropped faster than you can say 'Nicolas Cage'
>spent all day today trying desperately to seem cheerful and alert, wearing heavy work gloves so they couldn't see my hands going

fuck lads I'm so close to getting back into real life but it's a tightrope

>> No.10574135

>wah wah womyn troubles omg now im an alchie because i drink one beer a day """trying to forget""" even though i cant stop posting about her on vietnamese usenet clones
go back to /r9k/ you dumbshit

>> No.10574139

Well you are doing a shit tonne better than me anon.
A fucking shit tonne.

>> No.10574145

I felt exactly this way when mine was born, now he's 12 and we're absolute bros. Not that you asked but in my experience if you just keep your drinking away from him and make him the one thing in your life you get your shit together for when you see him you'll be fine, even if the other 95% of your life is a nightmare. No boy wants to grow up fatherless.

>> No.10574151

Look at that based man pirating wine.

>> No.10574156

You should have seen me a year ago mate. Things really can change if you let them.

>> No.10574159

I know he'll be better off without me.
I can't wait t to die.

>> No.10574160

how do u successfully shoplift booze

>> No.10574163

I knew it as well, that's what I'm saying.

>> No.10574189

Pick up the shop and lift it

>> No.10574195

ive done this. also taking finished drinks off of people's tables when they leave

>> No.10574197

fucking normalshit

>> No.10574244

What's your story tough guy?

>> No.10574246

Wholly shit this anxiety is fucking brutal. And the sweats haven't even started yet.
I just want to die.

>> No.10574338

>two weeks of not drinking
>feel good, barely tempted
>let myself get really hungry today
>can't stop picturing the delicious taste of food paired with alcohol in my mouth
>feel like i'm not going to make it past tonight
jesus christ, why is this so hard? why is drinking so good and fun and tasty.

>> No.10574373

>I know he'll be better off without me.
thats just bullshit with which you are trying to excuse your egoism, you sorry sack of shit

>> No.10574386
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Was going to get some more booze, but to lazy/hungover to go anywhere. Just going to watch movies and play vidya. Going to go another week without booze.

>> No.10574421

I get to thinking of a heineken and steak, then I go and buy schnapps and over drink.

>> No.10574431

If I live, he has me, but if I die, my wife is good looking to get a new man. Son will have a 'dad' and as long as he's not a pathetic alco like me, I know my son will be better off that way.

>> No.10574439

a very high quality post

>> No.10574513
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>bong thirst

>> No.10574578

I literally wake up screaming and she never mentions it. Her fiancé gets a boo boo and she sucks his dicks and makes breakfast

>inb4 my twisted world
all i want is a little sympathy

>> No.10574591

Does anyone else get a weird sour taste in your mouth the morning after a night of drinking?

>> No.10574620

Never stolen beer, the guys at my local store are bros tho and let me owe them for weeks at a time. Nepali people are pretty cool guys.

>> No.10574654

who here /semihealthyalck/

>eggs everyday
>coffee everyday for liver protection
>tons of water
>melatonin to knock me out 2-3 days a week so that I can't drink

worst thing I do is take 1-2 shots on an empty stomach but I always eat right after, idk how you faggots do the drink a whole handle shit, I'd just feel shitty

>> No.10574658

>he doesn't drink exclusively on an empty stomach

It's like you want to be sober

>> No.10574660

not sure if sour but tastes like shit even if I'm not drinking

>> No.10574674

Just smoke cigarettes and kill your taste buds.

>> No.10574679

i drink more than all of you combined

today i had a two botltes of wine 4 beers and half a bottle of scothc

fuck outta here

>> No.10574685

i was like that before

vitamins in the morning, veggies, fruit, a bit of walking... but now i purposely go with an empty stomach to get as fucked as quickly as possible

>> No.10574702

The day I quit I had culmatively had about 12 shots or more, a litre of jameson, a goodnight beer, the next morning beer and 8 more shots on a closing bar shift.

Its not a pissing contest as an alcoholic, you usually just end up pissing yourself and never stop drinking.

>> No.10574710

hey buddy respect. jameson is my go to when i can afford it. i used to love poloishing 2 75cl bottles in one day. hope you're doing ok.

>> No.10574716

also how are you doing these days? why do you come here if uqit?

>> No.10574726

Like I said, that was my last hoorah with drinking for a while so I 'splurged' on a bottle of jameson.

I quit that bar job the same day and I've been about eleven days sober.

after the first couple of days, its funny I feel like Im not as foggy as I used to be and my body is starting to hurt a little bit less, but I'm coming to terms to the mess I was drinking and all the garbage shit I've done while drunk.

>> No.10574728

That's pretty good if you can avoid two consecutive days.
I drink whatever's in the house, including when I wake up.

>> No.10574742


I still come to these threads to see how people are doing, advocate if they're that fucked up and shitty and they want help, that they should seek it.

Someone getting a (you) in response to their posts matters and can give them a feeling they aren't alone, because its not like I'm still not struggling with it either.

>> No.10574755

good on you for replying these posts. it's pretty obvious that an alcohol thread on 4chan isn't going to be full of alcohol conosseurs, but depressed alcoholics trying to get their shit together.

>> No.10574769

>going to a faggot's house

Just asking to be Dahmerized or Gacy'd t b h

>> No.10574824

How cost effective would it be to just make your own shitty brew in large amounts?

Assuming you use only cheap to get items like 5 gallon water jugs, store bought bread yeast, and the cheapest juice concentrate and/or actual juice you can buy in bulk at your local super market.

I don't think it would taste very good, but if it's as cheap as I think it will be, and you're desperate and do this a few months ahead of time then hey, it's alcohol, and in large quantities too.

>> No.10574884

it's much cheaper. most alchies are just too disorganised to bother.

>> No.10574929
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You will never be able to argue against the cheapness of pastic cap crap $10 for a 1.75l bottle of voda.

>> No.10574951

>$10 for a 1.75l bottle of voda.
cheapest in the uk is like $35 for 1.75l.

>> No.10574953

>No car until I get a replacement rental
>running out of booze
>Decide to walk to liquor store
>Shit hot, no near the place, sidewalks, and everyone drives like a bat out of hell

Guess this is a good time to spend today sober.

>> No.10574962

That's because your free healthcare isn't as free as you think

>> No.10574964

Kek kill yourself faster nigger

>> No.10574975
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Bongs are better than hookah pipes in everyway

>> No.10574988

seems fair. especially as i've been in hospital dozens of times and my bill is £0.

>> No.10575011

Lol never tried this but I have had gay dudes buy me drinks before. They get so pissed after they buy it when I tell them I'm not gay.

>> No.10575023
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>> No.10575053

I've been in 7 times. My accumulated bills are probably in the $100ks but I'm never paying them.

>> No.10575082

Did you not read the post?
He said it wasn't coming out of "her pocket".
He's stealing from the gas station not the lady.

>> No.10575268

>use a nigger rigged hookah
>call other ways of smoking less ergonomic than a nigger rigged hookah

>> No.10575377

having another beer, how are you guys doing?

>> No.10575532

>abstain from drinking for two weeks
>be boring, absolutely passive conversationalist, even get remarks to that effect
>suddenly everybody enjoys my company, has fun with my jokes and lines
>consider my comments insightful

fuck fuck fuck fuck my life. how the fuck am i supposed to quit. god damn it. drinking not only feels good but makes me likeable. fucking shit man.

>> No.10575537

Didn't say it wasn't fair. The point is your healthcare isn't free.

>> No.10575541
File: 81 KB, 720x693, 1430172560384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 18
>legal age to purchase alcohol is 21
>borrow mom's mini van
>go to liquor store
>fill up 2 hand baskets with top shelf liqour, 1.75 liter bottles
>walk right out the door
>bottles clink on the way out, cashier hears
>chases me out the door
>i have the van running, door open
>set baskets in van
>jump in and put it in gear
>cashier yelling at me to stop
>he's right outside my window
>says he's going to get my license plate number
>tell him "no, you're not!"
>i had planned ahead and taped some paper over the plates
>take some back roads out of there
>enjoy nearly $700 of free liquor with friends all summer long

>> No.10575559

why would anyone think it's free? spreading the cost for everyone amongst everyone though means nobody goes without. a tramp with no money is treated like a millionaire by the nhs, they just do literally whatever is needed no matter who you are.

>> No.10575569

christ, as soon as i drink there's piss everywhere. there are never enough empty containers.

>> No.10575580

even in my darkest days I never understood the piss jugs thing. surely it's more effort to collect and use a bunch of containers than just piss in the toilet?

>> No.10575583

I've pissed myself on the carpet floor numerous times, 4 different couches, 2 different beds to the point of ruined, and pissed the seat in two different cars.

And now only recently I decided I had a problem.

>> No.10575602

How much are you drinking? I've gotten really drunk before but I've never pissed myself, or is that more of a blacking out thing?
I always thought piss jugs were a fetish thing, not like a...convenience thing.

>> No.10575630

Not blacking really. I got to the point I could just drink myself into oblivion past vomiting or puking or blacking out, but the first time i pissed myself sleeping was senior year in college. That reminds me of another time I pissed I was with some girl I was trying to get and fell asleep and pissed on her floor, luckily it wasnt alot and my jeans kinda soaked up most of it. Also now I'm remember another couch I pissed on while drunk. I eventually started doing a bit of coke with my drinking which exacerbated the issue.

I would just get so fucking drunk that I wouldn't even wake up.

>> No.10575693

Tired of drinking rum and thinking about switching to vodka only. The hangovers with dark rum are brutal, anyway what is the best, cheapest bottle of vodka to get?

>> No.10575731

A bong is meant to pack in a huge lungful of weed smoke at once, a hookah is meant for slow tobacco puffing, it's like downing a 4 oz shot of whisky compared to sipping a glass of whisky on ice.

>> No.10575770

You never see a black alcoholic

>> No.10575797


>> No.10575802

Jesus. Glad you're still alive dude, that sounds awful.
As a black alcoholic, what?

>> No.10575819

I see them all the time but they're homeless, they usually smoke crack too but they drink to come down off the crack I guess. Never seen a functioning black alcoholic with a full time job though, that's rare.

>> No.10575840

lol wat?
In Australia they have literally had to ban alcohol in areas with a high population of aborigines because they were all becoming hopeless alcoholics

>> No.10575854

Sorry, replied to wrong comment

>> No.10575862
File: 88 KB, 821x869, A7DADE37-96C3-4869-B435-802CC1FE66B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I didn’t have to be me

>> No.10575871
File: 95 KB, 1418x644, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There there anon. I feel the same most days unless I'm drunk which I usually am.

>> No.10575873


abos are their own species, they're not even black besides their skin color.

>> No.10575891

All impoverished areas with little to no economic opportunity. You find the same thing happens to white people in such areas. The solution isn't to ban alcohol, it's to help them find a way to feel valuable to others. Which, coincidentally, is integral to getting most people out of drug dependency.

>> No.10575929

I wish alcohol was banned where I live. My life and the life of those around me would be so much better.

>> No.10575957
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The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.10576006

>aussie's giving advice about limiting alc consumption
lol, you wat mate?

>> No.10576021

Any ways to combat the shits?

>> No.10576035

Fibre and water.

>> No.10576082

Only time I get the shits is if I drink for days without eating anything, just eat a bunch of good food when you drink, fasting while drinking causes the runs.

>> No.10576094

drank 4 bottle of wine with my 2 parents at diner and then we hit the bars and now I'm back home barely buzzed
dunno if it's the drinking culture here or else, but I don't feel like an alchie

>> No.10576097

>put 1.75 L of Cuervo on the rack under the grocery cart
>also buy some food which I pay for, planning to pretend that I don't realize the tequila is on the bottom rack
>no one notices so I successfully steal the tequila. also I was 18 so I couldn't legally buy anyway
>get home and quickly black out
>next memory is of being at some kids birthday party with mostly people I didn't know and some of them were skinheads

>> No.10576103

wait, how many parents?

>> No.10576116

just 2, but since many people now have divorced parents and stuff, I figured it had to be precised

>> No.10576229

if you smoke out of a bowl scrape the resin

>> No.10576266


any cheaper than that is hangover city

>> No.10576672

One worker at one of my locals is also my flatmate.
They go crazy when stocktake comes around because we are both alcoholics and cost them an easy $2k per quarter.
We keep it clean the 2 weeks coming upto stocktake and be sure no video they have on file busts us, but usually I go there late at night when it's just him and another theif. We always make the transactions look legit on camera, but he doesn't put the sale through.
No top shelf stuff though because it has the alarm on the lid. Still it's an easy gig and the company is making millions per quarter do I lose zero sleep at night, especially knowing what they pay their workers.

>> No.10576680

Sweet seems like WW III might be breaking out. Time to get fugging hoisted and have a wank to norwegian broads.

>> No.10576748

Sounds great anon.
Ww3 and Israel wins. They are Jews so they will do anything.

>> No.10576762
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I did this once and I am retarded. I kept accepting them because why not. Woke up at 2am next to a fat whale, got herpes, realized I was at absolute rock bottom,
contemplated suicide.

>> No.10576774

Feeling a weird anhedonia despite having access to alcohol. I don't feel "excited" to drink, or do anything, for that matter. I don't get the euphoric rush after downing a couple drinks and starting to feel it. I'm also not really depressed either, though.

It feels bad and I want to enjoy drinking again.

>> No.10576876
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I got wasted everyday from 20-22 since coworkers would always buy me booze if I asked.

One day I just felt the urge to stop, like I had experienced all alcohol has to offer, and quit cold turkey

I never had any withdrawals or difficulty quitting oddly enough. I've been 6 months sober as of today!

>> No.10577047

>successfully tapered from 4 beers a day to 2

i might live to 50 bros

>> No.10577099

>I never had any withdrawals
you weren't an alcoholic nor even close

you no more belong itt as >>10577047 does

>> No.10577102

that's just because life is awful

the thing that i have found cures it (ok, staves it off) is realizing how more awful life is for other people

shit i was just talking with some doctors who basically hate their life and are jelly of nurses lol

>> No.10577310

What's the best way to stop the alky breathe? I can't give up my vodka and orange juice, it's the only thing that unwinds me after work.

>> No.10577340


>> No.10577343

The best way I found (although this kind of a bad way to get fat if you aren't careful) is
>snack constantly on foods that give you dragon breath
Funyons, garlicky stuff, Cheetos, popcorn
>chase with pungent non alcoholic beverages
Grape Gatorade fierce was my choice
>as a bonus, be seen applying hand sanitizer a lot
It's ethanol and smells like booze, but if you become known for using it a lot, people will assume it's that if they get a waft.

>> No.10577385

A friend of mine had me hand off a handle of jack to him where there were no cameras in a Safeway for a party. We were also already pretty drunk when we decided to go through with it.
Also have a bottle of Vat69 I got from London, how does that compare to jack?

>> No.10577532

Getting wasted everyday for three years qualifies as alcoholism. I've had periods of very light and very heavy withdrawals despite similar levels of drinking beforehand. Stop being a proxy woe is me faggot.

>> No.10577533

Mouthwash. Do your best not to drink it afterwards.

>> No.10577540
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>get a headache
help me.

>> No.10577550

Wouldn't go this route, it starts to irritate your mouth after awhile. Plus strong mint is a huge indicator you're covering up booze. The key is to get a ton of different smells coming from your mouth.

>> No.10577583

Man I think I'm turning into an angry drunk. I don't like it.

>> No.10577600

It's probably a degree of depression.
It doesn't only manifest in being "sad".
The most common factors of mine were being quick to anger once the first thing irritated me about someone else's thought process or what I perceived it to be, the general despairing thing, and wanting to sleep all the time.
I caved and took an antidepressant for 4 years and the only thing it changed was making me unable to sleep very long at all. It stopped my panic attacks as well, but I finally stopped taking it after talking to my new doctor and I'm basically the same as I was except I drink slightly less and am able to sleep more. And with without egregious drinking comes less anger. Extremely touchy and anti-social when I get up in the morning though after drinking. It's just not that good.

>> No.10577610

Also I forgot to detail that I don't have panic attacks anymore even after I stopped taking that pill for 4 years, which is a positive outcome I didn't expect to happen. Ultimately the end of my panic was probably choosing to stop buying liquor for the house and only drinking 5% and wine. I haven't had a bottle of liquor in my house for a year now.

>> No.10577623
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Man all I want to do is cut off all of my appointments tomorrow, get a couple 40s of steel and skate all day. Then get tired, get another couple 40s of steel and drink all night

>> No.10577689

Most people don't die from drinking, they die from quiting, that's a fact. It starts with the shakes, at least it did for me. Then your vision goes, motor skills, thought process, seizures, peaks at 24 hours.

>> No.10577698

Oh fuck off mate. Most people die from drinking. Literally millions of people die from alcohol related liver disease. Dying from withdrawal is a rare occurance in comparison.

>> No.10577708

Does anyone cycle through wanting to kill yourself and wanting to get it together almost every 20 minutes?

I was in a suicidal period for about 3 months, even tried to hang myself in a hotel once. I don't know why but I didn't have enough weight to do it, even when I pressed down hard with my upper body (I was kneeling). Maybe the rope was too thick?

Anyway now I'm cycling very rapidly between wanting to die, thinking "why should I go through all this work of living for no reason" and wanting to get it together, thinking "I can do this, I know how to be healthy - stop drinking, eat better, go to the gym, start work, I have a plan."

Though those two things aren't opposites either. Anyone else feel like this?

>> No.10577720

Yes. All the time. In the morning I'll go to the shop to buy some vitamins, protein shakes, and a self-help book, but by midday I'll be so drunk I just end up throwing that stuff away in the bin.

>> No.10577737

Yeah. On Monday morning I made a giant grocery list (https://pastebin.com/GV4W2TTA for fun), I've run out of basic things like bread, vegetables, I literally only have one shirt and one pair of shorts I've been wearing since December, haven't brushed my teeth since then either. I looked up my old exercise routines ande found a local gym, planned out meals for the next few weeks. By afternoon I closed all those tabs and had a bowl of steamed white rice and a glass of sake for lunch. That was my high point of 2018.

Is this on the path to getting better or is it just another purgatory with delusions of hope?

>> No.10577757

Making lots of "grand plans" but not following through is a sign of a potential personality disorder, my psychiatrist tells me. I don't wanna be negative but I doubt people like us will ever make it, because that motivation runs out fast and once it's out, it's extremely hard to continue. Imagine if you're so depressed you don't even wanna brush your teeth, do you really think you're gonna go to the gym that day?

>> No.10577762

>because that motivation runs out fast and once it's out
where did it all go anon?

>> No.10577860

>have a bottle of Vat69 I got from London, how does that compare to jack?
it's scotch, while jack is a poor attempt at bourbon

>> No.10577895

I am on day two of my taper and I want to fucking die. I didn't sleep at all last night and I have work today. I haven't eaten in 2 days and I've done nothing but vomit (food and water, nothing is staying down) and feel ultra anxious. I want off this ride ASAP.

>> No.10577915

So you're not supposed to mix it with coke?

>> No.10577918

Thieves deserved to be dragged out back and beat.

>> No.10577950

You can, just depends if you like the taste. Try it.

>> No.10577994

It's great with coke and ice. On its own it's pretty average.
Just my humble opinion.

>> No.10578033

my ex sergeant in army did this all the time. He is small sized and really boyish looking so he scores very high on the twink scale. He has a bisexual friend (though he is exclusively straight) but nevertheless fully enjoyed and exploited the endless free drinks he'd get at gay friendly bars

>> No.10578138

guys what's happening to me

I planned to watch movies and drink three bottles of wine last night but just fell asleep halfway through

>> No.10578158

I'd rather buy my own drinks than whore myself out at a gay bar.
Then again I would prefer nice pints of beer in a comfy pub or in a beer garden.
However I am regularly catatonic from drink, passed out without leaving the house.

>> No.10578161

what do you think of soju?

>> No.10578232

Hit and miss, just buy some peach sake instead.

>> No.10578234

>being this much of a nigger

>> No.10578295

Same with Eskimos and some Reservations in the U.S.

>> No.10578309

Liar. I think Blacks are more likely to become alcoholics.

>> No.10578321 [DELETED] 

I don't know where you're from, but in the US the majority of alcoholics are white, followed by hispanics and then black people.

>> No.10578325

Jack is basically bourbon. They don't call it that because "Bourbon" can only be made in Kentucky. I don't even think it's a law or not anymore. They got there brand recognition going for them anyway.

>> No.10578330

I'm talking per capita.

>> No.10578345
File: 103 KB, 673x767, mgFoq-xCD8TW0Sl3dDzeqDRtLnxFC3i9UVxTWvEmsQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jack is mixing bourbon. it's meant for jack/cokes, manhattans, etc. As another anon said, it's technically not bourbon because it's not made in Kentucky. It's the same fucking process though and anyone who argues with you otherwise is an autist.

for how bad it is, it's incredibly overpriced. Evan Williams tastes the same if not better and is way cheaper. Neither is good bourbon, though.

The secret to jack/coke is a shitton of lime juice, btw

>> No.10578366

I am aware, anon, I was joking (a bit).

>> No.10578378
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other good cheap bourbon:

old crow
four roses
wild turkey (my favorite)
old grand dad (rye)

bulleit and maker's mark are similar in price to JD here and both are way better

>> No.10578388

>for how bad it is, it's incredibly overpriced.
I don't think Jack Daniel's is especially bad for what it is, although it used to taste a bit better. It's most people's introduction to American whiskeys and, dare I say it, it's a pretty good representative of the style. But there are many similar whiskeys at the same price point that are of much higher quality.

>> No.10578390

>bulleit and maker's mark are similar in price to JD here and both are way better
Same goes for Buffalo Trace in my experience.

>> No.10578399
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buffalo trace is good, but a little too funky for me. I prefer the milder stuff. maker's mark is about as strong as I like.

I was amazed hearing from people overseas whose main experience with bourbon is pre-mixed cocktail in a can things. I had no idea until recently that this shit even existed or was popular.

pretty lame considering a good bourbon and coke should be way stronger than 8%

>> No.10578400

Something I don't understand. Why is there so much gatekeeping with alcoholism?

So many posts are "I'm drinking a 6 pack a night, I need help" then it has 10 replies of "lol that's nothing, back in my teens I drank a case a day. A 6 pack a day is baby level"


>> No.10578422

>buffalo trace is good, but a little too funky for me. I prefer the milder stuff. maker's mark is about as strong as I like.
Interesting. I find Buffalo Trace to be one of the smoothest bourbons around (I won't say bland, but it's just as accessible as Jack imo, without being sickly sweet and fruity), whereas I've found Maker's to have a very prominent, almost glue-like, alcoholic smell and taste that I don't like a lot.
>I was amazed hearing from people overseas whose main experience with bourbon is pre-mixed cocktail in a can things. I had no idea until recently that this shit even existed or was popular.
I'm in Europe, I see these things in every supermarket (we also have pre-mixed scotch and coke, by the way) but I've never seen anyone actually buy or drink it. Bourbon was being heavily promoted a couple of summers ago (before the gin and tonic craze), so these days most liquor stores carry a pretty decent selection.

>> No.10578424
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what is happening

>> No.10578433

Graduating college today, anyone have any recommendations for a good celebration liquor to get shit faced on?

>> No.10578442

I had to read this like three times before I realized you didn't jack off your friend for a handle in a safeway.

>> No.10578476
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>What job does al/ck/ work
>Does your drinking get in the way with work?
Sofware developer and yes, I've used all my sick leave and all my vacation already

>> No.10578487

I think it's because even after it's murdered your life there's a certain 'cool' about drinking, so a lot of people can't help bragging about how hard they hit it and competing with others. I've never seen anyone say 'heh, you only huff two cans of keyboard cleaner a day? Come back when you're ready to join the big leagues kiddo'.

>> No.10578507

People tend to call themselves lol alcoholics or it is frequently joked by many people about so real alcoholics get triggered and have the demonstrate what pieces are of shit they are.

>> No.10578528

True, but I don't think that's what the guy meant. Pretty much every day people come in here with the beginnings of a drinking problem to ask for advice and get a load of 'LMAO do you even wank off tramps for lighter fluid nerd?! Look how hardcore I am!'

>> No.10578566

Yeah I see what you mean, but it at least it's like a warning signs of rock bottom, although if you're already heading that direction you won't care to heed them anyway.

>> No.10578740

I'm doing the polite thing and not going to the liquor store until 30 minutes after it opens. It will give the true alcoholics a chance to clear out.

>> No.10578771

I always go in an hour later because I live in a small town, and I don't want them to suspect me as an alchie. Which doesn't make any sense. They all know.

>> No.10578838

get yourself some nice scotch

>> No.10578972

I took your route and gave them an hour. I was still surprised to see some relatively young people buying their AM booze. It makes me feel better about the world.

>> No.10578976

Came home in the drive way and my mother had to carry me in. Apprently crying to her all night


>> No.10579015 [DELETED] 
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Grils of al/ck/, what kind of cringe do you endure? I mean if I was blacking out every day while at the same time the whole world was trying to fuck me, I think the drunken fuckups would be biblical

>> No.10579129

>based Richie staying true to his poo in loo heritage

>> No.10579136

wtf are you even saying ur talking purely in memes its time to sort yourself out

>> No.10579141

pretty happy with how the taper's going, haven't had anything worse than a little shakes or been more than tipsy for a few days. the only problem is I'm almost enjoying it too much. Putting the effort into mixing up a couple of nice drinks over the evening while I cook and stuff is making me think about just carrying on like this, which is retarded because I know for a fact next time my mood crashes I'll be back to suicide binges unless I quit outright.

>> No.10579145
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Have you guys ever felt too bored or depressed to drink? Lately I can't even muster up the motivation to drink even though I want to and the booze is right there.

>> No.10579152
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Yeah, my first job was as a dishwasher in a restaurant called Morgan's in Tonawanda, NY. Their cooler was off the back of their kitchen,accessed by a small hallway with an exit where we'd smoke & take out the garbage. At the end of our shift, we'd throw a couple cases of beer on the cart underneath the bags of garbage, then stash them behind the dumpsters. After it was closed & everyone left, we'd come back for them. I worked there for 3 years with a few of my friends, & we did this every fucking night...never got caught.

>> No.10579164

no u

>> No.10579185

My moms dead
Only people left to disappoint are dad and sis
Other senpai
Plus friends
Having no parents at all must be amazing

>> No.10579189

Yeah you can definitely fall through rock bottom

>> No.10579218

Cancer. Why are there so many newfags recently? Which asshole linked al/ck/ elsewhere?

>> No.10579252

I am thankful for my drinking habit of vodka and water with some like or dilute juice thrown in for taste.

Even after drinking a fuckton i don't get hangovers, just a bit of dizziness early in the morning when the alcohol is leaving my system which I just sleep off anyway and only notice of i wake up.

>> No.10579283

getting tired of the students above me sprinting around the house screeching and howling like toddlers. cannot believe these little shits had the nerve to lodge a noise complaint against me a while back

>> No.10579338

noise disturbances have almost had me locked up. i got so angry after years of a retarded miniature dog next doors that i told them if it didn't shut the FUCK up, i'd rape, crucify and set fire to their (then 12yo) daughter. noisy neighbours will ruin you, it really starts getting to your health, it's all you think about, you never sleep, you get more and more angry and eventually people get fucking shot.

>> No.10579358

>and eventually people get fucking shot
nearly perfectly describes my old neighbor situation. dude was a methed out lunatic. the cops were out there probably 20 times in a year.

live near a person like that and you will understand the value of a CCW license.

>> No.10579418

If I’m not drinking I’m dying from anxiety, boredom is impossible when you’re terrified

>> No.10579449
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>drunk as fuck
>haven't showered yet today
>always like to take a shower before bed when drunk to fight skin dehydration
>lightning and booming outside

what do?

>> No.10579481
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Oh Jesus I'm there soon anon. Hope you make it.
I'm on my last bottle and a half of wine.
At least it's only 3am here so the anxiety won't start till 9am.
I just got up because the anxiety started getting too bad.
Dry heaving like a mofo until I downed the first half a bottle.
Now I'm rew arching to shows I can't really remember watching but know I had on tv last night.
God the withdrawals are going to be bad. I was borderline going to have to stop prior to the last 6 bottles. Now I know after these two I sure as shit am going to need to stop. I just hope I can hold these two down.
God help me Friday and this weekend.

>> No.10579535

>tfw watching cooking videos and drinking instead of cooking because I spent all my money on shit vodka

>> No.10579567

Told my wife today there was some big world news. She lived a sheltered life and just said she doesn't care she just cares about her family.
She ended up breaking down and crying because a week ago I said she wasn't a good mother because I said some really dumb shit almost a week ago while drunk. She surely knew I didn't mean it but the words really got to her. I am such an ass.

>> No.10579590

After 2½ years of drinking pretty much every day I decided to only drink on fridays. It's been three weeks since I started doing this, and man, all of a sudden all the problems that I've been neglecting and trying to keep out of my head all came back at once and now I'm forced to deal with them. I'm glad I've cut down, but this shit is tough.

>> No.10579609

one thing at a time mate, a year from now things will be plain sailing by comparison

>> No.10579637

Yeah I'm unemployed and drink daily to just not think about my responsibilities
Finances are quickly dwindling, so I cannot continue this for more than another three months.
Also I can no longer drink daily for months on end. Just 4-6 days before my body shuts down. Sux having to go through withdrawals weekly.

>> No.10579779

hope you've got at least some food in. not eating while you drink daily, rapidly becomes a ferocious ride.

>> No.10579791

very much this. i'm not far off 100 days, but wouldn't have managed 1 were it not for the lbs of weed i've been smoking to escape reality. been incredibly nice to heal at least.

>> No.10579815

I need to find me a dealer. Guy who lives downstairs is the only one on the lease so I need to keep it super secret, but pot is 1000x better than thes shit killing me so fast.

>> No.10579831

yeah it really is. it's expensive, i could get 5 years in prison because the uk is retarded and it's a pain in the ass to get hold of, but the holiday away from alcohol is incredibly healing.

>> No.10579866

It would cost me far less here in Australia, because I drink 24-7.
My wife puts up with the drinking but only just barely.
She grew up with a household of drinkers, as did I. She doesn't drink at all fortunately, but she hated smoking weed the two times she tried with me so she hates it more than the alcohol which is clearly killing me.

>> No.10579891

Please any tips to hide the metallic taste in my mouth from a dead liver?
I want to drink and die without this constant shit taste in my mouth.

>> No.10579926

I've been making sure to eat again lately after a long stretch of not bothering. Living on some greek salad I made yesterday at the moment. Nofood mode makes you feel rotten but on the plus side I'm not a fat fuck anymore.

>> No.10579952

i only get a metallic taste if my stomach is bleeding. sure it's a liver thing? and no, the taste won't fuck off by any method i've found.

>> No.10579973

My stomach is fucked up I won't lie. In an hour or two I'll be dry heaving to the gods.
I can't buy more for 3 1/2 hours but by that stage I know I won't be able to l eave the house.
Thanks anon. I thought it was my liver. I know my liver is totally fucked up. I wonder why I don't get yellow eyes and skin yet but it's still hanging on.
I want to vomit right now. Chat later.

>> No.10580130

>always like to take a shower before bed when drunk to fight skin dehydration
wtf is this
take one anyway

>> No.10580131

I haven't slept yet but I feel a lot better. Still tired and anxious but I don't feel like I'm going to die in my sleep. Hopefully I can sleep tonight and tomorrow will be a much brighter day. Good luck to you also.

>> No.10580186

Man we are all fucked in this thread. I feel sad reading this shit, but my life is just like yours.

>> No.10580187

drank three pints last night. i was working on the basis that it's nowhere near enough to get me drunk or cause withdrawals/hangover, so if i can always just stick to 3 max, i'd be fine. woke at 4am with explosive diarrhoea and haven't slept since because constant shitting. every molecule of this shit is poison.

>> No.10580196

I'm on diarrhoea pills at the moment. Beer really doesn't help. White wine seems to be the worst for the runs. I think you're supposed to eat some bread or crackers or something dry, but I dunno if that helps, I just take pills so I don't shit myself.

>> No.10580267

>bread or crackers
wheat gives me terrible heartburn and makes diarrhoea a million times worse. i just need to not drink at all. that's now 4 times in something like 6 weeks that i've tried to drink and its been a disaster. last 3 times i just threw up immediately then shook all night. last night my ass exploded. desu it's a blessing, it's keeping me off booze

>> No.10580314

This is the worst al/ck/ thread ever. Someone please make a new non-fag one?

>> No.10580321

curse of the non-silhouette op. every time.

>> No.10580339
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I come here every time I mess up and start drinking again.
I'm currently on a bender, and I don't know why.
I feel severely depressed but I don't know if that's coming from the alcohol or why I started drinking the alcohol.

>> No.10580356


>> No.10580367



>> No.10580479

I have really bad nausea and all foods are off putting. Is it possible it's early stages of liver failure? It happens even when I have several "taper" nights in a row and don't drink heavily.

>> No.10580845

Did you really do this? Based

>> No.10581031

retarded. should go to prison.